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Publication Date: 
May 27, 1960
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AIR PCICH 474 TO: FROM: SUN': Capture of Adolf �ICHMANN t, Approved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00869874 S.T: 0 11 TV T REF: 3 7 7 May 1960 EXEMPTIONS Section 3(b) (2)(A) Privacy tJ (2)(B) Methods/Sources,4a=7 (2)(G) Foreign Relations rj 1. There are 'rumors that 7.-,ICINAN11 was kidnapped from Argentina or Frazil. The suestion is made tnat he was in Kuwait, was discovered, and fled to South America. The papers have - .noted that a special El Al plane carrying the Israeli Governmaat delegation to Argentina's 150th anniversary celebration departed on 18 May. The Post, 24 May 60, reported that the plane returned early on 22 may -from Euenos Aires. It had made a brief stop at Recifa airport in Brazil where it "was held up three hours by the airport manager there who, for reasons that are unclear, tried to prevent the plane from taking 'off." There s therefore considerable speculation that PaCHMANN may have been on that Plane. � 2. ,The most interesting article in the FJCHMANN case appeared in the front rage of L'INFORMATION of 25 May 1960, under headlines stretching across five of the paper's eight columns. It reads as follows: 2 Ciii! DU "CHIN Er;TH" RTN7�:LE: NOUS AVONS SUIVI LS TRACr,S d'IUCHMANN DURANT Pr, LONGS McIS Aucuile recompense d'argent na ete payee 7.1chrann n'est jamais venu en Israel La Hagana n'avait pas arrete 77,ichmann Tel Aviv, (SI) � "Nous avons ete sur�les traces d'rgehmann avant mime .que les differents bruits.sur sa pretendue presence au Yoweit aient ete repandus", a revele hier le chef des services de securite au cours d'une rencontre avec un groupe de redacteurs en chef. Ii akjoute que 1' operation de capture du criminel a etc . exclUsivement men&,, par lesjnembres des services de securite (Chine ,Beth) et qiPaucune recompense pecuniaire n'avait eti accordee, et ne le serait a l'avnir, pour le capture du criminel nazi. "Ceux qui ont pris part a cette operation copsiderent comte un honneur la mission dont.ils ont ete charges", a declare le chef du "Chine Beth". Ii a ajoute qu'aucume some dlargent 010 R T Approved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00869874 Approved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00869874 J EIc JPe two of n'avait eta payee pour acheter qui lue ce soit en vue de mener . A bien la capture d'Eichmann. Au sujet des legendes sur le prete9du sejour du crj,minel en :Palestine, le Chef des services de securite a d-eclare qu'ichmann nretait jamais venu dans le pays. "11 connart effectivement quelques mots d'hbreu, mats ses cormaissanees thins ce domaines sont des plus.minimes", a-t-il precise. Ii a egalement dementi,les rumeurs affirmant qu'un certain Juif-de Pologne aurait coopere avec. le "Chine Beth" pour la capture du driminel nazi. Finalement, il a .ealement dementi uric autre rumeur affirmant qu'Eichmann aurait ete arr-6te par la Hagana en 1945, et qu'il aurait reussi s'enfuir. 3. A sampling of the Hebrew press, as presented in the Press Digest, Mey 1960, indicates what this case has done for the standire,, of the security service, some abstracts follow: (a) ".:Achmanh's apprehension is the victory of Israeli security services, these services which are not exactly pampered by the public here, and is the fruit of much patience, devotion and wisdom." (Davar) (b) -Lamerhav expresses its thanks to the Israeli Security Services for this wonderful feat.,." (c) "Haboker refers to the sensational apprehension of the most wanted.criminal in the world and praises the the security services for their tremendous success." - (d) "Hazofe too praises the Security Services for their vigilence and successful action." Approved for Release: 2023/03/01 C00869874