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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
August 26, 2019
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
October 28, 1952
I Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C00514576 SECURITY INFORMATION Soviet Strategy Staff Office of Current Intelligence 20 October 3.952 in=14MA4 ?OR THE RECORD SUbject: Briefing of General Eisenhower 7. 25 October 1952 1. We* departed from -;:ashington National Airport Frioia7, 24 October and stayed over night in flew York. Ve rodeo. local train to Harmon Station the following morning and awaited General Eisenhower's campaign train which arrived at aplaioximately 3.035 hours. 2. lie boarded General Eisenhower's campaign train while it was in.Barmon Station, New York and accompained him to Grand Central Station, New Yov: City. Hr. Thomas Stephens arranged for me tomcat the General at 1015 hours and the briefing lasted until about 1035. 3. General Eisenhower commented that the briefings had been very helpful but that he missed the C.-3 informations which he said was essential for a complete understanding of the situation. &f tar General Eisenhower read the briefing material he commented that if he "got the jObn some other arrangement would have to be made for the briefings. He mentioned getting clearance for some of his staff so they could also benefit trot than. I informed him that this was the last scheduled briefing prior to the election unless there wts some particular phase of the situation which be would like amplified. He replied that be did not think that mould be necessary. 4. NO questions raised by the General remained unanswered and the series of four briefings which began on 30 August was completed without any untoward incidents. I ;;a3 acco.7-za led by 572,SIN I. HENCJalaSON OCI Security Officer SECtRal ilifORMATION (b)(3) (b)(6) C Approved for Release: 2019/08/13 C00514576