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Publication Date: 
July 29, 1959
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Approved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 -77,7rt,,t7h_47-, 29 July 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 29 July 1959 PRESENT: Mr. Dulles, Mr. Gray, Mr. Harr, Mr. McCone, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Riddleberger, Mr. Scribner, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Smith 1. Aid Programs in South Vietnam Mr. Riddleberger opened a discussion of the recent series of articles in the Washington Dail News, by Mr. Colegrove, which have roundly criticized the administration of U.S. aid going to South Vietnam. He said that this matter is now scheduled for investigation by a subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, under the chairmanship of Senator Mansfield. Ambassador Durbrow has been called home from his post to testily and it is expected that he and ICA's Deputy Director Saccio, as well as Mr. Riddleberger will carry the brunt of the rebuttal testimony. It was pointed out that not only are the implications and innuendoes in the Colegrove series exaggerated and unfair, but that the facts adduced are in many respects incorrect. This presents a situation in which Administration officials should be able to defend the program quite effectively. 2. Captive Nations Week The DCI then turned to a discussion of the events leading up to the proclamation of Captive Nations Week, and the repercussions within the USSR, particularly in connection with the Vice President's visit. He said that in his opinion the timing and content of the resolution and the proclamation were most unfortunate, and represent a failure of interagency coordination machinery. Mr. Murphy and the other Approved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 Approved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 . J - 6 Pq v7 - :1/� _ ccrs members completely agreed. Mr. Washburn distributed a memo- randum addressed to the OCB, sharply criticizing the ntire exercise. (Memo attached to the original.) Mr. Dulles commented particularly on the inclusio in the list of "captive nations" of such areas as Georgia, the Ukraine, and Idel-Ural. He pointed out that it has long been U.S. policy not to challenge Soviet hegemony over such areas as these, and said that their inclusion made it more difficult to carry on activities directed against the plight of those truly independent nations which have fallen into the Soviet orbit. 3. Afghanistan Mr. Harr referred to a recent dispatch from Ambassador Byroade, in which the latter referred to certain deficiencies in the U.S. aid programs in that country, with particular reference to inadequate equipment. 4. American National Exhibition in Moscow The next subject discussed was the stealing of books from the American Exhibition in Moscow and the removal of a number of books by Soviet authorities. A question was raised as to whether the books stolen could or should be replaced. The DCI commented that should this be attempted and should the Soviets become aware of it, they could undoubtedly turn the situation into a losing game for us by continuing to have as many books stolen as we were able to replace. There was some discussion as to what books actually were removed by Soviet authorities, since the Embassy cable and published news reports do not entirely jibe on this point. Mr. Washburn agreed to secure an accurate list. Mr. Dulles also questioned whether some of the books listed as having been removed might not, in fact, have been unwisely selected in that they would be bound to give offense to the Soviets. 5. Raul Castro Interview The DCI distributed copies of the FBIS report of the Chinese hells chreiber release on the subject of an interview granted by Raul Castro to Chinese journalists. It was noted that Raul had taken a strong pro-Communist line, among other things comparing Chiang 2 ,`1 \\ pproved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 JP (-Approved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 *. '�;\ - . .l) t. Kai-shek to Batista. The DCI cautioned that this report must be evaluated in the light of its source, but commented that it probably was essentially true. 6. Situation in Laos The DCI called the group's attention to the worsening situation in Laos, referring to several State and CIA cables on this subject. He said that it is too early to assess the true situation with all its ramifications, but noted that eventual Communist takeover was a possibility. 7. World Youth Festival The Director then summarized the events going on in Vienna in connection with the Communist World Youth Festival, pointing out that things were not going as well for the Communist managers as they might have hoped. Distribution: Orig. - DCI files 1 - DDCI 1 - DD/P 1 - BA/OCB 3 3 1 JUL 1959 ALLrUL LES 'rector �-; 7 pproved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 Approved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 BEST ..capY. Available. pproved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 Approved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 *pave ,clay L'ot lite *lay in S., Ulltirtatai ter oM in et* leery :Aerie** OO* *sift �)11110 1140 SIAM* ?oar- ;� eitesold haw* gone* tottater ralbriokt bare ileierteli 1* trip wed Mt*" ellogoe ea% to* swot up ivy the .1: to, iteati ,-,er ado Wad **4 tito-4441 NWT* Approved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 Approved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147 I b, th obltebt. th4 Pr**Idsrat 'tniakit *bal.* so di* mottir* mama* *as *fttt � t;Itatide .1v4.$ 64, 'rtioa re*Wvties, 16414 at taw,* La Ithe Ataties* z-,4mttitteoieb ad_ *euk t*z Th.g�eiltoi'dititt csiawtt irovu lie tbm *tads tit* ciudirrza* ttatt is-4.i. r lib*rty, Atotlawl at '..41sOtitiogi pproved for Release: 2018/04/03 CO2159147