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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1957
PDF icon SCIENCE ATTACHE PROGRAM[15654050].pdf133.88 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 C03442158 DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE FOREIGN SERVICE 1Z7 AUG 2 PM 2 41 August 1, 1957 MEMORANDUM TO: R - Mr. Hugh S. Cumming, Jr. SUBJECT: Science Attache Program. OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL ASSISTANT, INTELLIGENC I attach a copy of the "Statement of Proposed Science Activities in the State Department", as approved by the Under Secretary. I should be grateful If you would pass it on to the appropriate official in CIA. Attachment: As stated above. Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 C03442158 Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 003442158 STATENENT OF PROPOSED SCIENCE ACTIVITIES IN THE STATE DEPARTMWNT The following etatemeet of administrative arrangements for science activities in the Department of State discusses (1) the functions of the Science Adviser, (2) the responsibilities of the science attache, (3) supervision and direction, (4) relations with other agencies, and (5) overseas poets. The Science Adviser The Science Adviser shall: 1. Obtain the advice and assistance of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies in the exercise of the functions hereinafter enumerated. 2. Advise and assist Department of State officials on the scientific aspects of foreign policy formulation and execution. 3. Develop policies and programs in consultation with the regional bureaus and other ports of the State Department to promote a maximum fulfillment of reporting and other responsibilities with respect to science in our overseas posts. 4. Represent the Department of State via-a.avis other Government Agencies on scientific matters of interest to the State Deportment or with regard to rev/resents on the Foreign Service for scientific reporting or other services. 5. Advise and give policy guidance to the regional bureaus on the activities of scion** attaches. 6. Advise the Deputy Hader Secretary for Administration, the Assistant Secretary - Controller, and soieiristrative staff subordinate to them on administrative policies and actions with respect to the establishmnt, functioning, and filling of science attache positions. Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 003442158 Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 003442158 -2- Science Attaches The science attache shall be accredited to a particular country but shall also cover other countries in his area in accordance with instructions received from the Department. He shall have the following responsibilities: 1. Advise and assist the Ambassador and personnel of the U. 6. Mission on scientific matters or the scientific expects of other matters being handled by the Mission. 2. Promote the exchange of scientific information and cooperative rapport between scientists of the United States and those of the foreign country. 3. Report on significant trends and developments in the field of science, with evaluations of political and economic implications. 4. Obtain upon request scientific reports or other specific scientific information, and upon their own initiative collect and transmit scientific information deemed to be of value to U. S. Government agencies, U. S. induatr7� and the U. S. scientific community generally. 5. Advise and counsel other Foreign Service officers in the various U. S. MUSIOMS within the area in the performance of the above functions. It is not believed desirable to identify the science attache as "representing U. S. science abroad." Assertion of this kind of ex- tremely broad function would be an unreal distortion of the many ways in Which this larger activity is really performed and would invite adverse comment On the need for the position. It would he inadvisable and beyond our budgetary means to blanket the various countries of the world with science attaches. The functions of the science attache are therefore phrased in terms of regional coverage and the Department will issue appropriate instructions to the end that his efforts will be reinforced by other Foreign Service personnel in the area. At some point it will be necessary to relate the atoms-for-peace pro gran and the science attache program. This is a complex problem. Action an the science attache program should not be delayed further on this amount. Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 003442158 Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 003442158 .3. Supervision and Direction The Department of State will finance all its science activities. It will sesame responsibility for the substantive and e4W4nistrative direction of these activities. It will attempt to meet the needs of other agencies and will look to these other agencies, seal as the National Science Foundation, and to the National Academy of Sciences for advice and assistance in program planning and in recruiting suitable people. This is consistent with the general character and functioning of the Foreign Service and with the President's policy on overeeas arrangements for the Executive branch. Relations with Other Agencies The Department of State would rely mainly on the National Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation for advice and assistance. The Foundation will advise on those aspects of the program relating to the Federal government's interest in basic science. The Department will consult with individual agencies of the Government with respect to their specific requirements. Overseas Posts In fiecal year 1958, science attaches will be stationed in Stockholm, Paris, Bonn, Tokyo and New Delhi. This is consistent with the proposal of September 12, 1956, from the National Science Fbendattla except that no provision is mide for London and Moscow. July 16, 1957 Approved for Release: 2019/05/30 003442158