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September 10, 1960
V7r1 10 September Copy No, C 73 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN BintiffUrr W% tiyr::LAss. Li TO: TS S C EiVLiVi CATE; AiAN: 18-2 1 0 JUN � 1980 BATE: FIEVLEWEl: Zy7/71/ ZApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C031605681/2/11 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 I �aor- �MC.IL.IRC. Ala. min .g�b. oimat mi.r Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 1u1-' =LAIC, 1 10 SEPTEMBER 1960 Watch Committee conclusions on Jor- danian situation. I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Ulbricht implies further steps to be tak- en against West German ties to West Berlin. II. ASIA-AFRICA Guinea obtains Soviet commitment of aid for large hydroelectric project. Shah said to be convinced further partici- pation in CENTO is useless. General Phoumi claims he is about to be- gin "revolution" against government. Q.) France to recognize independence of Senegal on 11 September; later will pro- pose admission to UN. LATE ITEM Situation in Congo. rr Approved foraraise:"2(72"3/F371r3"C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 TOP SECRET Nif SPECIAL ITEM cAt a special meeting of the Watch Committee on 9 Sep- tem er 1960, the following conclusion was reached concern- ing the Jordan UAR situation: There is a likelihood that a coup, initiated by Syrians and supported by Jordan, will be attempted against the UAR rule in Syria in the next few days with the support of some disaffected Syrian military elements. The prospects for the success of the coup are not good in view of the Egyptian dominance of the First Army, the efficiency of Syrian counter-intelligence and the alert- ness of the Syrian security forces. The attempt itself would seri- ously aggravate� tensions between Jordan and the UAR; an initial success could well bring intervention by Jordanian forces in an effort to protect the coup from UAR counteraction. The failure of the coup after overt Jordanian military intervention could cre- ate an intolerable situation for Husayn which the UAR could ex- ploit to bring about his overthrow. UAR military intervention against Husayn in Jordan would bring in Israel to avert the pros- pect of a UAR-dominated Jordan. A major international crisis would spring out of such a melee. (Page 1) t 10 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 0 �Y/A. AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO3160568 Wu4UJUt , , ; V 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 4. TOP SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 10 September 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Berlin: Ulbricht's speech of 8 September is designed to define East German as well as Soviet policies toward West Berlin by spelling out the limitations of Khrushchev's commit- citt,b...te-2 ment to maintain the status quo until "next spring." He warned ip that this should not be interpreted to mean that the West had been given a free hand to stage "provocations" and implied that further measures against West German ties to West Berlin would be taken. Ulbricht also proposed that the US consider a phased disarmament plan for Germany, including conclusion of a peace treaty at the end of the first phase in 1961. In another effort to assert the regime's claims to sovereignty, he proposed that East German representatives be permitted to address the UN General Assembly meeting. (Page 3) IL ASIA-AFRICA Guinea-Bloc: Guinea's economic ties with the USSR have ap- parently been strengthened by agreements reached during Pres- ident Toure's recent talks with Soviet leaders in Moscow. The joint communique issued on 8 September announces that Moscow has agreed to participate in the construction of the extensive Konkour4 hydroelectric project, Guinea's highest priority devel- opment scheme. Soviet participation presumably will involve ex- tension of additional credits to Guinea. A new trade agreement, covering the years 1961=1965, also was signed while Toure was in Moscow, his first stop on a month-long trip which ill also in- clude state visits to Ulan Bator, Peiping, and Hanoi. (Page 5) OP SECRET AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 / Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 , 'OW TOP SECRET 141� Iran: FJ V. the Shah is "in a very depressed mood over trans's military situation and is convinced that further participation in CENTO is useless. He may decide to withdraw from CENTO and fall back entirely on the Irani- an-US bilateral pact. Although the Shah's unhappiness at the level of American aid and CENTO's inactivity is chronic, it might be sufficiently intensified at this time by continuing So- viet pressure, the election crisis, and the consequent upsurge In opposition political activity to convince him that Iran should i hdraw from CENTO. (Page 6) ; *Laos: Meneral Phoumi he planned to start a revolu- tion" on 10 September. The details of his plans were not revealed, but he will apparently not go through with a previ- ously mooted plan to set up a rival kingdom in southern Laos. Phoumi's most likely course is the revival of plans to march on Vientiane. The success of such a venture would depend on the degree of support he still enjoys in the army, which is al- most certainly considerably less than it was before the com- promise agreement which led to the formation of the Souvanna Phouma government on 30 August. Phoumi was unswayed by the new concessions offered by Souvanna through a delegation of army officers Souvanna sent to Savannakhet on 9 September. Phoumi also stated that it would be a waste of time for representatives of US Ambassador Brown to come to Savannakhet to persuade him to return to Vientiane. Whatever the ultimate chances of success for Phoumi's "revolution," his apparent final refusal to cooperate with Souvanna will have the immediate effect of seriously weakening the premier's position in the forthcoming neace talks with the Communist Pathet Lao. increased Pathet Lao guerrilla activity in four different areas of northern Laos, which presumably represents an effort by the insurgents to strengthen their position In the negotiations. 10 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF U. TOP SECRET ;0";;;;;WT(')T14""g"'"7202/6203/13 C03160568r 7/ Approved f%rge(l.:eion2020/03/13 C03160568 TOfNueVA (France-Mali: France plans to recognize Senegal as an in- dependent country on 11 September and thereafter to propose Its admission to the UN, even though Paris anticipates that such formal acknowledgment of the breakup of the Mali Federation will create difficulties both in Africa and in the UN. As far as tA-PA6 Soudan is concerned, France believes its recognition of Mali covers that country and plans no special action. The Soudanese members of the Mali Government, who have proclaimed Bamako the capital of the federation as well as of Soudan, appear deter- mined to implement their threat to break off relations with any nation recognizing Senegal's independence and have already moved to terminate some French activities in Soudan. In addition, spe- cial representatives have been sent to New York to push the Soudanese position at the UN, and another Mali envoy was sched- uled to depart for Moscow on 9 September. LATE ITEM Congo: UN Secretary General Hammarskjold, in a blunt speech to the UN Security Council in which he stated that Kasavubu had the constitutional right to fire Lumumba, affirmed his intention to keep UN forces in the Congo and stated in effect that the UN must govern the ongo until such time as a legal and responsible government is estab- ished. Meanwhile, the Tunisian UN delegate is trying to round up upport, particularly from African states, for a resolution�drafted by Hammarskjold�which would authorize the secretary general to take any necessary action to restore law and order in the Congo. Action on the resolution is expected when the Security Council re- convenes in the afternoon of 10 September. In Leopoldville Premier Lumumba has strengthened his control following his unexpected success in winning both Chamber and Senate approval, and the American ambassador is concerned that it will be very difficult for the UN to move against him. The ambassador be- lieves that all attempts to rally moderates to oppose the premier depend on disarming the Force Publique. 10 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF iii VA TOP SECRET ' AApproved for Release: 2020703/13 C03160568r , A 160Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 TOP SECRET Further difficulties for the United Nations are likely to arise with President Tshombe of Katanga. On 9 September he defied UN control of three airfields, including that at Elisabethville, to send several small planes to the northern part of ICatanga where an invasion by Pro-Lumumba forces from Kivu was reported in progress. The five Soviet AN42 cargo planes which landed at Carlo on 2 September enroute to the Congo, presumably with supplies for the Lumumba regime, apparently have been ordered to return to the USSR. 10 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF iv TOP SECRET 7.,7777/7/7,:m97/777/7/77/.7...07.7,-7,w77,00777.07,07.0277,s,m;a7/07 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 %we _TOP SECRET vto (Preparations for Jordanian-Supported Coup Attempt 1,_In Syria (as of 1700, 9 September 1960) Since mid-July King Husayn has been in contact with a group of Syrian conspirators who have been planning a coup to overthrow UAR rule and set up an independent Syrian gov- ernment. They claim to have the support of key Syrian Army elements, including the Qatana garrison near Damascus, as well as the backing of several prominent Syrian politicians who were former ministers in the UAR Government of the Syrian region. Following the assassination of Jordanian Prime Minister Majalli on 29 August--which King Husayn is convinced was di- rected by the UAR--the King urged the plotters to act as soon as possible. He has provided them with substantial sums of money and has promised direct military support if they should be initially successful and the UAR Government takes military counteraction against them. The King now has received word that the conspirators in- tend to launch their planned coup this week end. Some Jordani- an military units have been repositioned and others alerted in order either to provide quick military support if the King decides that is necessary, or defend if the UAR reacts militarily against Jordan. Despite general political and economic conditions in Syria favorable to the coup planners, their chances of success do not appear. good. The efficient UAR security and counterintelligence organizations in Syria have long been aware of the danger of dis- affection and plotting among Syrian Army officers, and sporadic arrests and discharges have taken place. These security organs have probably stepped up their efforts in view of the increased tension between Jordan and the UAR following the assassination of Majalli. Syrian military strength near the Jordanian border was increased at that time, and UAR authorities are aware of the recent movement of Jordanian armor, close to the border. -Top 3ECRE1 1-ris � a ilk 1-r��� ne .1b., Page 1 10 Sept 60 L'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 cir OGUIAL: Nisri -Nee It is possible that the UAR security, apparatus already has the conspirators under close scrutiny and is planning to crack down in a way which will demonstrate Husayn's involvement in subversive activity against the LIAR. It is even possible that the conspiracy is really a provocation aimed at trapping Husayn. Such UAR action in implicating Husayn would further increase tensions between the two countries, and Nasir might use the oc- casion as justification for sanctioning an attempt to assassinate the King. Cairo's propaganda, which claims that Husayn is a stooge of the British and Americans, would probably accuse the Western powers of being behind the coup. Should the coup be successful initially or should Jordan in- tervene militarily in Syria, the danger of broader hostilities in the area would be acute. This would be especially true if coun- terattacking UAR troops moved into Jordanian territory; in that case, Israel would be almost certain to take military action rather than run the risk of seeing the creation of a Nasir-controlled Jor- dan. Israeli armed forces have maintained a very close watch on the Jordanian situation following the assassination of Majalli; the Israeli Government undoubtedly is considering the possibilit of intervening should Husayn show signs of losing out. -TOP-SECRET 10 Sept 60 CFNTRAI INTFLLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 tare sod Ulbricht Unveils East German Plan for Berlin and Germany In presenting to the Council of Ministers his regime's memorandum to the United Nations concerning German dis- armament, East German party boss Ulbricht on 8 September undertook to define East German policy toward Berlin and Germany. He warned that Khrushchev's pledge--made after the breakup of the summit meeting in May�not to carry out before next spring unilateral measures concerning Berlin, such as the signature of a separate peace treaty with East Germany, does not mean that West German and West Berlin elements are permitted to "aggravate the anomalous situa- tion in West Berlin." He intimated that East Germany will take further measures to weaken West German ties with West Berlin. Ulbricht's speech was published following the regime's announcement that restrictions, apparently permanent, are being placed on the entry of West Germans to East Berlin. The proposal for a phased disarmament of Germany-- evidently intended to back up Khrushchev's over-all proposals at the UN--is designed to present the Ulbricht regime in a posture of reasonableness and perhaps to provide further justi- fication for a possible future move to sign a separate East Ger- man - Soviet treaty. The main new point in the current East German proposals, which sum up various past plans, is the provision for signature of a peace treaty with the "two German states" and transformation of West Berlin into a demilitarized free city at the expiration of the first phase in 1961. Ulbricht also revealed that his regime is addressing a letter to Secretary General Hammarskjold requesting permission for East German representatives to present their views at the UN General Assembly. This request is intended to enhance East German claims to sovereignty and equality with West Germany-- which, although not a member of the UN, maintains a perma- nent observer delegation in New York. Olbricht returned from his six-week v cation in the USSR highly satisfied -SECRET- 10 Sept 60 CFklTri Al IhiTI I IrtEkle'r Di II I GTIAI Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Nome' Nee with his discussions with Khrushchev, Khrushchev agreect to sign a separate peace treaty with the East Germans�without set- ting any date. He specified that they were not to interfere with Allied access to West Berlin, presumably at the outset, although apparently they were given a free hand with the West Germans. Both officials forecast further pressures against the The recent East German measures to tie East Berlin more closely, to East Germany, by giving the sector border the char- acter of an international frontier in defiance of four-power agree- ments guaranteeing freedom of movement in the city, probably are motivated in part by the regime's desire to take additional steps to stem the refugee flow to West Berlin. Despite the sharp- ly intensified security measures imposed last week end, more than 3,000 East Germans and East Berliners escaped to the West- ern sectors of Berlin in the week ending 6 September. More than 126,000 East Germans have fled to West Germany and West Barlin_so_far_this_vear.Anc u iAugust. SECRET 10 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 *01, Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 SEC:liET Nilof Guinea Forging New Economic Ties With Sino-Soviet Bloc Guinea's economic ties with the Sino-Soviet bloc apparently, will become still stronger as a result of President Sekou Toure's visit to several bloc countries. According to the joint commu- nique released on 3 September upon the conclusion of Toure's two-day stay in Moscow, the USSR has agreed to participate in the construction of the proposed Konkoure River hydroelectric dam, Guinea's highest priority development project. The project, which is similar to Ghana's Volta River scheme, en- visages the establishment of an aluminum industry in Guinea where there are large bauxite deposits, some of which are al- ready being exploited by Western interests. Although the extent of the Soviet commitment to the Konkoure project was not announced, Moscow presumably will make addi- tional long-term credits available to Conakry. The USSR's pres- ent economic aid program in Guinea is covered by a $35,000,000 credit extended in August 1959. A new Soviet-Guinean trade pact for the years 1961-1965 also was concluded while Toure was in Moscow, his first stop in a month-long trip which will include state visits to Ulan Bator, Peiping, and Hanoi. Such agreements, which Guinea has con- cluded with a number of European bloc countries since 1958, are resulting in the diversion of the bulk of Guinea's foreign trade from the French franc zone to the bloc. This trade with the bloc Is based largely on barter arrangements which are mortgaging future as well as current Guinean export products, especially ba- nanas. Meanwhile, there is some circumstantial evidence indicating that a Soviet vessel, the Firyuza, now en route to Conakry is carrying a cargo of military items, pos- sibly arms, loaded at Nikolaev in late August. In July a Polish delegation believed to be on an arms-selling mission visited Con- akry. Guinea has received at least two and possibly more ship- ments of arms from Czechoslovakia since early 1959. --SE-eRE-T CE 10 Sept 60 Arrn A I ih. 1-19-1 I 14"r, rti si I r�rik I Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Shah - Shah Considering Withdrawing Iran From CENTO The Shah, is considering withdrawing Iran from the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and relying on the bilateral defense agreement with the United States for mili- tary security. The Shah, who again is in a depressed mood regarding the level of US military aid and domestic budget problems, is said to believe that Iran's participation in CENTO is leading the country into greater military expenditures than it can afford. He is discouraged over Turkey's exclusive reliance on NATO for its defense and over lack of progress toward a CENTO com- mand structure, of which he hoped to become commander in chief. The Shah is also reported disturbed by what he regards as the lack of coordination between CENTO and the American mili- tary mission in Iran. He believes this to be a further indication that the United States considers CENTO of no importance. Heda- yat claims that if Iran attends the CENTO Ministerial Council meeting in Ankara in February,, it will probably be for the last time. The Shah for years has had periods of discouragement with what he regards as the lack of material and moral support from his allies. At present, however, he is in the middle of a crisis over election scandals and faces the problem of how to hold new elections that give the appearance of being free but are sufficient- ly controlled to assure an obedient parliament. Domestic opposi- tion elements, realizing his vulnerability, are taking full advan- tage. At the same time, the USSR is continuing to offer economic aid in exchange for a written guarantee that no foreign bases will be permitted on Iranian soil. Withdrawal from CENTO would lighten Iran's financial burden and lessen the pressure on the Shah from both the Soviet Union and neutralist-inclined pol- iticians within Iran. 10 Sept 60 � I i I 1,..r.h..1.0-4r- ni ii I rril IPage 6 '-'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 i (Jr nt,nr, I iftwe' aituation in Laos General Phoumi planned to start "a revolution" on 10 Septem- ber. Phoumi was vague as to the precise nature of his revolution but indicated that he was not planning to go through with a previous scheme he had been considering of setting up a rival kingdom in southern Laos. His most likely course of action would be the revival of his plan to march on Vientiane. His chances of success in any such venture would depend on the degree of support he still enjoys in the Lao army, which is almost certainly considerably less than It was before the Luang Prabang compromise agreement which led to the formation of the Souvanna Phouma government on 30 August. Phoumi stated that the first step in setting his revolution in motion had been to blow up the bridges around Pakse, to the south of Savannakhet. This may suggest that Phoumi has no confidence that the Fourth Military Region commander, whose headquarters are at Pakse, will support him. Even while Phoumi was revealing his intent to resume overt opposition to Souvanna and Captain Kong Le, a delegation of army officers was in Savannakhet bearing Souvanna's "final" offer in his repeated efforts to induce Phoumi to return to Vientiane to take up his duties as deputy premier and interior minister. The delegation was armed with what seemed to be adequate assurances to Phoumi that he could safely return to Vientiane, but Phoumi is described as having a fixed idea that Souvanna wanted to kill him. Phoumi also told the American observer that it would be a waste of time for representatives of US Ambassador Brown to come to Savannakhet. He stated that he "will never go to Vientiane. As it is no�w I would rather live in Bangkok." Whatever Phoumi's chances are for ultimate success in his revolution, it will have the immediate effect of seriously weakening Souvanna's position in the forthcoming peace talks with the Pathet Lao insurgents. Former_Premi considered it essential for Phoumi to return in order to strengthen Souvanna's position in the forthcoming negotiations with the Pathet TOP SECRET 10 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 lir aEdtAIE4 1 I I I 1 ao. Somsanith is of the opinion that Souvanna learned how to deal with the Pathet Lao from his experiences in 1957 and 1958, but that without Phoumits presence the premier might weaken and concede too much. Both Souvanna and Somsanith have stated that a major role for Phoumi had been envisaged in the talks with the Pathet Lao. There are growing indications that the Pathet Lao is accel- erating its guerrilla operations in an apparent effort to strength- en its bargaining position. in- creased insurgent pressure in four widely separated areas in northern Laos. The most seriously f-ff fected sector appears to be northern Sam Neua Province. 7 concern with which the Sam Neua commander views his position. he expressed the fear that Sam Neua town itself, with its air- field, might fall unless reinforcements were urgently dispatched. He may have overreacted to sketchy reports from his widely dispersed patrols; however, the area of his responsibility is vulnerable to enemy attack and was the scene of the major fight- Initial Pathet Lao uprising of last summer. The crisis in Laos continued to have repercussions among Laos' neighbors. Thai Premier Sarit is reliably reported to be deeply disturbed over what he considers the failure of the United States to give adequate support to his nephew, Phoumi, who epitomizes the same strongly anti-Communist position in Laos that Sarit represents in Thailand. Sarit and his government were taking a new look at their relations with the United States in view of what he terms American "mishandling and inaction" in the Laotian crisis. Sarit's influence may be an important factor be- hind Phoumi's decision on remaining in Savannakhet. South Vietnamese leaders are alsn critical of US actions in Laos. Meanwhile, Cambodian chief of state Prince Sihanouk, has offered Phnom Penh as a neutral meeting place for Souvanna and TOP SECRET 10 Sept 60 CFMTD A I IMTPI I inpkirp RI II I FTIKI Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 N.?101 SECUL'-;& 4a10' firince Souphannouvone. leader of the Pathet Lao and Neo Lao Hak Sat. Sihanouk, who feels that the Laos iLaos has created a dangerous political vacuum in South- east Asia, is seriously considering proposing a Lao-Khmer con- federation as a means of developing a neutral zone between China and North Vietnam on the one hand and the Western-nrientpri entin- tries tnitharea on the other. 10 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 %we Vr Ninif Congo Situation UN Secretary General Hammarskjold told the Security Council on 10 September that the UN must control the Congo until a responsible government is in power. He implied that the UN has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of a country when conflict in that country threatens international peace. Hammarskjold intends to ask the council for authoriza- tion to use any action necessary to restore law and order in the Congo. The Tunisian UN delegate, meanwhile, is attempting to round up support, particularly among the African states, for a resolution�drafted by Hammarskjold--which would give the secretary general this authorization. The council is ex- pected to act upon this draft resolution when it reconvenes the afternoon of 10 September. The council earlier had defeated a Soviet proposal to have the council meet in Leopoldville. In Leopoldville Premier Lumumba has strengthened his control following a demagogic speech to the Senate in which he repeated his previous success with the Chamber of Deputies in winning over hostile legislative bodies by a vitriolic attack on the United Nations. The American ambassador is concerned that it will be very difficult for the UN to move against Lumumba who can claim both houses of the Assembly back him against Kasavubu and his supporters. Disarming of the Force Publique will be much harder to justify, and continuance of UN control of airfields and radio station even more difficult. The ambassador believes that all attempts to rally moderates to oppose Lumumba depend on disarming and control of the Force Publique and police, and if this is not soon accomplished Lumumba will be able to consolidate his dictatorship rapidly. Lumumba publicized an order given earlier to his soldiers stating that he, not President Kasavubu, was commander in chief since Kasavubu had been removed from office. He also announced that he had become chief of state, and that three pro-Kasavubu ministers had been dismissed--Foreign Minister Bomboko, Minister to Belgium Delvaux, and Finance Minister Nkayi. Despite the se 10 Sept 60 CFKITRAI INTFI I InENCE BULLETIN Page 10 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 - TrArr�btett Noe pronouncements and the assembly's rejection of ICasavubu's dis- missal of Lumumba, Joseph Ileo�ICasavubu's selection for pre- mier�reportedly was attempting to form a new government which he proposed to submit for legislative ratification next week. The premier received some international backing in his dispute with the UN when the leaders of Guinea's 750 man force in the Congo asked Sekou Toure to withdraw them from the UN force and leave them free to join Lumumba's forces. An incursion of a unit of Lumumba's forces in Kivu province-- estimated to total about 300 men--across the river at the boundary between Kivu and Katanga on 9 September has aroused fears in Katanga that Lumumba's long heralded invasion was taking place. In this area around Kongolo President Tshombe of Katanga is not popular with the tribes, and a Lumumba attack might receive popular support there. Such an attack would also avoid Katanga's main defenses which are further west along the Kasai frontier and in the vicinity of the big air base at ICamina. Tshombe's efforts to airlift troops to northern Katanga have been handicapped by UN control of the airport at Elisabet hville. Armed Katanga troops, including Belgian officers, however, forced the UN command to allow two planes to take off from the airport, although a later effort to take off men and supplies in a DC-3 was prevented by UN personnel. Both the UN command and the Katanga Government have protested these incidents. The UN command has given orders for the Swedish troops to "stand firm." The Katangan Government has expected the main Lumumba attack to be from Kasai along the railroad via Kamina, but Lumumba's forces there are still tied up battling secessionists around Bakwanga. Katanga has about 1,100 gendarmes with 30 Belgian officers and 1,800 police with 40 Belgian officers to oppose the invasions. These groups a relatively well armed hut ninny nprsonnel lack training. TOP SECRET 10 Sept 60 CFMTDAI im-rri I inFkirF RI III FTIN Page 11 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 - UI" 3CUKL, 1 Niue (The five Soviet AN42 cargo planes which landed at Cairo on 2 September enroute to the Congo presumably with supplies for the Lumumba regime apparently have been ordered to re- turn to the USSR. The fact that these large military transports did not complete their scheduled flight to the Congo probably is in part the result of the UN takeover of the Congo's major air- fields. The unexpected return to the USSR of the AN-12's tends to confirm previous indications that the aircrafts were carrying arms and may have been intended for use in Lumumba's military operations against the secessionists.' TOP SECRET 10 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 12 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 CUNHL)LI'II!AL THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568 /W./ < ff, a s < 0 < 0 < ! d � TOP SECRET , � 7 t # � , o / � 74/ jzzAezzzzzzyvzzzzzApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160568-zzzzzzzArzzzzirzzz,