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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
April 23, 2020
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Publication Date: 
May 19, 1950
Approved for Release: 2020/04/23 C06790724 VL.UtiL TRAN SLAT ION C. (Seal) ' MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Directorate General of Public Security Division of Police Section I File No. 10.13055 4.2 Rome, 19 May 1950 To the American Consulate General in Rome SUBJECT: SCIORTINO Pasquale; =SALE Giacomo; and TERRANOVA Antonio. Information. With reference to the request made on the 16th instant to the Inspector General of Public Security at the Ministry of Interior, Dr. Ciro VERDIANI, it is communicated that SCIORTINO Pasquale could be identified with SCIORTINO Pasquale, son of Giuseppe and MICCICHE Nuntia, born at S. Cipirello on 10 October 1923, associated with the Giuliano gang and pursued by warrants for his arrest issued by the Investigation Section of the Court of Appeals of Palermo, in date of 7 March 1947, 1; March 1947, 19 May 1947, 21 September 1947 and 21 October 1947 for crimes of manslaughter, abduction (Sequestro di persona), aggravated assult, attempted homicide and illegal possession of fire arms. During the first day of this current month a regular petition of extradition for the above-named was presented to the Government of the United States of America. MESSALE Giacomo could be identified with MFASALE Giuseppe Gioacchino Eaanuele, son of Salvatore and GAGLIO Rosa, born at Montelispre on 27 November 1907, pursued by warrants for his capture for attempted homicide, attempted abduction, association with an armed band, and other crimes. He is affiliated with the Giuliano gang and there is a reward of Lire 200,000 for his arrest. It hga not been possible to identify, even tentatively, the Antonio TERRANOVA, as his names are very much diffused in Sicily. FOR THE MINISTER (Signature illegible) Approved for Release: 2020/04/23 C06790724