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Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 C06626218 Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 C06626218 Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 C06626218 GUATEMALA Guatemalan Communist Party (Partido Guatemalteco del Trabaio) (PGT) AKA: Goat.=Ian Labor Patty Definition and Ideology: Orthoden, Moscow-line party that opposes terrorist activ- ities. In October 1978 expelled my-Cuban members of its military commissioo who favored we of violence to topple Guatemalan Government (see Proviskinal Directorate of the Guatemalan Canummist Party). Since 1978 Rik has been taring to restructure its organiza- tion and to rebuild military commission to meet what it views as increasing likelihood alarmed struggle in Guate- mala. Membership concentrated in Guatemala City. Quezaltenango and southern coastal area. Goals and Activities: To establish a socialist form of government in Guatemala. Established: 1949 Membership: In 1978 had 200-250 active members and about LOOD sympathizers. Sources of Support: USSR and Cuba officially recognize and support PCT. Publications: Leader& lAmo Aguilar Santiago Oranges Trocoli, Carlos Rosales Roman, Ricardo Guatemalan Labor Party See Guatemalan Communist Party Guerrilla Army of the Poor (Eiercito Guerrillero de los Pobres) (EGP) AKA: Definition and Ideology: Most effective and active terrorist group in Guatemala. Is a pro-Castro. Marxist-Leninist splinter group of Rebel Armed Forces (FAR). Members include university stu- dents, professional women, Indian peasants. Has proclaimed "a war to the death on US imperialism. and its local representatives" In 1977 operated in four main areas southern and northern coastal areas, eastern Guatemala, and Guatemala Coy. Guerrilla Army of the Poor (Cont.) Goals and Activities; To destroy the Guatemalan Army and what it views as other repressive bodies of the ruling classes and to seize political, military and economic power. Engages in armed anirontation with Army and in kid- naping. assassination, bombing and raids in rural areas and In Guatemala City. Publishes news bulletins, appealing for support in fight against the Guatemalan Government. Has announced a coalition with PGT Dissident Faction and FAIL Established: Split from FAR in 1971: adopted present name in 1975. Membership- About 1.000 Sources of Support: Some members trained in Cuba. and Cuba has sent advis- ers to Guatemala. Has obtained weapons through theft and clandestine purchase. Publications: Leaders: Macias Mayorga, Julio Cesar (Montes. Cesar) Rnntezde Leon, Ricardo Organization of the People in Arms (ORPA) (Organizacion del Pueblo en Armas) AKA: Definition and Ideology: Politiconalitary, leftist revolutionary group. Considers armed struggle a necessity. Goals and Activities To unite the people in fight against Guatemalan Govern- ment; to manage revolutionary struggle in a conscientious, progresave and responsible manner; and to free people from povaty, repression and exploitation. Established: First openly identified September 1979. but probably was organized earlier. Membership: 400-500 Sources of Support: Probably allied with Rebel Armed Forces, Guerrilla Army of the Poor, and PGT Dissident Faction. Publications: Issues monthly bulletins. Leaders: Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 006626218 Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 C06626218 �"WMKW� GUATEMALA (Cont.) PCT Dissident Faction See Provisional Directorate of the Guatemalan Communist Party Provisional Directorate of the Guatemalan Communist Party (Provisional Directorate of the PGT) ,AKA: PGT Dissident Faction Definition and Ideology: � Pro-Cuban, Marxist-Leninist dissident PGT faction. Com- posed Primarily of members of PGT and Rebel Armed Forces (FAR) who constituted PG7 military commission and were ravelled by orthodox PGT In October 1978 for terrorist activities. More militant than orthodox PG1'; fa- von use of violence to topple Guatemalan Government. Operates in Guatemala City and in southern and south- western areas of country. Goals and Activities: To take control of orthodox PGT and to overthrow Gov- ernment of Guatemala. Terrorist activities have included assassinations of wealthy landowners; businessmen, Army and police personnel, and members of National Liberation Movement, Guatemala's most conservative political party. Has cooperated with FAR and maintains contact with Guerrilla Army of the Poor. Established: Expelled from PGT in 1978; organizational structure established by March 1979. Membership: Sources of Support: Has direct ties to Cubans in Cuba and in Mexico. Cuba is its primary foreign contact, although Cuba and USSR still officially recognize and support orthodox PCT. Publications: Lead Ts: Carrion Aguilar, Jose Alberto Charm, Eugenio C.aetteras Pim. Manuel Ramirez Condo, Francisco rviiia7or, Max Armando Rebel Armed Forces ' (Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes) (FAR) AKA: Rebel Armed Forces (Clot.) Definition and Ideology: Cuban-oriented, faction-ridden guerrilla/terrorist orga- nization, Splinter group of Guatemalan Communist Pasty. Violently anti-United States with a history of terrorism against US officials. Has regional commands in Guatemala City and in northern and eastern Guatemala. Goals and Activities: To unite with Guerrilla Army of the Poor (EGP) and PGT Dissident Faction to overthrow current regime and estab- lish a leftist government Has kidnaped and assassinated Guatemalan and foreign officials; assassinated US Ambas- sador Gordon Mein ha 1968. Was inactive from mid-I975 through 1978. Established: Split from PGT January 1968. Membership: About 100 members and a few hundred Publications: Leaders: Diaz, Ramiro Solo Garcia. Jorge Ismael (Manzana) Approved for Release: 2020/01/21 C06626218