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Publication Date: 
April 10, 1957
PDF icon DEPARTMENT OF STATES DECI[15654066].pdf135.39 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 CO2200225 SHROMDUK Director of Central Intelligence THROUGH num : Department of State's Decision to Reconstitute the Science Attsehe Program Deputy Direator/Intelligonee 1. The decision by the Department does not guarantee a satisfactory solution to the Science Attache Program nor does it go as far as is desirable fram the Agency's intelligence point of view. Al proposed, the community can acquire an ti- portent segment of intelligence information but will not be in a directive position to determine the effort mended for intelli- gence-. However, there does not appear to be any alternative to the Department's decision short of a or re-allocation of responsi- bility and intercession by the Security Council. Sven the latter could not guarantee a suecessful intelligence collection program without Department agreement and support. 2. The degree of success which the proposed program can t hingee most critically on two points: a. The position within the Department and the authority of the individual selected to direct the program and; b. The personnel selected for the overseas posts. These indiridnFoi in addition to having scientific com- petoacc must *leo be favorably oriented to the intelligence impacts of the program. 3. Given a satisfactory solution to the above points, it will then be incumbent upon the Agency (primarily 0/00 to provide on a continuing basis the substantive guidance required to develop the intelligence potential of the various posts. 4. Mr. Henderson's letter anakevifin 11y mentions a used for a (b)(1) relationship � Therefore- the Agency (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 002200225 Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 CO2200225 " ision to Reconstitute the Science tee to work with the Department in developing am should ent the DD/P as well as the more predominant DOX interests, 6 The Agency should accept the De 7. Provide full and continuing into Science Attache Program. ORS decision, and support to the . The attached memorandms to the Department be approved. (Note t The memorandum designates W. Robert Amory, Jr., as your representative to meet with the Department) 9. mr. Henderson be informally notified of your support to the program and that it is your hope that the program will receive authoritative support in the Impartment. 10. Your representative should clarify in his discussions with I. Carpenter that the Agency does not accept the statement that it ie not appropriate for CIA personnel to engage in overt activities. BERNET SCOVILLE, JR. Assistant Director Scientific Intelligence P1S4 3SpJ Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 CO2200225 SENDER .1\pprovea tor Keleasey!vt.yo./.5p u.y,zzuuzo UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS DATE MR. AMORY 2 1)V . ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: Bob: I have retained the originals of the attached two letters from Loy Henderson to show the Director. Will you kindly have a reply made for the Directorls signature -- I would think one would be sufficient 01.1 . 761/%. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE JSEarman 10 Apr 57 UNCLASSIFIED I I CONFIDENTIAL ET 40) FORM NO. 007 Replaces Form 30-4 I APR 55 4k) I wlApproved for Release: 2019/05/30 CO22002255-�-34253,