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Document Release Date: 
November 22, 2019
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Publication Date: 
February 12, 1986
Approved for Release: 2019/10/15 C05581312 OTS-109/86 12 FEB 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence VIA: Deputy Director for Science and Technology FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: DirectoriUTehflTcal Service Background on OTS Relationship with Los Angeles Police Department Mk- Memo for D/OS fm A/OGC, dtd 15 Sep 75; Subj: Proposal to Establish Liaison Between OTS and Selected US Police Department Bomb Squads TS.L 1. We would appreciate it greatly if you would sign the attached condolence letters which we plan to send following the recent tragic deaths of two Los Angeles bomb squad officers who were well and favorably known to their counterparts in the Office of Technical Service (OTS). We in OTS have benefitted greatly from the willingness of members of the the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to share the experience and expertise in dealing with terrorist bombs which they have gained in the daily performance of their duties. These two officers who recently died as a result of injuries suffered in the line of duty were particularly helpful to us and generous with their time. 114 2. The relationship between OTS and the bomb squad of the LAPD goes back several years, having originally been approved in OGC Memorandum #76-5023. It constitutes a technical liaison of a non-operational character whose purpose is to provide OTS and the Intelligence Community with current information concerning the types of modus operandi and terrorist devices which are in evidence in the Los Angeles area. We have benefitted from observing the LAPD's techniques for identifying, handling and disarming terrorist bombs, and LAPD representatives have from time to time, most recently in January of this year, spoken at conferences of our own personnel. In addition, the information which the LAPD has been able to contribute on terrorist devices has been of great value to us and to our work overseas with liaison services who have to deal with that particular threat. tS4 Attachments A. Reference B. Condolence Letters 'Approved for Release: 2019/10/15 C05581312 Approved for Release: 2019/10/15 C05581312 SUBJECT: Background on OTS Relationship with Los Angeles Police Department DD/OTS/DS&T/ :hfb (11 Feb 86)(311164) Distribution: - Addressee '1 - ER 1 - DS&T Registry 1 - DDS&T 2 - D/OTS 1 - 1 - Approved for Release: 2019/10/15 C05581312 Approved for Release: 2019/10/15 C05581312 � a OGC 76-5023 15 September 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security Attn: Mr. Ervan Kuhnke FROM : Richard L. Rininger Assistant General Counsel SUBJECT : Proposal to Establish Liaison Between OTS and Selected U.S. Police Department Bomb Squads 1. This Office has reviewed the OTS proposal addressed to you seeking your assistance in establishing liaison arrangements with the Los Angeles Police Department Bomb Squad and the New York City Police Department Bomb Squad (DD/S&T Memorandum C41-7,).43 2. Under the proposed liaison arrangement certain OTS personnel would converse directly with representatives of these bomb squads in order to learn their techniques in identifying, handling, and disarming terrorists bombs and obtain advice concerning the technical at;pects of countering explosive devices. It is also anticipated that OTS personnel would periodically visit these bomb squads to observe their operational and training procedures. Establishment of the proposed liaison arrange- ments is subject to the prior approval of the respective Chiefs of Police. (b)(1) 3. It is the opinion of this Office that the liaison arrangement contemplated here is authorized by the terms of Executive Order 11905, (b)(3) section 5(e)(2). Within the Agency, the controlling regulation is Headquarters Regulation cc: D/OTS/DDStiT (b)(3) (b)(6) Richard L. Rininger a.. � Approved for Release: 2019/10/15 605581312 (b)(3)