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Approved for Release: 2023/01/20 CO2221020 Descriptive Summary of OqS Records Transferred to the National il"chives /"-.4fNee-14(i Note. For each of the "jobs" or accessions listed below, the Naticnal Arhhives maintains a job "folder", containing unclassified correspondence, listinrrs, and a copy of the transfer nagreementn. This job folder is customarily shown to the interested scholar or student, at the discretion of the archivists at the National tchives who deal with the public. For purposes of the present summary,i(the job folders for the SSU, CM, and CIA transfers were examined; similar job folders are also available fcr tbe State Department's transfers. A � Transfers by the Departmsnt of State i typist: insert tabulation marked '"A9 Transfers by SSU, CIG, and CIA (b)(3) (b)(6) 446-132 Dec. 1946 Motion-picture films, 1942.-45. Five OSS productions, in various versions, some on acetate and some on nitrate fLIA, (For titles and Ile tails, see Annex D.) The original offer to the National Aethives by 982 Col. Kn. Pruden, was dated Nov. 27, 1945, and extended to 657 reels, including duplicates and extra copies earmarked for the Lbrary of Congress. Col. P uden wrote that these five films were produced by the (An Field P4oto Branch, and urgently asked National A chives to accept these files) since the Photo Branch ilas to be liquidated by Dec. 1, 1945. No restrictions were attached to the records. 447-320 J4ne 1947 Property records of OSS field installations, 1942-45 (443 lAnear feet in bulk). These records were offered to National A chives by Col. Pruden, on an unclassified letterhead and signature jointly identifjling CIG and War Department SSU1 dated :April 10, 1947. The records awaiting transfer were said to be stored in Administration Building, 2430 E Stop in the custody of Mrs. . Access was to be "restricted to use by CIG personnel." The records were said to contain requests for supplies, equipment, and services, purchase orders, and requisitions. According to another letter mf by Col. Pruden, April 8$ 1947, this was to be the initial tx transfer of a larger group of files of OSS to the National Archives, totalling some 4500 boxes of material. (These later accessions were not made, and presumably include material that is (today) in the custody of DDP/FI) 000013 448-238 June 1948 Correspondence files and index cards of the CS`3 Pictorial Records Sedtion, 1942-45, totalling about 33 linear feet of records. Includes correspondence of the Washington and New York offices, rdhting to the procurement of still picttres and motion pie-titres for intdlligence use, mnA A narel P41 m (If nmr (-Inc wh 06 0 photographs were obtained Approved for Release: 2023/01/20 CO22210201,,,,,,, Approved for Release: 2023/01/20 CO2221020 ;dm .D.tra",f-vw-uu3r- a5r Ickt Itk ) CAJ-LA_L *-4-dus-eti-frt.A.A- 64 C4A-- ritki iAp-totbs,' e.1.3 vick an.divw-cm. I VS% irlt-scrt-cLP 0,""1 40\AA-AL, eial 1AftCItJCAATLx,' ) IVO ructiArx..�L.. tLe fv-k-wv-,0-4-- Approved for Release: 2023/01/20 CO2221020 Approved for Release: 2023/01/20 CO2221020 RECORDS OF OSS IN THE NATIt.VAL ARCEIVES Traneferre4 by Leper twin . State :Joh No 1*-te Transfer Descriktion 4644-4 k Mfty 1946 Order of Battle 1-F les, 1942 - 19)45 1+4E 50.'4 May 1946 Correspondence Of Stockholm and Nee Delhi offices) 1942 194 5 kug;e4, 1946 Dec.4.4o,A.T ,;46 447-72 14117 55 ,K 47",c-75 1:�Imarl'2.,� LA 5C .181 717-7-7 1951 446-28. o:tcrlr 3946 451-82 1-44rry� 19. � q 146- I.gc2. 1447-320 448-238 Referencke Information beriok. 194.2 - 194.5 Z-_-rreelx,L41-1.ce tert.c.4 Eit6tetreh at1 krolyeib 1 414 1 - 194 5 Referec-o F: 61O filo 1938 - 1945 % serit,o, 15 Ro� in.rorma 1 4�1-1. 9L-5 5: 7 Mape,, 1940 1945 Tran8ferr*,1 ):!r Depar tinerct ss1, 1946 1947 :Ant 19148 Mc,t'..on Picture Ft, 13 Transferred by CIO- clA Property rotcords, 1142 - 194.5 F..f PI tm.thl iti :942 ,,...12,A.AL _AA; c i 4 rvk 4"5I Approved for Release: 2023/01/20 CO2221020