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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
February 10, 2022
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Publication Date: 
November 15, 1950
SUBJECT' PLACE ACQUIRED CATE C INFO, CI .�SFIFIC:,:d;ON i..r7.1""rra/COATI.01, li., S . FFIC1ALS ONLY Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 CO2657805 CENTRAL, INTELLK3ENCE AGENCY REPORT NO, INFORMATION REPORT CD NO Chinafhon,-,toni Chinese Communist .eessage to Aefugees in Hong Kong -pla.11,2,1-a3MOMIIMO3 at:Kamm CORTANill tHFCRNATION APNICLINO TOM NATIONAL DERNBE TII7 ENITIO &TATAR THE ElitAllitiO OP THE ilOPIONAOR ACT 50 C, tIl AMU T.A5 AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR VIE REVELATION Or ITU attinair) IN AV EIANNIER TO All UNAUTHORIZED PERSON ID PQO lbsi..1:1 lit ILA,Z. REPRODUCTION 0? 11115 FORD Ill PROHIBITED, * SCf. !ROE 00%0 010 DATE DISTR, 15 NOV 50 NO, OF PAGES 1 (b)(1) (b)(3) NO, OF ENCLS. (LJSTF.D BELOW) SUFPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) THIS IS UNEVALUATED iNFORMATION (b)(1) (b)(3) The following message was hand-written on the back of a copy of a cyclostyled greeting which FAi\iG Shih-ts'un (75 _ALE ), superintendert of the Hong, Kong refugee camp at Rennie's J1,1.11, had distributed to the it:trate:es of the clamp on the occasion of the ieid-Autume. festival, 26 September 3.960�* "Warning to the inmates of the refugee camp: You stateless and pitiful creatures'. Yours is not the broad and. bright path, for you are shires of the imperialists and tools of the American brigands. You are enemies of your own people and traitors to your own oountryl Think again about the crimes you have committed. Tura your thoughts to your home country, repent and your own people: Do not be duped by illusory dreams. Our government will be generous to you all. All you want to do is to go to Taiwan, and for this ru exert every effort. Yet what happens? how many or you have actually got �0 Taiwan? Let me tell you - the People's Liberation Army will e.tack and liberate Formosa. hong Kong is no paradise,� for hong Kong is also one o ' our objectives. 'hYhere, then, will you go? The British imperialists bull not always be able to protect you. If you delay, it may be too late. Rake up: Stir yourselves, join the People '8 Governrt Signed: WANG Chiu ) Agent designated. to Mania' s hong Kong and i..acao Intelligence tion of the South China 1-'0 itioal bureau." known. STATE /ARMY x NAVY MR Comment� The extent of the distribution of tLia message is not (b)(1) (b)(3) CLASSIFICATION TIAL/coNTROL XLNSRB FBI DISTRIBUTION T-1------ hutment No. _ No Change In Class. IL: Declassified lass. Changtd To: TS S C -Atilk.4offlc7gus ONLY Approved for Release: 2021/12/07 CO2657805