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Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 _ -vole CONTENTS C-D- 54 IAC-D-54/1 IAC -D-54/2 IAC-D-54/3 Paper Mills, Fabrications, and Source Control (2 July 12) Interagency Source Control (26 Feb 1953) Interagency Source Control Procedures (4 Jan 1957) Interagency Source Register (30 Apr 1957) Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Ord J. 1111111 "ftwoo; IAC-D-54/3 30 April 1957 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Interagency Source Register Attached is a communication from the Chairman, Interagency Priorities Committee (IPC), enclosing a revised draft "Interagency Source Register Procedures." This matter will be placed on the agenda of an early IAC meeting for review and appropriate action with respect to the IPC's recommendation. JOHN HEIRES Secretary 417"1.1-01--, c5"41) SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Neis �1010 fiA3- Attachment to TAO-D-54/3 18 April 1957 MENDRANOYM FOR: Chairman, Intelligence Advisory Committee ATTENTION: Mk. John Heires, Secretary, IAC -SUBJECT: Interagency Source Register 1. Pursuant to the direction of the Intelligence Advisory Committee (IAC) at its meeting of 15 January 1957, the Interagency Clandestine Collection Priorities Committee (IPC). has reviewed a draft proposal for establishing an interagency source register (IAC-D-54/2� 4 January 1957) and approved the attached revised draft on 18 April 1957. 2. The IPC recommends that IAC consider and approve the "Interagency Source Register Procedures", as outlined in the attached draft. (b)(6) Thomas H. Karamessines Chairman Interagency Priorities Committee Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 %we %we DRAFT AttachMent to -JIAC-D54/3 18 April 1957 INTERAGENCY SOURCE REGISTER PROCDDURES PURPOSE 1. The purpose of the Interagency Source Register (ISR) is to provide a centralized file of clandestine sources in order to preclude multiple re- cruitment of sources and to facilitate the elimination of Paper Mills and Fabricators. ISR will not be considered a replacement for the already estab- lished uniform name checking arrangements. PARTICIPATING AGENCIES 2. The IPC recommends the following as participating agencies, however, all IAC agencies may avail themselves of ISR facilities: a. Office of the Special Assistant for Intelligence, Department of State b. Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff� Intelligence, Department of Army c. Directorate of Intelligence, Department of Air Force d. Office of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy e. Central Intelligence Agency RESPONSIBILITY 3. CIA* will be responsible for the staffing and maintenance of ISR. Source Register data submitted by the participating agencies will not be trans- mitted to the field or to other participating agencies through CIA channels with- out the prior approval of the agency concerned. NOTE* Unless otherwise indicated, reference to CIA in this paper refers to the Deputy Director (Plans), Foreign Intelligence Staff, Records Integration Division. -3-E-C4i-E-T Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 NOV SE-C-RE4 � The Interagency Clandestine Collection Priorities Committee (IPC) of the IAC shall assume the primary responsibility for overall supervision of ISR and is generally authorized to modify details of procedures outlined herein. 4. Participating agencies will provide ISR with the date of birth, place of birth, status (see Para. 9f) and the base country for sourced in the following categories on a continual basis: a. Overseas clandestine sources of foreign intelligence information and their sa-sources. b. Alien sources who have resided in the United States less than two years prior to coming to the attention of the agency concerned. c. Forel nationals whose disclosure of being� affiliated with U.S. Intelligence could be detrimental to the policies of the United States as set forth in National Security Council directives. 5. In order to facilitate the establishment of IS, each participating agency, as soon as possible, will submit the date of birth, place of birth, status and the base country on the categories of persons listed above on record in the respective agency as of the date these procedures are approved. SOURCE DATA SUB la SION The Source Action Form (sample attached) or :Machine Tabulating card will be completed for each submission to ISR as followss a. Copies 1 and 2 will have all the data on the-source and will be retained by the originating agency. -2- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 S-E-C-R-E-T b. Copies 3, 4 and 5 containing the date of birth, place of birth, base country, file code number, status, and service requested will be forwarded to ISR. Copy 3 will be returned to the respective agency as indicated in Section 9b. 7. Each agency will use a prefix on the file code number registered with and approved by the Source Register Officer. This is the only manner in which Source Register can identify the agency primarily interested in a source. 8. A new Source Action Form or Machine Tabulating card, having the previously recorded file code nunber, will be submitted as indicated in Section 9f, when a source has been dismissed. PROCESbimu OF SOURCE REGIbTEN INFORMATION 9* Upon receipt of the information covered in Section 6 above, Source Register will: Check the submission against the Interagency Source Register. b. Inform the originating agency immediately by telephone if the check is negative. Copy 3 of the Source Action Form will then be stamped "Recorded", dated and returned to the originating agency. This will be that agency'e source registration certi- ficate. c. When the check is negative, copy 5 of the Source action Form or Machine Tabulating card will also be stamped "Recorded' and dated. This copy will then be placed in the Source Register. �3- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Noe' S-E-C-R-E-T d. When the check discloses that a source already registered has the sane date and place of birth, Source Register will notify both agencies of the findings. e. It is the responsibility of the agencies concerned to resolve each conflict and advise Source Register in writing of the outcome, so that the proper corrections can be made in the Source Register. f. Participating agencies will also notify the Source Register when a source has been dropped and, whenever possible, the date and reason for di charge. The status code will be used as stated in paragraph 4 above (codes 1 and 2) and the remaining code numbers will be used to indicate the reason for discharge. (1) Active (2) Potential (3) Paper Mill and Fabricator (4) Security (5) Compromise (6) Ineptitude (7) Blackmarketing� smuggling, or other violation og law. (8) Without prejudice (9) Unknown Deceased 10. The participating agencies will submit complete background data and a brief summary for discharging sources falling into categories 3 through 7 as indicated in 9f above. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 '1011 Nue S-E-C-R-E-T DETECTION AND CONTROL OF PAPER MILLS AND FABRICATORS 11. When a check indicates that a source has the same date and place of birth as a known or suspected Paper Mill or Fabricator, ISR, with the assistance of the agency in possession of relevant facts, will furnish all pertinent information to the agency which submitted the Source Action Form or Machine Tabulating card. 12. If, after reviewing this information, the requestor desires to utilize the services of the source in question, a new Source Action Form or Machine Tabulating card will then be submitted to indicate that the source is now active for the agency concerned. 13. When an agency has substantiated that a source is a Paper Mill or Fabricator, it will so advise ISR and furnish all pertinent data concerning the source as well as any Information which tends to substantiate this suspicion. 14. When it has been determined that a source is a Paper Mill or Fabricator) a card with this notation will be placed in the ISR. If the danger exists that the source may continue to sell his spurious product) ISR will disseminate a report "burning" (denouncing) the source to United States Government agencies and to friendly foreign intelligence services, as a given case may require. ISR will coordinate the "burn" report with the other interagency members. TO PROMOTE riBE 1ST EFFECTIVE USE OF SOURCES 15. Participating agencies will adopt their own internal procedures for eliminating unproductive sources, however) if a source produces information which is not of value to the agency controlling the source) but which is of value to another producing agency) mutual efforts will be made to effect the retention or transfer of the source. -5, S-E-C-R-E-T Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 +FORM NO. A 1 5 JUL 56 v SOURCE ACTION Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 ftroe 4 (2/ BIRTH DATE (Year-Month-Day) BIRTH PLACE (Country-City) FILE CODE NAME (Laat-First-Middle) TEL [CODE OPS COUNTRY ADDRESS (Country-State-CttykStreet-Number) STATUS IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS'(tjritio nAllas E] Nickname riName Variation) MARKS OTHER IDENTIFYING DATA TYPE OF ACTION DATE SUBMITTED DATE REPLY REPLY TYPE SERVICE REQUEST REGISTRATION DROPPED REMARKS FORM NO. I 01 5 I JUL 56 SOURCE ACTION (2) BIRTH DATE (Year-Month-Day) BIRTH PLACE (Country-City) FILE CODE TYPE OF ACTION DATE SUBMITTED DATE REPLY REPLY TYPE SERVICE REQUEST REGISTRATION DROPPED REMARKS kNOTICE TO TYPIST DETACH AFTER TYPING ORIGINATOR'S COPY SOURCE CONTROL COPY Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 IAC-M-274 15 January 1957 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting Held in IAC Conference Room, Administration Building Central Intelligence Agency, at 1045, 15 January 1957 Director of Central Intelligence Allen W. Dulles Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. W. Park Armstrong, Jr., Special Assistant for Intelligence, Department of State Major General Robert A. Schow, Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army Rear Admiral Laurence H. Frost, Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Major General Millard Lewis, Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, United States Air Force Brigadier General Richard Collins, Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Mr. Harry S. Traynor, Atomic Energy Commission representative to the IAC Mr. Alan H. Belmont, Federal Bureau of Investigation representative to the IAC Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 002108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 I NNW INF 1. Approval of Minutes 8 January Meeting (IAC-M-273) Approved as written. 2. Watch Committee Report No. 336 ����������=����������������1111 a. Noted. IAC-M-274 15 January 1957 b. Mr. Dulles referred to his prior proposal regarding a review by the IAC as a body of crisis situations (IAC-M-273, 8 January 1957, item 5) and stated that he hoped to circulate a memorandum on this matter at an early date. In this connection, the Chairman and members noted, and exchanged views on, the situations in Poland (with particular reference to the probable impact of im- pending elections), Laos and Yemen. 3. Proposed Interagency Source Control Procedures (IAC-D-54/2, 4 January 1957) a. After opening comments by the Chairman, Mr. Karamessines outlined and exchanged views with the members on the nature and purpose of this proposal. During the course of the dis- cussion, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Traynor and General Collins indicated that their respective agencies would not expect actively to participate in this project. General Lewis raised some questions regarding the draft procedure as circulated (IAC-D-54/2), particularly with respect to the accuracy of its title and the extent to which an attempt should be made to specify the action to be taken by individual agencies after a check of the register disclosed possible duplication or derogatory information regarding sources. - crrprr Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 VI-4 1 *MO vrmoo IAC-M-274 15 January 1957 b. The members agreed that the Interagency Clandestine Collection Priorities Committee (IPC) should review this matter, bearing in mind especially the comments by General Lewis, and prepare a draft procedure to be submitted to the IAC for further consideration. (b)( (b)( 5. SNIE 11-6-57 Soviet Gross Capabilities for Attack on the Continental US in Mid-1960 a. Approved as amended. b. Noted the findings, and approved the action recommended in the post-mortem on this estimate. 6. Executive Session At 1210 the Chairman requested an executive session. Following this discussion, the members at 1220 received a special briefing on another matter, which included reports by representatives of the Air Force and CIA, and by General Schow. Adjournment: 1320 - 3 - JOHN HEIRES Secretary 1) 3) (b)(6) cry-t) T Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 � *IMO IAC-M-274 15 January 1957 SECRETARY'S NOTES 1. The attention of the members is invited to their decision on 16 October that the IAC Standing Committee on Exchanges should submit an additional oral report within three months on further activities by the Committee (IAC-M-260, item 4 b). However, the Chairman of that Committee advises that, because of subsequent policy decisions affecting the exchange program, the Committee's activities have been substantially in abeyance during the intervening period. Under these circumstances, unless specifically requested to do so by a member, the Chairman does not propose to give 5ucl(b)(1) an oral briefing at this time. - 4 - (b)(3) c't Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 " Irt 1-9�1-1 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 %Of IAC-D-54/2 4 January 1957 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Interagency Source Control Procedures 1. On 24 July 1952 the IAC approved (IAC-M-77) the recom- mendations of an LAG ad hoc subcommittee established to determine ����i�����=k methods for negating the activities of Paper Mills and Fabricators and for devising interagency source control procedures (IAC-D-54, 2 July 1952). However, terms of reference for the establishment and operation of an interagency source control mechanism subse- quently proposed (IAC-D-54/1, 26 February 1953) did not receive the approval of the LAG agencies. 2. CIA believes that it would now be desirable for the IAC agencies to review this matter generally and attempt to devise more satisfactory procedures for dealing with this problem. CIA therefore recommends that the IAC refer the attached draft (Attachment A) to the Interagency Clandestine Collection Priorities Committee (IPC), or an appropriate working group, for review and preparation of recommendations for submission to the IAC for final approval. 3. This matter will be placed on the agenda of an early LAG meeting for appropriate action. JOHN HEIRES Secretary cry-p PT Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 *fts,CECRET Attachment to IAC-D-54/2 4 January 1957 DRAFT INTERAGENCY SOURCE CONTROL PROCEDURES PURPOSE 1. The purpose of the Interagency. Source Control Register will be to provide a centralized file in order to facilitate the elimination and a better control of Paper Mills and Fabricators, as well as to preclude multiple recruitment of sources. PARTICIPATING AGENCIES 2. The active participating agencies of the Inter- agency Source Control Register, as indicated in �AC-D-54, will be: a. Office of the Special Assistant for Intelligence, Department of State. b. Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army. c. Directorate of Intelligence, Department of Air Force. d. Office of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy. e. Central Intelligence Agency. RESPONSIBILITY 3. CIA* will be responsible for the maintenance of the Interagency Source Control Register. Source Control data NOTE* Unless otherwise indicated, reference to CIA in this paper refers to the Deputy Director (Plans), Foreign Intelligence Staff, Records Integration Division. Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 1400 SECRET v�id Attachment to IAC-D-54/2 4 January 1957 DRAFT submitted by the other participating agencies will not be transmitted to the field through CIA channels without the written approval of the agency concerned. The Interagency Clandestine Collection Priorities Committee (IPC) of the IAC shall assume the primary responsibility for overall supervision of the Interagency Source Control Register and is generally authorized to modify details of the procedures outlined herein. 4. Participating agencies will provide the Inter- agency Source Control Register with the date of birth, place of birth and the operational base country for sources in the following categories on a continuous basis a. Overseas clandestine sources of foreign intelligence information and their sub - sources. b. Alien sources who have resided in the United States less than two years prior to coming to the attention of the agency concerned. c. Foreign nationals whose disclosure of being affiliated with U.S. Intelligence could be detrimental to the policies of the United States as set forth in National Security Council directives. 5. In order to facilitate the establishment of the Inter- agency Source Control Registers each participating agency will SECRET Approved Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 *0�01 SECRET Attachment to IAC-D-54/2 4 January 1957 DRAFT submit the date of birth, place of birth and the base country on the categories of persons listed above on record in the respective agency as of the date these procedures are approved. SOURCE CONTROL DATA SUBMISSION 6, The Source Action Form (sample attached) will be completed for each submission to the Interagency Source Control Register as follows: a. Copies 1 and 2 will have all the data on the source and will be retained by the originating agency. b. Copies 3, 4 and 5 containing only the date of birth, place of birth, base country, file code numbers, and service requested, will be forwarded to the Interagency Source Control Register, Copy 3 will be returned to the respective agency as indicated in Section 9b, 7. Each agency will use a prefix on the file code number registered with and approved by the Source Control Officer. This is the only manner in which Source Control can identify the agency primarily interested in a source. 8. A new Source Action Form, having the previously recorded file code number, will be submitted as indicated in Section 9f, when a source has been dismissed. SECRET Approved Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Nig ' SECRET voire Attachment to IAC-D-54/2 4 January 1957 DRAFT PROCESSING OF SOURCE CONTROL INFORMATION 9. Upon receipt of the information covered in Section 6 above; Source Control will: a. Check the submission against the Inter- agency Source Control Register. b. Inform the originating agency immediately by telephone if the check is negative. Copy 3 of the Source Action Form will then be stamped "Recorded"; dated and returned to the originating agency. This will be that agency's source registration certificate. c. When the check is negative; copy 5 of the Source Action Form will also be stamped "Recorded"; and dated. This copy will then be placed in the Source Control Register. d. When the check discloses that a source already registered has the same date and place of birth, Source Control will notify both agencies of the findings. e. It is the responsibility of the agencies concerned to resolve each conflict and advise Source Control in writing of the outcome, so that the proper corrections can be made in the Source Control Register. -4- - SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 %of SECRET %mg, Attachment to 1AC-D-54/2 4 January 1957 DRAFT f. Participating agencies will also notify Source Control when a source has been dropped and, whenever possible, the reason for dis- missal and date of discharge. The following code will be used to indicate the reason for discharge: (I) Paper Mill Activities (2) Fabrications (3) Security (4) Compromise (5) Ineptitude (6) Blackmarketing, smuggling, or other violation of law. (7) Without Prejudice (this pertains to individuals who voluntarily separated themselves, who are dropped because of shortage of funds, whose services are no longer required or can no longer be utilized, etc.). (8) Unknown (9) Deceased 10. The participating agencies will submit complete background data and a brief summary for discharging sources falling into categories 1 through 6 as indicated in paragraph 9f above. SECRET Approved Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 4 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 *ftd Nftge* SECRET Attachment to IAC-D-54/2 4 January 1957 DRAFT DETECTION AND CONTROL OF PAPER MILLS AND FABRICATORS 11. When a check indicates that a source has the same date and place of birth as a known or suspected Paper Mill or Fabricator, CIA, with the assistance of any agency in possession of relevant facts, will furnish all pertinent information to the agency which submitted the Source Action Form. Further, CIA, after consultation with the agencies concerned, will submit a brief summary of this information to all other participating agencies. 12. Each agency will then take appropriate action to avoid further procurement of spurious information or unwitting future involvement with the source. 13. At any time a participating agency suspects a source of Paper Mill or Fabrication activities, it will so advise CIA and furnish all pertinent data concerning the source and any information which tends to substantiate this suspicion. 14. Upon such advise, or if a Source Control check results in suspicion, CIA, with the cooperation of the agency controlling or using the suspect source, will attempt to determine, by field investigation in appropriate cases, whether this suspicion can be substantiated or disapproved. 15. If, after discussions between CIA and the respective agency, it can be determined that the source is definitely SECRET Approved Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 - Netto' 'Ntomor SECRET Attachment to IAC-D-54/2 4 January 1957 DRAFT a suspect, Source Control will alert the other participating agencies. 16. When a source has been determined to be a Paper Mill, agent or fabricator through these or other procedures, files will be marked accordingly in the Interagency Source Control Register. If the danger exists that the source may continue to sell his spurious product, CIA will disseminate a report "burning" (denouncing) the source to United States Government Agencies and to friendly foreign intelligence services, as a given case may require. CIA will coordinate the "burn" report with the other interagency members. Inter- agency members will then take action within their agencies in accordance with paragraph 12 above. TO PROMOTE THE MOST EFFECTIVE USE OF SOURCES 17. Participating agencies will adopt their own internal procedures for eliminating unproductive source However, if a source produces information which is not of value to the agency controlling the source, but which is of value to another producing agency, mutual efforts will be made to effect the retention or transfer of the source. -7_ SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 , Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 NNW NIS 4FORM NO. I JUL 58 1015 SOURCE ACTION BIRTH DATE (roar-Month- Day) NAME (Last-First-Middle) 'BIRTH PLACE (Country-C1 tY) ADDRESS (Country- State- Cl ty- Stroet-Nuaber) TEL ECODE IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS (DTitI. Ai las DNJckname LINsfaa Variation) MARKS OTHER IDENTIFYING DATA TYPE OF ACTION DATE SUOMI TIED DATE REPLY f REPLY TYPE SERVICE REQUEST REGISTRATION DROPPED REMARKS. FORM NO. i 015 JUL 56 I SOURCE ACTION BIRTH DATE (Year-Month-Day) TYPE OF, ACTION BIRTH PLACE (Country-City) DATE SUBMITTED DATE fiEPLY FILE CODE 0 P S COUNTRY REPLY TYPE SERVICE REQUEST REGISTRATION DROPPED REMARKS kNOTICE TO TYPIST DETACH AFTER TYPING ORIGINATORS COPY SOURCE CONTROL COPY Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Nuir Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Nme 641 444-0 e t, (- e4A. td4tt-4-4/ S-E-C-R -E-T railrity Informatio IAC-D-54/1 26 February 1953 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE INTERAGENCY SOURCE CONTROL 1. Pursuant to the directive contained in IAC.D-54 dated 2 July 1952 and adopted by the Intelligence Advisory ComMittee on 24 July 1952; a working group of IAC representatives has prepared and agreed to-the "Terms of Reference" enclosed herewith for es- tablishment and operation of an interagency source control mech- anism. 2. These Terms of Reference are submitted for the approval of the members of the IAC and for their designation of a principal and alternate member to serve on the IAC source group. It would be appreciated if each agency would transmit in writing its con- currence and the designations to this Office by March 5. James Q. Reber Secretary 4- (I'Le if 4-, r-leizt.0 71,4.440b�40 4/.06) (4�201te-v 4/frl itter--e, 'Me 1-4:44.ze 4.4'1.49 fA.4 44444-4 of-44 444 /264e 1 vt, e a 4_4 71a tktio-a._ S-E-C-R-E-T "e�e�-' 26 February February 1953 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 /%6Rief Securityjnforrmation -4011 These Terms of Reference have been prepared and agreed to by the members of a working group of representatives of the participating agencies. WORKING GROUP Chairman Mr. L. Do-gglas Heck Mr. Roy Tod Mr. Jack Alberti yaw' Mr. George Garrett Mr. S. J. Papich All meetings were atten ed also by CIA, and CIA, two of the four CIA personnel who actually operate the "Source Register." (b)(3) Central Intelligence Agency (b)(6) Department of State Office of the AC of S, G-2, U.S. Army Office of Naval Intelligence, U.S. Navy Directorate of Intelligence, U.S. Air Force Federal Bureau of Investi- gation Colonel Oscar W. Koch, CIA, attended most meetings as observer and advisor. (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 SECRET Security Information MEMORANDUM: To accompany IACSR and IACSG terms of reference SUBJECT : Explanation of changes of terrninoldgy I. In the terms of reference for operation of the interagency source control mechanism directed to be established by IAC-D-54, several terms are employed which for the reasons stated below do not appear in the IAC directive. a. "Intelligence Advisory Committee Source Registet" (or "ISR") This nomenclature is recommended to replace "Interagency Source Control Center" because (I) "Intelligence Advisory Committee" is more definitive and and authoritative than "Interagency." (2) "Control" connotes and is used by the intelligence com- munity to describe the recruitment, employment, direction, payment, and other operational management of sources. These functions are not assigned to the mechanism to be established by IAC -D-54. (3) The word "Register" is not in current formal use by the intelligence community whereas "center", "Registry", etc. , are. This change will prevent confusion with already named and operating establishments. b. "Intelligence Advisory Committee Source Group" This title is adopted to identify the personnel of the various agencies who are specifically designated and authorized to conduct source business. c. "Drop Memorandum" This term replaced "Burn Memorandum" since the word "burn" is used extensively in the intelligence community literally and specifically with regard to the destruction of documents and materiel. SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 ,SECRET Security Information INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SOURCE REGISTER and INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SOURCE GROUP These terms of reference are adopted by the IAC member agencies as the basis for operation of a means of "interagency source control" and the discovery and elimination of "Paper Mills" and "Fabricators." 1. In accordance with the provisions of Sec. 102.(d)(3) of the National Security Act and of NSCID's 1., 5., and 11., the interagency mechanism for implementing and conducting the procedures directed by IAC -D-54 (Appendix 1), in order to assist in the detection and control of Paper Mills and Fabrication, to provide better evaluation of intelligence, and to promote the most effective use of intelligence sources, shall consist of an Intelligence Advisory Committee Source Register and an Intelligence Advisory Com- mittee Source Group. 2, For the purpose of this directive, the following definitions are provided: a. A clandestine overseas source is one whose identity cannot be revealed in the report which submits the information supplied by him. la, Participating agencies are the Office of the Special Assistant for Intelligence of the Department of State, the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, of the Department of the Army, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Directorate of Intelligence U.S. Air Force, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion subject to the exception noted in IAC -D-54. 3. The Intelligence Advisory Committee Source Register (hereinafter re- ferred to as the "Intelligence Source Register" or "ISR") shall be the central repository for essential indentifying data concerning all of the clandestine overseas sources of foreign positive intelligence information used by partici- pating agencies, and shall be assembled and maintained within the Headquarters of CIA by CIA personnel initially not exceeding four in number. SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 SECRET Security Information 4. The Intelligence Advisory Committee Source Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Iptelligence Source Group" or the "ISG") shall establish, within the provisions of TAG-D-54, policy and procedure for the-conduct of the ISR and related activities, and shall be responsible for conduct of all activities relating to the ISR. The ISG shall consist of one principal and one alternate member appointed from each participating agency. These members shall be the only persons to whom ISR data will be disclosed. 5. The Chairman of the ISG shall be furnished initially from the member - ship representing the CIA, but shall then rotate among the members peri- odically. 6. Access to the physical location of the ISR shall be denied to all except the four persons designated in paragraph 3. 7. Data furnished by participating agencies for inclusion in the ISR shall be submitted on the agreed Data Form (Appendix 2) or equivalent, but only those portions so indicated in Appendix 2 need be completed for ISR purposes. These data, or any other pertinent information of sources, will not be dis- closed to third parties without the consent of the submitting agency. 8. Upon receipt of the Data Form in the ISR, all pertinent CIA files will be searched and any source information resulting from this search, together with the information provided by the Data Form, will be filed in the ISR. Any pertinent information will be recorded on the blank space of the Form and the Form itself returned to the submitting agency. Similarly, if there is no unfavorable information and the source is not being used by another agency, the Form will be stamped "CLEAR" to so indicate. 9. If search of the ISR or pertinent CIA files discloses that a source is being used by more than one agency, or becomes "suspect" for what- ever reason, the ISG members of the agencies concerned will meet for discussion of the case and determination of their courses of action. 10. Any intelligence source problem which cannot be resolved by the ISO members will be referred to the Chiefs of the Intelligence Agencies concerned. 11. When a source becomes "suspect" and investigation is indicated, this investigation will be conducted by the agency(ies) controlling the source. Other agencies, upon request, will cooperate and assist within their capabilities. The results of investigations and actions taken will be recorded in the ISR. - 2 - SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 002108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 SECRET Nee Security Information 12. The participating agencies may drop sources from time to time and for various reasons. When a field unit of an agency drops a source, its (Washington) headquarters phall be notified, and informed of the circumstances, in order that the ISR can record such action. However, if a field unit con- templates dropping a source without prejudice, other U.S. intelligence units in the local area shall first be provided with the opportunity of exploiting the source should they so desire. If a source produces information which is not of value to the (Washington) headquarters of the agency controlling him, but which is of value to another (Washington) participating agency, mutual efforts will be made by the ISG members, in coordination with appropriate field units, to effect his transfer or retention. 13. If a source is dropped because he has been determined to be a Paper � Mill agent or a Fabricator of foreign positive intelligence, elimination of the source shall be effected by means of a "Drop Memorandum" (Appendix 3). These memoranda will be prepared by the controlling agency and disseminated by the ISR. Drop Memoranda will be classified and dissemination controlled as the originator desires; such desires to be submitted to the ISR with the Drop Memorandum. Drop Memoranda should also be accompanied by lists of all disseminated reports which were based on information supplied by the dropped sources. These lists should include the serial numbers of the re- ports, dates of publication, subject, and countries with which the reports deal. �SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 -varsime SECRET Security Information '`wiNgre Appendix 1 LAC -M-77 24 July 1952 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting held in Director's Conference Room, Administration Building Central Intelligence Agency, on 24 July 1952 Director of Central Intelligence General Walter Bedell Smith Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Fisher Howe, acting for Special Assistant, Intelligence, Department of State Colonel G. B. Coverdale, acting for Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Depart- ment of the Army Rear Admiral R. F. Stout, Acting Director of Naval Intelligence, Depart- ment of the Navy 114W Major General John A. Samford, Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, United States Air Force Dr. )4a1co1m C. Henderson, acting for Director of Intelligence, Atosnic Energy Commission Brigadier General Richard C. Partridge, Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff. Mr. Victor P. Keay, acting for Assistant to the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation ALSO PRESENT Mr. Loftus E. Becker, Central Intelligence Agency Mr. Raymond S. Sontag, Central Intelligence Agency Mr. Robert 'Amory, Jr., Central Intelligence Agency Mr. Ralph Clark, Central Intelligence Agency *Mr. Richard Helms, Central Intelligence Agency Mr. Paul Borel, Central Intelligence Agency Mr. Ludwell L. Montague, Central Intelligence Agency Lieutenant General William H. H. Morris, Central Intelligence Agency Mr. Richard Drain, Central Intelligence Agency * For part of meeting SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 voed-Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Noway Security Information Appendix 1 IA-C 44 -77 24 July 1952 *Colonel Oscar Koch, Central Intelligence Agency *.Mr. Walter Jessel, Central Intelligence Agency Mr. Howard Furnas, Department of State Colonel O. B. Sykes, Department of the Army Mr. Roy S. Tod, Department of the Army Captain Ray Malpass, USN, Department of the Navy Mr. Lawrence Healey, Department of the Navy Colonel Edward H. Porter, Department of the Air Force Lieutenant Colonel T. J. Grant, Department of the Air Force Mr. George D. Garrett, Jr., Department of the Air Force Major John Allums, Department of the Air Force Captain Charles M. Hebertson, USN, The Joint Staff Allen Dines Acting Secretary Approval of Minutes 1. Action: The minutes of the last meeting, 2 July 1952, (IAC'-M-76) were approved. YEW Progress Report (IAC-PR-25) 2. Action: It was agreed that the target date for NIE-70, "Conditions and Trends in Latin America Affecting U.S. Security," should be 15 October instead of 1 August. Paper Mills, Fabrications and Source Control (IAC -D-54) 3. Action: The recommendations of the paper were approved. It was understood that details as to the mechanics of other agency participation would be worked out with Colonel Koch. 4, Discussion: In response to General Samford's question it was explained that counter -espionage activities could make a contribution to the proposed program and that they could benefit greatly from it. 5. General Smith suggested that arrangements be worked out with State, FBI and the Military Services for their close participation or cooperation with the source cbntrol section in CIA through the designation of a single individual in each case. ''Ftwpart of meeting - 2 - SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 002108333 vivo Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 SECRET Nip= Security Information Appendix 1 IAC -M-77 24 July 1952 Probable Developments in Venezuela� (NIE-67) 6. Action: Approved with minor modifications. Approaches by the Russians to U.S. Representatives 7. Discussion: Mr. Becker called attention to several recent reports which might indicate a possible switch in Soviet policy regarding social con- tacts with U.S. and Allied personnel. It was agreed that the volume of these contacts was not necessarily unusual, but that the trend should be watched. Each agency will take whatever action it feels appropriate. -3 - SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 002108333 %lw Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Nur, Security Information IAC-D-54 2 July 1952 \ INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAPER MILLS, FABRICATIONS AND SOURCE CONTROL 1. Subsequent to the IAC meeting of 27 March (IAC-M-66), an IAC ad hoc subcommittee met to determine methods for negating the activities of Paper Mills and Fabrications and for devising source control procedures. Attached is a paper, which has been agreed to by the membership of that committee. 2. It will be placed on an early IAC agenda for approval of the recommendations therein proposed. ALLEN DINES Acting Secretary 46%0\1 S-E-C-R-E-T IAC-D-54 2 July 1952 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Nme-E-C-R-E-T Security Information IAC-D-54 2 July 1952 PROBLEM: 1. To establish an interagency intelligence source control mechanism. GENERAL: 2. An IAC subcommittee meeting, held on 4 April 1952 to dis- cuss the current CIA* procedures for detection of Paper Mills and Fabrication, resulted in a general agreement that the procedures outlined would be taken under advisement by each agency to determine their applicability within that agency. 3. At the 4 April meeting, a Working Group was designated to develop a practicable source control mechanism which would be sub- mitted for the consideration of the IAC subcommittee. At its first meeting, the Working Group agreed that it would develop a mechanism which would not only assist in the detection and control of Paper Mills and Fabrication, but also result in better evaluation of intelligence and aid in the elimination of unproductive sources. CONCLUSION: 4. To make this system operate effectively, the establishment of an interagency source control mechanism is essential. RECOMMENDATIONS: 5. In consonance with the above, the Working Group recommends that: a. Each agency establish, as rapidly as possible, its own source control procedures. b. Information on foreign intelligence sources and inter- mediaries obtained by these procedures be held by the agencies controlling such sources, and the participating agencies furnish copies of this information to CIA. c. As a service of common concern, CIA be the clearing house for interagency Paper Mill and Fabrication Control purposes. NOTE: '*Unless otherwise indicated, reference to CIA in this paper refers to the Interagency Source Control Section: Intelligence Audit Branch, Requirements Staff, Office of Special Operations, CIA. S-E-C-R-E-T IAC-D-54 2 July 1952 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 r*104 '41IteE-C-R-E-T Security Information IAC-D-54 2 July 1952 d. The procedures in TAB A be adopted by the participating agencies. e. In order to make source control information readily usable by all concerned, the attached form (TAB B) be adopted, by those intelligence agencies whose source control facilities do not now provide this baoic information to their respective headquarters. S-E-C-R-E-T IAC-D-54 2 July 1952 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 AwAlr',11 A Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO210833/..E_T Security Information MC -D -5 2 July 1952 SOURCE CONTROL PROCEDURES General 1. Participating agencies will furnish copies of information on their foreign intelligence sources to CIA.* 2. Upon receipt of these source descriptions, CIA will: � a. Assign a restricted file category number to these source descriptions and maintain them in an "Interagency Source COntrol Center." b. Check each source description through the Central Registry of the Office of Special Operations. c. Inform the participating agency concerned of the results of this check. To Detect and Control Paper Mills and Fabrication 3. If check discloses source to be a known or suspected Paper Mill agent or Fabricator, CIA, with the assistance of any agency in possession of relevant facts, will furnish all pertinent information to the agency which submitted the source description. Further, CIA will submit a brief summary of this information to all other partici- pating agencies. 4. Each agency will then take appropriate action to avoid further procurement of spurious information or unwitting future involvement with the source. 5. At any time a participating agency suspects a source of Paper Mill or Fabrication activities, it will so advise CIA and furnish all pertinent data concerning the source and any information which tends to substantiate this suspicion. 6. Upon such advice, or if a source control check results in suspicion, CIA/OSO, with the cooperation of the agency controlling or using the suspect source, will attempt to determine, by field investigation in appropriate cases, whether this suspicion can be substantiated or disproved. NOTE: *In cases where sources are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, no source identity information will be submitted, since such sources are of concern solely to this agency. S-E-C-R-E-T IAC-D-54 2 July 1952 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Nate-E-C-R-E-T Security Information IAC-D-54 2 July 1952 7. If after discussion between CIA and the suspecting agency, it is decided that the source is definitely suspect, CIA will alert the other participating agencies. 8. When a source has been identified as a paper mill agent or fabricator through these or other procedures, files will be marked accordingly in the "Interagency Source Control Center." If the danger exists that he may continue to sell his spurious product, CIA will disseminate a report 'burning" (denouncing) the agent to United States Government Agencies and to friendly foreign intelligence services, as a given case may require. CIA will coordinate the 'burn" report with other interagency members controlling or using the agent. Interagency members will then take action within their agencies in accordance with paragraph 4 above. To Provide Better Evaluation of Intelligence 9. On request, participating agencies will furnish one another all relevant data on a source, and the source's access to information, when that information is in the following categories: a. In cases of unusual importance where decisions of policy might be made on the basis of information reported by the source. b. When the content of source's report on a critical subject or area is in distinct variance with information in the files of the agency requesting the complete source data. 10. Requests for complete source data will be held to a minimum. In those instances where a participating agency receives complete source data, it will retain the data under carefully controlled conditions, acceptable to the supplying agency, in order that it will be made available only to U. S. officials on a strict need-to-know basis. To Promote the Most Effective Use of Sources 11. Participating agencies will adopt their own internal proce- dures for eliminating unproductive sources. However, if a source produces information which is not of value to the agency controlling him, but which is of value to another producing agency, mutual efforts will be Made to effect his retention or transfer. S-E-C-R-E-T IAC-D-54 2 July 1952 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 400' 0 LApproved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 , Source No. c/r \ME IN FULL ALIASES PRESENT ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH PLACE PRESENT CITIZENSHIP RACE NATIONALITY SEX ACTUAL COLOR COLOR AGE APPARENT EYES APPEARANCE HAIR QUALITY SHAPE HEIGHT LU U COMPLEXION WEIGHT Z BEARD BUILD n- TEETH BODY. POSTURE ' < MOLES /MARKS MOVEMENT w a. SCARS IMPEDIMENTS Cl- < GENERAL APPEARANCE PROMINENT FEATURES OTHER IDENTIFYING DETAILS EDUCATION SCHOOL LOCATION COURSE DEGREE DATES � DATES PURPOSE PERSONS AND/OR FIRMS VISITED ICOUNTRY �1 Ili S.1. �.. - MIL SERVICE C OUNTRY- ORGANIZATION .UNIT RANK DUTIES WHERE SERVED DATES DATE DISCHARGED PRESENT EMPLOYER LOC ATION TITLE DUTIES YEARS Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 yowl' SECRET Security Information Appendix 1 IAC -D-54 2 July 1952 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE PAPER MILLS, FABRICATIONS AND SOURCE CONTROL 1. Subsequent to the IAC meeting of 27 March (IAC -M-66), an IAC ad hoc subcommittee met to determine methods for negating the activities of Paper Mills and Fabrications and for devising source control procedures. Attached is a paper, which has been agreed to by the membership of that committee. 2. It will be placed on an early IAC agenda for approval of the recommendations therein proposed. ALLEN DINES Acting Secretary 4 SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 4.� Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 viseg- SECRET Security Information -Appendix 1 IAC -D - 54 2 July 1952 PROBLEM-: 1. To establish an interagency intelligence source control mechanism. GENERAL: 2. An IAC subcommittee meeting, held on 4 April 1952 to discuss the current CIA* procedures for detection of Paper Mills and Fabrication, resulted in a general agreement that the procedures outlined would be taken under advisement by each agency to determine their applicability within that agency. 3. At the 4 April meeting, a Working Group was designated to develop a practicable source control mechanism which would be submitted for the consideration of the IAC subcommittee. At its first meeting, the Working Group agreed that it would develop a mechanism which would not only assist in the detection and control of Paper Mills and Fabrication, but also result in better evaluation of intelligence and aid in the elimination of un- productive sources. CONCLUSION: 4. To make this system operate effectively, the establishment of an interagency source control mechanism is essential. RECOMMENDATIONS: 5. In consonance with the above, the Working Group recommends that: a. Each agency establish, as rapidly as possible, its own source control procedures. b. Information on foreign intelligence sources and intermediaries obtained by these procedures be held by the agencies controlling such sources, and the participating agencies furnish copies of this informa- tion to CIA. NOTE: *Unless otherwise indicated, reference to CIA in this paper refers to the Interagency Source Control Section, Intelligence Audit Branch, Requirements Staff, Office of Special Operations, CIA. -5 - SECRET Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 002108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 vimpir . SECRET Security Information ,Appendix 1 IAC -D-54 2 July 1952 c. As a service of common concern, CIA be the clearing house for interagency Paper Mill and Fabrication Control purposes. d. The procedures in TAB A* be adopted by the participating agencies. e. In order to make source control information readily usable by all concerned, the attached form (TAB B*) be adopted, by those intelligence agencies whose source control facilities do not now provide this basic information to their respective headquarters. r 1-* NOTE (added):. (1) TAB A is following sheet (2) TAB B is Appendix 2 to Terms of Reference. / - 6 - SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 4=00 Security Information Appendix 1 IAC -D-54 2 July 1952 SOURCE CONTROL PROCEDURES General 1. Participating agencies will furnish copies of information on their foreign intelligence sources to CIA.* 2. Upon receipt of these source descriptions, CIA will: a. Assign a restricted file category number to these source descriptions and maintain them in an "Interagency Source Control Center." b. Check each source description through the Central Registry of the Office of Special Operations. c. Inform the participating agency concerned of the i� esult s oft, this check. To Detect and Control Paper Mills and Fabrication 3. If check discloses source to be a known or suspected Paper Mill agent or Fabricator, CIA, with the assistance of any agency in possession of relevant facts, will furnish all pertinent information to the agency which submitted the source description. Further, CIA will submit a brief summary of this information to all other participating agencies. 4. Each agency will then take appropriate action to avoid further pro- curement of spurious information or unwitting future involvement with the source. 5. At any time a participating agency suspects a source of Paper Mill or Fabrication activities, it will so advise CIA and furnish all pertinent data concerning the source and any information which tends to substantiate this suspicion. NOTE: *In cases where sources are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, no source identity information will be submitted, since such sources are of concern solely to this agency. 7 SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 ,SECRET Security Information Appendix 1 IAC -D -54 2 July 1952 6. Upon such advice, or if a source control check results in suspicion, CIA /0S0, with the cooperation of the agency controlling or using the suspect source, will attempt to determine, by field investigation in appropriate cases, whether this suspicion can be substantiated or disproved. 7. If after discussion between CIA and the suspecting agency, it is decided that the source is definitely suspect, CIA will alert the other participating agencies. 8. When a source has been identified as a Paper 146.11 agent or Fabricator through these or other procedures, files will be marked accordingly in the "Interagency Source Control Center." If the danger exists that he may continue to sell his spurious product, CIA will dis- seminate a report "burning" (denouncing) the agent to United States Govern- ment Agencies and to friendly foreign intelligence services, as a given case may require. CIA will coordinate the "burn" report with other inter- agency members controlling or using the agent. Interagency members will then take action within their agencies in accordance with paragraph 4 above. To Provide Better Evaluation of Intelligence 9. On request, participating agencies will furnish one another all relevant dataon a source, and the source's access to information, when that informa- tion is in the following categories: a. In cases of unusual importance where decisions of policy might be made on the basis of information reported by the source. b. When the content of source's report on a critical subject or area is in distinct variance with information in the files of the agency re- questing the complete source data. 10. Requests for complete source data will be held to a minimum. In those instances where a participating agency receives Qomplete source data, it will retain the data under carefully controlled conditions, acceptable to the supplying agency, in order that it will be made available only to U.S. officials on a strict need-to-know basis. - 8 - SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 -*S.- Security Information Appendix 1 DAC -D-54 2 July 1952 To Promote the Most Effective Use of Sources 11. Participating agencies will adopt their own internal procedures for eliminating unproductive sources. However, if a source produces informa- tion which is not of value to the agency controlling him, but which is of value to another producing agency, mutual efforts will be made to effect his retention or transfer. -9 - SECRET Security Information Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Source No. Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108313.3pj L. L./ r% I r% 47 1 1 - � 0! c/r INAME IN FULL ALIASES '--- ESENT ADDRESS iSeTE OF BIRTH PLAC E PRESENT C ITIZENSHIP RACE NATIONALITY SEX APPEARANCE ACTUAL EYES COLOR COLOR AGE APPARENT APPEARANCE HAIR -,. kqUALITY SHAPE HE iCAIT COMPLEXION WEIGHT FACE BEARD BODY BUILD TEETH POSTURE MOLES /MARKS MOVEMENT SCARS IMPEDIMENTS GENERAL APPEARANCE PROMINENT FEATURES OTHER IDENTIFYING DETAILS EDUCATION SCHOOL LOCATION COURSE DEGREE DATES TRAVEL COUNTRY DATES PURPOSE PERSONS AND/OR FIRMS VISITED MIL SERVIC( COUNTRY ORGANIZATION UNIT RANK DUTIES WHERE SERVED DATES .-----.----- DATE DISCHARGED EMPLOYMENT PRESENT EMPLOYER LOCATION TITLE DUTIES YEARS PAST MEMBERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS prof., soc., pol. PRESENT PAST CONTACT HOW, WHEN, WHERE FIRST CONTACTED OR DEVELOPED MOTIVATION %re BEST ESTIMATE OF SUBJECT'S MOTIVATION SOURCES HOW AND FROM WHOM DOES HE OBTAIN IN F ORMATION REMUNERATIONk HAS SUBJECT BEEN PAID FOR INFORMATION? TS PAYM NT PROPOSED? WHAT AMT. PER REPORT, WEEK, MONTR, ETC , EVALUATION SUBJECT'S CHARACTER, RELIABILITY, SECURITY Attach recent, dated photograph ATTACH SAMPLE OF SIGNATURE AND HANDWRITING IN ALL LANGUAGES KNOWN TO SUBIEC T ATTACH FINGERPRINTS Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333 Oluvk , f-7-,obleot t4.-74..v.; - � j tel 4 P. di tr4, .kle � lib Ott 1,0 itTompu-c,5 t.t dfaught,44/6 i4T 411,4m ;Ave Ctit 4:4 obtlim AT' at Ri*tratholl:* -111WO etit, . % Vtewl,$t remitkm% CP offieial nitj 4wcrIrtton feJL ROOtm MX) iba orange Mtn "van* , rval Mezr1,410,44A 'tr'At r4,141 1.4.1 rPtr: hfr aartq e4+.1*4 tIthtorn %MakiitthOttfetW to,Y40,51-1e amber ea rd,Olt 'tgV eh48 104 et. fla. Au. ot DOMMffita rce�xortn titun:1 /ten ?arty acttaitiet and affinial diriattivtts and poliVrAtal denterrAmd vitt' tha Mearleaniatt coremerot vbarain b-atganta contze,Und by bin thrtyvt stativitiem3 t fokbject: inttillknnee ,t,fmtaxst/ief 137.04"M3X16, 4111.i,1 Dtkio &It's ramedio, DEE0 u known intatligerava rev:lent/a ittive it' ilexicana 43' , -,b1=r, It t4.1',etlooft1.5 tfri /e5;etePc....ik!,r Approved for Release: 2022/09/01 CO2108333