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Publication Date: 
April 7, 1949
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CLASSIFiCAtel?Vvedfor Release: 2019/07/15 CO2640030 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY COUNTRY Costa Rica REPORT NO. I N FORMATION REP� RT CD NO. NT IAL SUBJECT Possible Understanding between Partido Wnguardia Popular and the Governing Junta of Costa Rica PLACE ACQUIRED DATEOFINFO. February 1948-February 1949 This DOCSMENT CIINTAING COPONNATION APFNCTINGTNN NATIONAL DEFENSS OF TUC UNITED STATES mum INN NEANING OP TNE ESPIONAGE ACT AO 0.0. C.. $I AND SA. AS AMANDED. ITS TOAN3UisOIUT Ct ittg IRSYSLATION OPrio CONTENT3 IN ANY NANNE11 TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON If POO. WOMEN SY LAIL 111PNOCIICTION OF TWA PORN IS PEONINITEO. SOURCE ,ataduzerarea. Return to CIA Library NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION (b)(3) DATE DISTR. '7 APR 19(1) NO. NO. OF PAGES 2 (b)(3) (9c1 (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 1. The hypothesis that a working agreement exists between the governing junta of Costa Rica and the WInguardia Popular Party (PVP) has been advanced on the basis of data obtained from Jaime Gerdes Mora and Luis Carballo Corrales, San Jose PVP leaders. 2. The Political bureau of the PVP has been urged to meet and declare itself in accord with the policies of the Costa Rican junta as a result of the changed opinions of Manuel Mora, leader of the PVP. Mora now approves of the ten per cent capital tax and the nationalization of the banks, He is also attempting to apply the principles of the New Economic Policy which Lenin introduced and developed. 3. The PIT is collaborating secretly with President Figueres. According to source, the satisfaction of the Party with all the acts of the junta is being kept secret in order that the United States will not be informed of the sympathy between the two groups,' 40 The strike in the banana zone was ordered by Mora in order that Padre Benjamin Nunez, Costa Rican Minister of Labor, would have to intervene and grant some concessions to the workers. Mora, Figueroa, and Nunez collaborated secretly in this affair. 5, The PVP and the governing junta have reached an understanding on the following points: a, Simulated persecution, and at times actual imprisonment, of PP leaders are not important to the Party. This is only for the bene- fit of the U.S. State Department. b. The PVP will not intervene in any counter-revolution aimed at the overthrow of Figeeres. c. Aid will be given to the junta in case of necessity, and it will be immediate in the event of an invasion from Nicaragua. d. The syndicates of the Confederacion de Trabajadores de Costa Rica (CTCR) will be newly organized as soon as posaible, perhaps under a different name. CLASSIFICATIONNeellrer sTATE-71XITZT�X tas DISTRIBUTION # j AIR _�.11111_ ARMY J 1 ThisNoroment is hereby -regraded-to I_CLI.D4PleffriTTAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Inielligence to the 1 Archivist of the United States. 1 Next Review Date: 2008 I_ I eeDes NO CON NT IAL Approved for Release: 2019/07/15 CO2640030 Approved for Release: 2019/07/15 CO2640030 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY �2� Aid to the working classes is to be given by means of social legislation, the Labor Code, and new laws. f, Repeal of the retirement pension and advance notice of discharge is mutually accepted. 6. According to information from Prudencio Sayagues, Assistant Director of the Office of Economic Coordination for Costa Rica, these agreements have been carried out to the letter. Approved for Release: 2019/07/15 CO2640030