F-2002-00718 APPEAL LETTER

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Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 The National Security Archive The George Washington University Gelman Library, Suite 701 2130 H Street, NW Washington, DC FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT APPEAL July 31, 2002 Central Intelligence Agency Agency Release Panel Washington, DC 20505 RE: CIA ref no.: F-2002-00718 Archive Ref. no: 20011300CIA197 Dear Sir or Madam: Phone: 202/994-7000 Fax: 202/994-7005 nsarchiv@gwu.edu http://www.gwu.edu/�nsarchiv B Cr" c9 This is an administrative appeal under the Freedom of Information Act. On 20 June 2002, our office was informed of the Central Intelligence Agency's decision to withhold material relevant to our FOIA request regarding the Satipo massacre in Peru (1993). Attached for your convenience, please find a copy of your June 2002 letter indicating the exemption claimed. It is our intention to appeal the withholding of this information under b (1) and b (3) of the Freedom of Information Act. We appeal the CIA's decision to withhold material on the basis of exemption (b)(1). Once the existence of records pertaining to a subject has been acknowledged, it is difficult to imagine how every portion of those records could be exempt from disclosure. The Freedom of Information Act specifically requires that all reasonably segregable, nonexempt material in a document be released. It does not appear that there has been compliance with this provision of the Act. The initial reviewing authority denied all responsive documents in full, with no evidence that a careful, paragraph-by-paragraph review was undertaken for segregable material or that sufficient consideration was given as to whether or how the release of the documents would affect current national security or our foreign relations. With regard to those documents or portions of documents denied under (b)(3), the mere fact that names of officials or other identifying agency information may be mentioned in them does not constitute a basis for denying the release of entire records. Your agency could reasonably delete information on truly sensitive sources and methods while declassifying other portions of the documents. The CIA has made no apparent effort to release segregable portions of the documents in this manner as required by the Freedom of Information Act. In consideration of this appeal, I ask that you reexamine your determination in light of the passage of time and the decline in sensitivity of the issue under appeal. The events dealt with in the documents took place close to one decade ago. Since then, Peru has been through multiple profound political transformations, including the noticeable decline of the counterinsurgency war and the move towards human rights accountability. We feel, due to the significant change in circumstances in Peru, the documents no longer merit their once-justified sensitivity. Further release of information on this topic would provide valuable insight into recent U.S. policy towards Peru, and into human rights policy in Latin America in general. In addition, it seems highly unlikely that the release of this information would engender any threat to the national security of the United States or the conduct of its foreign relations that outweighs the public benefit of its release. The astounding events of the past two years in Peru, including the country's return An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at the George Washington University, the Archive collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Publication royalties and tax-deductible contributions through The National Security Archive Fund, Inc. underwrite the Archive's budget. iimmApproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 to democracy and new investigations into various corruption scandals and human rights abuses have captivated the American public's attention. The further release of information on this topic is in the public's interest. Moreover, in contrast to the argument that greater disclosure of information would harm our relations with Peru, one could argue that the release of the withheld documents would actually support or improve current relations. By fully releasing information on Peru's past human rights violations, the U.S. government would be helping the Peruvian people to clarify their own past. The Peruvian government and people have already made clear that clarification of the past is one of their current goals. On June 4, 2001, as a critical part of the democratic reform process in Peru, interim President Valentin Paniagua signed a decree establishing a Truth Commission to consider human rights violations committed by government security forces and armed insurgency groups over the past 20 years of Peru's history. Current President Alejandro Toledo affirmed his commitment to support the Truth Commission by signing decree 101-2001 PCM on September 4, 2001. The Armed Forces have publicly declared their support for the establishment of the Truth Commission and a poll conducted by the IMASEN corporation indicates that 82% of Peruvians supported the creation of the Truth Commission. I should also note that the Truth Commission specifically cited the Satipo massacre as one of the human rights cases that they wish to clarify, in their March 23, 2002 request for declassified documents from the US government. Releasing the document in full would be a step to help Peru clarify its past, and would support our foreign policy goals of promotion of democracy and respect for human rights in Latin America. Finally, it is important to note that we are not requesting material that is not already a matter of the public record. We have already received a number of declassified documents through the FOIA on this same subject. In further support of our appeal, we are including a selection of documents from other agencies on this issue: Document #1: "Sendero Massacres Ashaninka Indians," 23 August 1993. US. Embassy (Lima) Cable. Document #2: "More on SL Massacre of Ashaninkas," 24 August 1993. US. Embassy (Lima) Cable. Document #3: "Peruvian Army Claims to Capture Some Authors of Jungle Massacre; Church Claims 2,000 Displaced," 31 August 1993. US. Embassy (Lima) Cable. Document #4: "Peruvian Authorities Capture Terrorist Leader," 9 September 1993. US. Embassy (Lima). While it is impossible to know the exact content of the withheld material, we feel that the information contained in these previously released documents must bear some similarity to the material withheld by your agency. We ask that you use the enclosed documents to aid in your second review of the withheld CIA material, to ensure that current classification is indeed warranted and that all reasonably segregable portions are released. We feel it is highly likely that the withheld documents contain factual information that could be reasonably segregated � at a minimum � the dates, titles, destination, and number of pages. I look forward to receiving your decision on this appeal. If you have any questions regarding this appeal, feel free to contact me at the phone number listed above. Tamara Feinstein Research Associate 2 pproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 k - Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Ms. Tamara Feinstein The National Security Archive The Gelman Library, Suite 701 2130 II Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 Reference: F-2002-00718 Dear Ms. Feinstein: 200( /00 c (4-07- 14 June 2002 RECEIVED JUN 2 0 2002 � This is a final response to your 24 October 2001 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records pertaining to the "Satipo Massacre". Your request was processed in accordance with the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. � 552, as-amended, and the CIA Information Act, 50 U.S.C. � 431. Our processing included a search for records in existence as of and through the date of our acceptance letter, 8 May 2002. We have completed a thorough search for records responsive to your request and located two documents which we have determined are properly classified and must be denied in their entirety on the basis of FOIA exemptions (b)(1) and (b)(3). During our searches we located United States Government material that was not originated by the CIA. This material appears to be relevant to your request and has been referred to its originating agency for review and direct response to you. You have the right to appeal this decision by addressing your appeal to the Agency Release Panel within 45 days from the date of this letter, in my care. Should you choose to do this, please explain the basis of your appeal. We appreciate your patience during the period required to process this request. Sincerely, 1/e Kathryn I. Dyer Information and Privacy Coordinator pproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 r_Ap proved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 SIFIED _ _ Curcent shOMPPINFP.MIPMPOPININI# CurrenbiHandling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09336 PAGE 01 ACTION SCT-03 INFO LOG-00 CG-00 DOEE-00 IMMC-01 M-01 PM-02 USSS-00 fro' _eireem LIMA 09336 2323:03Z ACDA-17 AID-01 CIAE-00 COME-00 DOTE-00 DS-00 TEDE-00 INR-00 NEA-01 NRCE-00 PRS-01 P-01 SA-01 ASDS-01 P 232059Z AUG 93 FM AMEMBASSY LIMA TO SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 0824 INFO AMEMBASSY QUITO AMEMBASSY BOGOTA AMEMBASSY LA PAZ USCINCSO QUARRY HEIGHTS PM Asegi.ggrienippeglimmulE LIMA 09336 SOUTHCOM ALSO FOR POLAD E.O. 12356: TAGS: SUBJECT: ARA-01 A-01 CA-02 CTME-00 C-01 OASY-00 EB-01 OIG0-01 FAAE-00 INSE-00 JUSE-00 L-03 NSAE-00 NSCE-00 OIS-01 SSO-00 SS-00 TRSE-00 CORE-00 /042W ESEECO 232104Z /38 DECL: OADR PTER, ASEC, AMGT, PE SENDERO MASSACRES ASHANINKA INDIANS 1. CHURCH SOURCES CONFIRM THAT SENDERO LUMINOSO (SL) COLUMNS ATTACKED SEVERAL ASHANINKA INDIAN 0.111111MilleRRIMMIMIMS PAGE 02 LIMA 09336 232103Z VILLAGES ALONG THE ENE RIVER IN THE REMOTE JUNGLE OF EASTERN JUNIN DEPARTMENT ON AUGUST 18. THE SENDERO COLUMNS WERE MOSTLY COMPRISED OF OTHER "POLITICIZED" ASHANINKA INDIANS. SKETCHY INFORMATION FROM THE AREA INDICATES AS MANY AS SIX VILLAGES WERE OVERRUN BY SENDERISTAS, WHO MASSACRED OVER 60 INDIANS, ACCORDING TO PRESS REPORTS, INCLUDING WOMEN AND CHILDREN. INITIAL UNCONFIRMED REPORTS, PROBABLY Current Class: LUMMOIMMINNWIRWMPOGE RELEAg)I FULL Channel: n/a CCO-00. DODE-00 FBIE-00 ADS-00 PA-01 USIE-00 UNITEDSTATESDEPARTMENTOFSTATE REVIEW AUTHORITY: MELVIN E. SINN DATE/CASE ID: 15 MAR 2002 200200103 DECONTROLLED/UNCLASSIFIED Page: 1 pproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 ed [Approv for Release: 2022/11/30 228SIF1ED CO0826 _ _ Current Class: Curren Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09336 EXAGGERATED, CLAIM SOME 200 ASHANINKAS WERE WOUNDED AND THAT THE TERRORISTS HACKED THE EARS OFF 14 CHILDREN. AT LEAST 25 BADLY INJURED ASHANINKAS HAVE BEEN FERRIED BY THE MILITARY TO THE HOSPITAL IN THE PROVINCIAL CAPITAL OF SATIPO. 2. THE WORST ATTACK APPRENTLY OCCURRED IN A VILLAGE CALLED CHRIYANI. A LIMA HUMAN RIGHTS WORKER WHO WENT TO THE SITE REPORTS THAT SURVIVORS INDICATE THAT APPROXIMATELY 100 SENDERISTAS ENTERED THE VILLAGE AT ABOUT 18:00 ON AUGUST 18. CLAIMING THEY WERE MEMBERS OF NEAR-BY SELF-DEFENSE GROUPS (RONDEROS), THE SENDERISTAS CALLED THE VILLAGERS OUT OF THEIR HOMES TO THE VILLAGE SQUARE FOR A "RONDERO MEETING." THE SENDERISTAS THEN ATTACKED THE UNSUSPECTING ASSEMBLED VILLAGERS WITH MACHETES AND AXES. SOME 20 VILLAGERS WERE KILLED AND UNDETERMINED NUMBER WOUNDED. THE HUMAN RIGHTS WORKERS SAID SEVEN OF THE WOUNDED WERE SMALL CHILDREN WHO COULD NOT BE MOVED FROM THE VILLAGE kimmumwommimmoftE PAGE 03 LIMA 09336 232103Z TO THE SEVERITY OF THEIR AX WOUNDS. 3. ONE SURVIVOR OF THE ATTACK ON TAHUANTINSUYO, APPARENTLY THE HARDEST HIT VILLAGE, TOLD CHURCH OFFICIALS THAT SOME 50 SENDERISTAS OVERRAN THE VILLAGE AT ABOUT 20:00 ON AUGUST 18, OVERWHELMING THE LOCAL SELF-DEFENSE (RONDA) GROUP. THE SENDERISTAS ATTACKED HOUSE BY HOUSE, DRAGGING THE INHABITANTS OUTSIDE AND HACKING AT THEM WITH MACHETES AND KNIVES, THEN BURNING DOWN THE BUILDINGS. AT LEAST 18 VILLAGERS WERE KILLED IN TAHUANTINSUYO, AND SOME 20 WERE SERIOUSLY WOUNDED, INCLUDING EIGHT CHILDREN. THE SURVIVOR DID NOT RECALL THE SENDERISTAS USING ANY FIREARMS. THE BISHOP OVERSEEING SATIPO, WHO WAS IN LIMA AT A CHURCH CONFERENCE, HURRIEDLY FLEW TO THE AREA AS SOON AS INFORMATION OF THE ATTACKS FILTERED THROUGH TO LIMA LATE AUGUST 19. 4. COMMENT: A VARIETY OF MOTIVES FOR THE Paget 2 Channel: n/a Current Class: 41111111Mmiiiiiimisaftw Page: 2 DECONTROLLED/UNCLASSIFIED mionApproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 EApproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C008262283IFIED Curret Class: AINAWOUNINIOWIRMEmelgt Curren-HanUling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09336 ATTACKS HAVE BEEN MENTIONED BY DIFFERENT SOURCES, BUT INFORMATION IS STILL TOO INCOMPLETE TO FORM JUDGMENTS. MEDIA REPORTS CITING LOCAL GOP OFFICIALS SUGGEST THE ATTACKS ARE SL REPRISALS AGAINST THE ASHANINKAS FOR RAIDS INTO SENDERO "AREAS" TO LIBERATE FELLOW ASHANINKAS PREVIOUSLY CAPTURED BY SENDERO AND FORCED TO WORK FOR SL. CHURCH SOURCES ADD THAT "SENDERO" ASHANINKAS ROUTINELY ATTACK NON-SENDERO ASHANINKA COMMUNITIES TO SPREAD FEAR AND TAKE CAPTIVES; THEY REPORT THAT A SIMILAR ATTACK OCCURRED IN PAGE 04 CHANCHAMAYO OF THE SITE BRAYSHAW## NNNN laseentirRYITIMINmete..- LIMA 09336 232103Z PROVINCE, SOME 150 KILOMETERS WEST OF THESE ATTACKS. Current Class airooMPIPMEMIA - DECONTROLLED/UNCLASSIFIED Page: 3 Channel: n/a Page: 3 pproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 fA�ppr-Oved Torlele--a;e72(7)2-2-71 'DR o06-626218SIFIED Current CY.ass: Current Handling: Document Number: � PAGE 01 ACTION SCT-03 IMMINIMPWRIVOMMIPME n/a 1993LIMA09413 LIMA 09413 01 OF 02 242350Z RELEA5II FULL Channel: n/a LeNS INFO LOG-00 ACDA-17 AID-01 ARA-01 A-01 CA-02 CCO-00 CG-00 CIAE-00 COME-00 CTME-00 C-01 OASY-00 DODE-00 DOEE-00 DOTE-00 DS-00 EB-01 FAAE-01 FBIE-00 HA-09 H-01 IMMC-01 TEDE-00 INR-00 INSE-00 10-19 JUSE-00 L-03 ADS-00 M-01 NRCE-00 NSAE-00 NSCE-00 01C-02 0I5-01 PA-01 PM-02 PRS-01 P-01 SIL-00 SP-00 SR-00 SSG-00 SS-00 STR-16 TRSE-00 USIE-00 USSS-00 ASDS-01 RPE-01 CORE-00 /088W E67070 242351Z /38 P 242339Z AUG 93 FM AMEMBASSY LIMA TO SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 0882 INFO AMEMBASSY QUITO AMEMBASSY BOGOTA AMEMBASSY LA PAZ USCINCSO QUARRY HEIGHTS PM ANIIIIIIIIIIIMPIMMEMENEIN SECTION 01 OF 02 LIMA 09413 SOUTHCOM ALSO FOR POLAD E.O. 12356: TAGS: SUBJECT: DECL: OADR PTER, PHUM, PE MORE ON SL MASSACRE OF ASHANINKAS REF: LIMA 9336 APREMMOINOMMOOMANWE 1,011111011iimeliefetifthwailireE PAGE 02 LIMA 09413 01 OF 02 242350Z 1. SUMMARY: CHURCH OFFICIALS FEAR THE DEATH TOLL FROM THE AUGUST 18 SENDERO MASSACRE OF ASHANINKA INDIANS AND SETTLERS ALONG THE ENE RIVER VALLEY MAY BE AS HIGH AS 100. MISSION CONTACTS REPORTED FURTHER DETAILS CONCERNING THE MASSACRE AND SPECULATED THAT THE ATTACK MAY INDICATE A RETURN TO EARLIER SENDERO TACTICS AND MAY HAVE BEEN AIMED AT MARKING THE FIRST Current Class: glIMOMMOOPPWWWWW UNITEDSTATESDEPARTMENTOFSTATE REVIEW AUTHORITY: MELVIN E. SINN DATE/CASE ID: 15 MAR 2002 200200103 DECONTROLLED/UNCLASSIFIED Page: 1 mmiliApproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 LA.pproved forRelease: 2022/1 1/30 C00826228S1F1ED Current Clss: Current Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09413 ����� FACILITIES IN MAZAMARI. FEW OF THE ESTIMATED 2,500 ASHANINKAS AND SETTLERS REMAIN IN THE AFFECTED AREA. SURVIVORS TOLD OF SENDERO TORTURE OF VICTIMS, INCLUDING THE CUTTING OUT OF THE TONGUES OF THE TEACHERS, HACKING OFF FINGERS AND EARS OF CHILDREN, AND RAPING OF WOMEN. 5. A PARISH PRIEST WHO HAS LIVED IN THE AREA FOR 38 YEARS TOLD EMBASSY CONTACTS THAT THE ATTACKERS WERE AN SL COLUMN OUT OF AYACUCHO, IN THE SOUTH- CENTRAL ANDEAN HIGHLANDS. HE BELIEVED THE ATTACK 141.14 4, yrra.1/4.41.rw JJJ TelYTT TTtI PAGE 04 LIMA 09413 01 OF 02 242350Z WAS IN REVENGE FOR THE KILLING OF TWO SENDERISTAS IN ONE OF THE COMMUNITIES IN EARLY AUGUST. 6. CHURCH RELIEF OFFICIALS SAID THE MASSIVE REPRISAL REMINDED THEM OF SENDERO TACTICS IN THE EARLY 1980'S, WHEN SENDERO STAGED HORRIFIC ATTACKS IN THE COUNTRY-SIDE TO DESTABILIZE THE LOCAL POPULATION AND DRIVE THEM TOWARDS THE TOWNS AND CITIES. THEY AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS FISCAL SPECULATED THAT THE ATTACK MAY ALSO BE RELATED TO THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF THE CAPTURE OF SENDERO FOUNDER/LEADER ABIMAEL GUZMAN ON SEPTEMBER 12. GOP RESPONSE: SNAFU 7. THE CHURCH RELIEF OFFICIALS, AMONG THE FIRST rifOnweimmormerlestma NNNN Current Class: PINIIII=1111E DECONTROLLED/UNCLASSIFIED Page: 3 Channel: n/a Page: 3 pproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 'Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 c008262285IFIED Current Class: MajrallapiliglICCE Current Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09413 PAGE 01 ACTION SCT-03 -INFO LOG-00 CG-00 DOEE-00 H-01 L-03 OIS-01 SR-00 ASDS-01 LIMA 09413 02 OF 02 242351Z ACDA-17 AID-01 CIAE-00 COME-00 DOTE-00 DS-00 IMMC-01 TEDE-00 ADS-00 M-01 PA-01 PM-02 SSC-00 SS-00 RPE-01 CORE-00 P 242339Z AUG 93 FM AMEMBASSY LIMA TO SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 0883 INFO AMEMBASSY QUITO AMEMBASSY BOGOTA AMEMBASSY LA PAZ USCINCSO QUARRY HEIGHTS PM ARA-01 CTME-00 SB-01 INR-00 NRCE-00 PRS-01 STR-16 /088W E67079 A-01 C-01 FAAE-01 INSE-00 NSAE-00 P-01 TRSE-00 CA-02 OASY-00 FBIE-00 10-19 NSCE-00 SIL-00 USIE-00 242352Z /38 IMIPIIRIMIRRINISIIMEMIM SECTION 02 OF 02 LIMA 09413 SOUTHCOM ALSO FOR POLAD E.O. 12356: TAGS: SUBJECT: DECL: OADR PTER, PHUM, PE MORE ON SL MASSACRE OF ASHANINKAS TO REACH THE SITE FROM LIMA, WERE OUTRAGED WHEN PAGE 02 LIMA 09413 02 OF 02 242351Z THEIR OFFER TO FLY WOUNDED CHILDREN TO LIMA WAS DECLINED "ON ORDERS" OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH. THE MINISTRY, THEY WERE TOLD, HAD INSTRUCTED THAT IT WOULD BE ASSISTING THE INJURED AND THE MEDEVAC WOULD ONLY BE CONDUCTED ON THE MINISTER'S PLANE. THE MINISTER ARRIVED SIX HOURS AFTER THE CHURCH DELEGATION. Current Class: 1,14FfilMimiaillidgib1limillSE Page: 4 Channel: n/a CCO-00 DODE-00 HA-09 JUSE-00 01C-02 SP-00 USSS-00 DECONTROLLED/UNCLASSIFIED Page: 4 pproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 EAT p�roce.lEl.fOr�r Rse 2-0-27/17/3-0 -60118262'283IFIED Current Class: I.4010/1111110 Current Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09413 t- � 8. OBSERVERS RETURNING FROM THE SITE WERE ALSO UNIMPRESSED WITH THE ARMY AND POLICE FORCE RESPONSE TO THE MASSACRE. THE ATTACKS OCCURRED WITHIN HALF-HOUR'S DRIVE FROM THE POLICE FORCE'S JUNGLE TRAINING BASE OF MAZAMARI, HOME OF THE POLICE "SINCHISn UNIT, AND AN ARMY COUNTER- SUBVERSIVE BASE. ARMY AND POLICE OFFICERS BLAMED EACH OTHER IN PUBLIC OVER WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING SECURITY FOR THE VILLAGES, EVEN THOUGH THE AREA IS A DECLARED EMERGENCY ZONE UNDER AN ARMY POLITICAL-MILITARY COMMANDER. THE CHURCH OFFICIALS CONFIRMED THAT THE ARMY WAS FINISHING ONLY THE INITIAL PHASE OF CREATING SELF-DEFENSE GROUPS (RONDAS) IN THE AREA, AND WERE NOT HAPPY AT THE ARMY'S BELATED ISSUING OF SHOTGUNS TO THE REMAINING VILLAGERS. BRAYSHAW## Lliammaminaromb NNNN Current Class: 39121IMPLP91111RMIS1libiniifig_ DECONTROLLED/UNCLASSIFIED Page: 5 Channel: n/a Page: 5 pproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 Approved for Relja-s-el-iE2/117-36-6-0-0-876-2-28 C�xxent Class: MMIIMMOMOMMW Current #andling: n/a Document; Number: 1993LIMA09609 PAGE 01 LIMA 09609 01 OF 02 312115Z ACTION SCT-03 RELEA '114 FULL Channel: n/a (f:Ctesue...�*3 INFO LOG-00 ACDA-17 AID-01 ARA-01 A-01 CA-02 CCO-00 CG-00 CIAE-00 COME-00 CTME-00 C-01 OASY-00 DODE-00 DOEE-00 DOTE-00 DS-00 EB-01 EUR-01 FAAE-01 FBIE-00 HA-09 H-01 IMMC-01 INN-02 TEDE-00 INR-00 1NSE-00 10-19 JUSE-00 L-03 ADS-00 M-01 NRCE-00 NSAE-00 NSCE-00 01C-02 OIS-01 OMB-01 PA-01 PM-02 PRS-01 P-01 RP-10 SIL-00 SNP-00 SP-00 SR-00 SSO-00 SS-00 STR-16 TRSE-00 T-00 USIE-00 USSS-00 ASDS-01 RPE-01 CORE-00 /102w R 312110Z AUG 93 FM AMEMBASSY LIMA TO SECSTATE WASHDC 1027 INFO AMEMBASSY BOGOTA AMEMBASSY BRASILIA AMEMBASSY CARACAS AMEMBASSY LA PAZ AMEMBASSY OTTAWA AMEMBASSY QUITO USMISS ION GENEVA USCINCSO QUARRY HEIGHTS PM ssimmompammummaggy E8F308 312116Z /38 SECTION 01 OF 02 LIMA 09609 USCINdS0 ALSO FOR POLAD AND CHARGE BRAYSHAW E.O. 12356: DECL:OADR PAGE 02 TAGS: SUBJECT: ammoommes 411111111111111111111111111b LIMA 09609 01 OF 02 312115Z PTER, PHUM, PGOV, PREF, EAID, PE PERUVIAN ARMY CLAIMS TO CAPTURE SOME AUTHORS OF JUNGLE MASSACRE; CHURCH CLAIMS 2,000 DISPLACED REF: A. LIMA 9336, B. LIMA 9413, C. LIMA 9592 (ALL NOTAL) 1. (U) SUMMARY: THE PERUVIAN ARMY CLAIMED Current Class: OMMMOMMNIMM Page: 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW AUTHORITY: MELVIN E. SINN DATE/CASE ID: 15 MAR 2002 200200103 UNCLASSIFIED pproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 CUrrent Class: IIIMMOOMMMOW Current Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09609 AUGUST 28 TO HAVE CAPTURED THIRTEEN TERRORISTS WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE MASSACRE OF AT LEAST 57 INDIGENOUS ASHANINKAS AND COLONISTS IN SATIPO PROVINCE. APPROXIMATELY 2,000 PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DISPLACED BY THE VIOLENCE, ACCORDING TO THE BISHOP OF SATIPO. THE ATTACK HAS HIGHLIGHTED SENDERO LUMINOSO'S STRENGTH IN EASTERN JUNIN DEPARTMENT, WHERE SEVERAL THOUSAND SUBSISTENCE- FARMING NATIVES ARE UNDER TERRORIST CONTROL. IN A FIRST-HAND VIEW OF THE TRAGEDY, POLOFF VISITED ONE OF THE SURVIVORS IN A HOSPITAL IN CALLAO; THE SEVERELY-INJURED AND MAIMED YOUNG WOMAN DID NOT KNOW WHAT HAD BECOME OF HER HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. END SUMMARY. MAIMED SURVIVOR AWAITS WORD OF HER FAMILY 2. (U) POLOFF ACCOMPANIED PERU'S ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, CLODOMIRO CHAVEZ, TO A CALLAO HOSPITAL AUGUST 26 TO VISIT ONE OF THE INJURED SURVIVORS OF THE AUGUST 18 OOMMOMMOMMOW PAGE 03 LIMA 09609 01 OF 02 312115Z SENDERO LUMINOSO (SL) MASSACRE OF NATIVE ASHANINKAS IN SATIPO PROVINCE, JUNIN DEPARTMENT. "ROSA" IS A TWENTY-YEAR-OLD FULL-BLOODED ASHANINKA WHO WAS MEDEVACKED TO LIMA AFTER HER VILLAGE WAS OVERRUN BY A GROUP MOSTLY COMPOSED OF ASHANINKAS BELONGING TO THE TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. SHE IS RECOVERING FROM MACHETE BLOWS TO THE HEAD, WHICH HAVE LEFT LONG SCARS. THE TERRORISTS ALSO CUT OFF FOUR FINGERS FROM ROSA'S RIGHT HAND. 3. (In STILL SOMEWHAT IN A STATE OF SHOCK AND STARING INTO SPACE, ROSA TOLD CHAVEZ AND POLOFF THAT SHE WAS MARRIED WITH THREE CHILDREN. SHE HAD HAD NO WORD OF THE WHEREABOUTS OR WELL-BEING OF HER HUSBAND AND CHILDREN SINCE THE ATTACK. SHE AND HER HUSBAND WERE YUCA (CASSAVA) FARMERS. THE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN SAID THAT ROSA WOULD RECOVER FROM HER WOUNDS, BUT NOTED THAT SHE SUFFERED FROM MALNUTRITION. CHAVEZ TOOK THE � Page: 2 Channel: n/a Current Class: Page: 2 UNCLASSIFIED imimiApproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 airrent Class: 4011111111MOMMI Current Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09609 NAMES OF HER FAMILY MEMBERS AND PROMISED TO TRY TO FIND THEM. PERHAPS HER CHILDREN WERE AMONG THE DOZENS OF KIDS BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN ORPHANED IN THE MASSACRE, HE SAID. ARMY CLAIMS TO CAPTURE SOME OF THE ATTACKERS . 4. (U) IN SATIPO AUGUST 28, THE ARMY PRESENTED THIRTEEN INDIVIDUALS IT CLAIMED HAD PARTICIPATED IN THE MASSACRE OF AT LEAST 57 ASHANINKAS AND ansmisma dismangslalk PAGE 04 LIMA 09609 01 OF 02 312115Z COLONISTS IN TEN DIFFERENT VILLAGES. THEY HAD BEEN CAPTURED, ACCORDING TO ARMY COMMANDER GEN. NICOLAS HERMOZA, AS THE RESULT OF JOINT EFFORTS BETWEEN THE MILITARY AND LOCAL SELF-DEFENSE GROUPS (RONDAS). AT LEAST FOUR OF THE ATTACKERS WERE SL INFILTRATORS OF THE RONDAS, HERMOZA ASSERTED. 5. (C) COMMENT: VIRTUALLY ALL OF THE THIRTEEN HAD SPANISH LAST NAMES AND A MESTIZO APPEARANCE. THIS MAY CONTRADICT EYEWITNESS REPORTS FROM SATIPO, WHICH INDICATE THAT THE MAJORITY OF THE ATTACKERS WERE ASHANINKAS. (THE VICTIMS WERE BOTH ASHANINKAS AND COLONISTS -- MOST OF THE LATTER HAD MIGRATED FROM AYACUCHO DEPARTMENT TO ESCAPE THE VIOLENCE THERE, ACCORDING TO MEDIA REPORTS.) NNNN Current Class: giummummes UNCLASSIFIED Page: 3 Channel: n/a Page: 3 pproved tor Release. Approved for Release: 2022/1 1/30 E00826228 1 Ciirrent Class: Current Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09609 411111111.11Mbl PAGE 01 LIMA 09609 02 OF 02 312115Z ACTION SCT-03 Page: 4 Channel: n/a INFO LOG-00 ACDA-17 AID-01 ARA-01 A-01 CA-02 CCO-00 CG-00 CIAE-00 COME-00 CTME-00 C-01 OASY-00 DODE-00 DOEE-00 DOTE-00 DS-00 EB-01 EUR-01 FAAE-01 FBIE-00 HA-09 H-01 IMMC-01 INM-02 TEDE-00 INR-00 INSE-00 10-19 JUSE-00 L-03 ADS-00 M-01 NRCE-00 NSAE-00 NSCE-00 OIC-02 -OIS-01 OMB-01 PA-01 PM-02 PRS-01 P-01 RP-10 SIL-00 SNP-00 SP-00 SR-00 SSO-00 SS-00 STR-16 TRSE-00 T-00 USIE-00 USSS-00 ASDS-01 RPE-01 CORE-00 /102W R 312110Z AUG 93 FM AMEMBASSY LIMA TO SECSTATE WASHDC 1028 INFO AMEMBASSY BOGOTA AMEMBASSY BRASILIA AMEMBASSY CARACAS AMEMBASSY LA PAZ AMEMBASSY OTTAWA AMEMBASSY QUITO USMISSION GENEVA USCINCSO QUARRY HEIGHTS PM dommemIlliffininisifr E8F323 312117Z /38 SECTION 02 OF 02 LIMA 09609 USCINCSO ALSO FOR POLAD AND CHARGE BRAYSHAW E.O. 12356: DECL:OADR 1.11111111111111111111fti 41111111�11111111111111 PAGE 02 LIMA 09609 02 OF 02 312115Z TAGS: PTER, PHUM, PGOV, PREF, EAID, PE SUBJECT: PERUVIAN ARMY CLAIMS TO CAPTURE AROUND TWO THOUSAND DISPLACED, REPORTS BISHOP 6. (U) ACCORDING TO THE BISHOP OF SATIPO,' . APPROXIMATELY TWO THOUSAND ASHANINKAS WHO FLED � FROM THE VILLAGES TO THE TOWNS OF SATIPO AND Current Class: CONFIDENTIAL Page: 4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 dttient class: Current Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA09609 MAZAMARI REFUSE TO RETURN. THE CHURCH IS ASSISTING THEM, ACCORDING TO AN AUGUST 26 NEWS REPORT, AND TREATING THEM AS "REFUGEES." THE CHARITY GROUP CARITAS IS PROVIDING ASSISTANCE AS WELL FROM AN EMERGENCY FUND OF USD 300,000. SL PRESENCE STRONG IN EASTERN JUNIN 7. (U) ASHANINKA LEADERS FROM THE RIO TAMBO AREA TOLD A TELEVISION INTERVIEWER AUGUST 29 THAT SENDERO CONTROLS NEARLY TWO-THIRDS OF THE ASHANINKA POPULATION IN THEIR DISTRICT. THEY ASKED THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT FOR GREATER SUPPORT FOR THE LIBERATION OF 14,000 NATIVES UNDER SL CONTROL. 8. (U) COMMENT: SL NUMBERS IN EASTERN JUNIN GREW LARGELY UNCHECKED BEGINNING IN 1988. IN THE LAST TWO YEARS OR SO, THEY HAVE FACED INCREASING OPPOSITION FROM THE RONDAS. THE MASSACRE IS UNDOUBTEDLY A COUNTERATTACK FUELED IN PART BY REVENGE. THE ASHANINKAS, MOSTLY 1111/1=11111110.1. PAGE 03 'LIMA 09609 02 OF 02 312115Z SUBSISTENCE FARMERS, ARE ONE OF THE LARGEST ETHNIC GROUPS IN PERU'S AMAZON RAIN FOREST, NUMBERING AN ESTIMATED 55,000. COOPER NNNN Page: 5 Channel: n/a Current Class: 411111111111111111111M Page: 5 UNCLASSIFIED mikpproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 Current- Class : Current Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA10007 0/1111111111111111111S PAGE 01 LIMA 10007 092334Z ACTION ARA-01 RELEAMIA FULL Channel: n/a INFO LOG-00 ACDA-17 AMAD-01 CIAE-00 OASY-00 DS-00 TEDE-00 INR-00 ADS-00 NSAE-00 SCT-03 CORE-00 /022W EC2AF6 092335Z /38 R 092328Z SEP 93 FM AMEMBASSY LIMA TO SECSTATE WASHDC 1295 INFO AMEMBASSY BOGOTA AMEMBASSY CARACAS AMEMBASSY LA PAZ AMEMBASSY QUITO DIA WASHDC USCINCSO QUARRY HEIGHTS PM ganaiNganigariffan LIMA 10007 USCINCSO ALSO FOR POLAD E.O. 12356: DECL: OADR TAGS: SUBJECT: PTER, PE PERUVIAN AUTHORITIES CAPTURE TERRORIST LEADER REF: LIMA 9413 1. (U) THE ARMY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (SIE) PAGE 02 LIMA 10007 092334Z ANNOUNCED SEPTEMBER 2 THAT IT HAD CAPTURED ROSA ANGELICA SALAS DE LA CRUZ, A MEMBERS OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE GUERRILLA GROUP SENDERO LUMINOSO (SL). IN PRESENTING SALAS TO THE PRESS AT ARMY HEADQUARTERS IN LIMA, AUTHORITIES SAID THAT SHE HAD BEEN CAPTURED IN HUANCAYO AUGUST 27, MAKING HER THE SECOND SL LEADER TO BE CAPTURED IN A WEEK. THE OTHER, EDMUND() COX BEUZEVILLE, WAS ARRESTED AUGUST 21 AT A LARGE HOME IN AN UPSCALE Current Class: MOOMMOMMOMML Page: 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW AUTHORITY: MELVIN E SINN DATE/CASE ID: 15 MAR 2002 200200103 UNCLASSIFIED imApproved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228 Approved for Release: iE2/i17366-6-0176728 Current Class: 1111.111111�11111111M Current Handling: n/a Document Number: 1993LIMA10007 NEIGHBORHOOD OF LIMA. 2. (U) SALAS WAS ONE OF THE FOUNDING MEMBERS OF SL, AND APPEARED IN A 1991 VIDEO WITH SL LEADER ABIMAEL GUZMAN. THIS FAMOUS VIDEO CAPTURED BY POLICE SHOWED A TIPSY TERRORIST DANCING WITH HIS MINIONS TO A ZORBA BEAT. SALAS WENT BY THE NOMS DE GUERRE OF "ANA," "GABRIELA," "TERESA," AND "JULIA," ACCORDING TO HER CAPTORS. SHE WAS RESPONSIBLE IN LARGE PART FOR SL'S PROPAGANDA OPERATIONS. AUTHORITIES SPECULATED THAT SALAS MAY HAVE PLANNED THE AUGUST 19 MASSACRE OF ABOUT 60 NATIVE ASHANINKAS AND COLONISTS IN THE JUNGLE PROVINCE OF SATIPO, JUNIN DEPARTMENT (REFTEL). 3. (U) LIKE OTHER CAPTURED MEMBERS OF SL'S CENTRAL COMMITTEE, SALAS WILL PROBABLY FACE A MILITARY TRIAL FOR TREASON AND RECEIVE LIFE IMPRISONMENT'. 4. (C) COMMENT: THE APPREHENSIONS OF SALAS AND COX SHOW THAT SL STILL HAS MAJOR INTERNAL 1111101111101111111111145., PAGE 03 LIMA 10007 092334Z SECURITY PROBLEMS. THE IMPACT OF THEIR ARRESTS ON SL IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GAUGE, GIVEN OUR SCANT KNOWLEDGE OF SL'S INTERNAL DYNAMICS. FOR THE GOP, THE CAPTURES REINFORCE ITS IMAGE OF ON-GOING SUCCESS AGAINST TERRORISM. BRAYSHAW## 011111111MONIMBIL Page: 2 Channel: n/a Current Class: Page: 2 UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2022/11/30 C00826228