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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
June 20, 2019
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Publication Date: 
May 29, 1973
PDF icon E. HOWARD HUNT[15658049].pdf44.23 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/06/04 C01482417 29 May 1973 ADDENDUM TO MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: E. Howard Hunt REFERENCE: Memorandum for the Record dated 25 May 1973, Same Subject. to 1 T have lust read the memorandum prepared by relating to a request which I forwarded from Mr. Howard Hunt in December 1971. 2. I must confess that I had completely forgotten the incident until I read the memorandum. In trying to recon- struct what happened I recall that Mr. Hunt did telephone me at the office and requested that run traces for him en Jorge Gonzales Marten. He didn't explain why he wanted the information but specifically directed me to contact with whom he had once worked. I made the request througn memorandum. I think I gave Mr Hunt's phone number so he could relay whatever information was forthcoming. I don't remember calling Mr. Hunt back with any further information on the subject. 3. This memory oversight on my part naturally poses the question as to whether Mr. Hunt made other requests of me that I haven't reported. I quite honestly cannot recall another such request. If any come to mind, I will relay the information immediately to Mr. Shackley's office. Elizabeth P. McIntosh Approved for Release: 2019/06/04 C01482417