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Publication Date: 
June 19, 1946
PDF icon CAPTAIN LUCIEN CONEIN[16159236].pdf113.03 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/11/28 C00356151 ormaiNown!mmeimarsisirsea. STRATEGIC SERVICES UNIT, WAR DEPARTMENT MISSION TO GERMANY U.S. Forces. European Theater APO 757 19 June 1946 SUBJECT: Captain Lucie 4 Conein TO: Director SSU/WD, Wee:into:1 Attentidu Chief, Personnel Branch 1.� Reference is made to AMZON Cable No. 313 and Washington No. 911, above subject. 2. In the overall planning for the reorganization of AMZON and the streamlining of Services personnel (as discussed by Mr. Lewis on his recent trip to Washington), it was decided to combine responsibilities of several Services Branch officers, thus automatically eliminating the position of Ness and Club Officer. 3. Original plans called for the recruitment of two junior officers from the United States, both of whom have indicated they are not interested in the assignment offered. In addition it has become an urgent necessity to innediately assign a junior officer :to -conducting and liaison duties out of the f;y:frt., of 'Chief of Etonian. Captain Conein has been aitigM04;t0:iftliti' addition to his duties as Mess and Club Officer. The time spent on supervisory control of the messes and clubs has readied the point where it .entails a total of only about four or five days per month. These duties are principally accountability both for supply and cash funds connected with the messes and clubs. The duties of the conducting and liaison officer are most peculiar in nature in that no set schedule of duties can be outlined at least with respect to time. There have been individual conducting assign- ments that involved a tatiniAnsi of a few hours of ,a given day and other tines such conducting assignment actually lasted two or :three or more .idays. These ,assignments come up at s-untistaill tines and it is imperative that ,we have available such Junior offieera-tOlOet all demands made .upon us when they'aetually.arlee. On the hand, the essential mess and Club.duties'04-:'11*lier widhed ing between the more important duties of the COO officer. lrhere has been some discussion as to the unreliability of stiblectefficer for reasons unknown to the writer. WhileAt � is perhaps ,true that during the war no one aver took a din View of free wheeling operations, sufficient time has indicated by daily observation both on duty and in social activities that Dectaniffea.liy date akiiii.14.1_ L 13--Peisi- 3 4041 X-.LX 5 -1/ 354 1/ pproved for Release: 2022/11/28 C00356151 Approved for Release: 2022/11/28 C00356151 Its- - 2 - subject officer now realizes that the war is over and we are only interested in that type officer personnel who have their feet on the ground. He has demonstrated from time to time since he has been on his present assignment that he can do almost any job asked of him. He has shown imagination, initiative and energy in over- � coming obstacles encountered in setting up our two messes *0 clubs, Which are currently operating with maximum efficiency and smoothness. 5. In view of the above, we are retaining subject in his new assignments. For the Chief of Mission: LOUIS E. KUHLER, Lt. Col., Ord. Dept., Executive. pproved for Release: 2022/11/28 C00356151