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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
December 15, 2022
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Publication Date: 
February 16, 1955
Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2212250 ER 6-6116/a FE R 6 osF Ir. R. Gordon Ma on 23 Will Street New York 8, N. Y. Dear Gordon: Thank you for your letter of 1 February inviting my attention to Mr. Joseph Bettinger of the International Rescue Committee. I received a letter from Or. Outti ger under date of 21 January with which he enclosed an article he had written concerning his obser- vations while in South Vietnam. Ho also expressed in his cover letter certain viewpoints developed as a result of his observations there. A second letter from him dated 8 February remarks oe the recent change in the attitude of the press es the question of Vietnam. I have acknowledged Mr. fluttinger's letters, and en making arrengements for some of our people to talk to his. Sincerely, Allen W. Dulles Director 0/DCl/FINChapin:am (4 Feb 55) Rewrtn - WiLockhart:am (12 Feb 55) I DCI (via Reading) 1 - FMC chrono 1 - ER Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2212250 Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2212250 anew' 2Y (RA,e/ 're;`;),__6(.17 February 1, 1955 Dear Allen: I call your attention to a man named Joseph Buttinger, of the International Rescue Committee, who lately spent eight weeks in Southern Indo-China and returned with a rather startling story of conditions there, startling by contrast with Joseph Alsop's reports. It would seem to me that your people concerned with that area might get his full story, and even perhaps, if he prove out, make use of him. He spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations last Wednesday or Thursday. Joseph Buttinger can be reached at the New York offices of the International Rescue Committee, MUrray Hill 2-4672; or at his home in Central Park West, ACademy 2-0208. He leaves for Europe on Saturday of this week. Sincerely yours, The Honorable Allen W. Dulles Central Intelligence Agency 2430 E Street, N W. Washington, D. C. Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2212250