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PDF icon LETTER TO CAROLINE KRASS-[16306012].pdf257.17 KB
Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: SSCI# 2014-0339 - Letter to Caroline Krass - Follow-up QFRs from confirmation hearing Monday, January 06, 2014 6:08:58 PM SSCI# 2014-0339 - Letter to Caroline Krass Follow-up OFRs from confirmation hearino.pdf ttached is a letter to Ms. Caroline Krass from Chairman Feinstein and Vice Chairman Chambliss dated January 6, 2014, transmitting Questions for the Record arising from her confirmation hearing. Please confirm receipt of this message. Sincerely, Director of Security U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 fl4 2 4 -0 33 5 .A tt0tAMlIr roeApproved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 JOI*41). 1,1(}eKrI IIrti lV WC 57 Mem, Inn! xFL 1FF NORM t ARCIINA RON WV E.11.,,1 1111L,x0N v JAM F Ft1.50-1 OAHU ('6�Mn 701=tlieu2 ATZ1;,`, mr. DUNS, MAIV rUMcntitlYiN OKLA:110.0t NARK WAFtNr% 41�e/NIA INAMINIINNIIILli NNW Antrnt.* ANZIANINC, (b) (6) I /AhRY Wrib NIEVALM.tX 11:10 t-N,r,�^4Triw,,ITZ'1;Zggcru" SAINEb.INFOPE OKLAHOMA. OX OFflt 10 CIAVIIMIANN18, 01116:10vt MAP II IAL0Ui WilM111.TXTITI MINOIllreK 141^TalIVS.70R NAIR Ff 1U5./117.F, 'IMF (114x. Ms. Caroline Diane ICrass cio Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Dear Ms. &ass: :VMS :eta 'WASHIN0teM.I=2 January 6 2014 Please find enclosed the Questions For the Retard to follow up on your confirmation hearing. We ask that your responses be submitted to the Committee as soon as possible. Please contact the conirnittee Staff Director. Mr. David Grannis, at 'th any questions Dianne Feinstein Chaim= Enclosure Sincerely, Saxby C Vice Cha Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 QUESTIONS FOR THE RECORD CAROLINE D. KRASS Covert Action v. Traditional Military Activities In an interview conducted shortly after the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, then-CIA Director Leon Panetta acknowledged that the operation was a CIA "covert operation," yet it was carried out by DOD personnel using DOD helicopters and other equipment and, because it was acknowledged, it was not "coven " By contrast, until recently, DOD's use of unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct targeted strikes outside of the "hot" battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq was a secret. When asked about the difference between "covert actions" conducted by CIA and clandestine military activities conducted by DOD m the preheanng questions provided by this Committee you wrote, "the President selects which element is best suited for the particular mission based on his assessment of how best to further the national interest? Historically speaking, however, Congress sought to impose a higher standard of oversight on "covert action," at least in part, because of the unique foreign policy implications of unacknowledged paramilitary operations. � Has the distinction between covert action and clandestine military activities become a legal technicality left entire)), to the discretion of the President? What Ores of pomading,"); operations, if any, would be lawful only V carried out as a "covert action"pursuant to a Presidential folding? Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 Covert Action and the UN Charter and Geneva Conventions In your answers to the Committee's pre-hearing questions about the UN Charter and the Geneva Conventions, you wrote, "As a general matter, and including with respect to the use offorce, the United States respects international law and complies with it to the extent possible in the execution of covert action activities" You also wrote that the UN. Charter and the Geneva Conventions are NOT therefore N, . executing treaties, and they are NOT legally Dinging upon carried out by the U.S, government, including covert actions. � If as you wrote in your answers to the Committee's pre-hearing ques the US respects International law and complies with it to the extent possible in the execution of covert action acdvides, how does the U.S decide when to abide by international law and when it does not apply? dons, � Should there be, antis there, special consideration when debating and approving a coven action, if that action would violate non-sett-executing treaties or customary international law? Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 QUESTIONS, 0 ENATOR WIDEN )On March 18, 2011, the Justice Department released a redacted version of a May 6, 2004, Office of Legal Counsel (GEC) opinion written by Assistant Attorney General Jack Goldsmith in response to a Freedom of Information Act action. As described in the public listing on the Justice Department's online FOIA reading room, this opinion was a "Memorandum Regarding Review f the Legality of the [President's Surveillance] Program." � � Did any of the redacted portions of the May 2004 OLC ()Pinion addr telephony metadata collection? bu If so, did the OLC rely at that time on a statutory basisi3ther than the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for the authority to conduct bulk telephony metadata collection? If so, please describe this statutory basis. Has th C taken any action to withdraw this opinion? In light of cent declassification of information regarding various domestic surveillance programs, do you agree that the redactions of the 2004 opinion should be reviewed, and that an updated version should he publicly released? Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 :44VESTIONSTR. NATORIMALL Other than AV:Mgh.E:S1034,4WOrti.'okAnrexisting authorities�legal, policy, or other authorities�that allow the President to use "all necessary and !altjtOriate,f0toe,.**ost lheSe.;eatinnt organizations, erpersona"Hateterntted to plan:.Eanthoriae,,:!araittnit.:!Or aide terrorist attacks egdiaetithelMitediStetee 2) Are you aware of any existing authorities�legal, ittalien or other authorities� that allow the President to use "all attl:!...a"pp--"to-p"rt-'ate:tac6'a-aiast .gtooPa.ne;hitdttlenalatha"thattettt been'-designatedH.. "associated forces," tea,"::eg affiliates orthoslalto adli'.l.ere.:::?M the beliefs Of enYteerTheittfetgartiaieatth;t: 'pose a:::.!sigaificant,thr: tat:tot:LS, 3 Who determines whether such "nations, organizations or persons" designated "associated forces"? Into which nations may the President or other authority send military forces to use 'all necessary and appropriate force" against "those nations organizations or persons" determined to plan authorize, commit or aid terrorist attacks against the United States? 4) What is the process for identifying "associated forces"? Is this process in writing? What is the notification and approval process prior to action being taken against those "nations, organizations, or persons"? 5) Are operations against these forces dependent upon notification esident before they are conducted under AMU or any other authorities? Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 against your advice, would you inform 6) Article Il of the US. Constitution states that President shall "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." Article VI of the US. Constitution, known as the "Supremacy Clause," states that "this Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land." � If you learned of a covert action that, in your opinion, violated the Convention Against Torture or the Geneva Conventions, but did not necessarily violate a particular statute such as the Anti-Torture Act or the War Crimes Act, would you advise the Director of Central Intelligence that the action was unlawful? e Director of Central Intelligence decided to proceed with such an action committee? 7) How do you see the role of the General Counsel's office, if any whether information has been properly classified? 8) In 2007, after the passage of the 2006 Military Commissions Act and the 2005 Detainee Treatment Act and the Supreme Court's decision in Hamdan Rumsfaid, the Office of Legal Counsel concluded that a number of "enhanced interrogation" techniques remained lawful. The harshest of these was "sleep deprivation," carded out by shackling naked, diapered detainees to the ceiling for up to 96 consecutive hours. As you noted dining your testimony in 2009, President Obama forbade the CIA filbm using these techniques, or any interrogation technique outlined in the Army Field Manual�but that prohibition is an Executive Order, which a future President could rescind. If President Obama's Executive Orders on CIA interrogation and detention were overturned, what binding legal authorities would prevent the CIA from engaging in the techniques authorized by the 2007 OLC memos? dete mmg Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 QUEST NS FROM NATOR HEINRICH at is your legal opinion n the participation of CIA officers in the rogations of detainees in liaison custody in which harsh or extreme interrogation techniques are used? In your opinion, is it legal for CIA officers to continue their participation in these mterrogations when they witness, know. or otherwise suspect that a detainee has been tortured by a liaison service? ti In such a circumstance is there any requirement legal or policy that the CIA officer involved report these activities either to the CIA Office of Inspector General, or to anybody? 2). How de You see the foie of the General Counsel's office, if any, in whether information has been be properly classi lied? Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924 QUESTION FROM SENATOR L VIN At your confirmation hearing you stated that, if confirmed, you would ensure that the Committee had access to information "as appropriate." Please *d fy any types of documents that you believe is appropriate for the lettingen� Community to withhold from the committee. Approved for Release: 2023/07/24 C06874924