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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
January 23, 2020
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Publication Date: 
December 12, 1952
Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C00985329 Security infer, Deputies' Meeting DM-68 (b)(3) Friday, 12 December 1952 (b)(6) PRESENT: General Smith, Messrs. Wisner, Wolf, Redden, Amory, Earman General Smith: a. Asked if we had received copies of the cables sent to Ambassador Murphy and General Clark by the State and Defense Departments, respectively, concerning the----71affair. Mr. Wisner stated we had not; however, he had been advised that (1) the message sent to Ambassador Murphy contained the exact language of our memorandum on this subject; (2) General Clark had been advised to take no action without first clearing with Murphv_7 Mr. Wisner went on to say that (1) we continued to receive evidence that /was leaking tion on this matter (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) b. Stated that the memorandum prepared by AD/Si on flying saucers did not contain the information he desired. Mr. Amory noted that this was probably due to Chadwell being overcautious in regard to the information at hand; however, both Drs. Chadwell were at Wright-Patterson Field today (b)(1) attending a meeting of the Air Technical Intelligence Committee at which this (b)(3) subject was to be discussed and recommended the Director delay reporting to the President on flying saucers until 19 December. The DCI approved. In this connection, Mr. Amory stated that the FBI liaison officer had indicated to him Mr.. Hoover's wish that the Bureau be kept informed on this subject and that Papich had been advised they would, of course, receive all of the information made available to the members of the IAC. The Director remarked that Mr. Hoover should attend IAC meetings and thus receive his information first hand. Mr. Wolf: / 2.. /7_1-2, a. Referred to the discussion at the Deputies' Meeting on 9 December regarding an individual (John O'Hara) who might be willing to transfer from Defense to CIA for assignment and stated O'Hara was coming in to see him on 17 December. Mr. Wisner: (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (CONTINUED) Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C00985329 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C00985329 lap cc.CR) ..; Mr. Wisner (Cont'd.) Seneity infarrant',on b. Referred to a cable from concerning an individual who was representing himself as an IG for General Eisenhower and asked the Director if he had any knowledge of this. The Director stated he had not and, in all probability, this was similar to the case reported from (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) d. Asked the Director if the Rosenberg matter had been discussed at the PSB luncheon yesterday. The Director stated that it had and it had been agreed that uwet would not make any recommendations on this subject. Mr. Amory noted that a cable from the Senior Representative (IN 20350) (W(1) indicated that Mussadiq has opened negotiations with the USSR for new non- (b)(3) aggression pact confirming provisions of the 1921 treaty but couched in language intended as a warning to the West. (b)(3) (b)(6) KL ; Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C00985329