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Publication Date: 
December 17, 1987
Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799613 (b)(3) Director of Central Intelligence __3i5110ehorizt National Intelligence Daily Thursday 17 December 1987 ll II III Ii IC= 2992/87 11111 11 1 1:11 .52 III II II lraTriklepret. CPAS N1D 87492JX TCS 2992/87 17 December 1987 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799613 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799613 Contents South Korea: Roh Wins Amid Charges of Fraud �eoreL_ TCS 2992/87 17 December 1987 3 NR Record NR Record (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799613 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799613 SOUTH KOREA: Roh Wins Amid Charges of Fraud Opposition groups are contesting!Roh Tae Woo's victory in yesterday's presidential election. Near-final results show Roh won with 37 percent of the 23 million votes cast. Kim Young Sam finished second with 27 percent, Kim Dae Jung followed with 26 percent, and Kim Jong Pil polled only 8 percent. According to the US Embassy, each candidate swept his home province, with Roh also faring better than expected in metropolitan Seoul and Pusan. Roh took a majority of the vote in conservative rural areas, traditional ruling-party strongholds. The opposition parties, other groups, students, and voters' comments point to election fraud, according to media and some Embassy reporting. Supporters of Kim Dae Jung held a protest rally in the provincial city of Kwangju today, and, an open arrest order has been prepared for use if Kim Dae Juno tries to instigate a popular revolt against the election results. called a meeting of military and security officials yesterday to discuss contingency plans for martial law or more limited emergency- measures should widespread unrest follow Roh's victory. Areas of most concern include the cities of Seoul, Kwangju, Pusan, and the Kims' home provinces. A move to crack down could come as early as this afternoon Comment: The government almost certainly will claim Roh's margin of victory as a solid mandate. In addition, they will point to Kim Dae Jung's clean sweep in his home province�he garnered more than 90 percent of the vote�as proof that the losers' charges of massive fraud are groundless. Many Koreans are likely to conclude that by splitting the opposition vote the Kims were ultimately responsible for their defeat Claims of fraud as well as protests by radicals are likely to dominate events In the next few days, keeping the question open of the legitimacy of Roh's victory. Repeated ruling-party requests for a prompt official endorsement from Washington of Roh's election suggest the government is concerned that other Koreans will join with opposition militants claiming a fixed ballot gave Roh is victory. 3 �UP-SOUP& TCS 2992/87 17 December 1987 Approved for Release: 2019/06/03 C06799613