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PDF icon CHIGOE OPERATING COST EST[15863375].pdf366.38 KB
costs of neatf included. Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752584 In response d prelimia mote that th be tun procurenen ation of el fag Cost Estina 14 Jam CHIGOE 9 subj: based oft ilu the Agenc r spareS I airframes e a amption that the t equip- mot based on using $P2 airera appropztate or moat econom4 1 ; del etrinent. 4-4 JACK C. Brigadier Director Spec that Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752584 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752584 /c :4526:21 January w/att 4 - PS/OSAw/att D/OSA w t D/TECS/OSA w/att DiFA/OSA w/att RS/OSA wofitt Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752584 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752584 SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE ATTACHMENT TO -2121BYE -66 ASSUMPTIONS 1. OSA will support CHIGOE in the test phase through completion of the "proof of concept". 2. OSA will operate CHIGOE in the operational phases. 3. "Proof of concept" ends at the completion of the final overseas test phase when the analysis and evaluation is ready for presentation to the Agency and DOD. 4, One SP2H aircraft will be modified as a "proof of concept" test bed. 5. The test bed SP2H will be used as the first operational aircraft. 6. The airframe to be used for full operational employment by OSA will be determined not later than the end of the operational environment test phase (completion of overseas tests). 7. CHIGOE will be an Agency asset funded through DD/S&T. 8. CHIGOE security will be controlled by OSA Security Siaff and entry into the BYEMAN'system is not doritetplated- 9. Ti. S. Navy support for airframe and engine spares will be required at the modification facility and at each overseas test site. 10. OSA will use contract flight crews and contract maintenance support for the operational phase. 11. The first OSA flight crew will participate in the "proof of concept" flight tests. 12. In the interest of achieving economy in the employment of CHIGOE, this capability should be integrated into the IDEALIST Detachment at Edwards Air Force Base. 13. Preliminary concept: a. Base in Z. I. and deploy to operational sites overseas. b. Initial operational capability will be one aircraft. SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752584 Handle via DYNAN Control System Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752584 SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE BYE-2 1 21 - 6 6 c. Four aircraft will provide a one-deployment capability. d. Six aircraft will provide a two-deployment capability. e. Ten aircraft will provide a three-deployment capability with a Z. I. back-up and product improvement/modifi- cation capacity. f. Project-controlled communications will be required at all test sites. 14. A full-time CHIGOE Project Officer is required in OSA. 15. Activity level: a. Single deployment capability will do three operations per year. b. Double deployment capability will do six operations per year. c. Triple deployment capability will do ten operations per year. d. -Fach operaiion-is planned for thirty days duration. e. Each operation requires four round trips for couriers. f. Seventy people per deployment site. 16. As an Agency-funded project, CHIGOE will have to reimburse DOD for airlift at current special assignment airlift rates. 17. Spare parts and test equipment for sensor systems are assumed to be included in sensor purchase prices. 18. Air crews should be hired at basic salaries according to the air crew position and then allow for risk bonuses for periods of liability for overflight activity 19. Rather than to establish our own flight test support structure, we should seek maximum support from the Navy to support the test phases. SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE -2- via BYEMAN System Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 C05752584 Emile via MAN tontrol S;ste,ra Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 - SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE BYE-2121-66 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS BASIC GRADE POSITION FLT TEST 1 A/C 4 A/C 6 A/C 10 A/C Air Crew CONT Pilot 1 15K 2 30K 5 75K 7 105K 10 150K Co-pilot 1 15K 1 15K 5 75K 8 120K 8 120K Navigator 1 12K 2 24K 4 60K 7 84K 10 120K TT Systems Monitor 1 10K 2 20K 4 40K 7 80K 10 100K Observer 1 10K 1 10K 4 40K 7 80K 10 100K Flight Maintenance 1 10K 1 10K 5 50K 7 70K 9 90K 6 72K 9 109K 27 340K 43 539K 57 680K Headquarters MAJ Project Officer 1 12K 1 12K 1 12K MAJ Operations Officer 1 12K 1 12K 2 24K 2 24K CAPT Flight Planner 1 10K 1 10K 2 20K 3 30K GS-13 Security Officer 1 13K 1 13K 1 13K 1 13K 2 26K GS-5 Operations Clerk 5K 5K 1 5K 2 10K 2 10K CAPT Supply Officer 1 10K 1 10K MAJ Materiel Officer 1 12K 1 12K GS-12 Contracts 1 11K 1 11K GS-13 Programs 1 13K 1 13K GS-12 B&F 1 11K 2 30K 4 52K 5 52K 11 113K 14 147K SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE Cen.d Syui Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 Male 131a1A11 Control System Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS BASIC BYE-2121-66 GRADE POSITION FLT TEST 1 A/C 4 A/C 6 A/C 10 A/C Command LT COL Commander 1 14K 1 14K T/SGT Clerk 1 6K 1 6K 2 20K 2 20K Administration GS-13 Chief 1 13K 1 13K S/SGT Clerk 1 6K 1 6K GS-10 Finance 1 9K GS-10 Personnel 1 9K 2 19K 4 37K Operations LT COL Operations Officer 1 14K 1 14K 1 14K 1 14K MAJ Asst. Ops Officer 1 12K 2 24K 3 36K S/SGT Operations Clerk 1 6K 2 12K 3 18K 4 24K CAPT Flight Planner 2 20K 2 20K S/SGT Flight Records 1 6K 1 6K MAJ Intelligence Officer 1 12K 1 12K GS-9 Intelligence Clerk 1 8K 1. 8K 2 16K 3 24K T/SGT Photo Interpretator 1 6K 1 6K 2 12K 3 18K T/SGT Personnel Equipment 1 6K 2 12K 3 18K 4 24K 5 40K 8 64K 17 140K 22 178K SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE - -4- 11.:-iiK!:3 via. BYElAti Systcm Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 Handle via BYSilAll Control System Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 GRADE POSITION SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE FLT TEST 1 A/C LT COL T/SGT Materiel & Maintenance Chief of M&M Clerk MAJ Maintenance Officer AlC Clerk AlC Maintenance Control AlC Maintenance Reports CAPT Supply Officer AlC Clerk AlC Records AlC Shipping AlC Warehouse Tech CAPT POL Officer T/SGT POL Tech Ground Crews CONT Line Chief Crew Chief 1 13K If Airframe Mech 2 24K It tt Engine Mech Jet Engine Mech 2 1 24K 12K 6 73K Communications GS-12 Chief 1 11K GS-11 Elect. Tech 1 9K. 1 9K GS-9 WET 1 8K. 1 8K GS-9 CTR 2 16K, 3 24K GS-8 CTC 2 14K 3 21K 6 47K 9 73K SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE -5- BYE-2121-66 4 A/C 6 A/C - 10 A/C 1 14K 1 6K 1 12K 1 12K 1 12K 1 6K 2 12K 2 12K 1 6K 6K. 1 6K 1 10K 1 6K 2 12K 3 18K 1 6K 1 6K 1 6K 1 6K 1 6K 5 30K 1 10K 2 12K 3 18K 3 18K 6 42K 11 72K 22 154K 1 15K 4 52K 6 78K 10 130K 6 72K 9 108K 12 144K 6 72K 9 108K 15 180K 4 48K 6 72K 8 96K 20 244K 30 366K 46 565K 1 11K 2 22K 3 33K 1 9K 2- 18K 3 27K 1 8K 2 16K 3 24K 3 24K 6 48K 9 72K 3 21K 6 42K 9 63K 9 73K 18 146K 27 219K via FUJIAN Contft Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 Hamill?, via BYRUM Control System Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 GRADE POSITION SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE FLT TEST 1 A/C 4 A/C BYE-2121-66 6 A/C 10 A/C Security GS-13 Security Officer 1 13K 1 13K 2 26K' 3 39K GS-12 Security Officer 1 11K 2 22K GS-7 Courier 7K 2 13K 2 13K 3 19K GS-5 Guards 25K 7 35K 11 55K 15 75K 7 45K 10 61K 16 105K 23 155K Tech Reps CONT FLIR 1 25K 1 25K 1 25K 2 50K 3 75K TV 1 25K 1 25K 1 25K 2 50K 3 75K Vt Magnetometer 1 25K 2 50K 2 50K SLR 1 25K 2 50K 3 75K 4 100K INS 3 75K 6 150K 9 225K 12 300K SD-5 (IR) 1 25K 2 25K 2 50K 3 75K Cameras 2 50K 7 175K 13 300K 20 500K 29 675K Specialists Vt Prop. Spec. 2 24K 4 48K 6 72K 8 96K Vt Painter 1 9K 1 9K Vt Machinist 1 10K 2 20K 2 20K Welder 1 10K 1 10K 1 10K 1 10K IT Structural Repair 1 10K 1 10K 2 20K 2 20K VI Pneudraulic Spec. 1 10K 2 20K 3 30K 4 40K IT Instrument Spec. 1 10K 2 20K 3 30K 4 40K Auto pilot 1 12K 2 24K 3 36K 4 48K IT Elect. Systems 1 12K 2 24K 3 36K 4 48K Air Radio Maint. 1 10K 2 20K 3 30K 4 40K If Air Radar Maint. 2 20K 3 30K 4 40K 5 50K fT ECM Maint. 1 12K 3 36K 4 48K 5 60K VI Ordnance 2 16K 3 24K 4 32K 5 40K SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE -6- NEM Ctinirc; 'stem Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 Handle via BYEMAN Control System Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 'SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE .BYE-2121-66 GRADE POSITION FLT TEST (Specialists Continued) Ground Power Computer Spec. Photo Maintenance Electrician VT CONT 1 A/C 4 A/C 6 A/C 10 A/C 1 10K 2 20K 3 30K 4 40K 1 13K 2 26K 4 52K 5 65K 1 12K 3 36K 5 60K 7 84K 1 10K 2 20K 3 30K 4 40K 18 191K 35 378K 54 585K 69 750K SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE -7- Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 1-landle via 1INEMMI Zonret Systi)pa Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 * SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE BYE-2121-66 CONSOLIDATED PERSONNEL LISTS FLT TEST 1 A/C 4 A/C 6 A/C 10 A/C Headquarters 2 4 5 1 14 Air Crew 6 9 27 43 57 Field Units Command 2 2 Admin 2 4 Operations 5 8 17 22 Materiel & Maintenance 6 11 22 Ground Crew 6 20 30 46 Communications 6 9 9 18 27 Security 7 10 16 23 Tech Reps 2 7 13 20 27 Specialists 18 35 54 69 16 65 133 224 313 . SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE -8- via BY111M1 , Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 1law.112 via BYEMAN Control System Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 IDEALIST/CHIGOE SECRET PERSONNEL COST ESTIMATE BYE-2121-66 FLT TEST 1 A/C 4 A/C 6 A/C 10 A/C Headquarters 30K 52K 52K 113K 147K Air Crew 72K 109K 340K 539K 680K Field Units Command 20K 20K Admin 19K 37K Operations 40K 64K 140K 178K Materiel & Maintenance 42K 72K 154K Ground Crew 73K 244K 366K 565K Communications 47K 73K 73K 146K 219K Security 45K 61K 105K 155K Tech Reps 50K 175K 300K 500K 675K Specialists 191K 378K 585K 750K 199K 758K 1554K 2605K 3580K SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE -9- 11:-11i113 via BYEMAN tk '01 S'ist::A Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 ilanr:13 via BYEMMI . Control System Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE AIRCRAFT & SUPPORT COST ESTIMATES BYE-2121-66 Aircraft Support Initial Spares & Ground FLT TEST 1 A/C 4 A/C 6 A/C 10 A/C Support 1500K 1500K 1500K 1500K 1500K 1. Deployment Capability 1500K 2. Deployment Capability 2500K 3. Deployment Capability ' 4500K SUB-TOTAL 1500K 1500K 3000K 4000K 6000K Spares Consumption 29K 58K 233K 350K 583K Spare Engines Recip. � 75K 75K 300K 450K 750K Jet 125K 125K 500K 750K 1250K Engine Overhaul Recip. 5K 10K 15K 25K Jet 7K 14K 21K 35K IRAN and Modification 180K 370K 740K 1110K Fuel 15K 16K 25K 50K 84K 1744K 1966K 4452K 6376 9837K SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE -10- liznfilo via BYRIAll Control Systo Ell Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 rr, nmq vi3 Ccaral SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE FLT 'UST 1 A/C 4 A/C BYE-2121-66 6 A/C 10 A/C Communications 0 TWX Facility 10K' Operational Stations ' 396K 396K 792K 1188K TOTAL 10K 396K 396K 792K 1188K Travel Staff Travel 3K 3K 5K 6K 8K Deployments 82K 147K 147K 294K 490K Courier Trips 24K 24K 48K 80K Per Diem 19K 53K 101K 202K 336K TOTAL 104K 227K 272K 544K 906K , SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE -117 1r.;�;r,1 via DYEMAN Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 ilzmila via BYRIAil Cutrol System Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584 SECRET IDEALIST/CHIGOE BYE-2121-66 CONSOLIDATED COST ESTIMATE FLT TEST 1 A/C 4 A/C 6 A/C 10 A/C PERSONNEL 199K 758K 1554K 2605K 3580K AIRCRAFT SUPPORT 1744K 1966K 4452K 6376K 9837K COMMUNICATIONS 10K 396K 396K 792K 1188K TRAVEL 104K 227K 272K 544K 906K TOTAL 2057K 3347K 6674K 10317K 15511K -SECRET IDEAI,IST/CHIGOE , -12- rnr.rilf-1 7,11711A1,1 .i�z.n, id tontfol Syst3m Approved for Release: 2021/01/11 005752584