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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
January 23, 2020
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Publication Date: 
February 6, 1982
Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 C06626216 Dirvctor 'if ( 4111 rat -41"Trrr!'n-e+4.61-- 111111.111011111. National Intelligence Daily Saturday 6 February 1982 �ThirSeecat�._ CO N10 8,411.1X o rearm:try tYll� Copy 261 Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 C06626216 Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 C06626216 GUATEMALA: Counterinsurgency Effort 5:. .:4:itcma;w:Amz. icaxivan i:c a,y,i2wc:::,e .N.;a:::.evincu!.!,:htv 1.1 ...;:ra!;A:;!iYI re:::ir" 1..;-," ....P ir'" nwnw::7-r -,).1)--;, The move was prompted by the recent discovery that total guerrilla forces--possibly somo 4 500--are twice the number estimated earlier. The Army has formed three new battalion-size units composed primarily of veterans recalled to active duty. These forces will supplement a 3,800-man task force set up late last year to operate in Quiche Department against the country's major insurgent group, the Guerrilla Army of the Poor. The new units will operate farther north in the Ixil Triangle. Comment: The sweep in the Ixil Triangle, along with the other operations in the area, underscores the govern- ment's commitment to a long and tough campaign, based in part on a new awareness that the insurgents have gained significant Indian support in the highlands. Although the three new units could add as many as 1,600 men to the 15,000-man Army, large-scale sweeps are already stretch- ing the Army's manpower in other zones of guerrilla activity. 5 6 February 1982 Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 C06626216