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Approved for Release: 2019/03/20 C06772457 PROM WABHF/JI BITE 38 ITUEI 4. 30' 02 17:48/BT. 17:47/N0. � SITE 3 CIA unsciAG417 P I TIME RECEIVE� Floosie: SUBJECT: �Cl?;� I S -111ta*ia.+cv.. R4oA. .jtW; a(341.4� OEUVERY INSTRUCTNINS: AFTERZUTY-HQURS CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR EACH REQUIRING AFTER OUTY HOURS. DELIVERY. . � � I ' Aosta CEj maanoveminewr � .0 HOW FOR tioRitat. ourritoims - .TRANSMITTED TO � RECIPISIT PHONE IlUIMIERI OFnCEl ROM *REM 1 SECURE FAR � 611. 11443 .514.41 Woifotartv. 6e41.m.44 fialtsit. or Colgrici.110.oq � Remarks: _s_EamirsECDEFC.ABLEs 1 SHAW EXWMC piSTRBIUTION � CCD USOP CABLE CH FILE it� WASIWAX COVE" SHEET CIAWASHFAX OMANI Lij Oft5r0 (b)(6) /�2 \ (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/03/20 C06772457 Approved for Release: 2019/03/20 C06772457 Ammeommemelelliftillinfti FROM WASHFAX SITE 35 I F Relit IFIE Tf: SUBJECT: ITUE / 4. 30 02 17: 48/ST. 7 : 47/NO. �POR-Offfel*Hilif-0144- 271 HAY - 1 rit I: I 7 � OURESAIRPOLICY SITIRESTS 04130l22 0L27:5S PM Response la Mr. Wolhavie's Oinetioe on Remit Stemmata by /IMO& Maniacal Regarding the Legitimacy el Suicide Am rltsisi below Is 1111811reielleibes Peoples remise talk. Welfraltes sundae se rapt sietermats by Ayatollah wend reptiles the Wimpy of :oldie ads. It is based esdesively os de seetset and behavior of soleette Willa Ic woes sad is Mod "Admit nordestino web other U.S. Sovernmest endsonsets. . olio eieeksrod by Mt Imo ost ooetsieed a fowls by Aymellob Ilitsatelori ledisedog sahib bombers ore meal 'plait II3ffi. The foilswlsg ambito token elk most recent stiesemsto by litetatori mitered by MIS. isitratollah Montazerrs Message In Support Of the People of Palestine Ilehren Nowna in Persian, 22 April 02, p 11 I urce descriptor. Reformist daily headed by Mohsen Mirdamadi. Majles deputy and member of the rformIst Islamic Iran Participation Front (IIFF).3 Political group: Ayatollah iAontazeri issued a message supporting the people of Palestine end condemning Israeli attacks on them. A portion of the statement reads es follows: The number of Moslems in the world is over a blilien and the number of Zionists is nothing compared to that. Unfortunately, the poetical and economic power of Islamic counties is controlled by those who are irlimldated by the great world powers. Although they have all the opportunities, they do not have the ppwer to make decisions and do not feel enough responsibility to act. AO their actions, political comings and goings, discussions, and conferences are nothing but talk and slogans. of the major economic Oilers of great powers is the oil and energy that Islamic countries possess. y is it that the leaders of Islamic countries are not willing to cooperate and plan to effectively use the that God has bestowed upon them � even as a temporary measure? ... people have any other choice but to ragout to suicide acts when they are deprived of ides, their homes and existence are stolen from them, and they are under the aggressive savallia attacks of the enemy whits leaders of count/Ise and global Organizations, as well as illt.rnallonul agencies, have nothing to offer but words and slogans? The oppressed people of Palestine seek the help of al those In power, especially the leaders of Islamic countries. According to the Prophers tradition, anyone who does not fulfill their [Palestinians, request Is n a Moslem. How would the powerful Moslems answer to the Moslem nation and God end his of= enger on the day of judgment when they are not prepared to suspend their political and economic r lations with the Zionist regime, even on a temporary basis? The country of Palestine belonged to its inhabitants, and for centuries Jews, Christians, Moslems, and the Mae lived in hamtony together. However, after the World War and the domination of that country by England, it was deckled to create a Zionist state there. The Zionists were able to purchase approximately one-sixth of the Palestinian land. Subsequently, through colonial aggression; the massacre of the Palestinians and making them homeless; and the gathering of Jews from Europe, America, Russiarand P 2 U07580 /02 (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(3) � Approved for Release: 2019/03/20 C06772457 Approved for Release: 2019/03/20 C06772457 r eer FROM IISSHFAX SITE 38 (TUE/ 4- 30 02 17:48/8T. 17:47/N0. *rice with the help of the United Nations about fifty percent of the land was taken over and called Israel. /hey are not even satisfied with this and now they plan to occupy land from the Me to the Euphrates. iis country was established by means of murder and terror. and they still operate In the same way. fortunately, the government of America that has also been attacked by terrorists, under the guiseof Ming terrorism. supports this country (Israeli and ignores the rights of the people of Palestine who are true owners of the fend. However. a just cause is never subject to the statute of limitation. In another portion of the message he states: It is utter cruelty and Insult to the oppmesed people of Palestine if the tyranical government of Israel becomes dominant and the true owners of Palestinian lend become its dependents with a weak "self-rullng" government. At the very least, the Palestinians should have an independent government with all the powers and forces and defensive mechanisms and opportunities with its capital at Holy Gods Penisaleml. In this regard, the Islamic nations should help them, and the land occupied by Israel should be returned to them. This will benefit both Palestinians and the Israelis. Of course, it would be best, if. popular government could be established for the entire territory of Fiatestine on the basis of popular vote. Unfortunately, with all the bloodshed and animosity that has taken place during more than fifty years It Is difficult to expect such a thing to happen. We pray to God, the All Mighty, to enable all his servants to act according to their humane. divine obligations, and resolve all difficulties and inhumane conflicts. Cc: 6m on 35 April 2It77 el 05:2711 PM _F.ORASSICIAt-OSE-Ofttr� P 3 Approved for Release: 2019/03/20 C06772457