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Publication Date: 
October 10, 1987
Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799606 Director of , , Central - Intelligence II II National Intelligence Daily Saturday 10 October 1987 11 HI I II -rop-seoget_ CPAS NID 87-237JX TCS 2937/87 10 October 1987 3 7 3 U Pr't for Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799606 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799606 - 0. 1 Contents Special Analyses South Korea: Kims Still Joust as Election Nears "rop-Seczat_ ICS 2937/87 10 October 1987 11 ors ����� Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799606 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799606 ID-Secret Special Analysis SOUTH KOREA: Kims Still Joust as Election Nears With the presidential election only two-and-a-half months away, Kim Dee Jung and Kim Young Sam still have not settled on which of them will be the opposition party's ca7didate. The rulina party's candidate may be the benefkiary Kim Young Sam formally announced his candidacy for president today, and Kim Dae Jung is expected to do so next week. The failure of the two Kims to agree on which one of them will run for president has rankled others in their Reunification Democratic Party, the main opposition party in Korea, and may cost it public support. Their struggle for power has turned bitter, with both men trading personal attacks in an all-out effort to win the nomination, leading ob conclude that a settlement is now permanently out of reachffers-1(11 The inability of the Kims to agree risks a messy floor fight at the RDP convention this month. The pressure for the party to agree on one opposition candidate is building open competition betwe to the ruling party. Roh's Fortunes Roh Tae Woo, nominee of the ruling Democratic Justice Party has already �Rifled from the onnosition's disarray Roh still faces several hurdles. His chances could be undermined by former Prime Minister Kim Jong Pil, who has formed a party and thrown his hat in the ring. Although generally regarded as a long shot, 11 continued TCS 2937/87 10 October 1987 ra. (b)(1) (b)(3) 41111.. Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799606 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799606 (b)(3) 4�4! the latter could draw enough conservative votes from Roh to give victory to the opposition (b)(1) (b)(3) Campuses Relatively Quiet The lack of turmoil on college campuses this fall has helped Roh and hurt the opposition. Student activity is now generally in the hands of moderates, who do not plan to return to street protests Student Interest in the presidential race remains high, however, suggesting that they and the broader public continue to expect a fair election. Outlook The National Assembly's passage of the constitutional reform bill on Monday is virtually assured, and the next step�a national referendum on the new charter�should occur by the end of this month. The political parties are eager to clear the way for campaigning and are making good progress in resolving even the contentious issues involved in altering the election law, such as demands for a lower voting age. The outcome of the struggle between the two Kims will have a major effect on the election and on military behavior. It Kim Dae Jung gains the opposition party's nomination, concern about the Army's intervention In the process and worries about his personal safety will rise sharply. Concern that the Army might intervene was greatest when labor unrest peaked in August. without a credible justification, like widespread unrest endangering the Olympic Games next summer or a direct threat from North Korea, their involvement might provoke massive antigovernment demonstrations, strain relations with the US, and discredit the military altogether. 12 � TCS 2937/87 10 October 1987 ea. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) gm, Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799606