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Publication Date: 
February 7, 1978
PDF icon THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE[15822027].pdf146.89 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C03022414 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C03022414 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C03022414 (b)(1 (b)(3 ) ) Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C03022414 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 003022414 The National Intelligence Daily co Published by the Director of Central Intelligence for Named Principals Only TOP SEGRim (b)(3 b)(3 Copy No. TUESDAY 7 FEBRUARY 1978 \-=749ETHERLANDS-BRAZIL Nuclear Fuel Safeguards (b)(3) The Dutch Parliament approved the expansion of the uranium enrichment plant at Almelo in the Netherlands last week. The Parliament also demanded, however, a new safeguards agreement with Brazil before the British - Dutch - West German consortium URENCO fulfills its contract to supply fuel for Brazil's Angra H and III reactors beginning in 1981. Britain and West Germany will probably op further demands on Brazil. Throughout URENCO's negotiations with Brazil, the Dutch Government has sought to tighten the safeguards agree- ment on Brazil's use of URENCO- enriched uranium, and particularly on the storage of plutonium after the spent fuel is reprocessed. The Dutch realize that their leverage on this question is slight, however, because their URENCO VOLUME 9 N11MRFR fll partners are willing to supply fuel o Brazil regardless of the Dutch, position. The Dutch Government, partly in- fluenced by a US recommendation to supply fuel for Brazil's Angra I reactor as well as by Brazil's hard line, went along with its URENCO partners and Brazil in December, agreeing to safeguards weaker than the Dutch had hoped for. The government agreed that it would be ac- ceptable for Brazil to store plutonium under International Atomic Energy Agency rules�if such rules are established by 1985, when URENCO fuel in Brazil would be due for reprocessing. If no IAEA rules exist by then, the URENCO partners and Brazil would work out ad hoc safeguards. The Parliament, however, rejected this agreement. The government's own (See Netherlands-Brazil. . .Page 4) n NR Record- (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) OP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 003022414 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 003022414 --TOP-S-EC-RE-T-- 2 TUESDAY 7 FEBRUARY 1978 TCS 531/78 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY NR Record -TOP-SECRET- Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 003022414 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 003022414 SECRET THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY TCS 531/78 TUESDAY 7 FEBRUARY 1978 3 NR Record 70110-SEORST Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 003022414 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 003022414 TOP SLCRft 4 TUESDAY 7 FEBRUARY 1978 TCS 531/78 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY NR Record (b)(3) NATIONAL orized DisclosureSubject to Criminal Sanction The -. _National _Intelligence Dailyis prepared in the Central - Intelligence Agency in cooperation , with the other US foreign intelligence organizations. Late items prepared - by =CIA. alone ore so: -marked. Analytical fea- ture articles ate_attrilayted:to _their authors.: - - ority a d control abbreviations used to tftis publication: Top Secret-UMBRA - ret SPOKE - - acret _ Confidential U�Undlassified - oFoRN �Not Re' ennoble to Foreign Nationals RCON�Dissemination and En OC) - traction of Information - Controlled by -Crier.- .1 his- Information- h s -b-derlAuthoritpd"to Release to b)(3) Netherlands-Brazil. . . From Page 1 parliamentary supporters, with backing rrom the opposition, demanded that razil's agreement on firmer plutonium torage safeguards be obtained by 1981, nd that full-scope safeguards be accepted y any new URENCO customers. These conditions, the legislators argued, would respond to domestic concerns and preserve the Netherlands' strong anti- proliferation stance. At the same time, by agreeing to enlarge the Almelo plant and supporting .he continuation of the URENCO consor- tium, the Parliament hopes to ensure that the Dutch receive their share of the profits from URENCO business. The govern- ment has recently stressed the need to satisfy British and West German demands n order to maintain some influence on .hese countries' nuclear exports policies. Britain and West Germany are unlikel to favor new efforts to obtain firme safeguards from Brazil. Brazilian official have reiterated their determination t resist any discriminatory safeguards, an (b)(3) pproved for Release: 2020/09/11 003022414 the British and West Germans believe other suppliers of enriched uranium are eager to win Brazil and other countries as customers without such safeguards. They also stress that URENCO's credibility as a supplier is suffering because of Dutch obstinacy on the safeguards issue. British and West German officials put strong pressure on the Dutch Government go ahead with the expansion of Almelo. ey could legally have claimed enor- ous damages from the Dutch if Almelo's enlargement had not been ap- proved. however, West German businessmen are disappointed by the Dutch decision because they want an excuse to push the Dutch out of URENCO and begin con- structing a new uranium enrichment plant at Gronau, West Germany. Confronted by renewed Dutch esistance on the safeguards issue, the ther URENCO partners are likely to ove to provide Brazil with enriched ranium on their own, e7n at the cost of (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) estroying the consortium T-012-5-EeRET-