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Publication Date: 
December 22, 2004
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Approved for Release: 2017/05/09 CO1162241 Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 22 December 2004 Mr. Jefferson Morley Reference: F-2003-01324 Dear Mr. Morley: This concerns your 4 July 2003 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and subsequent litigation (Jefferson Morley v. Central Intelligence Agency, Civil Action No. 1:03CV02545) filed 16 December 2003 for records pertaining to George Efythron Joannides. Specifically, your request concerns the following: 1. All "201" files or records, including covert as well as overt 201 files or records. 2. All "P" files or records. 3. All commendations or awards received by George E. Joannides. 4. All leave and travel records pertaining to George E. Joannides during his service in Athens, 1951-62, Miami, 1962-64, Athens, 1964-66, Manila, 1967- 69, Saigon, 1969-71, and Washington, 1971-75. 5. All reports, memoranda, letters or other written communications authored by or addressed to George E. Joannides (a.k.a. "Howard," "Mr. Howard," or "Walter Newby"). 6. All index references maintained on George E. Joannides or "Howard," "Mr. Howard," or "Walter Newby," in any CIA component in which he worked or with which he had contact. 7. All records related to telephone calls, messages, or tapes of telephone calls during Joannides tenure in Miami (December 1962 to April 1964) and his tenure as liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassination (May 1978 to June 1979). 8. All outside contact reports or forms regarding any contacts between Joannides and any representative of the news media, any executive branch employee, or representative of Congress pertaining to George E. Joannides. 9. All records of whatever form, written or tape recorded, including but not limited to "soft files," pertaining to George Joannides's service as deputy chief and chief of the Psychological Warfare PW branch of the Agency's JM/WAVE station in Miami from December 1962 to April 1964... 10. Any or all records reflecting Joannides's participation in, or contacts with, any covert project or operation. Approved for Release: 2017/05/09 C01162241 Approved for Release: 2017/05/09 CO1162241 All records of whatever form, written or tape recorded, including but not limited to "soft files," of Joannides communications with other branch chiefs in JM/WAVE station with whom he had liaison responsibilities in 1962-64: Foreign Intelligence (FI), Counterintelligence and Paramilitary (PM). 12. All records pertaining to Joannides's contacts with individuals or officers of an anti-Castro organization in Miami known as Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil, or DRE between December 1962 and April 1964, including but not limited to Luis Fernandez Rocha, Juan Manuel Salvat, Antonio Lanusa, and Carlos Bringuier. In CIA records the DRE is known by the cryptonym, AMSPELL. 13. All communications between the deputy director, Richard Helms at CIA headquarters and JM/WAVE station in Miami, directed to or from George Joannides (a.k.a. "Howard," "Mr. Howard," or "Walter Newby,") in the period December 1962 to April 1964. 14. All office communications of JM/WAVE station chief Ted Shackley to or from George Joannides (a.k.a. "Howard," "Mr. Howard," or "Walter Newby,") in the period December 1962 to April 1964. 15. All communications between Joannides and Howard Hunt, Frank Fiorini (a.k.a. Frank Sturgis) and David Phillips. Please search the records of each of these CIA employees as well as the records of the office which Phillips headed in 1963, Western Hemisphere 3 (WH3) in Mexico City. 16. All records in the Office of General Counsel pertaining to the selection of George Joannides as liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in May 1978. 17. All records in the Office of General Counsel, and other CIA components, of Joannides work with the HSCA, including all communications with other offices of the Agency and all communications with the HSCA and any federal agency from May 1978 to June 1979. Your request was processed in accordance with the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. � 552, et seq., and the CIA Information Act, 50 U.S.C. � 431. Our processing included a search for records in existence as of 9 September 2004. We have completed a reasonable search for records responsive to your request, located material, and have made the following determinations: Enclosed at Tab A are three documents, which can be released in their entirety. Enclosed at Tab B are 112 documents, which can be released in segregable from with deletions made on the basis of FOIA exemptions (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3), (3)(5), 0)0), (3)(7)(c), and (3)(7)(4 We also located additional material, which we have determined is properly classified and must be denied in its entirety on the basis of FOIA exemptions (b)(1), (b)(3), and (b)(6). An explanation of exemptions is enclosed. With respect to that portion of your request seeking records regarding Mr. Joannides participation in any covert project, operation, or assignment, unless of course previously acknowledged, the CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to your request. Approved for Release: 2017/05/09 CO1162241 Approved for Release: 2017/05/09 CO1162241 During our searches, we also identified two documents that require this Agency to consult with another federal agency. Once the consultation process is complete, this Agency will provide a supplemental response concerning those documents. In addition, please be advised that there are 78 documents on this subject previously released under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. As previously stated in a letter to you dated 5 November 2003, these documents are available to the public at the National Archives. The CIA regulations governing administrative appeals are set forth at 32 C.F.R. sect. 1900.42. Those regulations state that no appeal shall be accepted if the information in question is the subject of litigation in the federal courts. Therefore, as a result of this litigation and the response in this letter, the administrative processing of this case has been concluded. Sincerely, Scott Koch Information and Privacy Coordinator Enclosures (b)(3) CIO/IMS/IRRG/PIPD 3Mar04 Distribution: (b)(3) Orig - Adse 1- PIPD/F-2003-01324 GIP Deniers: DO/IRO (b)(3) DCl/IRODS&T/IRO (b)(1), (b)(2 (3)(7)(c), an )(7)(e) 1- PIPD Liti ation Chrono (b)(3) 1- OGC/LD ttn FYI yt MORI (b)(3) FOIA01324 Morley (b)(3) DA/IRO- 3), (3)(5), (3)(6), (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/05/09 CO1162241