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Publication Date: 
March 16, 1994
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Approved for Release: 2015/07/28 006088972 ijOCID: 4046326 MAR 16 '94 12:12 P.1 (b)(3; Subj: Ames Case A detailed briefing on the Ames case was given to DoD on 4 March 1994 by the CIA and FBI. Attending the briefing were the Chiefs of Counterintelligence Operations from AFOSI, NCIS, FCA and staff from CI&Scm, DASD(I). Mr Ames probably compromised DoD operations and DoD equities are believed at risk. Chiefs of CI Operations and the DASD(I) staff are determining the exact operations at risk with an immediate focus on CY 1992. pg6r aock../Ai ternet. .6"Ae-7.t).5 I gnome ma.e .g.. 1001(e.e0 77,4.1 , Approved for Release: 2015/07/28 006088972 Approved for Release: 2015/07/28 006088972 A .60CID: 4046326 " MAR 16 '94 12:12 efr- P.2. /11/.7.Ge. ffijfg 7:71. Letter to Ames from Russian Hamper! some spelling hal�bRn F6F�Teated-Tand unknowns are shown in [bracket] Date unknown (page) 3 (or tr f;944"541 the offer of this position to You (which in itself is important and demands additional care). We ask You again and again-even in case of obtaining very hot info, please, do not rush, take maximum care and do not try to make immediate contact with' us, wait till the next personal meeting or dd. (dead drop) 12. We do believe that You are well aware of our operative and information priorities interests. We just like to mention some basics of the info, which we would be always waiting from You: - info about the Soviet agents of the Agency and other s's (security services) of Your country (first of all from KGE, A2U--efet)1U, MID, MVBS, other state, party, scientific and military organizations) Their names and all info about them, how, where, when and by whom they were recruited, how are paid, commo plans, how often and where are they met, what info do they provide etc). - all info about the DA operations against KGB and GRU. Identification of DA's, where, how and with whit objectives and goals the operations are going.. - info about planned important and dangerous political and economic actions against the USSR, including disinformation and CA ape in all spheres of bilateral relations (political, economic and military). � � - info about Your colleagues (in the HOs or in the field), who are under suspicion of CIC. - naturally, we are always interested in leads on the officers of the Agency, whom we could contact. - the most important info on military-strategic problems. - info about changes in structure, strategy and MO of the Agency, first of all in the CIC and'SE and on the chiefs of the departments and the key stations. As usual we,a wait from You any info, ideas, suggestions and comments, which could be used first of all to Your benefit. For instance, to divert possible attention of CI from You. � Rens. Approved for Release: 2015/07/28 006088972