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Approved For Release 2007/11/07: CIA-RDP67-00059A000200120067-2 1 O.R.E. INSTRUCTION NO. 3r-y? Subject: Organization of the Office of Reports and Estimates (ORE) Reference a: Organization Charts - C.I.G., 1 July 1947 1. The organization-of ORE, as outlined. on page 7 of Reference a is effective 14 August 1947. 2. Detailed charts of organization of each element of ORE organization together with a full statement of their duties will be issued at an early c.ate. In the meantime it is considered that page 7 of Reference a. Is sufficiently detailed to permit operations on that basis :-iven a somewhat more detailed outline of the organization of the "Consultants Panel" and noting that a Mai) Irite1li2-ence Branch has been added to ORE. 3. Consultants Panel consists of the following Groups: F.. Global Survey Group - Constantly studies all pertinent intelligence in order promptly to detect and bring into focus world develo?7ments affecting the. national security with s-~Iecial emphasis upon strategic implications of multi-national situations. Produces the World Situation Estimate. b. Economics Group - Affords expert consultation and advice on economic matters to Branches and Groups. Produces intelligence on economic matters beyond. the scope of regional treatment.- Reviews the National Intelligence Requirements relating to economic matters and. stimulate` re'buests by the appropriate Approved For Release 2007/11/07: CIA-RDP67-00059A000200120067-2 Approved For Release 2007/11/07: CIA-RDP67-00059A000200120067-2 St Regional Branch for intelligence infor on.C c. Armed Forces Group - Duties ar similar those of the Economics Group but rela.tinrr, to A.-,reed Forces matters. Iransnortation Gr.oun - Its field is th t of international tra.npfportntion. It formul.tea the National Intelli_--ence Requirements for its field and forwards requests for Intelligence information to fulfill these rpouirernents. Evaluates all available intellir'ence and intPllicasnce information relating, to its field; assesses its adequacy, accuracy and timeliness, and utilizes it for the production of intelli.-once in accordance with the Intelilaaence Production Plan. Affords expert consultption and. advice on transportation matters to Branches and. Groups. e. International Organizations Group - This is the former United Nations Group. Its duties are similar to those of the Transnoration Groun but are in the field of International Organiza.tione. 5. Referring to nape 7 of Reference a, item 3 under Regional Branches should be amended to read, U In ca.rryin r out their functions, regional Branches will constantly make use of Approved For Release 2007/11/07: CIA-RDP67-00059A000200120067-2 Approved For Release 2007/11/07: CIA-RDP67-00059AO00200120067-2 the expert advice and counsel of the Consultants Panel and where appropriate of the Scientific Branch. Assistant Director Reports and Estimates Approved For Release 2007/11/07: CIA-RDP67-00059AO00200120067-2