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February 17, 1953
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Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2921540 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SAC:aft/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE CW INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED Bulgaria Miscellaneous September 1950 (b)(3) 1953 (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) REPORT NO. Medical Information DATE DISTR. 17 February NO. OF PAGES 3. and as Indicated REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) SOURCE: (b)(1) (b)(3) 141,5tical Education The system of medical education in Bulgaria was reorganized the medical fac:,Iltiee of the universities became medice "a gorernment health service and lost their forMer independent are twc medial atAdemies in Bulgaria., one in Sofia and one spproximately 79000 students were enrolled for the medical in 1948. At this time, ademies" as part of the academic status. There in Plovdiv. In 1949, (purse.' 2. The rupu,se of study lasts six years. The first four years of study are the same for all students. During the last two years, however, the students are directly under the State health e'er/ice and are required to specialize in either therapeutics, surgery, or preventative meiicine. After qualifying in one field of medicine, graduates must remain in that field and it is not possible to change from one branch to another after vaduation. 3. These medical courses are also attended by students, already in. uniform, who intend to becOme-Army PhYsitdans. Ib.,19490 there Were 10-to-15 such students among the 400 medical students at-SOfia.. Theae-Armk-StUdents later -attend special Army medi� cal academies Where they reCeive special training. Even at the civilian academy, particular attention is paid to the military students. The Medical Academy in Sofia uses the Aleksandrovska Hospital. Thin hospital has 2,000 beds and, in 19500 added a special wing for nervous diseases.' Clinics ald Medical Centers S. In 19500 there were 120 to 140 clinics, 80 of which had been established between 1945 and 1950, located in both new and old buildings. Patients registered at one clinic are not permitted to change to another. 6. .Since 1951, there has been a further reorganization, informant learned from physicians who have recently left Bulgaria. For every 50,000 inhabitants, a SBEIRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY STATE 24 ARMY NAVY AIR FBI AEC OSIEv (Note; Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Field Distribution By "*".) Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2921540 Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2921540 /CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY -2- Special Medical unit, Called SanitaredinitSai has been Created. ASanitaredinitsa comprises a hospital and one or more clinics, and employs at least 50 physicians. The clinics treat and study all forms of disease except malaria. 7. Every industrial enterprise has its medical center, called Sanitarnpunkt, which controls the sanitary conditions at the factory and the nutrition of the workers. The Sanitarnpunkt is attached to the clinic Serving itS-diStrict, but for'-treatment, workers must go to the clinic responsible for their residence area. Medical Equipment 8. Operating tables, quartz lamps, syringes, and various electrical apparatus (ex- clusive of-X-ray apparatus) are imported from the Soviet Union. Microscopes and other optical instruments are imported from Czechoslovakia. There is a shortage of X-ray apparatus, although tubes have been supplied by UNICEF (United Nations International Children& Emergency Fund).. September 19O, .there were several bOxea apParently COntaining more than 1,000 X-ray tubes sent by UNICEF at the frontier oustoMs house. Since there is plenty of milk Available, it has been Bulgarian policy to ask UNICEF for medical equipment instead of milk. Blood Bank 10. In 1950i there was a blood bank in Sofia, direoted by Time* (fnu). Donors received payment, special ration cards, and free passes to movies and other entertainment. Drug Production and importation3 11. 14 1950, there were two pharmaceutical factories in Bulgaria, as follows: a. The Hygienic Institute (Rockefeller Foundation), which has been enlarged,and .in 19500 prodUoild All the sera and vadOinee required as well as crude peni- cillin in powder form for external use; and b. The Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Industry (formerly the German-Owned Soup Factory =Washington Street in Sofia),, which produces camphor calcium, various types ofinjeCtiOne inaUdink:StrYChnine-OOMpOUhdi, drUge,-inciUding cOUgh syrups, Hepabit, belladOnna extradts, and eXtreets of Other MediCal herbs; the factory also packs'sulfamides which are imported from the Hungarian Chinoin works. 12. The following pharmaceutical' products are impoxteds a. From the Soviet Uniont Penicillin (yellow and of poor quality), Streptomycin (of Americal'prodOtion although it bears the Soviet label) in small quantities on1y (in 1949-1950� one hospitalchad a stook of on1y BO grams, enough for five or six pitientm), and sulfamides, including sulphadiazine and Vitamins A, 0, and 14 b. From Hungary: Sulfamides; and c. From UNICEF s Streptomycin (for hospital use; bears the UNICEF label). 13. Neither aureomycin nor cortisone has yet been used in Bulgaria since they are apparently unavailable for import. Tuberculosis Sanitoria 14. There are four tuberculosis sanitoria in Bulgaria, located as follows: $G/CONTROL - OFFICIALS ONLY Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2921540 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2921540 RrEeftETI,CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY . Tskrets (N 42-59$ E 23-1)4), with 2,000 beds; b. Tryavna (N 42-52$ E 25-30), with 400-500 beds; c. Krichim 42-03$ E 24-26), with 400-500 beds; and d. Wale, which also admits mentally retarded patients. Anti-Malaria Facilities 15. According to statistics published in 1948, the number of malaria cases has dropped sharply since 1942. 16. The Ministry of Health maintaina an Anti-Malaria-Institute, whose functions are carried out by three large centers, one at Vidin,'one at Petrich$ and one at BUrgita. The work includes the draining of sWamps$ a popular campaign for blood teats, and actual treatment. 174 Mosquitoes in the swamps haVe been attacked with D.D.T. received from UNICEF and With Pyrethrum-based chemicals produced in Bulgaria, including a type similar to Flytox. 18. Quinineis imported, probably from Holland, and sold by a State monopoly. Atabrine is imported from Italk$ and plasmochin is imported from Germany. There is a large stock of these three drugs. 1. 2. 3- SEORET/CONTROL - OFFICIALS- ONLY Approved for Release: 2022/04/12 CO2921540