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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
January 23, 2020
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Publication Date: 
February 1, 1978
Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626234 Weekly Situation Report on International Terrorism 1 February 1978 Spiet RECORD COPY PCS/DDO (b)(3) (b)(3) L Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626234 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626234 SECRET (b)(3)i 1 February 1978 ARTICLES Guatemalan Exchange: Guerrilla Leaves, Politician Released On 17 January Mario Alberto Dominguez Morales, a member of the Guerrilla Army of the Poor (EGP), suffered seven bullet wounds in a gunbattle with the Guatemalan National Police. Three members of the EGP were killed in the encoun- ter. Dominguez was placed under arrest following the shoot- out and taken to the hospital in Mazatenango in serious condition. On 24 January Dominguez was spirited away with suspicious ease from the hospital by a group of masked men. Two days later an unidentified person phoned the Costa Rican ambassador at dawn and told him that Dominguez had been left at his garage door and that Dominguez' life or death had become the responsibility of the Costa Rican embassy. After this the EGP let the Guatemalan government know that the release of EGP prisoner Roberto Herrera Ibarguen, presi- dential advisor and member of the council of'state, would be contingent on Dominguez being granted asylum and safe transit to Costa Rica. The governments of Guatemala and Costa Rica quickly worked out the details and the Guatemalan Red Cross flew Dominguez to San Jose on 28 January. He describes his removal from the Mazatenango hospital as a "kidnaping" and not a rescue and says that the men who took him from the hospital were not EGP members. Herrera, whose family had already paid U.S. $1.3 million ransom, was released on 30 January. a month after his abduction. � SECRET I RECORD COPY I PC DO (b)(3) _ �(b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06626234