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Document Release Date: 
June 13, 2019
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Publication Date: 
August 17, 1955
PDF icon SCIENCE ATTACHE PROGRAM[15654059].pdf52.79 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 C03003583 ..RET 17 Au st MEMORANDUM FORt Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT Science Attache Program 5 1. In a conference today with Mr. Crutcher and M. Killea of State, I presented the proposition we canvassed with _Loy Henderson on CIA's taking oy r the PPO Program and beefing-up the Science Attache Program. These will be studied by the Department and we will get Ir. Henderson's reactions next week. 2. Meanwhile, I learned, Undersecretary Hoover is still enamored of the National Academy of Science's proposal to take over the whole science attache work in return for a $50,000 annual grant from State. This is despite a report from air. Henderson to him of your strong exception to such a program. The result is that two of the present four science attaches are returning this fall and the administrative officers of the Department are currently prohibited from taking any action to replace them. 3. I suggest that you speak directly to Mr. Hoover at your OCB Luncheon today telling him that we are working out a program that should be mutually satisfactory and advantageous to both State and CIA, that you do not regard the National Academy proposition as in ahy way a satisfactory substitute and that you hope the Department will not further gut the present all-too-thin effort in thie-field. ROBE RT AMORY, JR. Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 C03003583