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Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 B nomfamo &HD MCORD OEIMM' SUBJECT: (Optiondl) KRONTHAL, James Spayer (U) FROM: OS/PS/SI& SAD NSIOP4 I NO. 17 May 1989 TA: (Minor doBienation, room nu velbof, and building) 3. DAT. OFFICETS co INITIALS tthem. thar alach cornnu;Int 90 Aar/ froAi WhOM It lino acron colnent algor onch canunonP.I (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 13). 14. warning Notice Intelligence Sources or Methods Involved 4-6 Attached for your signature is a case summary to be forwarded to the DCI should you so choose. &�C`1( -- StS1+,,t (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) OM 1-79 ft)) us2 Pamous mmoms Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 � cf 14 0 a &L.-0 St (.72-3 6frD u,/afl cin-,iruva,-4- 4-0 co2k cturAj s 2 MAY 1981 (b)(3) (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 661-A-4)�A. - /d1''Ll C514- d L-zz-1,1 -`1 ec)_t kA,6 II att,4- PviaL) Le 1/1/-Ltab cA,U-croc Auew J2_,E_A_ -ic).../00yus2UrU bL}-09,6cicsices ..7771/ (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3)D)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) `-/- sirl,etpvite6 LA.-cuiza (b)(6) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 SECRET 11 May 1989 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Special Activities Division FROM: SUBJECT: Special Investigations Branch Special Activities Division KRONTHAL, James Speyer 1. Subject is a deceased Agency employee who committed suicide in his Georgetown home on 31 March 1953. Current SAD interest stems from a request by C/CIC/SG, Ray Reardon, to determine what information OS holds concerning Subject. This memorandum will review the case and document SAD actions. 2. Subject was the topic of a Newsweek article "The Soviet's First CIA Mole," published in the 15 May 1989 issue. (Attachment "A") The article makes reference to the book "Widows," written by William Corson and Joseph & Susan Trento, which alleges Subject had been co-opted by the Soviets due to his homosexuality. 3. The database contained no information concerning Subject. SRD related that Subject's file had been destroyed in the late 1970's, when many files over 20 years old were purged. Subject's Security File information, due to its age, was never entered in the newly-created Subject's polygraph file was destroyed in October 1980. There is no information on PD in ex cards except Subject's file number and the destruction date. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) 4. OP/SAS was contacted and the Subject's Personnel File (W(1 ) retrieved from Subject's OP file contained several (W(1 )0) WASHINGTON POST articles concerning his suicide, as well as an (b)(3) Agency report on the suicide. (Attachments "B", "C") Information in the file indicates that Subject's housekeeper arrived at his residence at approximately 0830 on 31 March, finding a brief note WARNING NOTICE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED (b)(1) (b)(3) SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 SECRET SUBJECT: KRONTHAL, James Speyer (b)(3) from Subject stating that he would be sleeping late and did not wish to be disturbed. When Subject failed to report to work, the (b)(3) Agency phoned and asked her to wake Subject. The housekeeper called to Subject, but could not rouse him. Two Agency employees, Gould CASSAL and were (b)(3) sent to investigate and found the body at approximately 1030 hrs. It was noted that an empty vial was found near the body. The presumption was he had taken poison. Neither the OP file nor the newspaper articles indicate what substance the Subject may have ingested. 5. C/CIC/SG supplied SAD with a memo dated 8 May 1989 from Gus Hathaway, ADDO/CI, detailing information on Subject received from former DCI Richard Helms. (Attachment "D") Helms noted that Subject was a bachelor and probably a homosexual. He further noted that the polygraph was uncovering HA cases at that time and Subject, feeling that his career would be ruined by a revelation of homosexual activity, committed suicide. There was no thought whatsoever given to him being a agent of the Soviets. It was never determined what substance was in Subject's system. (Though Helms was the addressee of one of Subject's suicide notes, he does not recall ever receiving it.) 6. Ed Sayle, ICS/UDAC was contacted on 16 May 1989 and reported that his information concerning Subject's case came from Paul Gaper, then C/SRS. In August 1954, Sayle was assigned to SRS and GaVnOr related the following information concerning Subject dufing a purge of SRS records. It should be noted that much of this information is speculation, and there is no documentary information currently available to connect Subject with the Soviets. a. Subject traveled to Germany in the 1930's on business and assisted in the marketting of art works confiscated from the German Jews by the Nazis. The Nazis discovered his homosexual proclivities and he was blackmailed. He was a close friend of Allen Dulles, worked with the OSS in Switzerland, and was later the Agency's station chief (W(1) (b)(3) b. At the end of WWII, the Soviet forces obtained information from the Nazi files on collaborators and allegedly recruited Subject by threatening to reveal his homosexual activity. 2 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 , Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 SECRET SUBJECT: KRONTHAL, James Speyer Among other information, Subject supplied the Soviets with Dulles' unpublished manuscript on how the Germans in Italy were brought to the surrender table in WWII. d. On 30 March 1953, Subject had dinner with Dulles at Dulles' home. Subject was found dead the next morning at his home. e. Sayle believes that two WFO agents, including then C/WFO, were the first to respond to the scene of the suicide and went about "sanitizing" the home. They were nearly arrested by the DC police. (There is no information in any files to indicate ever responded to the scene, or was connected with this case in any way) The DC detective investigating the case (Lawrence Hartnett) was briefed, and continues to speculate the Agency murdered Subject. Corson has interviewed the detective. f. Sayle also noted that Corson was a friend of the Dulles family and roomed with Dulles and his wife in Georgetown for a period. (There is one reference in Corson's file to him having known Dulles found in an interview with James J. Angleton by the IG) Corson received Dulles' diary from his son, who wished to ruin his father's reputation. Subject's sister, appalled at his collaboration with the Nazis, assisted Corson in his written account. g. Sayle states he was told by Ga/ner that the Bureau may have spotted Subject meeting with his alleged Soviet case officer(s) and reported it to Col. Sheffield Edwards. Edwards briefed Allen Dulles. Dulles confronted Subject with the information, obtaining a confession from Subject during the dinner meeting. Dulles told Edwards, who in turn reported back to the Bureau. 7. C/IG/OS, located the soft file on Subject, created by SAG when William Corson and Robert T. Crowley submitted the draft of their book "The New KGB," for Agency publications review. A review of this file revealed the following allegations from the book draft: 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 ,Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 SECRET SUBJECT: KRONTHAL, James Speyer a. On capturing Nazi Germany's files at the end of WWII, the Soviets set about the task of identifying information detrimental to Western governments and military commands. b. Subject's file was located in old German police records, identifying him as a homosexual. c. Subject, while employed by a Wall Street firm in international finance, spent four years in the 1930's "fencing" precious art that the Nazis had confiscated from German Jews. d. Subject traveled to Germany in the late 1930's and was compromised, or entrapped, by the Gestapo while engaged in a homosexual relationship. e. Subject worked for later becoming Dulles in Switzerland while in the OSS, (b)(1) (b)(3) f. The Soviets recruited Subject through entrapment with an "especially imported 'Chinese' boy" and, co-opted him into supplying a review of facts on the German surrender. g. Subject returned to Washington, felt severe stress over revelations of other Soviet espionage cases against the US, and felt his compromise of information was a betrayal of US. h. On 31 March 1953, Subject had dinner with Allen Dulles at Dulles' home. Following dinner he went home and killed himself It should be noted that the Publications Review Board (PRB) asked Corson/Crowley to remove this section from the book. The section was edited and re-submitted to PRB. PRB still objected to the section as amended and it was removed from the final publication. 8. Additionally, the SAG soft file held copies of documents, including FBI memoranda pertaining to the case. a. A 31 March 1953 FBI memo notes Subject's death and claims the Agency cleared him of allegations of homosexuality. 4 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 SECRET SUBJECT: KRONTHAL James Speyer It also reports that Subject's name was on Senator Joseph McCarthy's list of subversive Agency employees, a fact of which Subject was aware. b. A 3 April 1953 FBI memorandum concerning an interview with John W. Ford, Director of State Department Security, notes that he conducted an investigation of homosexual activities among CIA and State employees in 1951 and developed evidence that Subject was a homosexual. This evidence included a signed statement from a member of who had (W(1) engaged in two homosexual acts with Subject. (b)(3) c. Ford further stated that Subject Agency in the early summer of 1951. and recalls Subject's Ford felt Subject was not cashiered close friend of Allen Dulles and that the Agency felt the activity was in his past. was polygraphed by the Ford monitored the test because he was a d. A 10 April 1953 FBI memo reports that Dr. Magruder MacDonald, DC coroner, reported that Subject's body had been tested for narcotics without result. Two blood samples from Subject were turned over to the FBI Laboratory for analysis. Attached Bureau Lab reports found no poisons in Subject's blood samples. e. An 8 December 1954 FBI memorandum details an interview with Agency employee George MUSULIN Musulin stated that Subject left a suicide letter that the DC Police found and was of the opinion that Sen. McCarthy had obtained a copy. The Agency had kept the original note, but the DC police had kept a copy. This memo also mentioned that Subject learned his name was on Sen McCarthy's list and killed himself, rather than face the publicity. 9. The SAG soft file contains correspondence between the PRB and Crowley. Crowley, in a 2 February 1984 letter to OGC cites public domain material available concerning Subject's case and reveals this additional information: a. Corson had interviewed Subject's sister, 5 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 SECRET SUBJECT: KRONTHAL, James Speyer (b)(3) She stated that that Subject's homosexuality was known to her and family members from the time he was 13-14 years old. who was ailing at the time, remains convinced Subject was "murdered by agents of the CIA" and was an addressee of one of three suicide notes left by the Subject. b. Also interviewed was a first cousin of Subject, who related information about Subject's close association with John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles prior to WWII. also notes Subject's homosexual preferences since late childhood. c. Note is made of DC Metro Police records at the National Records Center in Suitland, Maryland, which contain Police incident reports on Subject's suicide, including three suicide letters, addressed to: Subject's sister, Allen Dulles (then DCI), and Richard Helms (then C/OPs). d. Corson interviewed Lt. Lawrence Hartnett, DC Metro Police Homicide Squad, in December. Hartnett threatened the two Agency officers ( Gould Cassal, (b)(3) on the scene with arrest for ransacking the (b)(3) Subject's house and possessions. Hartnett believes this disturbance of the crime scene made any .conclusion except suicide unsupportable and still retains his investigation notebook. Hartnett was never satisfied that Subject committed suicide and believes the Subject might have been murdered. 10. SAD received a copy of "Widows" on 16 May 1989. Chapter One, "The First Death," concerns Subject and is very similar to the information deleted from "The New KGB." In some places it is duplicated word for word. A review of this chapter of "Widows," makes the following allegations: a. After the housekeeper did not wake Subject, Cassal and "from the CIA's Office of Security," arrived and (b)(3) iscovered the body. (Cassal and were actually from Ops (b)(3) Training Office, Subject's office) b. Joseph Speyer & Company sent Kronthal to Germany and used the Speyer connections to sell artworks the Nazis confiscated 6 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 SECRET SUBJECT: KRONTHAL, James Speyer from Jews between 1933 and 1940. (Speyer & Co was Subject's employer from 1934-1938, as noted in Subject's PHS) Subject became acquainted with several high Nazi leaders. c. The Gestapo found out about Subject's homosexual activity. This arrest record was found by the Soviets through a penetration of the German BND. d. Due to the emotional cost of selling the property of people who were going to the death camps, Subject quit Speyer & Co. (Subject's PHS says he left the company upon its liquidation in 1938.) Subject returned to Harvard to pOxsue a graduate degree, entering the US Signal Corps and later the OSS when WWII broke out. e. Subject worked with Dulles in Bern during the war and later became One of his tasks was to (W(1 ) recover the art the Nazis stole during the war. (b)(3) f. The Soviets' wanted Subject to become an agent-in-place in the highest offices of the CIA. Soviets felt Subject's friendship with Dulles would make him a rising star when he returned to Washington. . Subject was provided "Chinese boys" by the Soviets while and filmed. He sent regular "packets" of information(W) to Moscow Center. (b)(3) h. Subject's Soviet handler told him to press for assignment to head of the Agency's clandestine services. Subject feared being exposed as a homosexual and a Soviet agent. i. Dulles had Subject to his home for dinner on 31 March 1953 to determine Subject's next assignment. Subject left after dinner, returned home, wrote suicide letters to Dulles and Helms, and then killed himself. (Previous information from from the Crowley/Corson manuscript said three notes were left, the third went to Subject's sister. The new book alleges Subject mailed a letter to his sister before he killed himself.) 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 SECRET SUBJECT: KRONTHAL, James Speyer j. Lt Hartnett, DC homicide squad, was used to covering up problems from the CIA and maintained a large file of Agency-supplied information on Washington politicos. (If Hartnett was so connected with the Agency, why did he try to arrest Cassal and .) k. The book erroneously alleges that Subject's file is "buried deep in the Archives of the CIA. (This investigation has certainly shown that the Subject's case was closed, filed, and eventually destroyed due to its age.) 11. It should also be noted in the Acknowledgments of "Widows" that two references are made in appreciation of Samuel Papich, who was then the FBI-CIA liaison working on Subject's case. 12. Based on the current interest in the Subject and "Widows," SAD has taken and will continue the following actions: a. Continue to add to the recreated security file on Subject for future reference, basing it on information obtained during this investigation; b. Continue to interview current and former Agency employees to gather information on Subject. These interviews should include who is retired and currently living in North Carolina; c. Have a WFO officer go to the National Records Center in Suitland and attempt to obtain copies of the DC Police report on Subject's suicide, the autopsy report, and other associated documents -- forgoing an attempt to interview Hartnett, who appears to be hostile to the Agency; d. Obtain information from the Executive Registry pertaining to Allen Dulles' datebook for 31 March 1953 and verify the dinner engagement; and 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 SECRET SUBJECT: KRONTHAL, James Speyer e. Obtain copies of any FBI files pertaining to Su ject to verify or discount the Soviet connection. (On 16)jay, ADDO/CI contacted the Bureau to receive their files. C/C e/SG will pass this information to SAD) Attachments 9 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 , � ; S77 -Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071: � TWIE.Z.COPT iitce� ��� ir4,7 '4;;V:.:7A04."40--Vkl�!-'24174511,4W4T;,'L Denied staff retreat and even mess privileges: �4�1,�Titz,titiotttarlitttr. ''4?Mir;P4S 0 El T4t. 11 CI Ow elatinna`tet-wee Ge v st �11-;7,u-rge�ii- e YVeke tar ore lin an -ge . -Y. re - 'tea submittedhj resignation last.. ' ' week. Health and Human ices sources say oop had been orn a of his own 4PPOintlneSe9s� 7-,anct denfe'd - 'ecreta�jLo�js ekin xin 8 � 1�!n'ilir:IY6ate-Clinifi'''' room' -, * Though K-4gave Jif reason' for lee-'4" .---.�-.12:,,11::1�u�g?r,e7a.lfalY;P-63"Poepilit'.RVthla-1: ,,,,..s.,4,ee-1,- --,i- .-.-Y, b. 1.101...,p4offpf lifin't-Iwtdr, r lit: 1.1-1(5....rri;.fr_!.-sc_�.7nl'etai:71:ctliiini:70c,..444.hia:_.i. ur appoinifirt-c'' preii.,_,-...slOW7e-h adrii'f-- �-� 0- -�1,,,��*-4.?..: -. CD OE t'100 Iieavy Stge-De ment prodding, zut the' en- on last week finally .heg. an drawing up cpninigencysplans - or U.S: military in Pan-, � � ama, .a ratinniurces,v 7�77A 77.77AAAV V1_sti"A7 say.. yptions�preperRa e .Joint phieti of StifIrange -from lie'eVanliatiniicitAikerfcatTcg,' PendtTJ.Smilitaryleses the':naeOt entail lea4er,IVIantier None- " "The JCS routinely " adies such plans for the prem.:4 ent, .%the delay on Panama-re- aiYmilitaryPen n oppos,ition :..140,vr,37tiAgon ere,, ese irS"A ,rlyheto -appoint, muc ess _lin't4earpoirie," rs iienior White gouseliiffiCial. �OthersonreensaithatKooP'S� datroirersie --itandsoirtragineifionierira".: 41,.azes,.ystres.singesfunationand Xfin:�si-iL the S war.. for CV' � OD �WOOD :IF9ft g EA arltp.d their firstxU. mole ,in the CIA in 1952 . iiid'heWagta person friend of Director uen,.Dulles,accord new diook called 'as :yif4Eir'a� ea ,..p..deitZir: , station chief inBe n --Switzerrian�'"d. ''47K-r-o-r-nth� al�VC 47;rn- -eSp 42". itteIsuicidefterdnjjigfth him 44. and, cosaiithora an of clandestine san and �:ageii-"Tr\""' �iirathal P flt� 'say am444e'-kn'-'1'w%-jfiriCi%94eazi�;i6 � 44"tY. 13.e:Ve �-aars,,,Raier;,,thalt:the :Soviets SA.,,,,s7,471�77,7 � � 7 , those ffles with bOYS recruited ehinih7t the Kreinlin'think the' %CIA: recruiting dwarfs when Sint: aoieliS'of 'fritiny-fiiii7e7iitilhe�TrO4cts-V �.,��s. enc head rte � par, iaple7made ,Rtirsh5s7aidess" �-lley�,1-Va.,`rthis 'fall? Thies the dory'24Faieaf2D.E*6513'8'::ie'rsiciii- may - appear in a 'book he's: work concludes on the first day- .VreecitoVelgei�bjitall:-W �SelitelltnitIA'offif-Aa'4 .*'WIP,4Z4'%+;;;�..:11&511 ,..:4".��,-v�At7=�atm MOUNDUPI public witt __,..,,,I,,turranforttLa -and 4rim rct.:16tigatCW-1%fr4r�h4reiiis6t7rs a'"orff.7ein.1";: � rooa sport. ofIlloicnt's "rtisre7iliere ar"eno 71110s-Ste, sex owsi.poin�, own. , Ronal Oliver SOOREBOARD o t:141cf (3,)Ist r ,f`�.� pr'or.r.ii, fit � � eq. dt�- ,P A's In? .s.51.2111W 41'4 nil!EMR121? ;." new :method ,forst,cleaning ,niaSsi'Ve:.pil spills will gefa real-life test is a re- Suit of the Exxon Valdez disas- ter. The Enyironniental Pro- teCtion Agency month will -begin determining the ability 79.1,stini Micronrganisrns to de- . quarter Mile nf oil-contaminat- ed beach. The Microorganisms consume the 'Oil,: breaking it -iti;;;v7i'iii.f7:;:?..4arl3O'd'ilioidde and water. Lab tests with therfaicro A7...^.� � '7. � organisms have -been_suoceiS- . r�- - - +1� � liar oil spill, the EPA - use the tec mque on arger t-vour from the tanker that 1- is now blackening Alaskan ! beaches: Using bacteria taken 'Prince : William Sound that hv betensinixedNith spe- cial `nat,r,ieritS:MitrOgen and ain4hOrtisi and oicygen in a biological reactor, EPA scien- tists will i:inoculate" up to a ttf� " ;last LJJChristiciashin Aynn Sent Redi;.15eifurige to .;eds� 7.8f ' 'But ._1(;iierliiltanI-cieritiolii spouse recently,Jearned the ffpncc-;`,$,17q :lledtheI&use�icscomrnit- tie, It ordered unopened bottles ietarned4and,��npened ones aid s or by sonal heck ,fhen; li-loniihole:'" -*hen Red was not Yet on the �iarket. As "a' piomotionai gift," the,panel's chief counsel 'ruled, it wa.s safe to keep: " TJCY HOWARD with bureau reports � --+� �� � ���,;rsissAs.s. -`�Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 66619071., 47- ,CiA Man Found In 324$!re.ef orn.e; Note :101131.i,e.s, Suicide AdminiStiatiye Past HiriOver $10,000 Yearj. POlice Cautious An adininistrative . official of the super-secret Central Intel- ligence Agency was found dead today in. his fashionable George.- town home:: .The body of James S. -Kron_ thal, 41, of 1662 Thirty-second street N.W. was. found 'about 10:30 but It *as nearly 1 p.m: before homicide police, exercising ." unusual , :,.eaution, would give out details. . Lt.- Lawrence 'Hartnett of the homicide squad said Mr. Kron-1 thal's body was stretched fully ' clothed, except for a coat on a bed in the larger of two second- floor bedrooms. , I Note Implies Suicide. On a bed stand pollee found an empty clear-glass vial and a page-long, handwritten note "indicating likely suicide," Lt.. Hartnett said. He refused to divulge the note's . contents , a standard police practice. A spokesman for .the CIA said only that Mr. Kronthal was em- ployed in an "administrative , capacity." He !refused to say, whether it ,He the handling of matter 'involving' the -national seaurity. His salary was More than $10,000 a year. -.� � 'Coroner A.= Magruder'.* Mac- Donald went to the home to as-- sist in the investigation. 'He re- fused to comment on the cause of death pending an autopsy this afternoon, ' � � Found by. Other :CIA Men. _ . :Toth- ':other employes of CIA, Gould. Cassel, 43, of. 3445 Thirty- eighth .--street -N.W.,-, 'and Mc- Gregor' Gray, .31., *of 4501 Walsh street, Chevy Chase::Md., discov- ered the body after Mr: Kronthal failed to report to hi., office. . An 'hour earlier, a Maid had begun her work downstairs, una- ware Mr. Krorithal. was dead. �One policeman, said death 13.13 parently occurred about 12. hours before the 'body was found. There were no :marks: of Agency' Works 'With Police. The CIA was working closely with the police_ in the investi- gation.' � Following .close-lipped prac- tice, the CIA revealed little about Mr. Kronthal. He had worked at the agency "two or three years." A native of Deal, N. J., he was born August 21, 1912: He was graduated from .Yale University In 1934 � and obtained a degree from Harvard University in 1941. Police said he had relatives living, outside the city, but none in this vicinity. Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 Certificate Wails CIA-Officer Found Dead, Vial Nearby An "important!' administrative officer in the hush-hush Central Intelligence Agency was found dead in his Georgetown home yesterday, with an empty vial !beside his body. I Police said the circumstances and a page-long fetter to a friend pointed to suicide. The body of James S. Kronthal, 40, of 1662 32d st. nw., was found about 11 a.m. -by two friends from CIA. . .. Police said the maid, Mrs. La- vinia Thomas, of 2813 N st. nw., arrived as usual at 8:30 a.m. atl the attractive, white brick home ! where Kronthal lived alone. She I found a brief note from Kron- thal, asking her not to disturb . . him because he wanted to sleep late. She went about her work. When Kronthal failed to report [ to his office, CIA telephoned the I house and asked that he be aroused. Police said Mrs:Thomas called out and got no answer, but hesitated to disturb her em- ployer because of the' note. According to police, Gould Cas- I sal, of 3445 38th st. nw., and Mc- Gregor Gray, of 4501 Walsh st., Chevy Chase, came to investigate. Police said they found Kronthal's body, full-clothed except for a coat, on a day he'd in his second- floor bedroom. An empty' vial was on the floor. � ' Homicide "Lieut. Lawrence Hartnett said investigators found a hand-written letter- to ,a male friend indisating Kronthal ;was "Mentally upset because of pres- sure connected with work.". An autopsy indicated Kronthal died between -10 p.�m. and mid- night Monday. Actual cause had not been determined last night. Dr. A. -Magruder MacDonald, District coroner, withheld a death certificate pending chemi- cal analysis. .. .. : Kronthal, believed to .have been unmarried, ivas 4 ioriner , assistant instructor it -Harvard' and a former Army' captain. He wr he n : K.' ro. ne- entered the State Department in March, 1947, and, served as an attache in Byeal�,SwiterIand., Records show ne left tA diPart.-1 ' al " icmre:tdiencliNnleady rl9a5sry2:a. , dice . th th ministrativ e s . spokes- e sered i A n an "ad- job oj . fide dh m th to ,I man capacity" and his was important" ; ,,� N'. jrritha 1 e . 13.. was born In Deal, Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619071 *-77,,,m,rx.Y,rr4.,trMMr' JAMES KRONTHAL. Police Await Report By Chemist in Death Of Intelligence Ma ,The cause of the death. of James S. Kronthal, Central In- telligence Agency administrative officer, will remain e a mystery un- til police receive a- report on a *chemical .analysis. � � Mr. Kronthal. 40. was found dead yesterday morning .on an � upstairs bed in his Georgetown home at 1662 Thirty-second street .N.W. � , � On the table near the bed was : handwritten note which Lt. i Lawrence Hartnett said may 'have explained the case with the words that Mr. -Kronthal was I "mentally upset because of pres- sure connected with -work." On the same. table was an , empty glass Vial.'Unable to de- I termine what had been in it. Coroner' A. Magruder McDon- ald. ordered the chemical analy- sis, which may ,not be completed before next week. � � Following its practice, the CIA � revealed nothing of Mr. Kron- thal's work there the last two or three years except that he was in an administrative ca- pacity. His salary was more , � than $10,000. ,S,,.