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Document Release Date: 
August 12, 2000
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Publication Date: 
May 15, 1946
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PDF icon CIA-RDP64-00658A000100160019-1.pdf67.39 KB
Approved For Releas%000/0 5880'00100160019-1 15 Mar 1516 25X1A9a RAND FAIR SUBJECT: Disposition of U$SBS Files I suggest the following be considered in discussing the USSOS problem with the .Admiral. 2. If his decision is that CIO is the agency to take possession of the fileej, then instructions should be issued: TO et of atl e r s: To take possession of the files# report what personnel he needs 'to handle them* and organize necessary li be ary service to lend the files. g receipt or e es. . T, _the Ac finis ativ;~~, dc : To provide the necessary space. Tc t~Secr~et+r3 NIA s To prepare a letter to Mr. d1 olier, ` d. Test the awning 84 ....: respect to tNe 4e t it his no further responeibility* with 3. It, however* the Director wishe the Planning Staff to recommend appro- priate disposition of the files,, two steps are necessary: Screening of the files by agency representatives to determine which cuments are of use to those agencies. Based upon these results# a plan of disposition to be recommended by Planning Staff. .. 4. The draft CIO directive puWtteed by the awning Stuff on p dirsofive. Therefore? it is not clear what planniz!g r uirement is before the .....,I..1 Staff. S`? It is suggested that the above be pointed out to the Admiral. with a re- quest that an explicit statement] of planning requirement be furnished. CPN Approved For Release 2000/08/ 3 : CIA-RDP64-00658A000100160019-1