Document Type: 
Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
February 27, 2019
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
August 5, 1948
4Approved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2314112 a CORP1QNT1AL Eancutive Director Executive for Administration and Management Payment of Membership Pees. 5 August 1948 1. Attached are recommendations from Assistant Director for Operations to pay from unvouche red funds the annual membership fee of $75.00 for one field contact specialist of the New Orleans field office in a New Orleans known as tk Basis of quest is that a great foreign intelligence potentiu� re scold thereby be opened to CIA. 2. Security approval from the Executive for Inspection and Security, dated 20 July 1918, is also attached. 3. WI attached Transmittal Slip dated 2 August 1948, the Assistant General Counsel states that the payment of membership dues from Government funds is expressly prohibited, unless specifically authorised in an appropriation act. 4. By attached memoranchue dated 5 August 1948, the Deputy Assistant Director for Operations reiterates his request tfor this membership tithe an stronger emphasis on the foreign intelligence potential involved. 4 Attachments LTS:mgd utiNF EINITAAL Document Fa. -------------------- No Mann In Clan. CI o Dulasstlied Class. Changel to: IS Sliko 1:ext Rtyleve Dote: -------- Eft 703 Mr. - Ey: -- ----- (b)(1)1) (b)(3)3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2314112 MI (Approved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2314112 txr.i ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): /nnA.4.044:kriticia Approved for Release: 2019/02/08 CO2314112