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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
January 13, 2020
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
February 2, 1978
AN; � � �� � r.� 4proved for Release: 2019/11/22 C067639xsah48` � "10IF UNITED ,STATES. DISTRICT. COURT. FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IgLITABY AUDIT. PRO3ECT: et al.) ) Plaintiffs/ ) ,) ) v. ) ) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. AGENCY, ) ) Defendants, ) ) ) ) WASHINGTON,, ) ) DISTRICT. OF qpLUMBIA ) Civil Action No. 75-2103 AFFIDAVIT Cyrus 11,. Vance, being sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am the Secretary of State and have held that position since january 23, 1977. r 2. I am familiar with the complaint in this case and make the following statement based upon personal knowledge obtained by me in my official capacity. 3. In the course of my responsibilities as Sectetary of State, I have become familiar with a United States Government program which involved the ship known as the Hughes GLOMAR EXPLORER. This program involved the collection __ of intelligence critical_to the national.security_of.the _ United States. Because of the sensitivity of the program, stringent measures were taken to avoid disclosing publicly Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763948 Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763948,. v-s� - - � � any information about it. A,. To the best of my knowledge the United -.SItales. Government has acknowledged only that the G1.01:1AR EXPLORER: was_OWned by the United $tates, that it was. on A mission related to the national security And, more recently, that the Centiia- Xntellj.gence ,Ageriby was: involved' in theprograM, I aMLaware.of the numerous, press, reports cOnaerning the purpose of the program, and the identity of other governments, that may have been involved,; I nonetheless believe that .any .confirmation or denial, of these ieports, or the public. disclosure .by the unite4,siat4. dovernment .of the purpose of the pro- gram, the. identity of .any other governments involved, or the results of the, program, could reasonably .be expected to cause serious, damage .to the national jecurity of the. United States., .5. 5. affairs, one deals with intangibles and uncertainties: No one can predict with certainty what damage would flow from public disclosure of further official information about the GLOMAR program, but. it is. my judgment, shared by other senior officials, in the Department, that such disclosures could reasonably be expected to cause - serious damage to our national security. - 6, Even to speculate publicly, about specific consequences that might flow from sudhAlisclosures Approved for Release: 20-19/11/22 C06763948 40 (Approved for Release 2019/11/22 C067:39,(4. *. would; in all likclihood/.be 0.amagM, as. other 90vernments might feel col!straine4 to react to such _Speculation by comments or measures, 77... For these reasons, I believe that further disclosures: of information in this, matter by the United States Government could reasonably be ex- pected to cause serious, damage to ,our national security, perhapa grave damage, and that such infor- mation is therefore properly classified, .1. ( �,��t�� C. rus. ,R., Vance \tr 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this. day of February/ 1978. ;3e9.. - � V._ e ... 1..4_... - C ---.. � . t.ty. Ccmi.r.issica Expires .J.une .:1.; 197.9.. Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763948