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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
November 22, 2019
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
December 24, 1953
� Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03094388 SECRET DEPARTMENT OF THE_AIjMY OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF, G-2, INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. 4 DEC 19b3 Mr. Allen Dulles Director, Central Intelligence Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: Since my conference with you on 17 December, I have discussed ? \:? the subject of "Agreed Activities" with members of my staff. The major Army commanders and I are of the opinion that the real need is for a clarification of NSCID #5 and not an "Agreed Activities" 1 paper. As you know, the proposed agreement has as its basis NSCID #5 and if consummated would be corollary thereto. It now appears that many officials in the intelligence community believe events have overtaken the basic policy reflected in NSCID #5 and that this directive is out of date, as well as focus, with the realistic de- mands for military intelligence collection today. I appreciate your viewpoint that the Army should continue to make whatever con- tribution it can in the clandestine collection field. I believe the Army can contribute even more, but the language of NSCID #5 has often served to hinder rather than assist this effort because of the varied interpretations thereof, the provisions of NSCID #2, and the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. The need for coordinated operations to avoid inadvertent compro- mise and unprofitable duplication is perfectly clear to me. A possible device to effect clandestine coordination would be the exchange on a reciprocal basis of experienced personnel at appropriate command levels should NSCID #5 be revised so as to define the responsibility and the fields in which the Military Services and CIA would operate in clandestine collection. FUrthermcre, in effecting coordination at the National level, I believe that the IPC would be the acceptable mechanism to be used by the representative members of the intelligence community. This would require some revision of the IPC charter. Reprotine14,, n' ' whole or In port in DrNIc:1 e:tecpt with periniusion of the isEuing office. 4111 LISIIIPIF NT No. ait:INVT, IN CLASS. ilLi;Lt IS S C FLICT IILVIEW is AIYUII H 1fiz2 NI A rt DA rE: 1 9 8 I REVIEWERA- 064540 SECRET pages 60-0, "I- Approved A-ppi''oved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03094388�Mr 2 of -1� conies