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December 29, .pjyflved For WNGs'RER I6NAL RECORD72 SENATE00300140010-0 ';( Mr. MANSFIEL). Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD an excerpt from the report (No. 91-1517), explaining the purposes of the measure. There being no objection, the excerpt was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: House Concurrent Resolution 785 as re- ferred would provide (1) that (with the per- mission of the copyright owner of the book, "Our American Government and How It Works: 1001 Questions and Answers," by Wright Patman, Member of Congress, pub- lished by Bantam Books, Inc.) there be printed as a House document, as soon as practicable, for maximum usefulness to Members of the 92d Congress, with emenda- tions, the pamphlet entitled "Our American Government. What Is It? How Does It Func- tion?" and (2) that there be printed 1,084,- 000 additional copies of such document, of which 206,000 copies would be for the use of the Senate (2,000 per Member) and 878; 000 copies would be for the use of the House of Representatives (2,000 per Member). Copies of the document would be prorated to Members of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives for a period of 60 days, after which the unused balances would be distributed by the respective Senate and House document rooms, The amendment approved by the Senate Committee on. Rules and Administration would reduce the Senate allotment of the publication from 206,000 to 103,000 (from 2,000 to 1,000 per Member). This action by the committee was motivated by the fact that certain Members of the Senate still have considerable quantities of the previous edi- tion of the document available for distribu- tion. The committee has also amended the title of the concurrent resolution to prop- erly identify the compilation to be printed. The printing-cost estimate, supplied by the Public Printer, is as follows:, Printing-cost estimate To print as a document (1,500 copies) ---------------------- $1,191.07 981,000 additional copies, at $72.39, per thousand---------------- 71,014.59 Total estimated cost, H. Con. Res. 785, as amended -------------- 72, 205.66 CORRECTION IN THE ENROLLMENT OF H.R. 4605 Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask that the Chair lay before the,Senate a message from the House on' House Con- current Resolution 797, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. FAi m), The Chair lays before, the Sen- ate House Concurrent Resolution 797, Which will be stated. The assistant legislative clerk read as follows: H. CON. RES. 797 Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the Clerk of the House of Representatives, in the enroll- ment of the bill (H.R. 4605) to amend the Tariff Act of 1930 and the United States Code to remove the prohibitions against importing, transporting, and mailing in the United States mails articles for preventing concep- tion, is authorized and directed, to strike out "title 18" in section 6(2) and insert in lieu thereof "title 39". Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the teed to the consideration of the con- current resolution. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? There being no objection, the concur- rent resolution was considered and agreed to. Mr. GRIFFIN. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk pro- ceeded to call the roll. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE MORNING BUSINESS Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that at an appropri- ate time there be a period for the trans- action of routine morning business, with a time limitation of 3 minutes on state- ments made therein. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk pro- ceeded to call the roll. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without DEPARTMENT OF DEFENA'PRO- PRIATIONS BILL, 1971 ONFER- ENCE REPORT Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, I sub- mit a report of the committee of con- ference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 19590) making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for other purposes. I ask unanimous consent for the pres- ent consideration of the report. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. FAN- N1N). Is there objection to the present consideration of the report? (For conference report, see House pro- ceedings of today.) Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, this conference report represents the efforts of the second committee of conference to resolve the differences between the two Houses with respect to the Department of Defense appropriation bill for fiscal year 1971. The first conference report was tabled on my motion earlier today, and the second committee of conference met in two sessions today to resolve the mat- ters in the first conference report that were opposed by a number of Members of the Senate. I will comment on these points in detail during the course of my introductory remarks. Earlier today, there was a full debate on the issues involved in the new lan- guage adopted in our second conference, and I will not take the time of the Sen- ate to again discuss the issues involved. The committee of ?conference agreed S 21371 on appropriations totaling $66,595,937,- 000, which is- Under the budget estimates of $68,- 745,666,000 by $2,149,729,000; Over the Senate bill of $66,417,077,000 by $178,860,000; and Under the House bill of $66,806,561,- 000 by $210,624,000. As this bill passed the Senate, it repre- sented a reduction of $389,484,000 in the House-passed bill, and, as I have stated, the committee of conference agreed to increases in the Senate bill of only $178,- 860,000; so that the Senate conferees maintained considerably more than half of the Senate decrease. The conference committees met on six separate occasions, and these meetings involved approximately 14 hours of de- liberations. Just as the Senate conferees were determined to maintain the position of the Senate, so the House conferees were determined to maintain the position of the House, and the recommendations of the conference committee represent the honest efforts to compromise the dif- ferences in the two versions of the bill. I want to call attention to the fact that the task of the Senate conferees was extremely difficult in view of the letter the Secretary of Defense sent to the con- ference committee. In this letter, the Secretary requested the conference com- mittee to recommend appropriations to- taling $67,209,100,000, which amount would have been $402.6 million over the House bill and $792 million over the Sen- ate bill. I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD at this point a copy of the Secretary's letter, referred to as Exhibit A. There being no objection, the letter was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: EXHIBIT A THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, Washington, D.C. Hon. RICHARD B. RUSSELL, Chairman, Department of Defense Subcom- mittee, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: We have. carefully considered the actions of the House and Sen. ate on the 1971 Defense Appropriation Bill (H.R. 19590). The bill as it passed the House would provide $66,906.6 million, a reduction of $1,939.1 million from the request. The Senate Bill would provide $66,417.1 million, which is $389.5 million below the House Bill and $2,328.6 million below our original request. After reconsideration, and taking into account the latest information avail- able to us, we find that we require a mini- mum of $67,209.1 million. This is $402.6 mil- lion above the House Bill, $792 million above the Senate Bill, and $1,536.6 million below our January request. I cannot emphasize too strongly that the FY 1971 budget estimates we submitted in January were rock bottom, the lowest amounts consistent with our national secu- rity needs. Adusted for pay and price in. creases, that budget was about 20% (over $17 billion) below FY 1968, the peak war year. In the same constant dollars, the FY 1971 budget was about $5 billion (7%) above the prewar FY 1964 level. Incremental war costs in FY 1971 are more than twice $5 billion; baseline forces have been out sharply from the FY 1964 level. Defense spending comprised 34.6% of the FY 1971 Federal budget total-the lowest percentage since FY 1950. Defense spending as projected in the FY 1971 budget would be 7% of the gross national product-the lowest percent- Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 21372 or r Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE December 29, 1970 age since P'T 1951. From the June' 1968 peak, the 13enate, on the basis that they were not the budget projected a drop of 639,000 mili- inclt.ded in deta:1 in the budget, and should tary personnel and 142,000 civilians by June be it eluded In a supplemental request. Such 1970, a total drop of 781,000 direct per- a course of action Is simply not practical. sonnel, removing most of the wartime build- up. Defense-related employment in industry will fall by over one million In the same period, so, that the total manpower impact of Defense cutbacks Is about two million jobs. Outlays for procurement, construction and RDT&E (war costs inCludid) as pro- jected in the budget for FY 1971 were below the lsrewar (FY 1964) level in constant dol- lars. The' baseline force costs projected in the FY 1971 budget (,:hat is, the total budget less the Incremental cost of the war) me the lowest since before the Korea buildup. The same is true of baseline military man- power, Our sharply-reduced budget rmquest must also be considered ir. terms of the national security threats we face. The threat cer- tainly has not lessened since 1364. As you know, the Intervening years have been a great exp.n5ion in Soviet strategic nuclear capabiliti$s, an(; a massive buildup in their naval forces. Soviet activities in the Middle East and elsewhere are a source of increasing concern; the invasion of Czechoslovakia has served' to remind us of the reality of the threat oil the Continent. The years since 1964 have also seen a steady growth in the nuclear power of the Chinese 1'eop:.e's Republic. It is threats such as these, and the continuing needs of the war effort, which we have had to balance against the need for achieving a minimal budget in 'he long-ran interests of the American economy, The same weighing of threats and resource requirements played a central role in the evolution' of the Nixon Doctrine. Full sup- port and implementation of thi; doctrine is vital to the maintenance of adequate na- tional security with minimal Defense budgets; our 1971 requests repr?sent. a long step in this direction. We need your standing and full support as we move through this transition. I especially ask that. you consider the impact of 1971 budget ac- tions upon the posture we must achieve for the 1970's. Two key elements are moderni- zation and thew maintenance of a strong R&D effort; both of these are very much involved in our appeal of some of the cuts made In'the FY 1971 bill. The Nixon Doc- trine will .continue to require a high level of effort In these areas. Looking somewhat ahead, it must be recognized that there will be a' growing need for aid t o our allies, offsetting some of the budgetary savings from cutbacks in U.S. forces. Y n short, we were fully aware of the need to present the lowest possible Defense budget., consistent with our national security needs. Cuts as deep as those in the Bill as it stands can- not be accommodated within otcr minimal requirements for national securi';y. In the eleven months since the estimates were prepared, there have been many changes involving specific estimates and items, fre- quently Involving a decrease in the amount necessary. The House and Senate took ac. count of these items in appropriation actions, and, as noted, we have accepted many of the specific reductions. The changes, however, work both ways, and It must b=e understocx:. that many changes have caused Increases In the amounts necessary. For example, th?: change iii plans with respect to Southeast Asia deployments which made I possible for us to aecept sharp House cuts In Marine Corps appropriations also produced an in- crease in Army costs. The Rouse added. $58.5 million In criti?. cally-neaided funds for our Vietnainization program, $23.9 million to cover increased Air Force and Navy program needs, plus 8150 million added on the Floor to meet a park of the mandatory operating increases tha; were not foreseen when the estimates were prepared. All of these items were deleted by With the year :calf over, we do not even have our regular bill, We cannot be optimis- tic regarding action on a supplemental. Of groal;er significance is the fact that Congres- sional action on our estimates, which has exteaded nearly one year since their prepa- ration, has involved making reductions for unfcreseen decreases in every case where they were identified. Had our bill been enacted earlier the unforeseen decreases would have beer, available to meet the increases we now face In short, we cannot operate the Defense budget on a ratchet basis, eliminating all decreases that materialize in 11 months and failing to recognize any increases. It is essen- tia 1 that the Senate Bill be Increased to cover these mandatory increases which have ma- teritilized since the estimates were prepard. Our major areas of concern are covered in the balance of this letter, with details en- closed. MILITARY PERSONNEL We accept reductions of $250.2 million in our original military personnel appropriation requests. We request restoration of $93.3 million to the House Bill for permanent- change-of-staticn travel, and of $4 million to the Senate :Bill for the Air Guard and Reserve Programs. Ir. an action aimed at cutting costs and prodding greater stability for military per- sonnel, the House Bill reflects a reduction of $95.2 million for permanent-change-of-sta- tion travel. This was based upon a flat 10% cut in the FY 1971 budget estimate, reduced to T.5% in recognition of the fact that the first three months of the year had passed. I want to emphasize that we are in complete agreement with the objectives of reducing moves, and we hav: taken many actions in this regard. in- ceni;ives are offered to encourage personnel to extend fours of duty in Vietnam, thereby reducing the number of moves. The extended early release program eliminates the need for moves related to short-term assignments late In a member's period of service. Assignments to short term areas are now handled in such a w sy as to minimize the movement between training and overseas. CONUS vacancies are filled, insofar as practicable, with overseas returnees. The E'Y 1971 budget requests for PC.; in the Array and Navy are about 14% below the FY 1970 level, in spite of price increases of about 5% (the new air trans- por;atfon tax, and increased transportation and storage charges). Allowing for this, the FY 1971 program is about 20 % below FY 1970 on a comparable basis; it is this lower level which the House proposes to cut. The further sharp cuts proposed by the House are clearly impractical at this time. Tho House asimmed that the reductions could take effect on October 1, 1970. Actu- ally, the bulk of our moves were even then programmed well into calendar 1971. This of course is a necessity, in order to provide ade- quate notice to the members tinvolved, in addition to operational reasons. At this late date, reductions could not take effect until the last few months of the fiscal year. The House, while apparently concerned with ro- tat.onal travel, applied the cut to all mo 7es-includi:ag accession and separation travel, hardship moves, and moves to short- tour areas such as Vietnam. Nearly half of the Army's FY 1971 estimate is for moves related to Southeast Asia, In practice, then, a cut would have to he applied to a rela- tively small share of the total moves in the Ins,; few months of the year, and would cre- ate extreme uncertainty and hardships. Th 3r'e is already a great deaf of turbulence in military manpower programs due to the large strength cutbacks and major redeploy- ments now underway. Such conditions pro- duce a great deal of unpredictability, and the need for more moves t:Iat would be nec- essary in a stable situation. In the face of this, as I: have noted, we have already pro- jected a drop of nearly 20"' (in constant dol- lars) in Army and Navy nioves for FY 1971. Under the circumstances, the further sharp cut reflected in the House Bill simply can- not be accommodated in this area. I must urge restoration of $9$.3 million of this re- duction, to provide the amounts approved by the Senate for the four appropriations in- volved. The Senate made reductions of $2 million each- in the personnel appropriations for the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard based on "historical overstatement of re- quirements." The enclosures make clear that the present requirements are not overstated and that the Senate amount would force a cutback in Reserve on-board strength and in Air Guard pilots. In light of the increasing importance of these Guard and Reserve forces to our overall readiness posture, such developments would be deplorable. These cuts, amounting to a of $4,.million. should be restored to the Senate Bill. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Our current request for operation and. maintenance is $122.4 million below the esti- mates originally submitted to the Congress. This is the net of $300.4 million in specific reductions, reflected in both Bills and ac- cepted by the Department. partially offset by $177.9 million for cost increases not fore- seen when the budget ee+imates were sub- mitted at the start of the year. Restoration to the Senate Bill. We request an increase of $177.9 million to the Sen- ate Bill, to provide: $150 million ($50 million each for the Army, Navy and Air Forced ? which was added on the House Floor to cover part of the very large mandatory increases that have occurred In on-going programs. $23.9 million to cover ',he costs of 5 Air Force Reserve squadrons equipped with C-- 130 aircraft. $4 million for Deep Freese. $35 thousand for the promotion of rifle practice. It must be emphasized that the $150 mil- lion added on the House Floor is not re- quired for "new programs," but to cover .3 part of the mandatory cost increases in on- going programs. These increased costs cover such items as (1) transportation rate in- creases (-1$63.4 million), (2) activity and deployment changes relai:ed to South Viet- nam (-1-$73.5 million), (2) slippage in RED- COSTE implementation (4$39.3 million), (4) increased operations i+nd readiness of the Sixth and Seventh Fleets (1 51.4 million), (5) Increased civilian personnel costs due to average salary increases (4 $78.6 million), (6) other rate and cost changes (-1-11.4 mil- lion); for a total mandatory cost increase in Operation and Maintenance accounts of $320.6 million. These costs must be absorbed within available funds, making restoration of the $160.0 million ($50 million each for Army, Navy and Air Force) to the Senate Bill an absolute necessity. In the development of the President's Budget, plans were included to retire 5 C-119 Air Force Reserve Squadrons. It has been subsequently determined that these Reserve Squadrons are required and should be re- tained and equipped with C-130 aircraft. The C-130 aircraft are :now available for equipping these units, bit $23.9 million is re, quired under "Operation: and Maintenance, Air Force" to cover operating costs during FY 1971. I urge restoration of $23.9 million to the Senate Bill to meet this important requirement. The President's FY 1971 budget request contained $4.4 million in O&M, Navy for logistic support of the DEEP FREEZE sci- entific effort. This request was about $4 mil- lion less than prior years and In line with Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 29, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE the House Committee's guidance in FY 1970 that the Navy commence phasing out its funding support of this effort. The effect of this reduction would have been to cancel 80% of the scientific effort in FY 1971. Sub- sequently, the Antarctic Policy Group recom- mended: (a) That the program be maintained at the current annual level. (b) That the National Science Foundation, commencing in FY 1972, budget for both the scientific and supporting efforts, with the support being provided on a mutually ac- ceptable reimbursable or non-reimbursable basis. (c) That other aspects of program man- agement and safety of operations remain as heretofore set forth in Office of Management and Budget Circular A-51 of August 3, 1960. The National Security Council endorsed this course of action and the Chairman of the Senate and House Appropriations Com- mittees were informed on July 10, 1970 by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Management. The House Bill includes the extra $4 million required, and I urge addi- tion of this amount to the Senate Bill. As detailed in the enclosures, the Director of Civilian Marksmanship has been unable to accomplish assigned missions under pres- ent funding levels, and the additional $35 thousand provided in the House Bill would meet the highest priority requirements. I ask that $35 thousand be restored to the Senate for this program. Restoration to the House Bill. We ask that $26 million be restored to the House Bill in- volving specific cuts which were restored by the Senate. This includes: $9.7 million for the Army--$8 million to restore part of the cut for automatic data processing, where the House cut presupposed a higher level of rental savings than has ac- tually materialized, and $1,676,000 for civilian manpower, to avoid duplicating the very sharp cuts otherwise being made. $7.5 million for the Navv-$7 million to provide for continuing with the 15% di- rected cut in headquarters staffs, but avoid- ing duplicate budget cutting actions, and $500,000 for implementation of the joint uni- form military pay system, a much-needed re- form. $2.8 million for the Marine Corps to avoid duplication in civilian personnel and head- quarters cuts, similar to the situation out- lined for the Navy. $6 million for the Air National Guard. The decrease in flying hours mentioned in the House Report was recognized in the budget estimates, but higher fuel costs nonetheless resulted from a change in force mix. In ad- dition to this, there have been sharp further increases in operating costs. Unless the House cut is restored, it will be necessary to make a sharp cut in flying hours, thereby de- grading combat readiness. Logistics Management Institute (LMI). The House Report stated that "the Commit- tee is of the firm opinion that the use of the Logistics Management Institute should be cut back immediately and the contract even- tually terminated." (Page-46, House Report 91-1570). The Senate Report makes no ref- erence to LMI. Studies and recommendations made by the LMI have resulted in very sub- stantial savings that are fully documented. The studies have also significantly, improved the effectiveness and efficiency of Defense logistics operations. At a time when,resources available for our Defense requirements .are being so drastically reduced, it is more )in- portant than ever that increased emphasis be given to the identificztion o; portu- ,,. p p nities for improvement in the management of the logistic resources that remain avail- able. It is requested that the Conferees spe- cifically address this matter, approving con- til uatlon of ,the LMI effort at an effective level. Senior Advisers in Vietnam. Outstanding S 21373 Army personnel are selected to serve as senior $16.1 million for 4 other systems, including advisers to province and district officials in $5.8 million for NIKE HERCULES modifica- Vietnam. These personnel play a vital role tions; $1.1 million for repair parts and sup- in the Vietnamization effort, and every effort port vehicles; $4 million for field artillery is made to persuade them to volunteer for radar (RATAC) ; and $5.2 million for landing involved in such duty in forward areas. A family leave plan is offered, as an incentive to such personnel. The House and Senate Bill would provide for this program in differ- ent ways. The appropriation language in the House Bill provides a limitation of $4 mil- lion for emergencies and extraordinary ex- penses, within which $366,000 for the senior adviser program could be accommodated. The Senate Bill provides a limitation of $3,634,000 for emergencies and extraordinary expenses, $366,000 less than the House Bill, but would cover this program in a new clause added to general provision 807. Either version is acceptable to the Department, since either would provide for the continuation of this essential activity. If the Senate version is adopted, we will, in consonance with the Senate Report, submit a legislative proposal early in the next Session of the Congress, PROCUREMENT We request appropriations of $16,419.3 million for procurement. This is $175.5 mil- lion above the House Bill, $449.2 million above the Senate Bill, and a net of $939.3 million below our request as submitted in January. This is the net of $1,356.8 million in reductions which we accept, offset in part by $417.5 million added by the House for shipbuilding. Army procurement. We request $2,931.7 million, which is $1.4 million below the House Bill and $1.7 million above the Senate Bill. We ask that the House Bill be increased by $147.2 million to restore specific reduc- tions, and decreased by $148.6 million to re- flect other reductions made by the Senate, for a net reduction of $1.4 million. The increases include: $34.9 million for the LANCE missile (in- cluding spares and modifications), apparent- ly deleted by the House on the basis of a misunderstanding of the technical status of this program. We request full restoration, for reasons set forth in a classified enclosure. $20 million for the Land Combat Support System (including spares) needed to provide adequate support for the SHERIDAN/SHIL- LELAGH and TOW missile systems. This is the only equipment now available for main- tenance support of these systems. The House action, if sustained, would lead to a costly break in production. $2B.8 million for the XM 705 11/4 ton truck. The House action was based on the observa- tion that the XM 705 may be "excessively overengineered and gold plated," and that the upcoming evaluation of the XM 715 may prove the latter vehicle to be superior. The XM 705 is guaranteed and warranted to meet the Army requirement. The FY 1971 funds are required to fund the second year of the XM 705 multi-year contract, or to pay ter- mination charges and initiate procurement of the modified 715 should evaluation results warrant such a decision. Failure to provide these funds would cause delays, higher costs, and serious breaks in support for Army and other users of these vehicles. $9.2 million for the M557A1 Command Post Carrier to avoid a degradation of military readiness and to avoid high termination costs and other disadvantages if a highly success- ful contract, now in its third year, is placed in, jeopardy. $38.2 million for the improved HAWK mis- sile. Failure to provide these funds would re- sult in a six month break in production , and add significantly to program costs. Technical problems are receiving concentrated atten- tion. There is an urgent operational require- ment for the improved HAWK to replace the basic HAWK system, which was designed in the mid-1950's and has been fielded for over 10 years. craft. Details are enclosed. We ask that $1.7 million be added to the Senate Bill for Land Combat Support System modifications. This will provide for improve- ments that are essential to the performance and reliability of the system. "Procurement of Aircraft and Missiles, Navy." We request restoration of $122.1 mil- lion to the House Bill, to provide the $3,127.9 million reflected in the Senate Bill. This in- cludes program increases of $222.1 million above the House Bill, offset by a $100 million transfer from the stock fund reflected in the Senate Bill. The program increases include: $40 million for the A-6E aircraft deleted by the House, on the basis that the system is subject to extensive further test and evalua- tion ("fly before buy"). Actually, there are only three basic subsystem changes to the A-6A: radar, computer and armament control unit. The first two have been proven in other aircraft, and the armament control unit is a low-risk item. Reduction of A--6E procure- ment to 6, as in the House Bill, will cause sharp increases in unit costs and other extra costs because of actions already taken under the Continuing Resolution. This $40 million reduction should be restored. $92.3 million for the E-2C aircraft. These aircraft, in addition to the E-2Bs mentioned in the House Report, are needed to meet existing force level deficiencies for airborne early warning aircraft. Beyond this, and con- trary to the statement in the House Report, the E-2C cutback would cause plant loading problems and result in higher costs. $43.3 million House reduction for Avionics shop test equipment for the S-3A, F-14A and E-2C aircraft. If these funds are not re- stored it will be necessary to stop production on this equipment, with re-start costs esti- mated at $13 million for FY 1972. It will be necessary to invest in interim test equip- ment for FY 1971 at a cost of $27 million. Since the type of equipment is specified in the aircraft contracts, this House cut could result in delay claims. All three aircraft would be delayed. Unless these funds are restored, the FY 1972 requirement would be $92.1 million, with additional FY 1971 re- quirements of $27 million-not including claims. The Deputy Secretary of Defense is personally monitoring this program, to assure that only essential test equipment is pur- chased. I urge restoration of this $43.4 million. $32.2 million for the AV-8A Harrier, added by the Senate to permit the maximum amount of production effort in the United States. $14.2 million for aircraft spares, associated with the restoration of funds for the A-6E and E-2C. "Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy." As Secretary of Defense, I have consistently emphasized the priority requirements for fleet modernization and have stated that the shipbuilding increase of $435.0 million in- cluded in the Authorization Bill represents the highest priority requirements after those included in the President's Budget request. The House Appropriation Bill provided $417.5 million for the ships authorized as follows : Millions One additional nuclear attack sub- marine (SSN)___________________ $166.0 Advance procurement for 1 additional nuclear attack submarine (SSN) for FY 1972--------------------- - 22. 5 One submarine tender (AS) -------- 102. 0 One destroyer tender (AD) -------- 103. 0 Service craft---------------------- 24.0 Total ----------------------- 417.5 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R00030OT40010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 21374 CONGRUSSIONA:L RECORD - SENATE December 29, 1970' All of these ships are required and will closurs, spares funds are requested on the RDT&E for the S-3A which we had re- f; ,ubstantially add to fleet capability. The In.. basis )f the amounts necessary to be com- quested under procurement, our current re- crease in the USSR fleet threat ,and mod- mitied in FY 1971; the reduction in air- quest is $341.1 million below the estimate ernie ition of the ? Soviet Navy crakes this craft Iuantities reduces the FY 1971 spares submitted in January. a necessary Investment. Of particular con- requirement by $600,000. The $11.2 million I must request these .RDT.& fund restora- cern is the Soviet submarine force-both in restored by the Senate should therefore be Lions as a. matter of the highest priority. numbers and modern submarines. This added to the House Bill. I am aware of the deep Congressional con- rnakes the restoration of the Nuclear At- We request an addition of $30 million to earn regarding certain aspects of our RDT&E tack Submarine (SSN) for FY 1971 ($166.0 the Senate amount to provide for the Inter- Programs, and of the reasons for such con- nuition) and Long Liiad-time components national fighter aircraft, which is being pro- earn. I had similar concern:: when I became for an additional SSN (lx FY 1972 ( $22.5 mil- cured in accord with the Nixon Doctrine to Secretary of Defense, and I personally con- lion) of special urgency. provide our allies (particularly in Asia) with ducted an intensive review of all significant With respect to the SSN, advance pro- a ;;elf-defense capability, allowing us to re- development programs and took steps to curement to support the addition ii subma- duce Z.S. forces abroad. The required state- tighten our management lit this area. This rive was budgeted in :f!Y 1970 and is under meat of our decision to proceed with this has had significant results. Consider. for ex- procurement. The curtent contract propos- aircraft was in preparation at the time of ample, that the budget request for FY 1970 als for the FY 1971 burg of SSN's contain the the Senate Committee`s action on the FY was $8,222.4 million. Our requests for FY option to add the additional SSN, so imme- 1941 appropriations and has now been pro- 1971 was $878.8 million below that figure. diate action can be taken to initiate con- vided to you. Unless the required funds are Allowing for one year's intervening inflation, struction of the boat. provided, the planned program will have to the drop in the budget request is well over The Department of Defense urges confer- be ,tretched out, resulting in disruption and $1 billion. Our FY 1971 request for budget once approval of the House allov,ance, and some additional costs. I request that this $30 authority ($7,845.8 million;; was $23.2 mii- addition of $417.5 million to the Senate Bill. million be restored to the Senate Bill. lion below the amount actually provided in "Other Frocuremen,, Navy." We request --Missile procurement, Air Force." We re- FY 1970, The amount which we are now an, proo vi led bypthei Senate, i an7 8 millsertofs ffi 3'9 quest appropriation of $1,380.4 million as re- requesting for FY 1971 provided $nmittee of vie:,nam. Potential recipient nations for the his decision along with a full statement an aircraft include South Vietnam, Thailand, the basis for his decision." (S. Rcpt. No. 91- i$outla Korea, and the Republic of Free China. 607, p, 94). As a matter of background Information, At this date, the Secretary of Defense hags on 20 November 1970 Secretary of the Air not compiled with the above reetuest, even Force Robert C. Seamans, Jr., announced that though a contractor was selected on Novenr- the Northrop Corporation's F-b-21 aircraft ber 20, 1970. had been selected as the winner of the IFA The committee's recommendation for the competition. On :24 November he authorized d_salloWarice of these funds is based on a the lt1r Force to award the contract to the total lack Of irifornration on the program. The Northrop Corporation of Hawthorne, Cali- justifications submitted In support of the fornia. budget request and the statemen!,s of repro- This decision followed seven months of sentatlves'of the Department of Defense anti evalv.ation, analysis, and competition among Air Force aid not provide the committee with four potential producers: McDonnell-Douglas adequate 'Information on which to base a Corp oration, LTV Aerospace Corporation, decision, cord as stated. above, the1>ecretary of I ookheed Aircraft Corporation, and Northrop Defense h~snot complied with tire commit- corporation, The competition was focused on tee's rut for detailed Information on the prov! ding US Allies and friends with a credi- basis for Ws decision 10 proceed with the de- ,,le self air defense capability at the most veiopment and procurrement of this aircraft. rc:.sonable cost. Economy of procurement Attentions Is called to the fact *hat as the and operation, reliability, simplicity Said Department of Defense Procuremmt and Be- maintainability, in line with capabilities of search anal Development Authort7atlon Act. the Intended recipients, were also empha- passed the Senate it did not include funds for this program, however, the $90,000,000 'rl..e rFA has a remarkable performance, authorization was restored in the Conferer:ce ,penally when considered against the de- Committee on that legislation. sign contraints for economy and ease of In recommending the disallowance of these i- naintenance. The maximum speed will be funds, the committee calls attention to the [deloted] Mach at [deleted] feet, with a fart that Iro part of the $28,000,C00 provided a.,,m'>at ceiling o [deletedl feet. A maximum for fiscal r 1970 had been obligated as Of payload of [deleted] pounds of fuel and arzn- Decembe1, 1970. It is the view of the corn- ameat can be carried for close air support. In mittee that these available funds axe more the counter air role, he IFA has a mission than adequate to fund this program through z?ridiis of [deleted]. the current fiscal year. Current program planning anticipates pro- The committee expects the Department of curement of about 325 aircraft in fiscal year Defense and the Air Force to submit the increments over a five or six year period. Each same type of lnforrr,atioh in justifying the annual Increment, of course, will be contin- request for funds for this program as is sub- grill; upon Congressional approval. The first witted for aircraft that are to be included test aircraft Is scheduled for delivery in [de- in the Ait Force's inventory. leteii] and the first production aircraft in system r: c- Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, on No- oulder]. result A 3 in :h5 a total ttalt weapon production would vember 20, 1970, the Department of De- qulf?ition cost of $698.6 million, of which fense arfnounced the award of a contract fl.o+e,i million would be allocated to devel- for the 'development and production of opment. this aircraft. However, the statement re- To insure that this capability can be m funds quested by the coni,mittee in I' 's report on ruhleved has hi nprogra d to the s ireful at-bill unanim3us personnel and techniques to manage the was until Dceceneiber 10, 1970. 1 ask not program. A System Program Office has been consent t}at,t this letter, with appropriate established at the Aeronautical Systems Di- secnnity deletions, be printed in the RsC- vision at Wright Paterson AF Base. A me.jor ORD at phis point AS exhibit D. initial objective of this office has been to ent methods to insure pro- efficiency. om w id ordered; to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Brennen D OFFICE OF iFIE SECRETARY OF DrTENSE, Washirzgtora., D.C. 1[on> RICHARD B. RISS1"LL, essiry management actions may be t The contract contains a foreign sales azzd orderly withdrawal or disengagement of rent Air Force 1efunds aeich to restore: $o rlhaxse for recovery of nonrecurring RDT&E U.S. Forces from Southeast Asia, or to aid ma mail. h 71 funds 's contractual trl used to costs in the expectation that the aircraft in the release of Americans held as prisoners chile. , atxr the prart?aIn's t,olrf- may be subsequently sold to foreign nations. Of war. dal e If you .desire more detailed Information, A bade purpose of the IFA is principles toe I am convinced that in order to obtain needs of ou}' allies under the principles of representatives of the Air Force are available the INix9on Doctrine that will p?rmit them to to meet with you, committee members or an agreement in the conference com- shoul der a greater portion of the common do- members of your staff, as you might desire. mittee, we had to accept this proviso. y . r,raIn econ Sen- Control systems Criteria (C/SCSC) will be considerable opposition here in the used to measure the contractor's perform- ate to this provision, and as I stated, it ante. In this way, any deviation from con- is one of the issues that prompted me to tra,,t cost, schedule, and. performance will move to table the first conference report needs. Sincerely, DAVID PACKARD. Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. :President, the conference agreement includes $18 mil- lion for the continuation of the develop- merit of this aircraft, which amount along with $28 million made available in fiscal year 1970 will provide $46 million, which is adequate to maintain the Air Force's scheduled program. I want to make it clear that the action of the com- mittee of conference doe;; not constitute a full production decision on this air- craft. I,t was the intent of the conferees to provide adequate funds to continue the development program, which includes five test aircraft, and to provide $8.8 nlil- lion for long leadtimc items to support the production of this aircraft in :,cal year 1972, if such a deciaion is made by the Congress. sE;cTnoN 838-SUPPORT OF YREE WORLD FORCES The Serrate amended section 838 of the bill dealing with funds for the sup- port of free world forces to include the following provision which was included in section 502 of the Department of De- fense Procurement and Research and Development Authorization Act: Provided further, That nothing in clause (1) of the first sentence of this subsection shall be construed as authorizing the use of any such. funds to support Vietnamese or other free world force:: in actions designed to provide military support and assistance to the Government of Cambodia or Laos. The House conferees ,trongly opposed this provision on the ground that it tied the hands of the President in his efforts to bring about a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Southeast Asia. However? they finally agreed to accept this amend- ment if the following provision were in- eluded, which is applicable to all of sec- tion 838: Provided further, That nothing contained in this section shall be construed to pro- hibit support of free or local force:: in actions designed to promote the safe and orderly withdrawal or dzs ngagement of U.S. Forces from Southeast A is or to aid in the release of Americans held as prisoners of war. The Senate conferees accepted this proposal. Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December ..29, Atived For /01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 AL RECORD -SENATE S 21379 out any research projector study unless such that ground; and I shall not. I assure the oolloquy here on the floor earlier Senate conferees, I want to make my p c: relaslonsntp to a specific military function ever, I do think that it would be very or operation, useful if the Senator from Louisiana sition on this. matter abundantly clear. this provision was fully discussed in a priated in this Act may iufi_+nCA; ., in the evening. I do not wish to go over ecutive branch of the Government to interpret this proviso as the authority for a large-scale invasion, by South Viet- namese or other free world forces, of North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, or any other country, and I am confident it will not be so interpreted. Throughout the consideration of this bill, and especially with respect to the. $21/2 billion that is authorized for the support of free world forces, it has been my position that these funds were to be used in order to restrict the scope of the present conflict in Southeast Asia, and I know of no possible way to place an interpretation on these various provisions that would justify an expansion of this conflict. SECTION 843-INTRODUCTION OF AMERICAN GROUND FORCES INTO LAOS, THAILAND, AND CAMBODIA The House-passed bill included section 843, which read as follows: 'SEC. 843. In line with the expressed inten- tion of the President of the United States, none of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be used to finance the introduction of American ground combat troops into Laos or Thailand. As with section 838, the House con- Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, may we sions before we were able to come to a ferees also opposed this amendment an have order? Will the Chair ask Senators conclusion. the ground that it tied the hands of the and others to desist in their converse- After the report was filed, I sought to President in his efforts to bring about a Lions? bring it up, but because of the stron o withdrawal of U.S. forces from South- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- g p- position expressed by several Members ,east Asia. It was clear to the Senate con- ate will be in order. of the Senate to two of the provisions in ferees that the House conferees would The Senator from North Dakota may the conference report, I felt that we could not accept the Senate amendment to proceed. not obtain a vote within a reasonable Include Cambodia in this section unless Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota. Mr. Period of time. It was for this reason I It was amended to include the following President, there is little I can add to the moved to send the bill back to conference. proviso: comments of the distinguished chair- In the second conference-which took Provided, That nothing contained in this man of the committee, the Senator from place today-we had two meetings. I section shall be construed to prohibit the Louisiana (Mr. ELLENDER), than what I think we have reached a conclusion that President from taking action in said areas had to say on the floor earlier this after- will be favorably received by the Sen- designed to promote the safe and orderly noon. ate. I will in the withdrawal or disengagement of U.S. Forces Mr. President, the amount of money on the ewuagreem nts,It is cry hope from Southeast Asia or to aid in the release provided in this bill is far below that that the Senate will adopt this second of Americans held as prisoners of war. which the Secretary of Defense deems conference After considerable discussion, the Sen- necessary and is far below what the tive that this bill because cit is into la - ate conferees agreed to the amendment. Joint Chiefs of Staff deem necessary for before the adjournment of thisCongress. There was also strong opposition ex- the defense of this country. The first conference retained the Sen- presed to the addition of the proviso To me an adequate national defense ate amendments to sections 838 and 843 in the first conference, and this was the should be the top priority of all. The of the bill. The difficulty arose because other issue that prompted me to move to money being spent for the various kinds the House insisted on putting two pro- table the first conference report of domestic programs is an great that this conferees were successful in their efforts to delete this objectionable language from the bill. As agreed to by the second conference committee, section 843 of the bill reads as follows: in line with the expressed intention of the President of the.United states, none "of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be used to finance the introduction of Amer- ican ground combat troops into Laos or Thailand. RELEVANCY OF DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SPONSORED RESEARCH PROJECTS The Senate bill included the following provision with respect to the relevancy of Department a?f Defense sponsored re- search projects: In substance, this is identical to the would agree that this whole colloquy be provision included in the Department of made part of the debate in respect to the Defense includmein and Research and approval of the conference report, which Development Authorization Act, 1970, undoubtedly will insue shortly. Would the o Senator mind if I ask unanimous that was available to the fiscal year 1970 c research and development program consent to do that? . The House conferees were strongly. op- Mr. ELLENDER. No, indeed. I had in- posed to the Senate amendment and in- tended to do that. sisted that this matter had been covered Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I ask by the enactment of section 204 of the unanimous consent to have that colloquy Department of Defense Procurement and printed at this point in the RECORD. Research and Development Authoriza- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion Act, 1971-Public Law 91-441. This objection, it is so ordered. provision reads as follows: (Accordingly, the following colloquy, SEC..204. None of the funds authorized which occurred earlier in the day, is to be appropriated to the Department of printed at this point in the RECORD:) Defense by this or any other Act may be Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, I was used to finance any research project or study very much interested in the debate that unless such project or study has, in the took place earlier on the Department of opinion of the Secretary of Defense, a po- Transportation conference report. The tential relationship to a military function procedure that was followed was the or operation. same as that followed by me this morn- In view of this opposition, the Senate ing, when I moved to table the confer- conferees had to recede on this amend- ence report on the Department of De- ment. fEnse appropriation bill, and request a Mr. President, I believe the report of further conference. the conference fair and reasonablemreesolution of the dif- debate the President, ii sues i at sthnot my purpose e moment, but I ferences between the two Houses, and simply wish to lay before the Senate what I urge the adoption of the report. took place in the second conference. As .?. The PRESIDING l1L1Ll ICE is the best possible appropriation that I visor in the bill which were not accepta- believe could be obtained in this Con- ble to quite a few Members of the Sen- gress. ate. Those provisos, were attached to the We cannot continue this way for long, which -caleda ulb right section amendment, and however; otherwise we are certain to be- the so-called Cooper-Church amend- come a second-rate military power to ment, which is included in section 843. Russia with all of the consequences that All that language was included, as I have would follow from such a course. said, in the first conference report that Mr. President, I do urge adoption of was Presented to the Senate with those the conference report as the best pos- objectionable provisos. sible bill that could be obtained in the With respect to section 843 I wish to Senate and in the House. point out that in the second conference, Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the Sen- the House agreed to strike the objection- ator from Mississippi, the Senator from able proviso, and we in turn agreed to Louisiana, the Senator from North Da- strike the word "Cambodia." so section eta, and other Senators had a very rim- 843 now reads as it originally passed the portent exchange with the members of other body. It is applicable only to Laos the Foreign Relations Committee earlier and Thailand. Approved For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP72=00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 21380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE December 29, 119'1'0 S With respect to the Fuibright amend was made in the Senate to the provisos a matter of carrying on the war that meat, which was included in section 838, included in the bill, we returned to con- we are unfortunately engaged in now. re- that language remains intact, but the fereaiee with the results we have dis- marr. Pre them, t I Santo i exten my ation House conferees insisted on the inclu- classed. Sion of a proviso which did not materi- I am very hopeful that Senators will we are confronted with, with only 3 or ally differ from the proviso that was in study this action and approve it so that 4 days left in this session, that we have d the first conference report. This new the bill can be sent to the White House been bion tthe, bill and i the a 12 proviso reads as follows: for the President's signature. ost Provided further, That nothing contained Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota. Mr. months and almost 6 months of the fis- in this section shall be construed to prohibit President, will the Senator yield? cal year have already expired. So that in these last few days we must pass this support of actions required to insure the Mr. ELLENDER. I yield. safe and orderly withdrawal or disengage- Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota. Mr. Department of Defense bill. I believe it anent of U.S. forces from Southeast Asia, or President, I wish to join in the state- will be in this Chamber by noon tomor- to aid in the release of Americans held as meat made by the distinguished chair- row, or very soon thereafter. prisoner of war. man of the committee. He certainly did Let us remember, too, that this matter Mr. President, in order to have all the all he possibly could to resolve the dif- of a continuing resolution, which is the language before the Senate, I ask unani- ferences in the way that the Senate law now, dead as Hector this we will will mous consent that all of section 838, as could agree. monstrous military and machine world- it was agreed to in conference be printed We had more than 250 amendments in this deads wr a war going on and n money at ae this point in the RECORD, together with disagreement. I think all of them have wide, far with t the war going il, and situation is the proviso I have just read. been resolved, with the exception of one so Therefore study matter that and that all was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, anent. But the House conferees did go Sators will put their houlders to the as follows: part way with us on amendment No. 52, Senators enat and pull t t e it and push toe SECTION 838(a)-SUPPORT OF -'FREE WORLD which the Senator just discussed, the ether and get the bill ea d at push one in which the distinguished Senator g to a SEC. 838. (a) Not to exceed $2,E00,000,000 of from Arkansas (Mr. FULBRICHT) is in- early date. the appropriations available to the Depart terested. The House went part way on it, Mr. President, now I wish to discuss meat of Defense during the current fiscal and I am certain this is as far as they the results of the meeting of the con- year shall be available for their stated our- are going to go, so I hope that this con- ferees today on the defense appropria- poses to support: (1) Vietnams~e and other fer.nce report will be adopted. tions bill. Two sections were revised and free world foal f In support of Vietnamese d Time is running out. The House is resulted in compromise language which, and forces; for local forces in Laos and Thailand: in my opinion, is eminently fair to both r related cm. ts, on such terms enc. not, going to agree to more conferences. the House and the Senate. Bof these conditions as the &scretary of Defense may Many Members of the House will be at- thetns rends e the use Both of these determine: Provided, That none of the funds. terding a funeral tomorrow. The day sec to of in Southeast Asia. The first of Southeast appropriated by this Act may be used for the' after that is the day before New Year's. funds President, con- purpose of paying any averse, allowance, So I see no possible chance, unless this per diem allowance, or any other addition to conference report is adopted, that there cerns Senate amendment No. 52 set forth the regular base pay of any person servlng will be a Defense bill and that there will on page 45 of the bill. with the free world Senth Vietnam If the amount t of f such payment would b>a even be a continuing resolution. The As the Senate may recall, this amend- greater than the amount of spacial pay au- problem then rests with the Senate ment, adopted in the Senate, repeated thorized to be paid, for an equivalent period whether there will be a Defense appro- the language In the military authoriza- of service, to members of the armed Forces pr'.ation bill or whether there will not be tion bill and contained the limitation as of the United States (under section 310 of one. I can understand that there are follows: title 87, United States Code) serving in Iriet- some strong feelings with respect to Nothing in clause (1) of the first sentence for or in any ntofr hostile fire asuc except Southeast Asia and the possible expan- of this subsection shall be construed as au-f for continuation payments s such areal- slfn of the war there. This may have thorizing the use of any such funds to sup- forces actions Vietnamese designed or to p"otherQuids free world military sup- mensats to executed regular prise prior to pay July provided 1 , in 1970: Pr : plcc-- been the problem .a year or two ago, but in port me sided further, That nothing in clause (1) cf Certainly President Nixon has made his part and assistance to the Government of the first sentence of this subsection shall be position clear that there will be no ex- Cambodia or Laos. construed as authorizing the use of any such pension of the war--and certainly pub- funds to support Vietnamese or other free io opinion would not stand for it, so I do In the previous conference language world forces in actions designed to provide not see any necessity for all these amend- was added which was also retained with military support and assistan: to the Provided Gov- meats trying to limit the constitutional slight modification in the conference just lxer, . powers of the President. I think that if C Provided further rdhaiCf follows: the?; That of nothing Cambodia contained ained in this his section ion shall be construed to prohibit >upport of so- this amendment were studied carefully, in Provided ushall be construed no fined tions required to Insure the safe and order:.y the Senate would approve it. It is the in this su act o of action required to io-hibit withdrawal or disengagement of U.S. Forces only one now in disagreement, No. 52. sure the safert and orderiy or withdrawal o in- of Al Southeast Asia or to aid in the relea, a Mr. STENNIS.. r. President, if I may engagement of U.S. forces from Southeast of Americans held as prisoners of war. have the special attention of the mem- Asia or to aid in the release of Americans Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, I also bership, I should like to refer to the held as prisoners of war. -ask unanimous co sent to have printed ;:n very fine work which has been done here Mr. President, he conferees agreed the RECORD the language in section 843, by the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. that all of e a Ent, the No. 52 should House minus, of course, the language that, was ELLENDER) and the Senator from North retained along with the revised deleted in the second conference. Dakota (Mn. YonNo), as well as other t re sine There being no objection, the material members on the conference--excepting proviso. President, the retention of the so- was ordered to be printed in the RECOr D, myself, of course. This is a very difficult Mr. PSenate language silent wi insure that the hoe as follows: and delicate situation that this language Senate Fae woos amendment from Sze. 843. rn line with the expressed in- has to deal with. The Senator from which this language is taken, amendment stand as a manse lstand tention of the President of the United States, Arkansas has dealt with it in his skillful and be this none of the funds appropriated by this Pct way. I think that the conference has and intention tit is none of these clause non(1) will e law. shall be used to finance the introduction of come up with something that meets the certainly eo in that American ground combat troops into Laos or requirements and the necessity for the funds referred mThailand, r.ailitary time, and the necessity for used to provide military support and Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, as I meeting the requirements of the restric- assistance to the Government of Cam- have said, this Congress must not ad- tions avoiding an expansion of the war, bodia or Laos. journ until we complete action on the which I never have favored, of going As we all know, the military aid pro- Department of Defense bill. I thought into Cambodia with the idea of sustain- posal has been passed and provides a that the members of the fl*st conference ing that government regardless. I am military assistance program for Cam- had done a good job. When objection not interested in our going in there as bodia. Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 ved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 29, 19ro~0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE S 21381 The added House language merely low the budget request. For the Senate because, as I said, they had already voted allays any fears on the part of the House to reject this conference report at this on it. For that reason they insisted that that this restriction would in any way time is to say the bill in all its totality language should remain. There was no prohibit actions designed to promote a should not be adopted as a matter of law way to change their minds. safe and orderly withdrawal. in its present form. Let me emphasize, Mr. President, that I wish to raise another issue. The con- my The we me is final view. Iteis the best we could obtain there is no intent to permit an expansion tinuing resolution under which the De- Mr. FULBRIGHT. Of course, I say to of the war with any of this added partment of Defense is now operating the Senator, it depends on how we inter- language. There is no intent to authorize expires with the close of this' Congress pret this language. Does he consider that the use of South Vietnamese or other on January 3. If we do not enact another the language added by the House broad- free world forces to go to the rescue of law either in the form of this Appropria- ens the restrictions of the amendment the Government of Cambodia or Laos Lions Act or another continuing resolu- carried in the authorization bill? With the use of these funds. I consider tion, the entire Department of Defense Mr. ELLENDER. I do not think it does. that the colloquy betweon myself and operation will come to a halt. This could If the Senator will read the proviso care- Senator FULBRnGHT on the procurement be a national calamity of untold propor- fully he will note that it makes it clear bill still stands-that is, that none of tions. The Senate, as a reasonable legis- the funds can be used for actions by the these restrictions are intended to prevent lative body, cannot allow such action. South Vietnamese and other free world actions, intended to keep the sanctuaries Mr. President, there must be a vote on forces to facilitate the withdrawal of U.S. clear and to prevent Vietnamization. At this appropriation bill and I urge the troops from Southeast Asia and also to the same time the line is clear that it is Senate to work its will on this matter and aid in the release, if possible, of Amer- not meant to provide a device for mill- adopt the conference report . tary support of these two governments / Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, I with Department of Defense funds. certainly do not wish in any way to I would also emphasize that the lan- criticize the Senate conferees. They have guage in the authorization bill still re- been confronted with an extremely dif for obligation until June 30, 1973, as proposed by the House, instead of "available until expended' as proposed by the Senate. Procurement o)' aircraft and missiles, Navy Amendment No. 17: Appropriates $3,017,- 000.000 instead of $3,005,800,000 as proposed i)y the House and $3.127,900,000 as proposed by the Senate. Under Aircraft, the conferees agreed to the amount of $112,500,000 for twelve A-6E In- truder Attack Aircraft and $11,400,000 for A-CE aircraft initial spares as proposed by the Senate, instead of the $72,500,000 for six A-CE aircraft as proposed by the House. The House had provided $5,700,000 for A-BE air- craft initial spares to support only six air- crai't. The conferees agreed to the amount of $64.000,000 for the AV-8A Harrier (V/STOL) attack aircraft as proposed by the House, In- stead of the $96,200,000 as proposed by the Senate. The agreement of the Committee of Conference is based on the procurement of there eighteen aircraft in the United King- dom. The conferees agreed to the amount of $23,000,000 for the E-2C Hawkeye Early Warning Aircraft, in addition to the $20,000,- 000 in advance procurement funds provided in the bill for fiscal year 1971, instead of the $92,300,000 as proposed by the Senate. The House had deleted the latter amount. The $43,000,000 total thus provided for long lead- tim,s items is in full accord with the current Department of Defense plan to award a pro- duction Contract for eleven such aircraft in fiscal year 1972. The action of the conferees should in no way be construed as an effort to delay this important program Tae conferees also agreed to the amount of $72,)00,000 for Variable Avionics Shop Test (VAST) equipment as proposed by the Sen- ate, instead of t:ae $28,600,000 as proposed by the House. Anendm.ent No. 18: Reported in technical disagreement. It is the intention of the man- ageis on the part of the House to offer a mo- tion to recede and concur in the Senate amendment to authorize the transfer to this appivrprlation o:f $100,000,000 from the De- fen-e Stock Fund. Amendment No. 19: Makes funds available for obligation until June 30, 1973, as pro- posed by the House, instead of "available un- til expended", as proposed by the Senate. Shipbuilding and' conversion, Navy Amendment No. 20: Appropriates $2,465,- 400,000 instead of $2,694,400,000 as proposed by the House, and $2,276,900,000 as proposed by tae Senate. The conferees agreed to the amount of $166,000,000 foran additional SSN--688 class nuclear attack submarine above the Presi- dent's budget, and $22,500,000 in advance pro- curement funds above the President's budget for another SW-688 class submarine to be funded in fiscal year 1972, as proposed by the house. The conferees also agreed not to pro- vide other funds above the President's budget in t:ie following amounts and for the listed purposes: AS s ubmartne tender_ $102, 000, 000 AD destroyer tender- ___.____...? 103, Service craft --------------- ---._ 24, 000, 000 The Senate had not allowed any of the funds provided by the House for Shipbuild- ing and Conversion, Navy, above the Presi- dent's budget. Amendment No. 21: Makes funds available for obligation until June 30, 1975, as pro- posed by the House, Instead of "available until expended", as proposed by the Senal,e. Other procurement, Navy Amendment No, 22: Appropriates $1,487.- 800,000 as proposed by the Senate instead of $1,448,400,000 as proposed by the House. Under Ship Support Equipment, the con- ferees agreed to the amount of $900,000 for Submarine batteries as proposed by the Sen- ate instead of $4,200,000 as proposed by the House; the amount of $4,1)00,000 for SHORTSTOP electronic u-ariare system ship alterations as proposed by_ the Senate, In- stead of no funds as allowed by the House for that purpose; and tho amount; of $500,- 000 for small boats as proposed by the Sen- ate instead of $1,800,000 is tiropoased bt the .House. Under Communicatio m ::aid Electronics :Equipment, the conferees agreed to the amount of $2,400,000 fLe the AN/SPS-40 radar set as proposed by .he Senate, instead of no funds as allowed by the House for that purpose. The conferees agreed to delete the $4,000,000 allowed by the House for miscellaneous items, as proposed by the Senate. Under Aviation Support: Equipment, the conferees agreed to the az:=mount of $4,000,000 for the CBU-55/B (Fuel Air Explosive) clus- ter bombs. The House had allowed no funds for that purpose. Under Ordnance Support Equipment, the conferees agreed to the amount of $14,?. 500,000 for the MK-46 torpedo as proposed by the Senate, instead of no funds allowed for that purpose as proposed by the House; the amount of $110,600,000 for the MK-48 torpedo as proposed by ..;7e Senate, insteacl of $80,600,000 as proposed by the House; and the amount of $30,800,000 for Ordnance Re- plenishment spares as pr;pmed by the Sen- ate, instead of $34,100,0410 as proposed by the House. Amendment No. 23; Stakes funds acait- able for obligation until June 30, 1973 as pro- posed by the House, instead of "available un- til expended", as proposed by the Senate. Procurement, Ha,":snc Corps Amendment No. 24 _ Appropriates $1 a b... 900,000 as proposed by the Senate instead o1 $171,700,000 as proposed by the House. The conferees agreed to the amount. oi $4,200,000 for the XM705 1 pia ton truck as proposed by the Senate. The House allowed no funds for that purpose Tlie same under- standing with respect to I'lis truck set forth under Procurement of Ey riprnent and Mis- siles, Army, will prevail Indict this appro. priation. Amendment No. 25: Makes funds avail- able for obligation until June 80, 1973 as proposed by the House, intend of "available until expended", as proposed by the Senate Aircraft procurement, Air Force Amendment No. 26: Reported in technical disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will offer a mot..on to appropriate $3,219,300,000 instead of $3.203,000,000 as pro- posed by the House, and $3.201,300,000 as pro- posed by the Senate. Under Aircraft the conf, tees agreed to the amount of $9,200,000 for FIRE-5A/,B aircraft as proposed by the Senai+l, Instead of $(0.- 300,000 as proposed by the House. The conferees agreed to provide the amount of $18,000,000 for the Into rnationai Fighter Aircraft, instead of the V," 1,000;000 provided by the House. The Senal,' had allowed no funds for that purpose. The action of the conferees does not constitute a full produc- tion decision on this aircraft. Under Modification of nservice Aircraft, the conferees agreed to th?s amount of $99,- 000,000 for modification of B-52/FB-ill air- craft to accommodate the Short Range At- tack Missile (SRAM), as proposed by the Senate, instead of $71,300;,100 as proposed by the House. The conferees also agreed to the amount of $14,000,000 for Additional SEA Require- neents as proposed by the Serrate, Instead of Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 15, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE H 11765 $17,000,000 as proposed by the House. posed by the House. instead of "available provided is only for equipment at Vanden- Under Aircraft Spares and Repair Parts, until expended", as proposed by the Senate. berg nge it Force oBase and ithe and the conferees agreed to the amount of $31; Procurement, Defense Agencies R Raot related needed only to the Mmprov m Opera-n 000,000 for F-111 aircraft initial spares as Amendment No. 33: Appropriates $38,- tional Base Launch program. 910,000 as proposed by the House instead of In deleting funds requested for the Min- proposed by the Senate, instead of $19,800,- 000 as proposed by the House. In addition, $45,310,000 as proposed by the Senate. The uteman Operational Base Launch Program, the conferees agreed to the amount of $399; conferees agreed that the funding of $6,- the conferees are in agreement that if a firm 400,000 for replenishment spares as proposed 400,000 for the procurdment of automatic decision is made that such firings are re- by the Senate. Instead of the $405,900.000 as data, processing equipment for the World- quired and will be conducted, consideration proposed bythellouse. Wide Military Command and Control Sys- will be given to a budget request in a future Amendment No. 27: Makes funds available tem would be deferred until the General fiscal year. for obligation until June 30, 1973, as proposed Accounting Office has reported on the fea- (5) A general reduction of $25,000,000 in- by the House, instead of "available until sibility and cost of the system. stead of specific reductions in low priority expended", as proposed by the Senate. Amendment No. 34: Makes the sum ap- programs totaling $43,600,000 as proposed by Missile procurement, Air Force propriated for Procurement, Defense Agen- pro rams t th. Amendment No. 28: Appropriates $1,377,- ties available for obligation until June 30, Makes the su sum ap- by Instead of $1,372,300,000 as proposed 1973, as proposed by the House, instead of Apromendmendmrotent R No. .D.T. 40: .,Air Force labl- by the House and $1,380,400,000 as proposed "available until expended" as proposed by until June 30, 1972, as proposed by the the Senate. House, instead of "available until expended" by the Senate. Under Ballistic Missiles, the conferees de- TITLE V-RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND as proposed by the Senate. leted the amount of $3,200;000 for LGM--3OF/ EVALUATION Research, development, test, and evaluation, G Minuteman 111111 Operational Base Launch Research, development, test, and evaluation, Defense agencies Program as proposed by the House instead of Army Amendment No. 41: Makes sum appropri- 6llowing that amount for that purpose as Amendment No. 35: Appropriates $1,600,- ated for R.D.T.&E., Defense Agencies, avail- proposed by the Senate. 200,000 instead of $1,608,500,000 as proposed able until June 30, 1972, as proposed by the Under Other of $99, the conferees the e AGM_ agreed by the House and $1,589,700,000 as proposed House, instead of "available until expended" 69 A Short the amount Range a hack Mrs for t (SRAM) as by the Senate. The Conference agreement in- as proposed by the Senate. proposed Attack d of the $50,- eludes $15,300,000 for the Pershing Missile Amendment No. 42: Appropriates $443,- 00by the Sd by instead the House. sHou on- System as proposed by the Senate instead 600,000 instead of $438,900,000 as proposed ferees0 also proposed t by The con- of $11,500,000 as proposed by the House. A by the House and $445,100,000 as proposed of $10,800,- 000f also AM Initial tthe amount r0p by osed sed by total of $6,000,000 is provided for Electrical 000 for SRAM spares ,4 ,0 by the Senate. Power Sources as proposed by the Senate The amount of $3,600,000 is approved for the Senate, Instead of the $5,400,000 as pro- instead of $4,000,000 as proposed by the Climate Modification Research (Nile Blue) posed by the Htead ous. e. 29 : House. as proposed by the Senate. Amendment No Reported in tech- The conference agreement provides for a The conferees restored the $1,500,000 re- oa'the rs the part It is of the the House intention to of the e offer general reduction of $14,100,000 instead of managers disagreement. manag specific reductions in low priority programs duction in the laser program which was prd- a motion to recede and concur in the Senate posed by the Senate. amendment to authorize the transfer to this totaling $24,600,000 as proposed by the Sen- The conferees agreed to a $3,000,000 gen- appropriation of $50,000,000 from the Defense ate. eral reduction for the Defense Atomic Sup- Stock Fund. Amendment No. 36: Makes the sum appro- port Agency. Amendment No. 30: Makes funds available priated for R.D.T.&E., Army available for ob- Emergency fund, defense for obligation until June 30, 1973, as proposed ligation until June 30, 1972, as proposed by by the House, instead of "available until ex- the House, instead of "available until ex- Amendment No. 43: Deletes specific trans- pended", as proposed by the Senate. pended" as proposed by the Senate. fer authority as provided by the House which Research, development, test, and evaluation, Is now covered in Section 836. Other ]]No. 31: Re t, Air Force Navy TITLE VI-COMBAT READINESS, SOUTH VIETNAM- Amendment No. 31: Reported in technical Amendment No. 37: Appropriates $2,137,- ESE FORCES, DEFENSE disagr the ous e The managers on the pprtrir t- o 900,000 instead of $2,156,200,000 as proposed Amendment No. 44: Appropriates $1,338,700,000 House wi ll offea a motion 20 appro bY the House and $2,130,500,000 as proposed 000,000 as proposed by the Senate instead posed by 5,100,000 as pro- by the Senate. The Conference agreement of $358,500,000 as proposed by the House, posed by the the House instead and d $1,345,100,000 as pro- posed by the Senate. provides $3,500,000 for the LAMPS Destroyer The conferees strongly favor the Vietnam- Under Munitions and Associated Equip- Helicopter System as proposed by the House ization program of the Department of De- ment, the conferees agreed to the amount of instead of $10,500,000 as proposed by the fense but believe that the $600,000,000 in Senate. transfer authority provided under Section st31,000,000 as proposed by the Senate, in- The conferees are in agreement on a gen- 836 of the bill could be used to provide for pro- Hous bf the $752,900,000 as proposed by the eral reduction of $18,300,000 instead of any additional requirements for this pro- House. specific reductions in low priority programs gram. If additional funds are required above Under Electronic and Telecommunications Equipment, the conferees agreed to the totaling $32,700,000 as proposed by the Sen- that which would be obtained under the amount of $5,000;000 for cryptographic equip- ate. transfer authority, the President can sub- ment as proposed by the Senate, Instead of Amendment No. 38: Makes the sum appro- mit a supplemental request to the Congress. the $9,000,000 as proposed by the Souse. - priated for R.D.T.&E., Navy available until Amendment No. 45: Deletes transfer au- The conferees agreed to delete the $6,400,- June 30, 1972, as proposed by the House, thority of $150,000,000 which was proposed 000 for the Minuteman Operational Base instead of "available until expended" as pro- by the House. All transfer authority Is in- Launch Program as proposed by the House posed by the Senate. eluded under Section 83$ as general author- instead of allowing such amount for that Research, development, test, and evaluation, ity. purpose as proposed by the Senate. Air Force TITLE VII-SPECIAL FOREIGN CURRENCY PROGRAM The conferees agreed to delete the amount Amendment No. 39: Appropriates $2,744,- Amendment No. 46: Makes the appropria- of $800,000 for Elimination of Compromising 100,000 instead of $2,701,100,000 as proposed tion for the Special Foreign Currency Pro- Emanations as proposed by the Senate in- by the House and $2,744,800,000 as proposed gram available for obligation until June 30, stead of allowing such amount for that pur- by the Senate. 1973, as proposed by the House, instead of pose as proposed by the House. The Conference agreement Includes: "available until expended" as proposed by The conferees also agreed to the amount (1) No funds for the Subsonic Cruise the Senate. of $5,000,000 for Training Equipment as pro- Armed Decoy program, as proposed by the TITLE VIII-GENERAL PROVISIONS posed by the Senate, instead of $5,800,000 House, instead of $10,000,000 as proposed by TIT Amend LE VII 47: Section VI807. SI Imposes a as proposed by the House; the amount of $41,- the Senate. ceiling of $136,700,000 as proposed by the 000,000 for spares and repair parts as pro- (2) $61,000,000 for Minuteman Rebasing as posed by the Senate, instead of $44,200,000 proposed by the Senate instead of $27,000,- Senate instead of $134,400,000 as proposed by as, proposed by the House; and the amount 000 as proposed by the House. The sum pro- the House on funds available for the school- of $11,400,000 for Class V Modifications as vided deletes the amounts requested for the ing of minor dependents of military and proposetP by the Senate, instead of the $13,- Mobile Minuteman and Hard-Point Defense civilian personnel stationed in foreign coun- 200,000 as proposed by the House. concepts, as stated in the Senate Report. tries. The conferees further agreed to a general (3) $87,000,000 for the Airborne Warning Amendment No. 48: Section 807. Reported unspecified reduction of $10,000,000 as pro- and Control System as proposed by the Sen- in technical disagreement. The Managers on posed by the Senate. This reduction was ate instead of $63,500,000 as proposed by the the Part of the House will offer a motion to based on the fact that there are prior year House. concur in the Senate language authorizing balances available in that amount which can (4) $10,500,000 for the Minuteman Opera- rest and recuperation trips for dependents of be used to fund fiscal year 1971 programs. tional Base Launch program instead of no senior advisers in Vietnam who voluntarily Amendments No. 32: Makes funds available funds as proposed by the House and $19,- extend their tour of duty. for obligation until June 30, 1973, as pro- 800,000 as proposed by the Senate. The sum Amendment No. 49: Section 836. Reported Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 H 11766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE in technical disagreement, TLe Managers on the Part of the lour will offer a motion which Will provide general tra..rfer authority between appropriaatiorle totaling 8600,000,000 instead of specific transfer authority of$600,- 000,000 as proposed by the House and gen- eral transfer authority of $700,000,000 as pro- posed by the Senate. The Committee of Conference is in agree- ment that all transfers made under this aa- thority Shall be considered to be 3natt+rrs of special interest to the Committees on, Aa- propriations under the reprograming proce- dures. Amendments Nos, 50, 51, and 52: Section 838. (1) Imposes a limitation of $2,500,001,- 000 on funds available to support Vietnamese and outer free world forces in support of Vietnamese forces and local :orces in Laos and Thailand. (2), Limits payments to mem- bers of free world forces to the ameun;s which can be paid for equivalent services to members of the Armed Forces of the United States. (3) Limits U .S. financed military sup- port of Governments of Laos Sid Cambodia by free world forces to actions designed to promote the safe and orderly . ithdrawsl or disengagement of U.S. forces from Southeast Asia or to aid in the release of Americans held as prisoners of tear. Amendment No. 53: Section 842. Reported in technical disagreement. The managers on the part of the House will oiler a motion which will restrict the period of availabil- ity of balances in Procurement and Re- search, Development, Test, and Evaluation appropriations, as proposed by the House, and provide for the merger of the old bal- ances with appropriations in this bill; and will repeal -Section 642 of the Defense Appro- priation Act of 1970, which was to have accomplished the purposes of this sectior. but which proved to be ineffective, as pro. posed by the Senate, Amendment Nos. 54 and 55: Section 343 Provides that none of the funds appropri- ated In this bill shall be used to finance the introduction of American ground com- bat troops into Laos, 'Thailand, or Cambodia except in actions designed to promote the safe and orderly withdrawal or disengage- :anent of U.S. Forces from Souti_-east Asia, or to aid in the release of Americans held as prisoners of war. Amendment No. 53: Section 844. Updates citation as proposed by the Senate. Amendment No. 57:: Section 845. Deletes prohibition inserted by the Senate on the use of funds for research not directly re- lated to a specific military function or oper- ation. Amendment No, 58: Section 846, Changes section number and inserts language pro- posed by the Senate limiting the number of military and civilian personnel in intelli- gence operations in the Department of De- fense to 138,000. CONFERENCE TOTAL--WITH COMPARISONS The total new budget (obligational) au- thority for the fiscal year 1971 recommended by the Committee of Conference, with coin- a is t p r ons o the fiscal year 1970; tot l t House bill., fiscal year 1971 _ -$210,624,000 Senate bill, fiscal year 1971 ---------- 1-178,860,000 GEORGE MAHON, ROBERT L. F. SixEs (except as to amend- ment No.20), JAMtt L. WRITTEN, GEORGE W. ANDREWS (except as to amend- mentNo.20) , DANIE1, J. FLOOD, JOHN M. SLACK, Joespis P. Anr+ABao, WILLrASC MrNSH AI3., JOHN J. RHODES, GLENN R. DAVIS, Louis C. WYMAN 'BANK T. Bow, - on the Part of tile December 15, Mr. JACOBS. Mr.. RARicx in three= instances. Mr., DIGGS. Mr. MELCHER. Mr. MARSH in two instances, Mr. EDWARDS of California, Mr. KLUCZYNSKI in two instances, Mr. FOUNTAIN in two Instances, Mr. DINGELL. Mr. RoDINO in two instance.;, Mr. HAGAN in two instances. Mr. KYROS in two instances, Mr. EXLBERG in three instances, Mr. DULSKT in six instances. Mr. FLOWERS in thrt r instances. Mr. YATRON. inent No. 20), committee did, on December 14, 1970, present to the President, for his approval, bills of the House of the following titles: H.R. 2689. An act to amend section 213(a) of the War Claims Act of 1948 with respect: to claims of certain nonprofit organisetione and certain claims of individuals; H.R. 8663. An act to amend the Act of Sep. tember 20, 1968 (Public Law 90-5021 to ro. Mr. FRIEDEL, from the Committee on LEAVE OF ABSENCE House Administration, reported that that By unanimous consent, leave of ab- se:ice was granted to: Mr. BURxE of Florida (at the request of Mr. GERALD R. Fc RD), on account of illness. SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED 3y unanimous consent, permission to adiress the House, following the legisla- tive program and any special orders here t:ofore entered, was granted to: ]VIr. FEIGHAN (at the request of Mr. FLOWERS), for 30 minutes, on December 16, and to revise and extend his remarks and include extraneous matter. Mr. STEELE (at the request of Mr. KYL), for 5 minutes, today and to revise and extend his remarks and include ex- traneous matter. Mr. ABBITT, tomorrow, for 30 minutes, to revise and extend his remarks and in- elu le extraneous matter, Mr. LowENSTEIN (at the request of Mr. FLOWERS), for 60 minutes, on December 16, and to revise and extend his remarks and include extraneous matter. EXTENSION OF REMARKS By unanimous consent, permission to revise and extend remarks was granted to: ('^he following Members (at the re- que, t of Mr. KYL) and to include ex- traneous material:) Mr. GRoss. Mr. HALL. Mr. WYMAN i:a two instances. Mr. REID of New York. a , he Mr. PETTIS. 1971 budget estimate total, and the House and Senate bills follows: New budget (obligational) authority, fiscal year 1970 Mr. TALCOTT in three: instances. Mr. MCDONALD of Michigan in two in- Mr. McDADE ..------------------ $72,167,032,144 . Budget estimates of new Mr. MCCLOSKEY. (obligational) authority, Mr. Escir. fiscal year 1971___-_____ 68, 745, 666, ODO 68,745,666, M.r, BUSH, House bill, fiscal year 1971__ 66, 806, 561, 000 7V1: SCHMITZ in two instances Senate bill, fiscal year 1971_ 66, o17, 077, 000 . 'd: BROOMFIELD Conference agreement_ _ _ _ _ Conference agreement com- 60, 1;95,937, 000 . ,Al:*. CHAMBERLAIN. pared With: Few budget (obligation- Mr. BELC:HER. al) authority, fiscal year Mr. WYATT. 1970 tThe following Members (at the re- Budget estimates of new (obligational) author- uthor- quest of Mr. FLOWERS) and to include ex- traneous matter:) f pr or i n ti ng and reference to the proper MI, DENT in two instances. calendar, as follows: vide relief to certain former officers of tie Supply Corps and Civil Engineers Corps of the Navy; H.R. 14421. An act to provide for the con- veyance of certain property of the United States located in Lawren,=e County, S. Dek., to John and Ruth Rachetto; H.R. 15805. An act for the relief of Warre:, Bearcloud, Perry Pretty Paint. Agatha Horse Chief House, Marie Pretty Paint, Wallace, Nancy Paint littlelight. Pera Pretty Paint Not Afraid. H.R. 18012, An act to anend the Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926, to authorize- ad. ditional appropriations, and H.R. 19846. An act to amend the Act Of August 24, 1966, relating to the care of cer- tain animals used for purposes of research. experimentation, exhibits-n, or held for sale as pets. Mr. FLOWERS. Mr. Speaker, 111wove that the House do now adjourn. The motion wag agreed to; accordingly (at 6 o'clock and 46 minutes p.m.) the House adjourned until tomorrow, Wednesday, December 16, 1970, at 12 o'clock noon. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 2617. Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, a letter from the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), transmitting the annual report of the Department of De- fense on its disposition of foreign excess personnel property for fiscal year 1970. pursuant to section 404(d) of the Fed- eral Property and Administrative Serv- ices Act of 1149, as amended; to the Committee on Government Operations. :~'rr run- LIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of committees were delivered to the Clerk Approved Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CFA-RDP72-003378000300140010-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD -SENATE This has been done with the President's expressed goals for environmental improve- ment and the problems of agricultural pollu- tion in mind. We are hopeful that this effort to redirect ACP will result in a much higher priority for this program. The comments in your letter to the Pres- ident concerning probable future legisla- tion dealing with agricultural sources of pollution are especially noteworthy and timely. This Department is vitally concerned with environmental problems associated with agriculture and is actively working toward solutions in several fields. It would certainly seem appropriate to consider the adaptation of accepted and workable programs-such as ACP to assist with the overall Department effort in helping to solve environmental problems in the rural areas. Your views on this matter are very much appreciated as well as your support for the ACP. CLIFFORD M. HARDIN, Secretary. Hon. CLIFFORD M. HARDIN, Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. DEAR MR, SECRETARY: I hav, my years of services as a memb Senate Committee on Agricultur and for the country. I believe it ca: new challenges and 'will be needed years ahead. While I know you are familiar with t1 and in the country, I would like to direct my comments to two or three point which I believe ought to be considered at this time: I recall that opposition to the ACP devel- oped in the Bureau of the Budget years ago, there it was argued that the conservation Xactices Increased soil fertility and even- could also be-use. 0 to a e against the work of the County Agent and the '.,,'e conservation measures, 'includin'g dozens of., conservation practices serving specific needs, and can now be adopted to meet mgre recently recognized problems. For example, you are to be commended for level= dping the new practices encouraging the abatement of agricultural-source 'pollution. ;}ow serve as the ranking ftepublicsu member of' the Senate Public works corn- mittee, which has legislative jurisdiotion over water and air pollution control, ' and solid waste' disposal, I am sure that'agricul- tilral sources of pollution will require in- creasing attention next year and in the ?ears to follow. With the ACP, a program is al- ready at hand which can be of Feat value. If it is ended or sharply curtailed, some new and untried program to deal with farni sources of pollution will have to be de- veloped-and there is often much waste of time and funds in establisl ing new programs. Secoad, for years there has been a growing cpneerxo abo~ t, a z''a porgrams which result in large payments to a small number of large farm operations. Now we are moving to place a limit on crop payments. But beneficiaries of the ACP have always been widely spread, the ACP has had a limit of $2$00 per farm. and the average payment is about $200-$173 in Kentucky. With the possible exception of the County Agent system, I know of no pro- gram which better lends itself to support for the family farm and smaller operations, and which in fact has provided such broadly dis- tributed benefits. Further, there is a clear national benefit in saving the hillsides, in renewing our soil and, as we are especially aware today, in protecting clean water from the beginning-where the raindrop falls. Finally, it seems to me that the technical assistance offered by Soil Conservation Serv- ice *ould be less effective-especially on small family farms-without the possibility of cost sharing for specific practices. I should think it an anomaly indeed, when there is so much talk and concern about ecology and the environment, if an estab- lished program which not only has helped farmers but which has resulted in restoring natural beauty and enhancing the environ- ment, should be abandoned or reduced. - I hope very much that funds may soon be released so that the 1971 ACP programs can be promptly announced, and farmers may enter their requests for participation. With kind regards, I am Yours sincerely, JOHN SHERMAN COOPER. NNEDY. Mr. President, I sug- T e MMM' OFFICER (Mr. BYRD of Virginia). The hour of 12 o'clock hav- ing arrived, the Chair now lays before the Senate the unfinished business, which the clerk will state. The legislative clerk read as follows: Making appropriations for the ren of Defense for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for other purposes. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill. Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, I sug- gest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, it is again my privilege to present to the Senate the Department of Defense ap- propriation bill at the request of the chairman of the Committee on Appro- priations and the Department of Defense Subcommittee, the distinguished senior Senator from Georgia (Mr. RusSELL). The committee considered budget re- quests totaling $68,745,666,000 for the various programs of the Department of Defense, excluding military construction, family housing, civil defense, and regular military assistance. This amount is ap- proximately 46 percent of the total fiscal year 1971 budget requests of $148.1 bil- lion that have to be considered by Congress. The committee recommends appro- priations totaling $66,417,077,000 which S 19631 are-under the budget estimates by $2,328,589,000-under the House bill by $389,484,000-and under fiscal year 1970 appropriations by $6,249,955,144. However, I want to call attention to the fact that additional funds in the amount of approximately $1.6 billion will be required during this fiscal year for pay increases for civilian and military personnel that are already in effect. These additional funds will be included in the second supplemental appropria- tion bill for fiscal year 1971 that will be considered early in the next session. When this additional requirement of $1.6 billion is considered, a galore valid comparison with the fiscal year 1970 ap- propriation is a reduction of approxi- mately $4.6 billion. I am quite sure that many Members of the Senate are surprised that the most recent 6-percent general pay increase will require an additional $1.6 billion for the military and civilian personnel of the Department of Defense. It will be re- called that when this matter was con- sidered by the Senate in connection with the increase for postal employees, I tried to make clear what the total cost would be. If the Congress really wants to help the President in his fight against infla- tion, we have to stop granting these large pay increases for military and civilian personnel as well as employees on the legislative branch of our Government. How can we expect labor and industry to respond to pleas to hold costs down while we go on granting these annual increases? For the period from fiscal year 1964 to the present, Congress granted in- creases of 65.3 percent for basic military pay and 43.6 percent for classified em- ployees. During this same period, the Department of Commerce's noncompen- sation component of its index of Federal purchase of goods and services increased only 20.6 percent. I ask unanimous con- sent to have printed in the RECORD at this point two tabulations prepared at my request by the Department of De- fense entitled "Pay and Price Increases Since Fiscal Year 1964" and "Military and Classified Civilian Pay Raises Since Fiscal Year 1964." There being no objection, the tabula- tions were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: PAY AND PRICE INCREASES SINCE FISCAL YEAR 1964 Purchased goods and services r Military basic pay 2 Classified civilian salaries r 1964------- ------------- 100.0 100.0 100.0 1965---------------------- 101.8 105.2 106.3 1966---------------------- 103.7 114.7 109.2 1967---- ------------ 106.2 120.3 113.3 1968---------------------- 109.1 125.3 117.1 1969 ___ ------------------ 113.3 135.8 124.2 1970 (in January 1970 budg- et-------------- --- 117.6 152.9 135.5 1971 estimates, as submit- ted) ---------------------- 120.6 152.9 135.5 1970 (reflecting Jan. 1, 1970, 117.6 159 1 139 6 pay increase notin 1971 120 6 . 165 3 . 143 6 budget estimates) --------- . . . I Source: Noncompensation component of index of Federal purchase of goods and services, Department of Commerce, for calendar year 1963 through calendar year 1969. Further price increases were estimated at 3 percent for calendar 1970 and 2 percent for calendar 1971. The calendar year data were then converted to fiscal years as follows: Fiscal year 1969 index =(calendar year 1969 index}calendar year 1968 index)=2. 2 Source: Specific pay increases enacted by Congress. Details as to effective dates and percentages are in the following table: Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 19632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- SENATE December 8, 1970 MILITARY AND CLASSIFIED CIVILIAN PAY RAISES SINCE FISCAL YEAR 1964 tIn percent] Military Classified Lash Civilian pay salaries Oct. 1, 1963._ ...:....... ..~---.--._ 14.2 ..._-.-._- Joe 5, 1964_ _:._.---._ --.............. --- 4.1 Judy 1, 1964----------------- 4.2 Sept. 1, 1964------------------------- 2.3 ---------- Sept 1, 1965 ..- _ ;u.4 .... Oct. 1, 1965_-------------------- .--- ___---. .. 3.6 July 1, 1966-------------------------- 3.2 2.9 Oct. 1, 1967 --__ ___ ----- 5.6 4.5 July 1, 1968-------------------- - ----- 6.9 4.9 Ally 1,1969 --_ __.. -_ 2.6 9.1 July 1, 1970-_. ---_. ;.. ------ - 6.1 -6.0 Base poor to fiscal year 1964 0 100.0 raisell --..-._ __ 1;)0. Effactlve rate in- scal year 1964... 110.65 102.05 Cumulative effect of above raises from base 100__ __- ._ 18'.90 146.58 Ratio of Current rate to,overage amount paid fiscal yela 1964 (OneS+tine2)--------------- 1t;5`3 143.6 Mr. ELIZNDER. Mr. President, as the bill pas*d the other body, it included appropriations totaling $66,,06,561,000. This total included $653,935,000 for items not included in the President's budget. I ask unanimous consent to hftive printed in the RECORD at this point a tabulation marked exhibit A listing each of the non- budgetect items included in this total, There being no objection, the tabula- tion was ordered to be prin,ed in the RECORD, .s:follows Ex=IT A Items in House bilif, totaling . $653,935,(100 for which there is, no budget estimate Operation and Maintenance, Army: Floor amendment to cover unfunded require- ments --------------------- $50, 000, (100 Operation and Maintenance, Navy: Floor amendment to cover unfunded requirements-- 50, 000, 000 Project DEEPFREEZE------_ 4, 000, 000 Operation and Maintenance, Air Force: Floor amendment to cover unfunded requirements-_ 50, 000, (100 Retention of 5 Air Reserve units ------------------ 23, 900, 000 National Board for the Promo- tion of Rifle Practice: General increase (understatement of estimate) ------------------ 35, 000 Shipbuilding and Conversion, Navy: , Nuclear submarine (SSN) - 166, 1550, 000 Advance procurement for submarines 1972---------- 22, 500, 000 Submarine tender (AS)___ 102,000,1100 Destroyer tender (AD)---- 103, 000, (100 Service craft------ ------ 24, 000, (100 Combat Readiness, South Viet- nam Porter, Defense: 1Levision (September 9, 1970) of origi- nal budget request ---------- 58, 500, 000 Total, nonbuciget, Items added by House ------- 653,935,(00 Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff appeared be- fore the Department of Defense Subcom- mittee on November 20 and requested that the House bill be increased by $1,- 368,116,000, of which $1,008,534,000 was for budgeted items disallowed by the House and $3154,599,000 was for addi- tional nonbudgeted items-many of which require annual authorization but which were not considered in the Depart- ment of Defense Procurement and Re- searlh and Development Authorization Act, 1971-Pubaic Law 91-441. Mr. Presi- deni;, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD at this point a tabulation marked exhibit B listing each of the items included in this total of $'354?,,599,000 and indicating those items that: require annual authorization. There being no objection, the tabula- tion was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as fOllc-wS: Non-budget items in DoD reclama AUTHORx.LED Mill nary personnel, Army: Civil disturbance training--_ $1,262,000 Ma111;ary personnel, Air Force: Servicemen's group life insur- ince _..--------------------- 9,300,000 Modical continuation pay ---- 1,500.000 Airlift service rate increase.._ 4,300,000 Basic allowance for subsist- nice -------------- 10,400, 000 O?.hu cost-of-living allowance 2,100,000 National Guard personnel, Army: Ac.ditionarl drills for civil dis- turbance training --------- 16, 976, 000 Operation and maintenance, Army : Second destination transpor- tation --------------------- Change in RViN deployments- 40, 800,000 Operation and maintenance, Air :Force: P.J , 91-258 Airway and Airway Development Act ------------ 5,300,000 St,ck fund surcharge in- .=ease ---------------------- 3, 100, 000 MAC passenger rate increase- 3,000,000 MAC cargo anct special assign- ment rate increase. __-__-_ 20000,000 M:SC rate Increase ------------ 3:500,000 Cc reversion to new type foam for aircraft fires ----------- 10, 000, 000 Open ation and maintenance, De- fense Agencies: Computer services, See;'Def ac- tivities, Computer Access to Public Statements (CAPS) - 300, 000 Operation and maintenance, Army National Guard: Protective equipment for civil disturbances -------------- 4,777,000 Operation and maintenance, Air National Guard: Force change to more modern weapons systems----------- 2, 500, 000 Classification of air techni- cuans ..--__..--------------- 1, 400, 000 Other procurement, Air Force: Additional war readines:> mu- nitions (WRM) -_-__- __._ $168, 400, 000 Procurement NOT AUTI3or i:5saa of aircraft and missiles, Navy: RH-53I) mine counterimnasuro helicopter ----------------- 39, 100, ODD Airborne electronic counter- measures ------------ . - Research, development, test,, and evaluation, Army: Heavy lift helicopter----__-- 10, 000, 000 Research, development, tesl., and evaluation, Navy: Airborne electronic warfare equipment _-_-_-_ 9,700,000 Submarine sonar development 2,900,000 Research, development, test and evaluation, Air Force: Armament/Ordnance equip- ment --.------------------- Research, development, test, and evaluation, Defense Agen- cies: Grand total ----- .._._ ----- 354, 599, 000 Mr. ELLENDER. Mr President, the committee's recommendations for re- ductions totaling $389,484,000 are the net of increases totaling $766,151,000 for budgeted items disallowed by the House and recommended additional reductions of $1,155,635,000. These reductions in- elude: Nonbu.dgeted items included in the House ball, $653,935,000; reduction r" based on the use of funds transfeTrec to appropriations in this bill from stock funds, $200,000,000; reductions based on recent review of budgeted programs $301,700,000. I stated earlier that the Secretary of Defense requested the committee to re- store House reductions in budgeted items totaling $1,013,517,000. The com- mittee's recommendations include $733,- 951,000 for these items. I ask unanimous consent to have prin=,e: i in the RECORD at this point a tabulationi marked exhibit C listing each of these budgeted items included in the Secretary's request and the coesunmittee's recommendation with respect to each. There being no objection, the tabula- tion was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Restoration I Restoration Restoration recommended R"e-ratio n recommended requested by Senate 1 rer,"Iestf-d by Senate by DOD committee ' Item Li DOD Committee Military personnel, Army: r Military personnel, Navy: Automatic data processingq~ $5,00(,000 ___.._____-______ - Public affairs_____________-_------------ . __.._..-- 5)1 1, 003 ____ _.____---_-- Communications and into Roe-ice 3,10(,000 ___-_-__-_ ----- - Ileadquarters staff .... _------------------------------ 11 0"), 000 - -------------- Public affairs -------- ......... .-------------- 1451, 000-----__ ____ __ _ Permanent change of station travel___________________ 17, 01), 000 $17,000,000 Permanent charge of station travel ------ .__ ___-.-__ 39; 30(, 000 $39,330,000 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE S 19633 Restoration Restoration Restoration recommend d Restoration recommended requested by Senate requested by Senate by DOD committee by DOD committee Military personnel, Marine Corps: Shortfall in total strength---------- --------------- $24,600,000 ---_-_________-- Aircraft spares and repair parts: A-6E------------------------------------------ $5,700,000 $5,700,000 Public affairs ---------------- - 700.000 E-2C------------------------------------------ 8,500,000 8,500,000 Communications and intelligence---- ----- -------- 1100,000 ---------------- Pe rma neht change of station travel .................. 7:900,000 $7,900,000 Common ground equipment: S-3A (versatile avionics shop test equipment)-_--__ 34, 400, 000 34, 400, 000 Automatic data processing------------------- ------ 500,000 __-_-____-_____- E-2C (VAST equipment)_________________________ 9, 000,000 91000,000 Military personnel Air Force: Sparrow missile, AIM-7E/F__________________________ 16,000,000 -------- -______ Automatic dafa processing .-_________________________3300,000 ___--________--- , Technica. engineering support_______________________ 11,800,000 ---------------- Communications and intelligence_____________________ 7 616,000 ---------------- Headquarters staff-- ------------------------------- 7,000,000 --------- -_____ Other procurement. Navy: Ship alterations (Shortstop electronic warfare system)-_ 4,900,000 4,900,000 Permanent change oTstationtravel ------------ _------ 29,075,000 29,075,000 AN/SPS-40 radar sets_______________________________ 2,400,000 2,400 000 Reserve personnel, Army: Overstated drill strength pro- Cluster bombs, CBU-55/B_-------------------------- 11,500,000 , ---------------- jection---------------------------------------------- 1,750,000 ---------------- Walleye ------------------------------------------- 3,500,000 ---------------- Operation and maintenance, Army: MK-46 torpedo------------------------------------- 14,500,000 14, 500, 000 Civilian personnel---------------------------------- 3,133 000 1,676,000 , MK-48 torpedo ------------------------------------- 30, 000, 000 30, 000, 000 Safeguard contract support__________________________ 3,100 000 ----- __. _______ Procurement, Marine Corps: Trucks 13 ton XM 705______ 4 200 000 200 000 4 Automatic data processing--------------------------- 8, 000, 000 8,000, 000 Field exercises______________; 3,696,000 ____:__-__-___-- Communications----- ---......... -...... ------ --___ 2,926,000 ---------------- , , Aircraft procurement. Air Force: B-52/FB-111 aircraft: Modifications for ANIALR-37 (RASTAS)___________ , , 8,000,000 , , ---------------- Public information _________________........ -_---- 900,000 --------- _._._._ Modifications for SRAM_________________________ 27,700,000 27,700,000 Professional training: Long term courses____________600,000 ------_--_------ s F-111 spares and repair parts________________________ 11, 200, 000 11, 200, 000 Conver ion of heating plants in Europe_______________ 8,000,000 Operation and maintenance, Navy: ------____-.__-- Missile procurement, Air Force: 0 erational base launch program (Minuteman)--------- 3,200,000 3,200,000 Civilian personnel---------------------------------- 500, 000 500, 000 S RAM missile, AGM-69A__-________________________ 49,500, 000 49, 500, 000 Intelligence---------------------------------------- 1,500,000 ---------------- SRAM missile spares, AGM 69A----- _______ __________ 5,400,000 5,400,000 Communications ............................... 2,012,000 Headquarters operation and maintenance-------------- 7000000 ___-_---__-__ 7,000,666 se la Other procurement, Air Force: Operational baunch pro- gram (Minuteman)______?___________________________ 6,400,000 6,400,000 Operation and maintenance, Marine Corps: Civilian personnel__________________________________ 1,500 000 Headquarters operation and maintenance----_ _ _---- -- 1,300,000 000 1,500,000 1,300,000 PROCUREMENT, DEFENSE AGENCIES Operation and maintenance, Air Force: Automatic data processing--------------------------------------- 3,000,000 ---------------- Defense Communications Agency: Automatic data processing equipment,KWWMCCS) -------------------------------- 6, 400, 000 6,400,000 6,400,000 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. DEFENSE AGENCIES Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Army: Aircraft: Advanced helicopter development ------------ 1,1001000 ---------------- Exploratory development____________________________ 5, 400, 000 ---------------- Armed Forces information and education.: Federal Contract Research Centers-------------------- 300,000 ---------------- Contract services----------------------------------- 213,000 ---------------- Pershing missile system____------------------------- 3,800,000 3,800,000 Supplies ------------------------------------------- 275,000 --------------- Sea-to-la nd logistics system_________________________ 500,000 ---------------- Othherservices ---------------------------- W------ 100,000 ------------.--- Defense Communications Planning Group__ 4,000 000 4 000, 000 Defense Supply Agency: ____________ Development of electric power sources---------------- , 2, 000,000 , 2,000,000 Automatic data processing (SAMMS)__________________ 5, 500,000 Other purchased services -------------------- ------- 1 100,000 - ---------------- -_--_-__-__----- Research, development, test, and evaluation, Navy: Basic research_____________________________________ 5,000,000 ---------------- Supplies and materials-------------------- ---------- 2,075,000 _-_-_----------- Exploratory development 3 000 000 ____ ________ Defense Communications Agency: ____________________________ Military sciences: Studies and analyses_______________ , , 200,000 __ __ ---------------- Civilian personnel---------------------------------- 1,000,000 --_---------___- Center for Naval Analyses (FCRC -------------------- 1,000,000 ---------------- Travelcosts ................................. ____?_ 205,000 Supplies and Materials______________________________ 241,000 ---------------- --___-__-_-_-_-- Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins Univ. (FCRC) ------------------------ 3,000,000 ---------------- National Military Command System------------------- 2, 000,000 _-_-----_------- Aircraft: Destroyer helicopter system (LAMPS)________ 7,000,000 7,000,000 National Security Agency____________________________1,200,000 ---------------- F-14C aircraft Avionics development 5 000 200 Defense Intelligence Agency ----------------------------- 1,300,000 ---------------- . _________________ Surface effects ships________________________________ , , 10,000,000 ---------------- ---------------- Defense Atomic Support Agency____; --------------------- 21000,000 __----_--------- Facilities and installation support --------------------- 1,100,000 ---------------- Operation and maintenance, Air National Guard: Additional recoupments_____________________________ 10,000,000 ---------------- Flying hour program-------------------------------- . 5,000,000 5,000,000 S-3A antisubmarine aircraft (transfer from PAMN)_____ -58, 000, 000 ---------------- General reduction .... ............... ............... 1,000,000 1,000,000 Research development, test, and evaluation, Air Force: Contingencies, Defense ---------------------------------- 5,000,000 --_-----_----_-- Aerospace biotechnology____________________________ 2,000,000 ---------------- Procurement of equipment and missiles, Army: Subsonic cruise armed decoy _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ 10,000,000 10, 000,000 Improved HAWK surface-to-air missile---------------- 38,200,000 38,200,000 ____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Minuteman rebasing _ _ _ _ _____ 50, 000, 000 34, 000, 000 Nike-Hercules modifications.-._._- -------------- 5,800,000 5, 800, 000 ____________ ___ _ _ _ __ Airborne warning and control system (AWACS) - __ 23, 500, 000 23, 500, 000 LANCE surface-to-surface missile .............. ---_- 30, 800,000 30, 800, 000 - -- -_ Operational base launch support (Minuteman) 000 19 800 800 19 000 Lance modifications....... _... --- . 3,000, 000 3,000,000 -_______ , , , , Land combat support system _-__ _ _. -_-_ 21, 600, 000 15,000,000 AND EVALUATION DEVELOPMENT TEST RESEARCH Lance spares ------ ._ _. - ___ _ - 1,100,000 1100000 , , , , DEFENSE AGENCIES Land combat support system spares------------------ . 9,700,000 5, 000.000 Tracked command post carriers, M577A1 ...... . 9,200,000 9, 200,000 Defense Communications Agency_ _ _ _ ----------- 400 000 2 ---------------- Trucks, I3 ton, XM-705____-------- _----------- __ 28,800,000 28,800,000 -- _ _ __ Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA): , , Truck spares, 13' ton, XM--70----- _-------- ________ l 1,100,000 1,100,000 Technical studies 500 000 _ _ _ _ RATAC field artil ery radar sets---------------------- 4,000,000 4,000, 000 ___________________________________ Climate modification research (NILE BLUE) ---------- - , 000 000 1 ___ ____ __ _ __ 000 000 1 Landing craft (LCU,LCM)----------------- _________ 9,600,000 5,200,000 - Defense Communications Agency- --- --------- - , ,000 600 , ________, _______ Procurement of aircraft and missiles, Navy: ----- ----- - Defense Supply Agency _ __ _ _ , 000 250 ___________ ___ A-6E intruder attack aircraft ------------ -........... 40, 000, 000 40, 000,000 __________________ ____ _ ___ __ Studies and analyses____________________________________ , 1400,000 _ _ ---------------- S-3A antisubmarine aircraft------------------------- E-2C Hawkeye early warning aircraft ----------------- 79,000,000 92, 300, 000 ----- 92, 300, 000 _________________________ Defense Atomic Support Agency-------------------------- 61700,000 6, 700,000 A-6 aircraft modification (for Condor missile) ---------- 5,500,000 ---------------- Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, I do not intend to take time to, explain the recommendations of the committee with respect to each appropriation in the bill. These recommendations are explained in detail in the committee's report. I do want to call attention to the five volumes of hearings on the budget re- quests that total over 4,590?pages. Each of the programs and items included in the budget request are discussed in de- tai in these hearings. f the total amguntt reeolnmex~cled by the committee, approximately? 60, per- cent-$39,990,246,000-is for the "Mili- tary Personnel" and "Operation and Maintenance" titles of the bill. These funds are required for the support of the active duty and reserve military forces, and for the most part, the level of these appropriations is determined by the strength of the active duty forces. The committee's recommendations are based on the fiscal year 1971 budgeted active duty military end-strength of $2,908,100 which includes: Army ------------------------- $1,239,600 Navy -------------------------- 643,800 Marine Corps___________________ 241,200 Air Force______________________ 783,500 Title III of the bill includes the budget request of $3,194,000,000 for "Military Retired Pay." The number of individuals on the retired rolls and the amount they receive is determined by law, and Con- gress must provide the funds. I call at- tention to the rate of increase in this appropriation. For fiscal year 1965, $1,- 339,000,000 was required, and, as I have stated, the requirement for fiscal year 1971 is $3,194,000,000. The projection for fiscal year 1975 based on the current rates for retired pay of $4.1 billion, and the projection for fiscal year 1980 is $4.9 billion. _ The committee's recommendations in- clude appropriations totaling $15,970,- 110,000 for the various procurement ap- propriations included in title IV of the bill. The committee's recommendation for each of these appropriations is ex- plained in detail in the report. For the research, development, test, and evaluation title, the recommenda- tions of the committee total $6,960,100,- 000, and these recommendations are also explained in detail in the report. Rather than go into the details of the committee's recommendations for the various procurement and research, de- velopment, test, and evaluation appro- priations, I intend to comment on sev- eral of the major programs for which funds are recommended. Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 19634 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE December 8, 1970 The total recommended for the various research, development, test, and evalu- ation appropriations Is below the budget requests by $385,500,000; below the fiscal year 1970 appropriations by $446, 648,694; and over the House allow- ances by $5,400,000. The increase of $5,400,000 over the House allowance is the net of recom- mended increases in budget, programs disallowed by the other body totaling $107,800,000 and recommended addi- tional reductions in budgeted programs totaling $102,400,000, which are based on a recent review of requirements and involve reductions in more than 100proj- ects. I ask unanimous consent to have included in the REconn at this point a tabulation listing each of the projects involved in the increases and decreases recomini?pded by tie committee. There being no objection, the tabula- tion was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows : R.D.T. & E. PROJECTS INCREASED an Duca msEr Research, development, test, and evaluation, Army (Dollars in thousand;) Project and recommended change Committee increase:,: Pershing missile System ---------- 3,800 Development of electric power sources ----- --------------- 2, 000 Total increases-.. ______-_ 5, 800 Committee reductio:as: Aircraft and Related Equipment: Aircraft Weapons _. --------------- 1, 500 Aeronautical Evalation ---------- 400 Aerial STANO (Advance Develop- ment) ------------------------- 1,100 Air. Mobility Support. Equipment-- 600 Aerial STANO Systems (Eng:neer- ing Development) -------------- 30o Missiles and Related Equipment: Surface-to-surface Missile Vocket System ------------------------ 1,200) Forward Area Air Defense --------- 404) Missile Effectiveness Evaluation__._ 90+) Kwajalein MissileRange---------- 2-001) White Sands Missile Range-_- ----- 2.000 Chaparral/Vulcan System -------- 200 Military Astronautics and Related Equipment: Tactical Satellite Com- munications ----- --------------- Ordnance, Combat Vehicles and Re- lated Equipment: Army Small Arnie Program (Ad- vance Development) ------------ 1, 001 Infantry Support 'Weapons --------- 603 Field Artillery Weapons and :Muni- tlons --------------------------- 500 Wheeled Vehicles _ -. ___ 30) Fortifications, Alines, and Ob- stacles ------------------------ 600 TOW Anti-Tank Weapon-___ ---------- 500 Other Equipment: Therapeutic Development --------- 800 STANO Program (Advance Develop- ment) ----------------------- 1,000 Tactical Communications -------- 1,200 Supporting Development for Com- munications ------------------- 400 STANO. Systems (EngineeriDg De- velopment) ------------------- 300 Biological Defense -Materials------- 600 Chemical Defense Materials-__-__ 2,000 Testing ------------------------- 1,400 Desert Test Center________________ 600 STANO Operational Development (General Purpose Forces) ------- 700 Counter Intelligence Acvtivities---- 500 Total reduction -------------- 24,600 Research, development, test, and evaluation, Navy [Dollars in thousands] Project and recommendation change Committee increases: Destroyer Helicopter system (LAMPS) --------------------- $7,000 Committee reductions: Aircraft and related equipment: Early Warning Aircraft ----------- 700 Airborne ASW Detection System--_ 800 Advance Airborne Reconnaissance__ 600 Airborne Life Support System--__ 100 Avionics ----------__------------ 300 V/STOL Developments ------------- 300 Missiles and related equipment: F.BM Systems ------------------------ 5. 500 ABM Support____________________ 500 Standard ARAI -------- ----------- 500 Advance ARM System Technology-- 500 A/L S/L Anti-ship Missile- Har- poon --------------------------- 2,500 Advance A/L ASM System---------- 500 Submarine Tactical Weapon System (STAM) --.-------------------- ~Silitary Astronautics and Related Equipment: Satellite Communi- cations ------------------------ 800 Ships and Small Craft: Submarine Silencing-_. ----------- 200 1i MSC System. Wide Support ------- 200 Aircraft Launching and Retrieving- 300 Advance Submarine Surveillance -Equipment Program ------------- 900 Advance Ship/Submarine Sonar Developments ----------------- 500 E?W/CW Countermeasures--------- 100 taw Ship Design -------------- 1,500 Advance Surface Craft ------------- 500 Advance Air 200 Advance, Communications --------- 300 .'Y-130 Steel ._--- -------------- 500 Fiver and Shallow Water Warfare_ 1, 000 :hip Contract Defl4ition---------- 1, 000 Electronic Warfare Systems ------- 800 Submarine Surveillance Equipment Program ---------------------- 500 Ordnance, Combat Vehicles and Re- lated' Equipment: ).SW Torpedo Counter Measures Resistance -------------------- 300 Advance Conventional Ordnance-__ 600 Unguided Conventional Aircraft Weapons ----------------------- 1,000 Marine Corps Ordnance/Combat Vehicles ----------------------- 500 Hi Energy Leser------------------ 2,000 Conventional Ordnance Equip- ment -------------------------- Other equipment: Marine Corps Operational Elec- tropic Developments____________ 100 undersea Surveillance_____________ 700 Advance Undersea Surveillance____ 1,000 ..raining Development Tech- nology ------------ 300 Advance Marine Biology -------___ 500 Programwide Management and Sup- port: 1,SW Support-------------- ----- 500 Strategic Support----------------- 500 Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center______________ 500 Total reductions------------- 32,700 Research, development, test, and evaluation, Air Force [Doi;lars in thousands] Project and recommended change Committee increases: l3ubsonic cruise armed decoy----__$10,000 :Minuteman rebasing_____________ 34,000 .Airborne warning and control sys- tem (AWACS) ------------------ 23,500 Operational base launch support (Minuteman) ----------------- 19,800 Committee reductions: Military Sciences: Environment -------------------- $1, 300 RAND -------------------------- 1,000 Aircraft and Related Equipment: F-4 Avionics--------------------- 5,000 Advance Aircraft Navigation------ 204) Advance Fire Control and Missile Technology --------------------- 1,201) Advance Reconnaissance and Tar- get Acquisition Capabilities---- 1, 00') VTOL Engine Development-______ 800 Aerial Targets___________________ 500 Missiles and Related Equipment: Rocket Propulsion ---------------- 3,004) Air-launched Missile Propulsion__ 1, 000 Advance ASM Guidance Tech- nology ------------------------ .Military Astronautics and Related Equipment : TITAN III----------------------- 6,900 Missile and Space Defense -------- 3, 200 Advance Space Power Supply Tech- nology ------------------------ 300 Space, Experiment Support-- -------- 300 Advance Liquid Rocket ----------- 500 Space Craft Technology and Ad- vance Re-entry Tests ----------- 40D Ordnance, Combat Vehicles and Re- lated Equipment: Chemical and Biological Defense Equipment -------- ----------- 300 Armament/ Ordnance Develop- ment ------------------------ 500 Improved Aircraft Gun System_._- 600 Truck Interdiction ---------------- 2,500 Other Equipment: Common Mobility Support -------- 2, 600 Light Weight Precision Bombing-_ 3,000 Tactical Electronic Operational Support System ---------------- 1,000 Satellite Communications Termi- nal-Tactical ------------------ 500 Airborne Satellite Communication Terminals-Strategic 900 Aeronautical Chart and Informa- tion Center___________________ 300 Helicopter-borne Radar ------------ 200 Advance Detection System Devel- opment ----------------------- 800 Tactical Information Processing and Interpretation- 500 Tactical Jamming.-___ ----------- 204) Electronic Warfare Systems ------- 500 Life Support System-------------- 300 Cobra Mist (Classified Project)-__ 500 Information Analysis Center______ 200 Tactical Air Control System ------- 300 100th Strategic Air Wing --------- 500 Air Force Communications---____ 500 Total reductions-_..---------- 43,600 Research, development, test, and evaluation, Defense Agencies [Dollars in thousands] Project and recommended change Committee increases: Climate modification research (NILE BLUE) ------------------- Total Increase ----------------- 7,7(10 Committee reductions: Advanced Research Projects Agen- cy, laser program-_ ------------ 1, 500 SAFEGUARD ASST SYSTEM Mr. ELLENDER. The reeommenda- tions of the committee include $1,079,- 900,000 for the continuation of the development and deployment of the Safe- guard ABM system. The recommenda- tions of the committee are based on the modified phase II deployment approved in the authorization act, which provides for the continuation of deployment at the Grand Forks, N. Dak., and Malm- strom, Mont., sites, the initiation of full deployment at the Whiteman, Mo., site, Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE S 19635 and advance preparation at the Warren request for each appropriation and the Air Force: The commit- amount recommended is set out in the fol- Research, development, test, and site Air Force Base , Wyo , . . tee's recommendation for this system is discussed in detail on pages 23 to 25 of the report, and I ask unanimous consent to have these pages included' in the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the excerpt was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: SAFEGUARD ANTI-BALLISTIC-MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM The recommendations of the eRn}mitteo Include $1,079.9 million for the continued development and deployment of the Safe- lowing tabulation: evaluation: Nike targets for Safeguard tests_ $8. 0 On millions of dollars) Missile and space defense (ABM portion) -------------------- 1.0 Com- mittee m Advanced sensor technology----- Defense agencies: 7.6 Appropriation Budget recom- Research, development, test, and request mendatoa evaluation: Military personnel, Army______________ 14.0 14.0 Advanced research projects agen- cy, ABM activities ----- ------ 30.0 Operation and maintenance, Army ------ 53.0 49.9 Procurement of equipment and missiles, Total - 228 1 Army 1------- __ _ _ __ ___ ___ Research, development, test and evalua- 661.0 651.0 -------------------- NAVY'S r-s4A FIGHTER AIRCRAFT . lion Army____________________ _ 365.0 365.0 , __ __ Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President $932 Total__________________________ 1,093.0 1,079.9 million is included in the commi ttee's guard anti-ballistic-missile defense system, - --- recommendations for the continuation of which amount is a reduction of $13.1 million r Discussed in detail on page 105 of this report. development and initial production of in the budget requests considered by the the Navy's F-14 fighter aircraft. This committee. In addition to these funds-the The program requested in the budget and program is discussed on pages 29-30 of Military Construction Appropriations Act, the program on which the committee's re- the report, and I ask unanimous consent 1971, includes $365.8 million for the Safe- commendations are based are set out in the guard system. The amount included in the following tabulation: have these pages included in the RECORD at this point. Its millions of dollars) There being no objection, the pages were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Budget Recommended as follows: program program F-14. AND F-14B FIGHTER AIRCRAFT PROGRAMS The recommendations of the committee in- a) Continuation of development (R.D.T. & E.)----------------------------------------------- 365.0 365.0 clude $932 million for the continuation of (b) Continuation of deployment at phase 1 sites (Grand Forks, N. Dak., and Malmstrom, Mont.)_""- 512.0 508.9 c Initiation of deployment at the Whiteman, Mo., site-------------- __ 178.0 178.0 development and production of the Navy's Advance preparation at the following sites: Northeast, Northwest, National Command Au- F-14A fighter aircraft. The funds are for the thority, Michigan/Ohio, and Warren Air Force Base, Wyo-------------------------------- 25.0 0 following purposes: procurement of 26 air- Advance preparation at the Warren Air Force Base, Wyo., site ------------------------------ 0 15.0 craft, $517 million, which does not include Other modified phase 2costs _________________ ------------------------------------- $8.5 million for advance procurement; pro- Total ................. -""v""-__._"-------------------- ------------------- ------_ 1,093.0 1,079.9 curement of initial spares and repair parts, $80.9 million; advance procurement to sup- port the planned fiscal year 1972 procure- Attention Is called to the fact that, while expended for the purpose of Initiating de- ment program, $60.1 million; and continua- the committee's recommendations do.not in- ployment of an anti-ballistic missile system tion of the development, test and evaluation elude any funds for the installation, of,addi- at any site other than Whiteman Air Force program, $274 million. tional Sprint missiles at the phase 1 sites Base, Knobnoster, Missouri; except that F-14A will be the Navy's primary air su- (Grand Forks, N.D., and Malmstrom, Mont.), funds may be obligated or expended for the periority fighter aircraft in the future. In funds for this purpose are included in the purpose of initiating advanced preparation addition to providing fleet air defense, this Military Construction Apropriation Act, (site selection, land acquisition, site survey, aircraft will have an air-to-ground attack 1971. In its overall action on the Safeguard and the procurement of long lead-time capability. The F-14A configuration will in- system, the committee has approved the in- items) for an anti-ballistic missile system corporate a modified version of the existing stallation of the additional Sprint, missiles site at Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Phoenix AWG-9 fire control system and TF- at these sites. Cheyenne, Wyoming. Nothing in the forego- 30 engines. It will have an all-weather capa- The committee's recommendattoi} for,the 14g sentence shall be constructed as a limita- bility for delivery of Phoenix and Sparrow Safeguard system is in accord with the pre- tion on the obligation, or expenditure of mivsiles and will also employ a 20-millimeter vious action of the Senate In acting on the funds in connection with the deployment of gun and Sidewinder missiles for close in, Department of Defense Procurement and Re- an antiballistic missile 'system at Grand air-to-air combat. The F-14A is manufac- search Authorization Act, 1971 (Public Law Forks Air Force Base, Grand Forks, North tured by the Grumman Aircraft Corp., Beth- 91-441) which was based on the following Dakota, or Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great page, Long Island, N.Y., and is powered by recommendation of the Committee On Armed Falls, Montana." two TF-30-P412 engines manufactured by Serv ces of the Senate: As indicated above, the committee's rec- the Pratt & Whitney Division of the United "The committee has decided to confine, ommendations for appropriations in this bill Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, Conn. the authorization for the continuation of directly related to the development and de- The $517 million recommended for pro- the Safeguard program to those sites de- ployment of the Safeguard system total curement of aircraft and $8.5 million in ad- voted to the defense of the deterrent. Thus $1,079.9 million, and the Military Construe- venue procurement will provide a total of the committee has approved continuation tion Appropriation Act, 1971, includes $365.8 $525.5 million for the procurement of 26 F- of the phase 1 sites at Malmstrom and Grand million for this purpose for a total of $1,445.7 14A aircraft. The 26 aircraft, referred to as Forks, as well as full deployment at White- million, lot III, are required to continue an orderly, man and advance preparation at Warren, Air least cost and earliest initial operation capa- Force Base. In addition to these funds, the recom- bility for the introduction of this new air- "In taking this action, the committee mendations of the committee include $228.1 craft. The first eight of these 26 aircraft will wishes to egtablish the primacy of active de- million for indirect support of the Safeguard supplement the 12 (lots I and II) research fense to increase the survivability of . the system and other antiballistic missile efforts. and development aircraft to enable the Navy land-based deterrent. By striking from the The general purpose of these funds and the to complete technical evaluation, conduct authorization the House approved admin- approprl:atiol in which they are included are board of inspection and surveys trials and istration request to proceed now to advance set out in the following tabulation: provide aircraft for fleet test and evaluation. preparation for four area defense sites, the Appropriation and purpose The remaining 18 aircraft in lot III will pro- committee affirms its conviction tl}at there vide the fleet training squadron aircraft to is no compelling need to move now to the Amount (in Army: millions commence training for initial operational deployment of an area defense of our popu- ) capability in April of 1973. lation against Chinese Communist ICBM Research, development, test, and This $274 million is recommended for the attack. S. Re t. 91-1016, 19. evaluation: ( P p. ) " continuation of the development and testing This recommendation of the Senate Argued Advanced ballistic missile de- program with the first flight scheduled for Services Committee is implemented in Sec- fense ________________________ $138.0 January 1971, and Navy preliminary evalua- tion 402 of the Department of Defense Pro- Range support (Kwajalein and tion scheduled for April 1971. curement and Research and Development White Sands Missile Range) ___ 35.0 The F-14A is discussed on pages 576-580 Authorization Act, 1971 (Public Law' 91-441), Navy: and 935-936 of part 3 of the committee hear- and the funds recommended to the commit- Research, development, test, and ings on the Department of Defense appro- tee are subject to the restrictions imposed evaluation: priation bill, 1971. therein. This section reads as follows: Sea-based missile defense_____-- 2. 0 In addition to the $932 million recom- "SEc. 402. None of the funds authorized by ABM support (Polaris targets for mended for the F-14A program, the commit- this or any other Act may be obligated or Safeguard test program) ------ 6. 5 tee's recommendation for the appropriation Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 19636 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE December 8, 1970 entitled "Research, development, test, and evaluation, Navy" includes $45 ml' lion for the F-14B aircraft program, The F--14B is the basic P-14A airframe powered by the ad- vane technology engine being developed Jointly by the Navy and the Air Force. This program is discussed on pages 966-967 of part 3 of the committee hearings on the Depaut went of Defense appropriation bill, 1971. POLARIS-TO-POSEIDON CONVERSION PROGRAM Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President the recommendations of the committee in- clude $921.6 million for the continuation of the program to convert 31 oaf the exist- ing 41 Polaris submarines to Poseidon- carrying submarines. I wish to state in passing that early next year two of these conversions will be completed, and moneys have been provided to fund six more. I wish to state further that when selections of the submarines are made, they are usually programed when it is time to change the nuclear core. :By coinciding these two actions, the costs of the program are diminished. This program is discussed on page 32 of the report, and I ask unanimous con- sent to have the committee's comments on this program included in the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the page was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,. as fol'iovs: POLARFS-'ro-POSEIDON CONVERSION PROGRAM, The recommendations of the committee include $921.6 million for the continuation of the conversion of Polaris submarines to carry the new Poseidon missile. These funds are for the following purposes: Milli ms Conversion of 6 submarines (total estimated cost, $486,000,000, less advance procurement of $143 600,- OGO) ------------------------------ $292.4 Advance procurement to support the fiscal year 1972 conversion program_ 54.3 Advance procurement to support the fiscal year 1973 conversion program- 24. 5 Procurement of Poseidon missiles--- 540. 5 Procurement of Poseidon missile spares and repair parts ------ ____ 9.9 Total -------------------------- 921.6 The current program calls for the conver- search radar, surface search radar, fire con- development of only one type of torpedo and sion of 31 of the existing 41 Polaris sub- trot radar, and long-range sonar. The crew the current estimate is based on the develop- marines to carry the new Poseidon missiles, will consist of about 270 officers and men. ment of three different versions of the tor- which will be equipped with a multiple In- This program is discussed on pages 672- pedo. This tremendous increase in cost is the dependently aimed :ree=ntry , eh:;cle of the) 674 and 737-74:1 of part 3 of the committee result of two factors; namely, (a) a stretch- Through fiscal year 1970, eight of these hearings on the Department of Defense ap- out of the program caused by technical dif5- conversions have been funded, and the first propriation bill, 1971. Culties, and (b) the requirement for the de- velopment of a dual purpose antisubmarine/ Poseidon submarine (funded in fiscal year antiship, e t of lity, purring a tisub separate anti- 1968) 15 scheduled to be deployed early ' in: MARK-48 TORPEDO PROGRAM 1971. The recently successful submerged test Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, the ship torpedo development. launches of the Poseidon missile indicate Committee's recommendations include Of the total recommended, $110.6 million that this deployment schedule will be met. $146.9 million for the continuation of de- is for the procurement of torpedoes and $36.3 The recommended conversion program for velopment and testing and limited pro- million Is for the continuation of develop- fiscal year 1971 is based on the conversion of curement of the Navy's Mark-48 torpedo. ment and testing. These programs are dis- six Polaris submariners that would otherwise The tremendous increase in the cost of cussed in the following paragraphs: have to go into the shipyard for a scheduled development of this family of torpedoes Procurement.-The committees recom.- nuclear overhaul, propulsion including a cores. replacement of the and the delay in developing an opera- mendation for the appropriation entitled "Other procurement, Navy" includes $110.6 In addition to the funds refeired to above, tional weapon is a matter of great con- million for the procurement of a limited the committee's recommendation for the ap?? cern to this committee. However, when number of Mark 48, Mn a0, and Mark 48. propriation entitled, "Research, Develop- the fact that this torpedo will make the Mod 1, operational torpedoes, and for the nient Test, and Evaluation, Navy," includes' new nuclear attack submarines fully ef- conversion of a smaller number of existing substantial funds for the continuation of the festive is considered, you can reach only Mark 48, Mod 0, torpedoes to the Mark 48. development and testing of the fleet ballistic one decision, which is to continue the Mod 2, configuration for operational evalua- missile system, the fleet ballistic missile de.- program at the most economic rate; the tion. fense, the fleet ballistic missile command recommendation of the committee is Development and testing.--The com=nit- and control based on this conclusion. This program ens recommendation for the appropriation The Polaris-to-Poseidon conversion pro- entitled. "Research, development, test, and gram as discussed on pages 615--619, 700--701, is discussed on pages 36 and' 37 Of the evaluation, Navy" includes $36.3 million for and 972-973 of part 3 of the committee bear- co:mmittee's report, and I ask unanimous the continuation of the Mark 48 develop- ings on the Department of Defense Appro- co:nsent.that these comments be included ment and testing programs. Of this total, priatmnBin, 197 Approved For Release 2001/11/01t'CIA RDP72-00337R000300=1140010-0 continue development DIY-963 DESTROYER PROGRAM Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, $459.5 million is recommended for the con- tinuation of construction of the Navy's There being no objection, the com- ments were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: MARE 48 TORPEDO PROGRAM new destroyers, referred to as the DD- The recommendations of the committee in- 963 ,lass. The funds recommended, along ciude $146.9 million for the Navy's Mark 48 wth advance procurement funds pro- torpedo program. The basic Mark 48 torpedo vided in fiscal year 1971, will provide for is a 3,600 pound, 21-Inch diameter torpedo the construction of six of these new capable of being launched from torpedo tubes ships. This program is discussed on pages on both submarines and surface ships. The Mark 48 will have greatly improved capabili- 35 and 36 of the committee's report, and ties over the Mark 37, which it will replace, I ask unanimous consent to have the in such areas as maximum speed, attack committee's comments included in the depth, acoustic acquisition range, and operat- R,EcORD at this point. ing range. This torpedo will provide the Navy There being no objection, the com- with an advanced wire guided torpedo ca- iner..ts were ordered to be printed in the pable of coping with today's high speed, deep RECORD, as follows: diving nuclear submarine threat. The program includes three versions of the DD-963 DESTROYER PROGRAM basic torpedo. They are: The recommendations of the committee Mark 48, Mod 0 Torpedo.-This version is include $459.5 million for the Navy's new a high speed, long range, deep diving anti- destcoyer construction program. This new submarine torpedo capable of operating with class, of destroyers has been designated the or without wire command guidance, using DD-a63 class. The sum recommended and acoustic homing and conventional warhead. $47.0 million for advance procurement made It has a secondary capability against surface in prior fiscal years will provide ASW escort type ships. The propulsion system a total of $506.8 million. for the construction consists of a turbine engine and a pump jet of six of these ships. propulsor. This version is ready for limited On June 23, 1970, the Secretary of the production. Nav,r announced the award of a contract Mark 48, Mod 1 Torpedo-This version is for the construction of 30 of these new class a dual purpose antisubmarine/antiship, high, destroyers to Litton Systems, Inc. This con- speed, long-range, deep diving torpedo ca- tract provides for funding these ships in pable of operating with or without wire com- five consecutive procurement increments, mand guidance and using acoustic homing., east. subject to congressional approval, from Its propulsion system consists of a piston. fiscal years 1970 through 1974. The first in- type swash plate engine powered by hot gas crenient for three ships was funded in fiscal and a pump jet propulsor. This version is year 1970, and the program recommended expected to be ready in the very near future by the committee for fiscal year 1971 pro- for limited production. vides for the second Increment of six ships. Mark 48. Mod 2 Torpedo.--This version is The total estimated cost to the Government also a dual purpose antisubmarine/antiship of tie 30 ships under the contract, including torpedo. it is a conversion of the basic Mark: the cost of Government-furnished radars 48, Mod 0 torpedo, with an improved war- and weaponry, is estimated to be $2,550 mil- head and which makes it more effective lion. The delivery of the first ship of the new against surface ships. This version is not class is expected. in the fall of 1974. ready for production. These new ships will have a displacement Upon completion of the technical and op- of 1,000 tons, and will be approximately 560 erational evaluation in fiscal year 1971, either feet long, with a beam of 54 feet. They will the Mark 4,8, Mod 1, or the Mark 48, Mod 2, be equipped with a gas turbine propulsion will be selected for quantity procurement to system and will have a speed of over 30 meet fleet requirements. knots. Armament will consist of two 5-inch The development of the Mark 48, Mod 0 guns, Sparrow missiles configured for air de- is behind schedule by approximately 18 fence, standard and rocket assisted projec- months and the estimated cost of develop- Wei, antisubmarine torpedoes, antisubma- ment of the Mark 48 series of torpedos has rine rockets, and an on-board helicopter. increased from $75.1 million to $484.1 mil- These new destroyers will have an electronic lion. However, attention is called to the warfare capability and be equipped with air fact that the original estimate was for the Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE S 19637 through the completion of the technical and operational evaluation of the Mark 48, Mod 0 and Mod 2 versions of the torpedo. The balance of $11 million is to continue develop- ment through the completion of the tech- nical and operational evaluation of the Mod 1 version. A determination will be made as to which version of the dual purpose torpe- does should be procured in quantity to meet inventory objectives. It is the position of the committee that a dual purpose Mark 48 torpedo is an essential requirement for the fleet, and its recommen- dations are based on this position. The Mark 48 torpedo program is discussed on pages 417-426, 860, 1083-1086, and 1183- 1185 of Part 3 of the Committee hearings on the Department of Defense Appropriation Bill, 1971. AIR FORCE'S F-11IF TACTICAL AIRCRAFT Mr. ELLENDER, Mr. President, the recommendations of the committee in- elude $52.7 million for the Air- Force F-111F tactical aircraft procuement program. The funds recommended pro- vide for the completion of currently ap- proved Department of Defense procure- ment plans for this aircraft. This pro- gram is discussed on pages 39-41 of the committee's report, and I ask unanimous consent that these comments be included in the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the com- ments were ordered to be printed, in the RECORD, as follows: AIR FORCE PROGRAMS F-111D/F TACTICAL FIGHTER AIRCRAFT The recommendations of the committee include $562.7 million for the F-111D/F tac- tical fighter aircraft program. The F-111F is the latest model in a series of swing-wing F-111 tactical fighters. Like its F-111D pred- ecessor, it will have the capability to operate from bases at extended range from its targets, to penetrate sophisticated defenses and to carry out attacks at night in all weather. The F model differs from the F-111D only in its engine and its avionics system. It is equipped with the new P-100 engine, which provides a 25-percent increase in thrust over the older model. Its avionics package `is expected to be less costly than the Mark II system planned for the D model but will retain similar-nayi- gation capabilities and enable comparable air-to-ground attack performance against fixed targets. In discussing the planned fiscal year 1971 procurement of the F-111 tactical aircraft, the Secretary of Defense stated: "I am sure that the committee shares my long-standing concern over the F-111 pro- gram, particularly in light of the difficulties that have been encountered, For the time being, we have retained in the budget request the planned funding for the F-111's noted above. However, I have asked the Secretary of the Air Force, in connection with an in- vestigation of recent' structural and, opera- tional difficulties, to examine in detail the alternatives to procuring F-111's in fiscal year 1971. I have postponed a final decision on this matter until this action is com- pleted by the Air Force." On September 17, 1970, the Deputy Secre- tary of Defense advised the Congress: "The Air Force has now progressed suf l- ciently through the test program to permit me to conclude from the results obtained that the F-111 fleet will be structurally sound, and that it will indeed perform its intended missions, * * * Accordingly, I have approved the program for the procurement of remanning F-111's in fiscal year 1971." F/FS-111 Recovery Program.-A major ac- cident on December 22, 1969, resulted in the grounding of all F-111 series aircraft. Follow.. Ing a comprehensive review of the F-ill pri- mary structure by an Air Force/industry team and a special ad hoc committee of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, the "F-111/FB-111 recovery program" was for- inulated. Phase I of the recovery program was started ilti April of 1970 and includes the following sequential. phases: Nondestruct inspecction.-Provides for the nondestructive inspection of 11 of the 15 primary forgings and the incorporation of several engineering changes." Cold proof test.-Each aircraft is subjected to a series of positive and negative gravity loads up to and including design limits at -40?. This test is designed to stress all pri- mary forgings to 100 percent to assure that the four forgings not covered by the non- destruct Inspection are structurally sound. Field operations and functional check flight.-Includes final reassembly, extensive systems checkout, functional check flight and preparation for delivery to the Air Force. Acceptance.-Includes final Air Force ac- ceptance inspection and flight check prior to delivery to the using command. A total of 344 aircraft (inventory and pro- duction) are schedule to be processed through the recovery program. As of Novem- ber 19, 1970, 228 aircraft have been processed successfully through the cold proof test, and there has been one failure. 146 aircraft have been returned to the'Users. According to the current schedule, the cold proof test phase of the Recovery Program will be completed in early April 1971. Phase I1 Of the program is now being de- fined and will include refined nondestructive inspection techniques and establishment of 'final inspection intervals. It is estimated that the recovery program .will cost approximately $35 million. Section 503, Public Law 91-441.-Section 503, of the Department of Defense Procure- ment and Research and Development Au- thorization Act, 1971 (Public Law 91-441) provides that no funds shall be obligated for the procurement of F-111 aircraft unless the Secretary of Defense has determined that the aircraft has been subjected to and success- fully completed a comprehensive structural Integrity test program, and approved a pro- gram for the procurement of such aircraft. This provision reads as follows: "SEC. 503. Of the total amount authorized to. be appropriated by this Act for the pro- curement of the-F-111 aircraft, $283,000,000 of such amount may not be obligated or ex- pended for the procurement of such aircraft until and unless the Secretary of Defense ,has (1) determined that the F-111 aircraft has been subjected to and successfully com- pleted a comprehensive structural integrity test program, (2) approved a program for the procurement of such aircraft, and (3) certi- fied in a written report to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives that he has made .such a determination and approved such a program, and has included in such written report the basis for making such determina- tion and approving such program." On September 17, 1970, the Deputy Secre- tary of Defense advised the Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the Sen- ate- "a. 'The Air Force has now progressed sufficiently through the test program to per- mit me to conclude from the results ob- tained that the F-111 fleet will be structur- ally sound, and that it will indeed perform its intended mission.' and "b; 'Accordingly, I have approved the pro- gram for the procurement for the remaining F-111's in FY 1971.' " The total recommended includes funds for the following purposes: Procurement of air- craft, $283 million; prior year overtarget costs, $200.5 million; procurement of air- craft spares and repair parts, $31.6 million; and research and development, $48.2 million. 'Each of these is discussed below. Procurement of aircraft.-$283 million is recommended, for the procurement of F-1 11F aircraft and the recovery program. The sum recommended and the $60.9 million for ad- vanced procurement provided in fiscal year 1970, will provide a -total of $343.9 million. As presented in the budget request, the total of $343.9 million was to cover the cost of the F-111 recovery program and the procure- ment of up to 40 F-111F aircraft. However, the committee's recommendation is based on the use of approximately $35 million for the F-111 recovery program and the procure- ment of 24 F--111F aircraft. It is anticipated that the funds recommended will provide an adequate number of aircraft to equip the planned fourth wing, which will complete the planned F-111 production program. These funds are included in the committee's recommendation for the appropriation en- titled, "Procurement of aircraft, Air Force." Prior year overtarget costs.-$200.5 million is recommended to cover overtarget costs for F-111 aircraft funded in fiscal year 1969 and prior years. These aircraft were funded based on target costs, and the additional funds are required to cover the Government's obligation in additional costs up to contract ceiling costs. These funds are included in the com- mittee's recommendation for the appropria- tion entitled "Procurement of aircraft, Air Force." Procurement of aircraft spares and repair parts.-$31 million is recommended for the procurement of initial aircraft spares and repair parts to support F-111F aircraft. These funds are included in the committee's rec- ommendation for the appropriation entitled "Procurement of Aircraft, Air Force." Research and development.-The commit- tee's recommendation for the appropriation entitled "Research, development, test, and evaluation, Air Force," includes $48.2 million for the continuation of the development and testing program for the F-111 aircraft. The F-111 program is discussed on pages 283-290, 338-339, 414-420, 589-590, and 726- 728 of part 4 of the committee's hearings on the Department of Defense appropriations bill, 1971. C-5A STRATEGIC AIRLIFT AIRCRAFT Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, $622.2 million is included in the committee's recommendations for the C-5A stra- tegic airlift aircraft, including $200 mil- lion for program contingencies. The committee's recommendations are in ac- cord with and subject to the provisions of the Department of Defense Procure- ment and Research and Development Authorization Act. This program is dis- cussed on pages 41-44 of the commit- tee's report, and I ask unanimous con- sent that these comments be included in the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the com- ments were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: C-5A STRATEGIC AIRLIFT AIRCRAFT The recommendations of the committee include $622.2 million for the C-5A strategic airlift aircraft program. The C-5A is the largest aircraft ever built and has a basic mission payload of 100,000 pounds for a 5,560 nautical mile mission, a maximum speed of 470 knots, a ceiling of 43,500 feet and a ferry range of 7,200 miles. The C-5A aircraft was designed for the specific role of carrying outsized (very large) equipment of the Army's combat divisions that no other aircraft can transport, such as tanks, self-propelled guns, and other equipment of mechanized and armored di- visions. It is this capability used, along with other airlift aircraft (C-130:s and C-141's) that will enable the United States to meet its milttary commitments through the rapid deployment of forces from a strong strategic reserve stationed in the United States. In commenting on the military requirement for Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S-19638 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE December 8, 1970 the unique capability of the C-5A ai ra l t, Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard, in a statement to the Comm' tee on Armed Services of the Senate, said on May 27, 1970: "As I have stated. before, this airplane is critical to augment our airlift capability. We must have a rapid responsepoeture to deploy Army units and their equipment to many areas of the world.:Only with `his capahili;?,y can we successfully rvithdras: a sign fiaat portion of our over.leas committed forces aid at the same time give positive assurance "o our free world allies that we could rapidiij redeploy our forces in time of tensio'S. Though the airplane is in its early s;tagifs of system test and qualifications, it clearly will have the capability to do the job it was intended to do.' (italics added.) (Commit.. tee an Armed Services, U.S. Senate, hearings on Authorization for Military Procurement, Research and Development, it cal Year 1971, and Reserve Strength, pt. 3, 24:!1.) The recommendations of the committee are based on a C-5. buy of 81 aircraft (four squadrons) rather than t',le originaly planned force of 124) aircraft (s..x squadrons). This force of 81 aircraft 1ncludcs five research and development aircraft and 76 producticn aircraft The funds recommnended are.`or the foalovr- ing purposes; funding for prior year deficieri- cies, $344.4 million; contingencies, $200 mil- lion; procurement of aircraft spares and re- pair parts, $86.2 rrtlilion; and research and developmmt, $11.6 million. Each of these is discussed below. Fznding for prior year deficiencies.-$344.4 million is recommended to cover fusvdlrg defietennie for the76 aircraft funded in prior fiscal years. Under the Air Fc?ce's interprc- tation of the contracts, it is estimated that the production cost of these 73 aircraft will total approximately $2,480 million. Through fiscal year 1970, approximately $2,033 million has been made available to cover these costs, leaving a balance of $427 million. The cons- mittee C ommends the allows.nce of $344.4 million to cover the major part of this, de- ficiency and calls attention to the fact that the balance of approximately $,42 milliorL will have to be funded In fiscal year 1972. The funds for fiscal year 1971 are Included in the committee's recommendation for the appro- priation entitled, "Procuresneitt of aircraft, Air Force." Coestinyenefes.---$200 mtllio,i is recolr- mended for "Contingencies" to assure the continuation of prdda.etion of the C-5A aii- craft. Of the $344.4 million recommended to cover prior year deficiencies (discussed in the paragraph above), appros:imately $296 million is for the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. It is estimated that this amount would be ad?- quate to assure the productior of C-SA air- craft through December of :his calendar year, at which time about 30 aircraft will have been delivered to the Air Force. The financial position of the Lockheed Co. '.s such that the Air Force must provide e,ddi- tional funds to assure the ccntinued prc- duction of C-5A's. It is the view of the commi".,tee that it is imperative to continue the, production of these aircraft. This position is supported by the fact that if production is allowed to stop with the production of only 30 aircraft, the cost per aircraft will` be approximately $125 million, whereas if prods-ction is cop- linued through fiscal year 19:1, 42 aircraft will be produced'at a cost of )4 millions per aircraft, and if the planned 81 aircraft are produced the cost per aircraft will be ap- proximately $56 million. The committee desires to call attcntion to the fact that there are a number of dis;utes between the contractor and the Air Force with respect to the Air Force's total liability for the planned 81 aircraft. T ese differences total some $400 to $500 million, and the matter is now pending before the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals. Cr ccurse, the recommended $200 million for contingencies will he an offset against any determination of the Board of Contract Ap- pf als that is favorable to the Lockheed Corp. The committee's recommendation is In accord with the provisions of the Depart- ment of Defense Procurement and Research Authorization Act, 1971 (Public Law 91- 441), and th.a $200 million recommended for "Contingencies" is subject to the lim- itations imposed in section 504 of that act, which reads as follows SEc. 504. (a;, Of ths_- total amount author- iz'sd to be appropriated by this act for the procurement of the C--5A aircraft, $200,- 000,000 of such amount may not be obligated or expended until after the expiration of 30 days from the date upon which the Secretary of Defense submits ro the Committees on Aimed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives a plan for the expenditure of such $200,000,000.. In no event may all or any part of such $200.000,000 be obligated or expended except in accordance with such plan. (b) The $200,000,000 referred to in subsec- tion (a) of this section, following the sub- mr55ion of a plan pursuant to such subsec- tion, maybe expended only for the reasonable and allocable direct and indirect costs in- curred by the prime contractor under a con- tractor entered into with the United States to carry out the O-SA aircraft program. No part of such amount may be used for- (1) direct cost of any other contract or activity of the prime contractor; (2) profit on any materials, supplies, or services which are sold or transferred be- tween any division, subsidiary, or affiliate of the prime contractor under the common con- trol or the prime eon tratcor and such divi- sion, subsidiary, or affiliate; (8) bid and proposal costs, independent research and development costs, and the cost of other similar unsaonsored technical ef- fort; or (4) depreciation siad amortization costs on property, plant, or equipment. Any of the costs referred to in the pre- ceding sentence which would otherwise be allocable to any work funded by such $200.- 000,000 may net be allocated to other portions of the C-5A aircraft contract or to any other contract with the United States, but pay- monte to C-5A aircraft subcontractors shall net be subject to the restrictions referred to such sentence. (c) Any payment from such $200,000,000 shall be matte to the prime contractor through a special bank account from which such contractor may withdraw funds only after a request containing a detailed justi- flcatton of the amount requested has been submitted to and approved by the contract- in; officer for the United States. All payments m:ede from such special bank account shall be audited by the Defense Contract Audit Agency of the Department of Defense and, or.. a quarterly basis, by the General Account- in; Office. The Comptroller General shall submit to the Congress not more than thirty days after the close of each quarter a report on. the audit for such quarter performed by the General Accounting Office pursuant to this subsection. (d) The restrictions and controls provided for in this section with respect to the $290,000,000 referred Lo in subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be in addition to such other restrictions and controls as may be prescribed by the Secretary of De- fe:ise or the Secretary of the Air Force. These funds are included in the commit- reri's recommendation for the appropriation entitled, "Procurement of Aircraft, Air Force." Procurement of aircraft spares and repair parts.--$06.2 million IF, recommended for the procurement of aircraft spares and repair parts for the support, of the C-5A force. These funds are included in the committee's rec- ommendation for the appropriation entitled, "Procurement of Aircraft, Air Force." Research and development.-The commit- tee's recommendation for the appropriation entitled, "Research, Des elcspment, Test, and Evaluation, Air Force," includes $11.6 mil- lion for the continuation or the C-5A testing programs. The C--5A aircraft program is discussed on pages 291-294, 542-343, 424-432; 601-602, and 730-733 of part 4 of the "onimittee's hearings on the Department of Dt tense appropriations bill, 1971. MINTTEMAN Mt5 SIE PROGRAM Mr. I ?ENDER. itor. President, the committee's recommendations include $898.5 million for the continuation of the development and deployment of the Minuteman II and III systems, includ- ing $29.4 million for the operational base launch program. The Minuteman pro- gram is discussed on pages 46-48 of the committee's report, and I ask unanimous consent that these remarks be included in the REcoxn at_ this, point. There being no objection, the pages were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: MINUTEMAN Mrs.:OLE PROGRAM The recommendations of the committee include $898.5 million for the Minuteman II and IT missile programs. The planned force of 1,001) Minuteman missiles was attained in April of 1967, with the deployment of 800 Minuteman I's and 200 Minuteman H's, and the current plan calls for the replacement of Minuteman I's with Minuteman II's and III's. The current operation force includes approximately 500 Minuteman Is, 500 Minuteman II's, and a limited number of Minuteman DI's, which were initially de- ployed in June of 1970. 'Lire lang-range plan calls for a force of 500 Minuteman 11's and 500 Minuteman III's. The Minuteman III provides a major im- provement in capability over the Minuteman I and II. It has an improved guidance and control system, and its improved third stage provides additional throw weight to carry the MK-12 reentry system. The MK-12 sys- tem with its multiple independently target- able reentry vehicle (MiltV) and penetration aid capability will greatly enhance the Minuteman DI's effetctiveness against AB,M defenses, and the number of warheads is in- creased without increa, the number of missiles in the force. Included in the total recommended for ti:ie Minuteman program is approximately $29.4 million for the support of the planned opera- tional base launch program. The objectives of this effort is to flight test the Minuteman system from an operaticiial silo in order to obtain as realistic a configuration and en- vironment as possible. The first such test calls for the firing of a Minuteman II mis- sile from an operational silo in the Malrn- strom Air Force Base, Mont., Minuteman complex into the Pacific. The planned line of flight would be acre:e the Northwestern portion of the United States into the Pacific Ocean area some 200 miles south of San Francisco over a corridor encompassing the least population density possible. It is the view of the committee these flight tests should be conducted in order to demonstrate the rehat?ility of the Minuteman system. :In recommending funds for this program, the committee calls attention to the fact that three efforts to launch a modified Minute- man II from an operaticnal silo all resulted in failures. The funds recommended are for the fol- lowing purposes: Procurement of missiics.--$447.2 million is recommended for the procurement of Min- uteman missiles and associated ground equipment. The sum recommended and $34.9 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 8, 1970, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE S 19639 million advance procurement will provide a tions available to the Department of De- signed to provide military support and as- total of $482.1 million for this purpose. This fense during the current fiscal year for sistance to the governments of Cambodia recommendation is based on a 15-month the support of free world forces partici- and Laos, and the use of funds for the pay- production leadtime and support of the ment of allowances to free world forces per- planned deployment rate during the fiscal eating in the war in Southeast Asia with- sonnet in excess of such payments to United year 1971 funding period. Funds are also out limitation. The use of funds for this States personnel. included for ,the procurement of missiles to purpose was authorized in section 502 of The funds recommended for these purposes support the operation test program and to the Department of Defense Procurement are provided pursuant to and in accord with provide spare missiles for logistic support of and Research and Development Author- section 502 of the Department of Defense the deployed forces. The total recommended ization Act, 1971 (Public Law 91-441). Procurement and Research Authorization includes $3.2 million for the procurement of However, the Authorization Act provides Act, 1971 (Public Law 91-441), which read as range safety destruct equipment, operational qualification testing, and contractor support for a limitation of $2.8 billion on the follows: for the operational base launch program, total that may be used for the support "SEC. 502. Subsection (a) of section 401 of These funds are included in the appropria- of these forces. The President's budget Public Law 89-367, approved March 16, 1966 tion entitled, "Missile procurement, Air was based on the use of approximately (80 Stst. 37), as amended, is hereby amended Advance procurement.-$28.5 million is rec- mittee recommends that section 383 be "'(a)(1) Not to exceed $2,800,000,000 of orkimended for the advance long eadtime components tpoosupport the of he funds amended to impose a limitation of $2.5 the use of thehArm d Ffor orceespoofthe United planned fiscal year 1972 Minuteman missile billion. _ States under this or any other Apt are au- procurement program. These funds are in- The committee also recommends that thorized to be made available for their stated cluded in the appropriation entitled, "Mis- section 838 be amended to include the purposes to support: (A) Vietnamese and sile procurement, Air Force." restrictive language included In section other free world forces In support of Viet- Missile spares and repair parts.-$26.2 mil- 502 of the Authorization Act with respect namese forces, (B) local forces in Laos and lion is recommended for the procurement of to the support of free world forces in Thailand; and for related costs, during the initial missile spares and repair parts re- actions designed to provide military sup- as the Secretary of Defense may determine. sociated equipment in the fiscal year 1971 port and assistance to the Governments None of the funds appropriated to or for the procureme-n program. These funds are in- of Cambodia and Laos, and the use of use of the Armed Forces, of the United States eluded in the appropriation entitled, "Mis- funds for the payment of allowances to may be used for the purpose of paying any sile procurement, Air Force." free world forces personnel in excess of overseas allowance, per diem allowance, or Force modifications.-$166 million is rec- such payments to U.S. military personnel. any other addition to the regular base pay Minuteman missiles and modifications as ociated existng These recommendations of the COM- forf ces In South Viet with the it the free amount of ment. Of the total, $69.7 million is for.the mittee are discussed on pages 7 and 8 of such payment would be greater than the modification of existing launch and launch the committee report. I ask unanimous amount of special pay authorized to be paid, control facilities from a Minuteman I to a consent to have these comments included for an equivalent period of service, to mem- Minuteman II and III capability. The bal- at this point in the RECORD. bers of the Armed Forces of the United States section in of title 37, United States ante of $96.3 million is for the update pro- There being no objection, the com-(l(odeund)er servinsectiogin gram that provides for correction of known Vietnam or in any ether deficiencies during testing or inservice use. merits are ordered to be printed in the hostile fire area, except for continuation of These funds are included in the appropria- RECORD, as follows: payments of such additions to regular base tion entitled, "Missile procurement, Air SUPPORT OF FREE WORLD FORCES-SECTION 838 pay provided in agreements executed prior to Force." Section 838 of the bill authorizes the use July 1, 1970. Nothing in clause (A) of the first Other procurement. The committee's rec- of appropriations available to the Depart- sentence of this paragraph shall be construed ommendatlon for the appropriation entitled, ment of Defense to support Vietnamese and as authorizing the use of any such funds to "Other procurement, Air Force" includes $6.4 other free world forces in support of the support Vietnamese or other free world forces million for the procurement of telecommuni- Vietnamese forces and for the support of in actions designed to provide military sup- cations and electronic equipment for the local forces in Laos and Thailand and for re- port and assistance to the Government of support of the operational base launch pro- lated costs. The recommendations of the Cambodia or Laos.'" gram. ` committee include $2,165,300,000 for these INTRODUCTION OF AMERICAN COMBAT GROUND Research and development.-The commit- purposes. These funds are included in the FORCES INTO LAOS, THAILAND, AND CAMBODIA tee's recommendation for the appropriation following titles of the bill: Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, as the entitled, "Research, development, test, and Millions bill passed the other body, it includes evaluation, Air Force," includes $224.2 mil- Military personnel _______________ $145.0 section 843 as proposed in the President's lion for the continuation of the Minuteman Operation and maintenance--__-- 780.1 budget which prohibits the use of funds development and testing program. Of the Procurement -------------------- total recommended, $185.4 million is for such Combat readiness, South Vietna- 940.2 provided in the bill for the financing of efforts as systems integration and testing, mese forces____________________ 300.0 the introduction of American ground guidance and control support, postboost forces into Laos or Thailand, and the propulsion system testing and implace and Total --------------------- 12, 165.3 committee recommends that this prOvi- inflight hardness testing of the Minuteman In addition, the appropriation be amended to include Cambodia. III. The balance of $38.8 million is for gen- entitled "Military Construction, The committee's recommendation is eraI support and further nplace and inflight Army" in the Mili- hardness testing of the Minuteman IL With- tary Construction Appropriation Act, 1971 based on the fact that earlier in this in the total recommended, $19.8 million is for includes $12 million for the support of free session the Senate adopted a somewhat the support of the operational base launch world forces. similar amendment on a rolleall vote of program which will provide for the develop- Of the $2,165.3 million recommended, 58 yeas to 37 noes. This recommendation ment of range safety destruct ordnance, mis- $1,749.2 million is for the South Vietnamese is discussed on pages 10 and 11 of the sile integration, flight demonstration sup- Forces (including $285.7 million for the mod- report, and I ask unanimous consent to port, contractor support, and development of ernizing program), and the balance is for have these comments included at this airborne equipment. the support of other free world forces in point In the RECORD, In addition to the above referred to funds South Vietnam and for local forces in Laos There being no abjection, the com- the committee's recommendation for the and Thailand. appropriation entitled, "Research, develop- As the bill passed the House, funds would ments are ordered to be printed in the ment, test, and evaluation, Air Force" in- be available for the support of free world RECORD, as follows: cludes funds for the following efforts asso- forces without limitation as to the amount. PROHIBITION AGAINST THE USE OF FUNDS FOR ciated with the Minuteman system: Minute- The committee recommends that Section THE INTRODUCTION OF AMERICAN GROUND man rebasing, $61 milli,gn, and command 838 be amended so as to impose a limitation FORCES INTO LAOS, THAILAND, AND CAMBODIA data buffer (ground base computer system), of $2,500,000,000 on the total that can be Section 843 of the bill as it passed the $10 million. The Minuteman program is dis- used for support of free world forces during House provides that none of the funds ap- cussed on pages 270-276, 364-365, 459-482, fiscal year 1971. It is the view of the Com- propriated by this Act shall be used to fi- 577, and 795-797 of part 4 of the committee's mittee that this limitation will give the Sec- nance the introduction of American ground hearings on the Department of Defense ap- retary of Defense adequate flexibility to meet combat troops into Laos or Thailand. The propriation bill, 1971. any unforeseen costs of the Vietnamization committee recommends that this provision SUPPORT OF FREE WORLD FORCES program. The Committee also recommends be amended to include Cambodia, so as to Mr. FT,T,ENDER. Mr. President, see- that Section 838 be amended to include the read as follows: ti0ri 838 of the bill aS. it passed the other restrictive language included in Section 502 "SEC. 843. In line with the expressed In- of the Authorization Act with respect to the tention of the President of the United States, body authorizes the use of appropria- support of free world forces in actions de none of the funds }appropriated by this Act Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S19640 t 3NGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE December 8, 1970 shall be used to finance the introduction of dictated by economic necessity as much form the recommendation of the study Into American; ground combat troop:; into Laos, as by fairriess.'.Co a large extent my pleas fact. This should provide NATO with an en- Thailand, or Cambodia." hanoed capability sufficient to make the This matter was do as follows: spiral, and our pressing needs in other equitable sharing of the hardens of the al- the Foreign Military Sales riot areas of the isoverninent make it im- Hance through a greater effort by our allies to Is further amended by adding at the end perative that we-and our allies-real- meet the challenges of NATO defense in the thereof the following new section : decade of the seventies. This European tal- "'SEc. 47. Limitations on Ui+itted States isticaily face this fact. To do otherwise tiative gives concrete testt+nony to the vital- Involvement in Cambodia.-In Concert with woUd be foolhardy. Early this year and ity and spirit of the Euro,rern allies. NATO the declared objectives of the 7'resident of again last month, I queried the Secretary has strong support among the American peo- the United States tc avoid the Involvement. of Defense about the matter. He promised pie. Successful efforts to improve European. of the United States in Cambodia after July to (to something about it. It seems that forces and absorb a greater share of the bur- l, 1970, 0nd to expedite the withdrawal of my urging, and that'of others, has finally den will innure continued eupport. American forces from Cambodia, it is here- bor:ae some fruit. However, I must con- I welcome the achieve rents of the al- by provided that unless specifically author- Rance. I am certain we can move from agreed. ized by law hereafter' enacted, no funds au- Tess that this is but a very small begin- goals to practical action with the same serl- riated pursuart to this Act ning, that in the future even greater ousness of purpose. thorized A- a pro p p or any other law Inky be expended after July contributions must be forthcoming by 1, 1890, for the purposes of-- our allies. I would also hope that all "'(I) retaining United Status forces in of the countries involved will cooperate Cambodia; in this common endeavor, that they will 'f2) .ying the compenaa+ion or al- search their souls as well as their ex- lowances of, or otherwise supporting, directly c:ltequers and assume their proper re- re- or istllre?tlp, any United States personnel in Cambodia who furrdshed military instruc- sponsibilities. tion to Cambodian forces or engage in any Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- combat activity in Support of Cambodian sent that the complete statement be in- forces; eluded at this point in the RECORD. 1"(3) entering lino or carry`' ng out any lily enthusiasm for this gesture of our contract or aCamberit to provide military in- allies was further limited by the state- to in Cambodia, or to pre vide persons to enga in any Combat actt7ity in sup- meat made by the Secretary of State on pan of enforces; or hel'alf of the President to the NATO For- -'(4) conducting any combs'- activity In eign Ministers at Brussels recently. In the air apote Cambodia In direct support of thin statement he said: Cambodian forces.' We have agreed that NATO's conventional Nothing ;contained :in this section shall be forces must not only be maintained, but in deemed to Impugn the constitutional power certain key areas, strengthened. Given a of the President as Commander-in-Chief, in- similar approach by our allies, the United eluding the exercise: of that constitutional States will maintain in and improve its own power which may be necessary to protect the fonds in Europe and will not reduce them lives of >ii^uer6 and men Schad- DEPARTMEN:C OF THE ARMY, OFFICE CO1nlnOdattons at Army installations `for Boy er OF THE CHIEF OF PUBLIC INFOR- Scouts and other youth `,t1'Oups visiting the Used to Fosv.~er: WATION, Washington, D.C. area. Una such request was Four-hundred and thirty-one Air Force Washington, D.C., June 15, 1970. to provide facilities for 120 boys and girls to nfo m and airmen are during VY t970 0o receive Z-Ton. J. W. FULIYRIGHT, a junior symphony oral stra which visited officers Inform of Defense g s and FY Air Force through Clsciirman, Committee on Foreign Relations, the area during the perio, 29-30 March 1970. Department of The o ms, with and ce personnel U.S Smate,. Washington, D.C. (d) Service-oriented ( 1"ganizai,ions. CRD attendance LTAa MR. CHe.IxasAN: The following data is ;provided support to 146 ,crvice oriented or- attenrdance pone figures In parn perai>ithesis, are: Short o Course in Public Communicaion, molten p'orided in further response to your letter ganizations during the lx at year. An example University (44); Foreign Service Institute o? 31 March 1970, concerning the external of such support was the provision of a Area Country Studies, Program (7); Air and. Internal information programs of the speaker and displays to the annual reunion Force Institute of T14dhnology (AFTr) (21); Arriy. of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society and the Defense Informail.ion Schoo:- The succeeding, paragraphs correspond to in Houston. (DINFOS) (359). Tuition costs for the Short the' numbered paragraphs of your letters. (e) Military Wife of file Year. 'his prc- Cours in Public Communication ant. Where the data or material furnished is gram honors the soldier'-, wife for bettering vol'aminous, it is cited in the pertinent par- human relationships in both military and Projected for connpletion in FT 1970. agraph and attached as an inclosure. civilian communities, at home and abroad. Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December, 8, 1970, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE ORD serves as the coordinator for Army par- ticipation in this program. (f) Speaker Requests. Over 800 requests for Army speakers were processed from civic clubs, church groups, veteran organizations, professional clubs, etc., on a variety of sub- jects. (g) Bands. Army bands and musical units are in great demand as evidenced by the approximately 675 processed requets received by this office during the first nine months of FY 1970. Typical of these actions was a re- quest from the Chairman of the Philadel- phia Pulaski Day Parade through a Congres- isonal office for, Army participation in the October 5th Pulaski Day Parade in Philadel- phia. The 173rd US Army Band from Fort Dix, New Jersey, fulfilled that request. In ad- dition CRD coordinated and scheduled the United States Army Field Band and Chorus for 250 performances before an estimated 600,000 persons during FY 1970. (h) US Army Parachute Team. During the first nine months of FY 1970, 109 parachute demonstrations were coordinated and ar- ranged for the Golden Knights parachute team. Demonstrations were performed at Bradenton, Florida at the reqeust of Florida State authorities in connection with "De Soto Week" (approximately 3500 spectators viewed the demonstration) and Charleston, South Carolina, at the request of the Charleston Tricentennial Commission and the South Carolina State Tricentennial Com= mission (approximately 30,000 spectators, in- cluding the Mayor of Charleston, viewed the demonstration), (i) Army participation in Public Events. ORD responded to approximately :1000 re- quests for participation by Army personnel and equipment in civic-sponsored public events. Such a request was received in Oc- tober 1969, for the participation of an Army color guard and firing squad for a Laconia, New Hampshire, Veterans' Day flagpole dedi- cation ceremony. Arrangements were made to provide the requested support from Company B, 368th Engineer Battalion, of the United States Army Reserve stationed in Laconia. (j) Veterans' Recognition. The American people have a continuing interest in the wel- fare and morale of American servicemen and initiate many projects to show their concern as evidenced by 150 requests received by CRD. One such project was initiated by a citizens' group in Gallup, New Mexico to honor a re- turning serviceman, a representative of all servicemen from the area, during the Christ- mas season. CRD assisted in locating a serv- iceman from the Gallup area who met the requirements or the project and coordinated this information through the interested Con- gressional office, (k) US Army Exhibit Unit. At the request of civilian organizations and military recruit- ing offices, 11 exhibits were shown in 228 cities before a total audience of 12.million persons. Eighty percent of the exhibits were in support of the Army recruiting program. (See schedule at Intl 2). (1) In addition to the above, CRD serves as point of contact between the 4rmy ele- ments and the Office of the Assistant Secre- tary of Defense (Public Affairs) in matters relating to Army participation in activities such as those described above. CRD also, monitors Army Regulations dealing with community relations. (m) As the Army point of contact, CRD forwards input provided by the Army staff and the major commands to the Defense In- dustry Bulletin which is published by the De- fense Supply Agency, a Department of De- fense agency. (2) Command Information Division. Ac- tivities of the Command Information Divi- sion deal solely with internal information and are discussed in paragraph 2, below, (3)- Policy, Plans and Programs Division. Policy, Plans and Programs Division's activi- ties complemented those of community rela- tions, public information, and command in- formation. As the major planning and policy office for OCINFO, activities of the division involved developing, coordinating, and ad- ministering plans and policies with other OCINFO divisions, and agencies of the De- partments of the Army and Defense. Actions actually dealing with the external informa- tion program are normally accomplished by the Community Relations Division and the Public Information Division as described in paragraphs le(i), above and le(4), below. (4) Public Information Division. The fol- lowing are examples of Public Information Division activities during FY 1970: (a) Public Information Division responded to approximately 13,450 media queries during the period 1 July 1969 through 15 April 1970. Additionally, some 14,000 other queries were answered from private citizens and organiza- tions, including coordination of responses to Members of the Congress. These queries ranged from very simple matters about the Army, providing biographies, fact sheets re- garding equipment, etc., to complex ques- tions requiring extensive research and staff coordination involving such matters as the alleged My Lai incident, the Green Berets in- cident, and the NCO Clubs investigation. Among the public inquiries, many were re- quests from high school and college students seeking material and assistance in prepara- tion of term papers, theses and other refer- ence material, Under the Freedom of Infor- mation Act, the Army has a mandate to be responsive in making full disclosure with minimum delay, consistent with national se- curity, to requests for information from-the media and the public. During this period, coordination was ef- fected on 48 Medal of Honor presentations, etc., for press kits, and for response to the media. (b) Approximately 147 public releases were cleared for issue by subordinate commands. See sample at Inclosure 3. Some 150 other releases were prepared and forwarded to the Department of Defense for national release. See sample at Inclosure 4. National an- nouncements of approximately 660 contract awards involving amounts of more than one million dollars were made through the De- partment of Defense. Arrangements were made for approximately 185 interviews by media representatives with members of the Department of the Army staff, as well as tours to subordinate installations by press repre- sentatives. Fifty newspapers from all parts of the United States are screened on a daily basis for analysis of information of special Army interest. f. No motion pictures are produced for the external public. Motion pictures 'produced in support of the internal information pro- gram that are available to the public, upon request, are discussed in paragraph 2g, below. g. "The Army Hour" is a twenty-five min- ute radio program of soldier interviews and music. Last year, 52 programs were released to approximately 1,232 commercial and edu- cational radio stations in the United' States and 285 American Forces radio stations,over- seas, "Worldwide" is a five-minute radio pro- gram of soldier interviews. Last year, 104 pro- grams were released to approximately 1,058 commercial and educational radio stations in the United States and 285 American Forces radio stations overseas. During FY 1970, through 31 March, the Army Hometown News Center released 378,592 audiotapes, 1,353 tele- vision film clips, and 1,658,000 printed re- leases. This material, consisting of news of local soldiers for use by their hometown media, was furnished to 2,474 radio stations and 546 television stations. h. Copies of major commands' monthly re- ports for non-local travel for external infor- mation purposes, as required by paragraphs 27 and 28, AR 360-5, for the FY 1970 are at S 19663 Inclosure 5. As examples, one staff officer was sent to Fort Bragg, North Carolina and to Korea on Operation Focus Retina. One staff officer went to Miami, Florida, and Fort Bragg, North Carolina, on the IX Conference of American Armies. Two staff officers trav- eled to Fort Benning, Georgia, and Fort Hood, Texas, for liaison visits in connection with press arrangements for the My Lai incident courts-martial. I. No "Speechmaker" publications were produced in FY 1970. J. The quarterly Command Information reports which relate solely to the internal information program are provided at In- closure 6. k. During FY 1970, about 350 senior speak- ers (Lieutenant General and higher and As- sistant Service Secretary and higher) were provided in response to requests from civic, service, veterans, and professional organiza- tions. 2. With reference to the internal infor- mation program of the Army: a. The FY 1970 cost for operation of the internal information program, including military personnel costs, is estimated at $13,- 200,000. Costs estimated for FY 1971 are at the same level as for PY 1970. b. Because of the many duties performed in addition to internal information, person- nel accounting is in man-years of effort. It is estimated that 1,141 military and 246 ci- vilian man-years were used in FY 1970, on internal information activities. c. The purpose of the Army Pictorial Cen- ter, located in Long Island City, New York, is to provide pictorial and audiovisual serv- ices for the Department of Defense, Depart- ment of the Army, Army Materiel Command, Continental Army Command, government agencies, and other authorized activities; and to maintain and operate the Army Mo- tion Picture Depository and Army Motion Picture Record Center. The operating cost for FY 1970, is estimated at $10 million. There are 750 persons assigned to the center, and the workload is 250 motion picture proj- ects. Only a small portion of its activity is directly in support of the Army internal in- formation program. Specifically, $727,000 was budgeted for production of twenty-five Big Picture films in FY 1970. (Latest figures available indicate these films had 118,779 showings to internal audiences and 44,762 showings to external audiences). For rea- sons of economy, the Army Pictorial Center is scheduled to be closed on 30 June 1970, and the responsibility for the various audio- visual activities will be assigned to other facilities of the Army Materiel Command, d. Army Regulation 360-81 (Inclosure 7) describes the operation of all offices, including the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard, which have a share of the responsi- bility for conduct of the internal information program. Costs are included in paragraph 2a, above. e. Catalogs and listings of materials used in the internal information program are at Inclosure 8. f. A copy of each of the internal informa- tion materials published during PY 1970, are at Inclosure 9, 10, 11, and 12. g. The detailed data requested is shown in Inclosure 13. - h. Periodicals published for use in the in- ternal information program during FY 1970 and the costs for each are: Army Reserve____________________ $250, 000 Commanders Call Support Ma- terial ------------------------- 47,600 Army Digest_____________________ 426,000 Army news/photo features --------- 48, 000 I. As of 30 May 1970, there were, 140 au- thorized Army newspapers and 22 magazines being published throughout the Army. The estimated total cost is $1,412,537, of which $385,964 was from appropriated funds and $1,026,673 from non-appropriated funds. At- Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 19664 GONG :ESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE December 8, 1970 taehed atIncloeure 14 are three aiwaple news- papers and.two magazines- j. Information concerning the training schools for informa. on personnel is cxon- tamed in DA Circular Number 850-74 (L'ncl 15), DA Circular Number 350-76 (lacl 16) and Defense Information ,ichool Rro- thure -(Inel 17), attached. Thirteen officers, and thirteen civiliena attended the Advanced P ublic Relations Course,'Univer3lty of W s- consin, during FY 1070. Six officers partici- pated 'in the OCINI?O Senior OiUoer Civil Schooling= Program t the University of North Carolina, the University oc: Wisconsin, the University of Colorado, ant the Ohio State University during PY 1970. Army per sonnet consisting of 188 officers, 439 enlisted men and 41?civilians attended courses of ; n- strueti on at the Defense Information Seh 1o1 during FT.1970. sincerely, WINANT SIDLE, Brigadier General as, Chief of Public. Information. Mr. FaLBRIGHT. Mr. President,. I suggest the absence: of a quorum. Thai PPJMMINGOF'ICER. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. 'DHtIRMOND. Mr. President, with respect to the comments on Guard and Reserve forces inelded in the committee report on the defense appropriation bill for 1971, I agree wholeheartedly with the requirement for belt tightening In both the National Guard and Reserves of all the services. Such belt tightening through improved tilariagemeat is being forced upon the services through rising personnel costs, the prices of fuel and other expendable supplies, and the like. Before we punch another hole in the belt, however, we should recfgnize that the Guard and Reserves have been living under. austere budgets Once the political deeislen :in 1965 that they wculd not be mobilized to duty in Southeast Asia. For. example, Army Reserve construction has been stopped for 6 of the 7 years from 1964 to 1970. Normal equipment retire- ment and withdrawals of equipment for use in combat from the Army Guard and Army Reserve exceeded equipment issues jective of which is the development of mobilization equipping, manning, and training levels to meet JCS stated re- quiiements for force deployability. The reductions which have been made In Guard and Reserve appropriations do not appear to be consistent with this ob- jective. The House, of Representatives has told the Air Force to retain units previously programed for inactivation and has provided the necessary funds to support this retention. If the commit- tee report is e,pproved, we in the Sen- ate will signify our willingness to have these units retained without the neces- sary support funds, thereby forcing de- gradation of support and a consequent lessening of readiness for deployment. There Is another point which we should consider before we determine that there is oversupport for the Air Na- tional Guard and the Air Force Reserve. The technician manning and flying hour proirram represented by the operations and maintenance funds are key elements which have made these components ready-so ready that when units of the Air Guard and Air Reserve were mobilized In 1968, they were ready for deployment within 72 hours and were able to fly combat missions within a few dayis.after their arrival in Vietnam. At a time when the Secretary of De- fence and the military, services are try- ilig to carry out the repeatedly expressed intent of Congress that the Guard and Reserve be made ready so that they can be used upon mobilization and would, therefore, be more likely to be mobilized should, the need arise-at a timq when we are encouraging the improvement of readiness In all the Guard and Reserve components, it would be inconsistent for us to jeopardize proven readiness in the two components where the greatest im- prorement has been made. MY. ELLENPER. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER 4Mr. MuitPHY), The clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk pro- ceecled to call the roll. Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quo: um call be rescinded. MURPHY). Is there objection to the pres- ent consideration of the report? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the report. (For conference report, see House pro- ceedings of December 7, 1970, pp. H11294-H11295, CotwazSSIONAL RECORD.) Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, may I ask that the secretaries on both sides of the aisle notify Senators who may be concerned with this matter that the Sen- ate will take up this conference report immediately. I have heretofore endeav- ored to notify all the Senators that I thought were interested one way or the other in this report. I hope that they may be present on the floor momentarily. Mr. President, I shall not report on all the details of the conference agreement, since the full text of the conference re- port and the statement of the managers on the part of the Rouse have been printed as House Report No. 91-1680, and appears In the CONGRESSIONAL REC- ORD of December 7, yesterday, beginning on page H11294. Mr. President, the Senate passed the agricultural appropriation bill on July 9. The bill as passed by the Senate con- tained 62 different numbered amend- ments, comprised of 106 individual dif- ferences. The House appointed its con- ferees on November 20, and the confer- ence committee met on December 2, and again on December 3, when it reached final agreement. Mr. President, I should say in justice to the House that the conferees of the House were not appointed until that late date because of the pendency of the farm bill which had not become law until about the time of the appointment of the House conferees. Mr. President, in recognizing the need to economize in Federal expenditures, plus the fact that almost one-half of the current year will have elapsed by the time the President approves the appro- priation bill, many of the items in con- ference were reduced below the amounts proposed by the Senate. The conference agreement on the ap- propriation bill totals $8,090,856,550. This is $7,260,400 over the 1970 appropriations, $342,502,050 over the 1971 budget esti- , from 1964 to 1969. ; objection, it is so ordered. mates, and $385,078,550 under the bill as aon the 9 ' Thus, for many years,' Guard and Be- "'- - FOOD - - - ofD PROGRAM re maniuii ad tinin sevnng, eqppng,nrag have been given low funding priority. Now, as the Committee on .Appropria- tions has pointed out, national Policy has placed on the Department of Defense a. requirement for developmert of genu- ine combat capability in the National Guard and Reserve. Secretary Laird has expressed publicly and officially his pol- icy that Guard and Reserve amts must be prepared to be the primary and initial source of augmentation for the active services and that the services must pro vide support to effect this preparedness. The services have developed their Guard and Reserve budgets to meet the mini mum requirements of this policy, the ob- The PRESIDING OFFICER Without DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Mr. President, the principal decrease AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- under the Senate version of the bill per- P:.,IATION SILL, 1971-CONFER- tains to the funding for the food stamp EVCE REPORT program. Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, I sub- The budget estimate and the House mit a report of the committee of confer- bill provided $1.250 million and the Sen- encet on the disagreeing votes of the two ate provided $1.750 million. The con- Houses on the amendments of the Sen- ferees agreed to $1.420 million. This is ate to the bill (H.R. 17923) making ap- $330 million under the Senate bill, but probations for the Department of Ag- is $170 million over the estimate and riculture and related agencies for the an increase of $823,037,000 over the ob- fisce:l year ending June 30, 1971, and for ligations for fiscal 1970. other purposes. The entire appropriation of $1.420 I ask unanimous consent for the pres- million is available only within the limits ent consideration of the report. of amounts authorized by law for fiscal Tae PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. 1971, Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE S 19681 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CONFSREE RECOMMENDATIONS AND NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORITY FOR 1970, BUDGET ESTIMATES AND AMOUNTS RECOMMENDED IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE BILLS FOR 1971-Continued (Note-All amounts are In the form of "appropriations" unless otherwise indicated] [Amounts In dollars] Budget New budget estimates (obligational) of new New budget authority (obligational) (obligational) enacted to authority, authority date, fiscal fiscal year recommended Agency and title 1970, 1971 in House bill (1)) (1) (3) (4) New budget New budget Increase (-I-) or decrease (-) Conferee (obligational) (obligational) recommendations compared with- authority authority -- - recommended recommended 1973 1971 in Senate bill by conferees 1970 1971 budget House bill Senate bill (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) RECAPITULATION Title I: General activities._.-------- .--_-__ 2.308.982,1502,866,476,500 2,954,986,150 3,701,300,100 3,342,754,550 Title If: Credit agencies----------------- 633,127, 000 574,198,000 667, 522, 000 696, 955, 000 670, 422, 000 Title 111 Corporations --------------- 5,141,487,000 4,307,680,000 3,827,680,000 4,077,680,000 4,077,680,000 TitleIV:Related agencies -------- ____(3,839,000) (4,226,100) (4,054,000) (4,226,000) (4,204,000) Total, New budget (obligational) mrthorityr------------- _------- 8,083,596,150 7,748,354,500 7,450,188,150 8,475, 935,100 8, D90, 856, 550 Consisting of- Appropriations 7, 422, 796,150 7, 302, 554, 500 6, 788, 888,150 7,795,135,100 7, 429, 556, 550 2. Reapproprlations------- 2,000,000 -------------- 3. Conttractauthorizations- 195,500,000 tho ti t i d 4 A _________ _____ 195,500,000 190,000,000 195,500,000 za ons o spen u r 4 from debt receipts... 463, 300, 000 445, NO, 000 465, 800, 000 490, 800, 000 465, 800, 000 Memoranda: 1. Appropriations to liqui- date contract author- izations------------- 1, 23,197,000 185, 000, 000 185,000,000 185,000,000 185,000,000 2. Appropriations, Includ- ing appropriations to liquidate contract au- thority____________ __ 8, 635, 993,150 -. 7, 487, 554, 500 6, 973, 888,150 7, 980, 135,100 7, 614, 556, 550 3. Transfers from see. 32-- 212,383,000 256,475,000 256,475,000 256,475,000 256,475,000 4. Transfer from CCC----- 63,782,000 68,779,000 68,779,000 68,779,000 68,779,000 Total, new budget liggational) au- grity___--------- 8, 083, 596,150 7,748, 354, 500 7, 450,188,150 8, 475, 935,100 8, 090, 856, 550 Less: Loan repayments, - Rural Electrification Ad- ministration r---------- 156,600,000 167,300,000 167,300,000 167,300,000 167,300,000 r Includes adjustments for transfers authorized in the indefinite portion of the 2d Supplemental under basic law) of $440,756,000 in the 1971 budget and Senate bill, and $690,756,000 in the Appropriation Act for financing increased pay costs under Public Law 91-231. House bill. For fiscal year 1970 none is required. nAn additional $100,000,000 was provided in the 1970 Appropriation Act from sec. 32, perma- 7 Note-Does not include interest receipts under the Rural Electrification Administration esti- nent appropriation, which Included $20,000,000 for special milk. mated at $116,100,000 in 1970 and $119,300,000 in 1971 that are covered into miscellaneous re- a An additional $30,000,000 was provided by Public Law 91-207, approved Mar. 12, 1970, from ceipts of the Treasury. see. 32, permanent appropriation. I Deducting REA loan repayments from these totals has the effect of converting these figures to 1 A budget amendment for an additional $216,579,000 was submitted directly to the Senate. a basis comparable with the treatment of all other major loan programs in the Federal budget. r In addition, $3,434,000 is available by transfer from food stamp appropriation. Other loan programs operated through revolving funds net loan repayments against budget out- In addition, there is permanent indefinite contract authority (budget authority established lays, whereas REA loan repayments are covered into miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury. Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, a par- liamentary inquiry. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator will state it. Mr. HOLLAND. Has full action now been completed upon the conference re- port, and all of the amendments re- ported in disagreement? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator is correct. Mr. HOLLAND. I move that the Senate reconsider the action by which it has agreed to the conference report and con- curred in the amendment in disagree- ment. Mr. FULBRIGHT. I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. 'ONS, 1971 Arkansas to the bill (H.R. 19590) making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971,.and for other purposes. Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, may we have order? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ate will be in order. Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and nays on my amend- ment. The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, be- fore we proceed to further considera- tion of the substance of the amendment, I want to say a few words in commenda- tion of the distinguished acting chairman of the Armed Services Committee. It is my understanding that the lan- guage in this bill prohibiting the use of Defense Department funds to pay for Vietnamese or Thai operations in sup- port of the Cambodian or Laotian Gov- ernment. It is my understanding that this provision was not in the House bill, but it is in the Senate bill; is that correct? Mr. ELLENDER. That is correct. Mr. FULBRIGHT. I congratulate the Senator, I am very pleased indeed that the committee has put, that provision in the bill, and I hope very much that in -+,033,772,400 x-476,278,050 -{387,768,400 -358,545,550 +37,295,000 +96, 224, 000 +2,900,000 -26,533,000 -1,0633, 307, 00),-230,000,0000) +250 0 000 ) (-22,000) -1-7,260,400 +342,502,050 +640,668,400 -385,078, 550 +8.760,400 +127,002,050 +640,668,400 -365,578,550 2,000,000 _------------ ------- ------- --------- _-------- ____________ 1195,500,000 ----- ___------- i-5 500, 000 +2,500,000 +20,000, 000 ------------ -25,00,000 -1,028, 197,000 -1,021,436,600 +127,002,050 -i 640, 668, 400 -365,578,550 +44,092,000 _____________________________________________ -}4,997,000 ______.._____________________________________ +7,260,400 +342,502, 050 +640,669,400 -385,078,550 -+0,700,000 ____ conference the Senator will be able to retain it, because it is my understanding, judging from the attitude of Members of the House of Representatives, that they are not very sympathetic toit. Again, the Cooper-Church amendment of last year prohibiting the sending of ground troops into Laos and Thailand has been expanded to include Cambodia, if I understand the bill correctly; is that not correct? Mr. ELLENDER. That is correct. Mr. FULBRIGHT. Again, I think the Senator and the committee ought to be commended for following the clear and express intent of the Senate in this re- spect. I believe the committee also eliminated the $30-million item in the House bill for the International Fighter, another matter which has been debated at con- siderable length in the Senate; is that not correct? Mr. ELLENDER. That is correct. Mr. FULBRIGHT. And the committee retained the Mansfield amendment of last year, the language requiring Depart- ment of Defense research to be relevant to a military function? Mr. FULBRIGHT. This was rest:,red in the bill? - The Senate resflned the consi eration of the bill ( R. 19 making appro- priations forent of Defense -for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for other purposes, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. GOLDWATER). The question is on agreeing to the amendment of the Senator from Approved For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP72-003378000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 ? S 19682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE Mr. ELLENDER. It is in the b411' Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, these, are all actions for which I think the Sen- ator from Louisiana deserves great credit and the commendation of the Senate, be- cause he has done a very good job in all these Instances In retaining what I be- lieve to be the majority opinion of the Senate itself, Mr. President, reverting now to the substance of my own amendment to illustrate one of the points I mrde earlier--I regret that on this bill, which involves more than $66 billion, when the distinguished chairman presented it and when I offered an amendment, I counted the Senators present, and there were five. It seems that whenever we have a hill involving as much as $66 billion, we can usually expect to have about five Sen- ators listening to the pre..entatlon of the chairman. If it is a bill involving only a little item like $290 million for the SST, I think on that we had 70 Sen- ators present, al intensely interested, as though it involved the whole Treasury of the United States. But the bigger the bill, the less attention is given to A. That has been a standing tradition in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. I remember in the Howe once We. passed What was in those days the largest bill ever passed, which was, back in the 1940's, in the amount of $10 billion, and I believe it passed in ar- proximately 20 minutes, as I recall, withi- out.debate. So-.dais Is nothing new, in either the House or the Senate, and it is certainly no reflection upon the chair- man of the committee. He presented a very good statement and, as I have said, I approve of most of the things he has done with this measure, with this one exception as to public relations. Mr. President, I have here an illustra- tion of just how far the Defense Depart- ment goes in brainwashing the Ameri- can people in the guise of an informa- tion program. This is a film catalog of the Army's "Big Picture" series, issued in the fall of 1969. The catalog is 32-plus pages long: Judging from the numbers, I estimate there are some 400 films o? television programs listed. These do not even show up in the regular public relations budget for which the committee is allowing $30 million. These are the types of things that are made for what they call "internal information," and are allocated and paid for from funds for internal information programs. Yet, on the very first page it is quite clear that these are made not only for that but also for public distribu- tion. I will read one paragraph contained in "General Information": Routine distribution of "The Big Picture" is divided into two main phases--primary showings and secondary showings." Primary showings are made t::o members ,)f the Army through the Command Infor- nation Program at each installation- They are a captive audience, They have to look at the films- At the same time, primary showings are seen over television stations throughout the U.S., and `Armed Forces television outlets overseas. These stations present the series ei a public service offering each week for the Armed Forces and the American public. To provide adequate distribution, films are ro- tated among the stations using the series. Following these primary showings, second- ary showings are then available. Included in secondary showings are additional Army unit desiring films for use in Command In- formation Programs, civilian schools, public groups and professional and civic organiza- tions. In other words, here is a vast educa- tion program-paid for by the funds in this bill -for internal information pro- grams-designed to persuade the people of the, United States to certain points of view, especially about foreign policy questions. I submit, as I. have said many times in the past, that it is not the responsi- bility of the military to educate the citi- .,ens of this country about highly con- troversial political matters. Yet, this is done. No other facility in the United Estates is comparable In extent and cost to this. I read just a few of the types of films they have in this one series. These are very short synopses prepared by the Ai'my about their own films. This is one: TV 736: Vietnam Crucible. "Vietnam Cru- cible" is a report to the American soldier of Army activities in Vietnam. This Sig Picture p esentation portrays the civilian as well as tie military situation in the Republic of V..etnam, Many of the films are devoted to Viet- nam, but some do not seem to be about anything that has any direct relation to the military, Here are some others: TV 705: The Army's First Infantry Divi- aicn routs the terror and suffering imposed by the Viet Cong or., the citizens of a Viet- iiaaiese village, ',`V 695: A nation builds. Introduced by Vice President Hubert It. Humhprey and nar- rat sd by film star John Wayne, this film tra3es the dramatic efforts of the people of Vietnam who are struggling to build a nation under the fire of Communism. Here is a report of the U.S. Army in South America helping the people of Bolivia and Peru. In view of what has happened in Peru,. I wonder whether these films are havolg the desired effect in Peru. A report of the United states Army In South America, helping the people of Bolivia and Peru map the peaks at the roof of the world and training their special forces units in guerrilla warfare. And more: Ilr 681: The Army in Taiwan. The advice, assistance and training given the armed forces of Taiwan by the United States Army is reported in graphic detail. TV 680: The Unique War. The story of the Anse::ican soldier's struggle to build a nation at the grass roots level-the two faces of the war in Vietnam, narrated by Glenn Ford. Apparently, many use Hollywood talent to present a case which in many instances should be, I think, entirely out- side the jurisdiction and responsibility of the military. The committee has included in the bill the provision that research projects must be relevant to a military purpose, and I congratulate them for doing that. I sub- mit that many of these information or December 8, 197() public relations affairs have no direct relation to the military, except the func- tion. of obtaining more money from Con- gress for the purpose of financing what- ever program they are interested in. TV 676: The New First Team. This film dramatically portray.. the long and proud battle record of a unit which has made the transition from horse cavalry to sky cavalry. That is a most iin,sortant project. Here it Is 1969, and a TV film shows the tran- sition from horse cavalry to sky cavalry. I wonder what military purpose that serves. These are available not just for the military but also to any civic club or any high school. The catalog tells you how to telephone the local office, and you can get any of these films free of charge. Here is another one, TV 675, entitled "Your Military Neighbor." This is their description: TV 675: Your Military Neighbor. The Army is often called upon to assist the civilian com- munity during times of emergency. "Your Military Neighbor" Is the story of this assist- ance and the soldier who is active in the af- fairs of the community. TV 674: Vietnam Report. This film ex- plains why Americans are in Vietnam and how the American fighting roan is dedicated to helping the free people of Vietnam to pro- tect their freedom. Mr. President, this reminds me of a film which has been much discussed in recent years, entitled "Why Vietnam?", a different film from any of those I men- tioned, This description reads: Outlines U.S. policy wti;h respect to Viet- nam as stated to the Nation. I mention this film because it comi- pletely distorts the facts as to how we got into this war. I want to call at- tention to it now because, apparently, we are about to become involved in Cam- bodia in much the same way as we be- came involved In Vietnam. The point is that the films are all made with Government money, paid for by the taxpayers, for the purpose of what they call informing, but I would call it the brainwashing of the American peo- ple about many of our Government's policies. The USIA is specifically forbidden to brainwash the American people. The USIA makes films of many things but they are restricted for use only in for- eign countries. I am not, sure that I ap- prove of a lot the USIA does, but as long as they are only misleading foreign peo- ple about our policies, that is one thing, but for us to finance our own depart- ments to mislead the American people. I believe is the height of idiocy. I do not think we should allow them .to do. These films are made in the Pentagon and distributed throughout the United States free of charge-that is, free to the recipient., but not free to the taxpayers. They disguise this operation by calling it "troop information." Well if it is troop information, why;.does the pamphlet say these are all available to civic clubs and high schools or to anyone else who wants them, and free of charge? Also, they urge television stations to use them and many of the smaller ones like to use them as fillers. What they Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE S 19683 need is the advertising of this kind of Mr. President, this obviously would yet they are being made under' the guise matter. With people like John Wayne, be very attractive to any school or tele- of being solely for troop information. these stations say they like to use him on vision station if they could get it free, I do not object to use of films for troop their stations, as well as Glenn Ford but they have to pay for most of Bob information purposes. They are all of and many others who have well-known Hope's films, I would imagine. entertainment value, but some of them names or have famous names. What if Then there is a film entitled "Hidden go far beyond that when they undertake anything, they pay John Wayne and War in Vietnam"-James Arness host- to discuss purely the political aspects of others to do this, I do not know. Of narrates this half hour report on Amer- some of these situations. But that is not course they did make available to him ican assistance to the Vietnamese. what I am objecting to, or even com- for his movie use of certain Department Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, will the menting on. of Defense facilities. The U.S. Govern- Senator from Arkansas yield? My point is that these films are being ment can supply the equipment, the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. used to indoctrinate the public to take background, the troops, and everything BELLMON). Does the Senator from Ar- a particular view of grave issues, like the else for a private movie like the Green kansas yield to the Senator from Cali- war in Vietnam, through the showing Berets. fornia? of the films on television and their dis- Recently I saw a part of the movie Mr. FULBRIGHT. I yield. tribution to schools and civic clubs. "Tora, Tora, Tora." It cost millions of Mr. MURPHY. As one who has had No one has given the Defense Depart- dollars, with the greatest part of it using some experience and background in ment the responsibility to educate the American facilities such as ships, air- these matters on the Hollywood scene, children or the people of this country, craft carriers, military personnel, and i can assure the distinguished Senator especially in political affairs. That is my so forth. I think that one of the ways from Arkansas that to my knowledge point. In any case, there is no criticism they recompense some of the movie ac- actors do not get paid nor do they get because they used movie actors. They tors is to allow them the use of our f a- any credit for the use of U.S. Govern- used them to make the product attrac- cilities. I really cannot tell the Senate ment materiel or personnel from the mil- tive for distribution. It is no criticism whether we pay the actors directly or itary in the making of any motion plc- intended of the movie actors who co- not. But they are used, at least. tore. operated with the Pentagon in making Paul Newman narrated one movie. I it has been longstanding practice that these. I have no criticism to offer on shall put the list in the RECORD, if the the Department of Defense makes ar- that score. Senate is interested. But a lot of this has rangements whereby, as was the case in It is a fact, since the Senator men- really very little to do with informing the movie "Tora, Tora, Tora," certain tioned it, that In the making of some the troops and could not be justified as payments were decided upon by the De- films for private distribution and profit, a legitimate expense of the Department partment of Defense covering all the ex- which have used military facilities, the of Defense. GAO found that the charges made for ships, Government and all for the utilization of military equipment was Here is another which just caught my the tenses use of its incurred weaponry, the Government cost cost. If had charged compared the the the actual eye, "The history of the cavalry, from the rest, and those bills are submitted to nominal for dashing horses to modern armor," re- the producing companies or the produc- athey n aircraft carrier, for example, it would leased for the 1964-65 season. That is ing studios and they are paid by those have run into tens of thousands of dol- ano. companies or studios. lars, whereas the actual charge was H ere ere is one. one, entitled "The With regard to one of the films that something like $15,000. It was a nominal Finest Tradition, a spectacular summa- the Senator mentioned, "Soldiers in charge. tion of the Army's readiness for any Grease Paint," I had some interest in It is very difficult to say how much it is mission-brushfire or global conflict." that one. That was made during World wQrth to use an aircraft carrier. The The idea of global conflict apparently War H I am very proud to say that cost of a carrier runs into the hundreds recurs in many of these films. I suppose Hollywood sent 85,000 free volunteers of millions of dollars. Even the interest that is to condition us to the possibility from the motion picture industry to on such a sum for several days would run if not the probability of having a global travel many places around the world to into a lot of money. conflict so that we will not be afraid of entertain our military forces, which they Does the Senator believe the Military it or will accept it without protest. did without pay, and on their own time. Establishment is the agency of the Gov- Here is one of " Th and-a look at I do not think there was a more im- ernment dedicated to educating the civil- the Kingdom of Thailand and the as- sistance portent or worthwhile contribution to ran public about the political problems bthe offered this stanch ally mem- the war effort than that. involved in Vietnam? bers of is United States Army. I would also say that in the beginning, Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I did not Here is another, "The AEF the Siberia- n- in the making of these films, there was a raise that question. The Senator seemed the little-known story of f thexpedition- t made by Gen. "Hap" Arnold uncertain as to whether John Wayne had Roy force which journeyed into Russia that the use of films made by,,-my col- been paid and whether Celest Holm was son and activities War whilte in Shows the U.Stheir.S.R: .R." leagues in Hollywood, as well as the vol- paid. I merely rose to make the record sion and Really, Mr. President, what does that unteer services that were rendered by the clear. That was the only purpose of my have to do with our military activities motion picture industry, had a great in- explanation. today? What relevance does that have? fluence on the outcome of World War II, Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, I ap- That was, I guess, in 1918 or 1919. I sub- caused by the use of film techniques, and preciate the Senators statement. I did mit it has nothing to do with the present actors and actresses-particularly by my not know whether actors are paid di- responsibilities of the Department of good friend Frank Capra, who, I under- rectly or not. Defense. stand, is presently in town. I have received a report on the cooper- Here is another one entitled "Soldiers We trained our civilian Army in one- ation given in some commercial films. I in Grease Paint"-hosted by Hollywood third the time the German high com- think one of them was "The Green Be- star, Celeste Holm. This is the story of mend thought was possible and thereby rets," It was made at Fort Bragg, I be- entertainers who traveled wherever the threw the German war program out of lieve, or much of it was. They even military were in World War II to bring gear. This one feature had more to do brought in special troops. They brought them P. laugh and a reminder of home, with the successful outcome of World them there to play a part. Celeste Holm, I assume, would attract War 11, probably, than any other one I will put this entire list in the RECORD a great many people. thing that could be named. because I think it is interesting. The Sen- Here is another one entitled "Shape ' Mr. FULBRIGHT. The Senator mis- ate ought to know what is happening, of the Nation"-Bob Hope, Alan Shepard, understands my point. I do not suggest I cannot imagine why we want to throw Bud Wilkinson, Bob Richards, Jerry that the use of any of these films was money away on this. It is a program that Colonna and Robert Preston participate solely for the military. These films are has mounted in cost and effects on our in this film report orb the President's being made available for public distribu- system. Never a day passes that some physical fitness program. Mr. Hope tion, to television stations, civic clubs, general, a member of the high echelon serves as host-narrator. and high schools all over the country, of the Pentagon, does not make a speech Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 19684 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE December 8, Y 9 i'0 to someone's constituency to tell them Distribution for the weekly series rant provide special talent In such fields as about the great benefits of this or that Routine distribution of the Big Picture is photo-mapping, automotive maintenance, weapons system and to tell them ho N divided into two main phases--primary show- flying Army aircraft, nuclear power plant op- wonderful the war is on behalf of oral ings and secondary showings. erations and many others. Big Picture people. Primary showings are made to members of Cameras look at some of these activities and This goes on gill the time, beginning the Army through the Command Informa- some of the training provided by the Army lion Program at each installation. At the in the Warrant Officer program. Color-ne- with general Westmoreland dowl'l. I same time, primary showings are seen over leased 68-69 Season think that General Westmoreland made television stations throughout the U.S., and TV 758: Ranger. The ;mall unit leader of 59 speeches in the first 18 months after Aimed Forces television outlets overseas. the modern U.S. Army roust be a highly re- he came back from Vietnam. That, is nct Time stations present the series as a public sourceful individual capable, of directing to mention the speeches he made when .'vice offering each week for the Armed operations under many types of geographical he was in Vietnfiim. President Johnson Fcrces and the American. public. To provide and climatic conditions, The Big Picture brought him back. to address a joint ses- adequate distribution, films are rotated visits Fort Benning, Georgia, where selected sion. Why does the Senator suppose that gong the stations using the series. officers and non-commissioned officers are was done? Was it to inforin us on the Following these primary showings, second- trained to develop their leadership skills to ar;t showings are then available. Included the ultimate degree and earn the coveted war or to influence our votes? It is one in secondary showings are additional Army "Ranger" shoulder tab. Color-Released 68-69 of the first times L'hat a President sought Units desiring films for use in Command In- Season to inject the military into the political formation Programs, civilian schools, pub- TV 757: Korea Revisited. In the summer of life of our system, 11e groups and professional and civic orga- 1950 the forces of communism unleashed an "Patterns of History, iii rations. attack upon the Republic; of Korea Causing This is this one for says, :.n cooperation with his area TV stations, death and destruction, The United Nations public distribution. "The Pat - tern of Communist Aggression Prom and the Audio Visual Support Center, answered the attack with a multi-nation Early Post-World War II Da;rs in Greece, (A VSCO) ? the Army Information Officer pre- fighting force which dry d out the enemy pares a schedule for the appearance of each and set up a shield behind which the people Through Korea, Southeast Asia and filed. The AVSC packages and delivers the could rebuild. The Big Picture presents a Cuba." film to the TV station as scheduled by the look at the Republic of Korea today to show That is an interesting ;;object. We 10 When the run has been completed, the the progress and development of the nation ought to all be informed. My point 11 film is returned to the AVSC and is then and its people. Color-Released 68-69 season that I do not think we ought. to be given delivered to the next TV station on the TV 756: The Silver Rifles. Many symbols only the military view of the significance showing schedule, recognize excellence and valor in the nation's Hon, to use this catalog forces. Among the most prized is the of this kind of activity. This is who'; !7 Combat Infantryman's Badge. The meaning makes the subject the distorted picture Jill Big Picture films are listed numerical- and traditions behind the award of these that many of our cprlstituentn get, ly (TV number) and include the following Silver Rifles is the subject of this "Big Pie- inf3rmation: Here is one called, Challenge of a. Title lure" episode. Narrated by Fess Parker. Color- Ideas. It, roads: It,. Synopsis Released 68-69 Season TV 755: The Voice of Command. The U.S. Discussion of the coniiict between demo' c. Release year Army is on duty in every corner of the globe. cratic and CommuritSt philosophies. c.. Film color e. Restrictions, if an To function effectively, it must have a highly Now, who is well qualified to tell u i' developed communications system, a vital the difference between democratic and For further information network that can unite these widely dispersed communistic philosophies? For specific questions regarding the Big army elements into a single cohesive force, The Picture series Cr further Information, write instantly responsive to our nation's needs. speakers include John Wayne, to: Commanding Ofiner, United States Army The Big Picture tells the story of the globe- Helen Hayes, Edward R. Murrow, Lowell Coramand Information Unit, Attention: spanning communications chain which car. Thomas, and others, Broadcast/Pictorial Branch, Department of ries to the ends,of the earth, "The Voice of It never occurred to me that John die Army, Washington, D,C. 20315, Command." Color-Released 68-69 Season Wayne was a specialist or qualified par- Big Picture films are also listed in De- TV 754: The Soldier's Heritage. Through ticularly in informing the American pub- par sment of the Army Pamphlet 108-1. all of this nation's wars, the American sol- TV 763: NATO, The North Atlantic Treaty dier has distinguished himself by bravery he about the characteristics of the corn- Organization. The Big Picture examines the and determination. He ha, established a her- munistic philosophy and the democratic history and organization of the North itage.of which all Americans can be proud. philosophy. Atlantic Treaty Organization: NATO. This To preserve and portray this enduring rec- I would have thought that someone timely film provides a close scrutiny of the ord,- The Big Picture presents the historical especially versed in history, especially in major force which deters aggression in summary of these accomplishments from the the history of the United States and the Europe. Color-Released 68-69 Season Revolutionary War to the present in "The TV 762: D-Day Anniversary. A 25th nn- Soldier's Heritage." Col r-Released 68-69 democratic system would have been usad. iiiversary look at the sights. and sounds of Season. Mr. President, I ask unan.nious con- the famous beaches of Normandy. This Big TV 753: Seek and Strike, The modern ar- sent to have printed in the, RECORD this Picture replays the drama and battle action 'mor soldier moves to battle on mounts of in- entire film repertory, of the period leadifig up to the historic land- creasing mobility and firepower to seek and ings and the fierce combat to overcome the strike the enemy. The Big Picture takes you There being no objection, the material wall of "Fortrees Europe" in June of 1944, to the U.S. Army Armor Center at Fort Knox. was ordered to be printed in the REcorn, Black and White-Released 68--69 Season Kentucky for a look at the historical devel- as follows: T r 761: U.S. Army Europe. Following opment of mobile armor cod examines the Tu BzG PrcrunE World War II, U.S. Army Europe was given training of the tanker as he learns to move, GSNERAL INFORMATIOS: the mission of helping to protect the bor- shoot and communicate frt'cn aboard the tat- This catalog supersedes all previorts Big ders of the West against. po'sslble aggression, eat combs t vehicles, t'o1''.:-Released 68-69 Ptature Despite tensions and Conflicts elsewhere in Season. Catgdogues and contorts a list of the world, Europe remains a critical area TV-752: The Army Ai. Mobility Team. films that are currently available in the Big and a constant challenge to peace. In this Modern combat operation_ demand an im- Picture series. issue, of the Bi picture, rile Big Picture 13 the of ieii,i television g you will see some mediately responsive been bout' force. Previ- repait by the U rx e.nbers and O1 the ways in which the men of U.S. Army ously, armies have been bound to earth in .S Army to its to the American people. Subject matter for Europe perform their mission as an impor- transporting at tie, Today men and supplies to and from episodes ranges front historic moments ill tant the element of the NATO forces guarding battle. our highly mobile vertical rmy Army's proud history to up-to-tYce- itie peace. . Color-Released 68-69 Season st,ldiers have ave the most modern vrticand the Army's Your Army Reports #16. The Big short take-off aircraft to upport them in moment lishments, coverage of current ? coons and Picture cameras travel to Fort Hood, Texas combat operations. The Big Picture, "The How to to attend a double anniversary celebration Army Air Mobility Team" evamines how men obtain Individual, tms for the First and Second Armored Divisions, and Army aviation functio,cr in the difficult TO obtain the Big Picture, military users and to the 1968 conference of the Associa- terrain in Southeast Asia. _: olor-Released 66- should use DA Form 11-44 and forward tion of the United States Army, Color-Re- 69 Season. their regtteat to tme nearest Audio-Visual Icreed68-69Season TV 751: Equal to the Environment, Wars Support Center (AVSC). TV stations a:'ld ':CV 739: Call Ale Mister. The highly quads- must often be won by conquering a hostile Other civilian users should make their lie- lied men and women of the U.S. Army who environment as well as an enemy Army. The quest by ooti.'tacting the nearest Army in- wear the insignia of the Warrant Officer per- United States Army has 'xften been forced stallatlon, Attention: Information Officer bum a vital role, These officers with a war- to conduct operations in steaming tropical Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE jungles, on sub-arctic coasts, towering moun- TV 740: Policing the Front. The role of the tains, in sub-zero cold and bleak deserts, The Military Policeman has always been impor- Big Picture "Equal to the Environment" tells tant but never so vital as in the present war how lessons learned, and history, are used in Vietnam. The men who wear the MP arm- as a basis for training our fighting men in band are shown in a variety of activities as ways and means of combating the dangers they handle the complex problems of law en- and problems of climate and terrain. Color- forcement and security against the back- Released 68-69 Season, ground of a war with no conventional front- TV 750: West Point-the Army Challenge, lines. Narrated by Jack Webb. Color-Released Duty, Honor; Country-the West Point 68-69 Season. motto, which motivates the lives of all who TV 739: Soldiers-at-law. The responsibility join the long gray line. The big picture docu- for U.S. Army judicial and legal activities ments the story of a young man who enters lies with the Judge Advocate General. The the U.S. Military Academy and completes the BIG PICTURE "Soldier-At-Law" shows the four years of study to qualify for a commis- training which qualifies the civilian attorney sion as a Second Lieutenant, United States as a judge advocate or military lawyer. The Army. Color-Released 68-69 Season. film emphasizes how individual rights, which TV 749: Logistics in Vietnam. No soldier are protected by the civilian judicial system, has been as well supplied as the U.S. soldier on are also guarded by the military judicial Sys- duty in Vietnam. For a look at the magni- tem. Color-Released 68-69 Season. tulle of the support and supply activities, TV 738: USARPAC. One of the U.S. Army's U.S. Army camera crews covered the action largest areas of activity Is spread the length for this episode of the big picture. "Logistics and breadth of the blue Pacific. This com- In Vietnam" documents the activities and mand, known as U.S, Army Pacific or USAR- facilities which provide medical, transporta- PAC, includes responsibility for men and tion, engineer, supply and other services to missions in Vietnam, Korea, Okinawa, Japan, the American fighting men. Color-Released Thailand, Taiwan and Hawaii. The BIG PIC- 68-69 Season. TURE, "VSARPAC", takes a look at missions TV 748: 1st Air Cavalry Division. The fa- of our soldiers in the Far East. Color-Re- mous "First Team" became airmobile in July leased 68-69 Season. 1965. Shortly afterward, its new power was TV 737: The Bridge. The soldier and his trained on the aggressive forces in Vietnam. family can always count on the spiritual This is the story of how that new power, services of the Chaplain. For a look at the air-mobility, is helping the 1st Cavalry win U.S. Chaplain corps through history and the the battle for freedom in Southeast Asia. dedication of these clergymen in uniform, Color-Released 68-69 Season. John Daly hosts a visit to the Chaplain's jungle heat and humidity can destroy man and deteriorate his weapons. And so in the forests of Panama the "Big Green Lab" of the Army Materiel Command's Test and Evaluation Command wage a constant battle against the ravages of environment. Color- Released 68-69 Season. TV 746. 9th Division. In North Africa, in France and Germany, the 9th Division was unbeatable, Today, "The Old Reliables" meet a new challenge in Vietnam and add new victories to their battle record. Color- Released 68-69 Season. TV 745: Soldier's Christmas. No matter where the soldier Is stationed, In a remote Arctic outpost or the steaming jungles of Vietnam, the spirit of Christmas finds its way to our servicemen. Color-Released 68--69 Season. TV 744: To Serve a Solder. The soldier with a high morale is a tough man to beat. Special Services has the responsibility of providing morale support activities and activities and services to the soldier, wherever he may be stationed In the world. The Big Picture pres- entation "To Serve A Soldier" documents the important mission of Special Services. Color- Released 68-69 Season. TV 743: Your Army Reports No. 15. Pre- sents brief features of Army activities world- , wide. In this issue: The "Missile Mentor" men who can quickly assess the situation and that helps protect our country from surprise make the right decision at the right time. attack; the U?s. Army. Orthopedic Clinic in The story of these men and the training Boston; the Demilitarized Zone in Korea. they receive in the Army Is depicted in this Color-Released 68-69 Season. Big Picture presentation. Color-Released TV 742: Meeting the Need. To assure that 67-68 Season. our soldiers will be the best equipped, fed TV 732: They Clear the Way. Part of the and clothed fighting men in the world, the job of the U.S. Army Engineers is to build U.S. Army Natick Laboratories provide re- the bridges, airfields and roads which bring search, development and testing of foods, mobility to the combat forces. The Big Pic- clothing and equipment. The Big Picture ture presentation, "They Clear the Way," "Meeting the Need" takes a comprehensive depicts the story of these difficult and chal- look at the scientists and facilities of the lenging missions in Vietnam. Color-Released Natick Labs. Color-Released 68-69 Season. 67 68 Season. TV 741: Men With a Mission. The Big Pic- TV 781: The Senior Soldier. In today's mod- g ern and complex Army the role of the non- ture traces the history of the U.S. Army Re- commissioned officer has. greatly expanded. serve and Its present mission of providing He has become part of a highly technical, the backup force to the active Army in times creative, and resourceful middle management of emergency, Narrated by Efrem Zimablist team. "The Senior Soldier" Is the story of this Jr., this film shows the men of the Army Re- team and the men who provide the face to serve training to maintain their high state face leadership which gets the job done. of readiness. Color-Released 68-69 Season. Color-Released 67-68 Season. S 19685 TV 729: Yar No. 13. The Army Chief of Staff, General Harold K. Johnson, decorates Warrant Officer Jerome R. Daley for gallantry in action in this edition of "Your Army Re- 'ports." Army combat photographers move forward with the let Cavalry Division and Vietnamese troops during an amphibious landing and search for the Viet Corig. And finally, "Your Army Reports No. 13" depicts the important mission of harbor pilots in the busy Port of Qui Nhon. Color-Released 67-68 Season. Withdrawn from TV. TV 728: The Army Triangle, Three things dear to the heart of the soldier are food, mail and pay. The story of how these important items are processed and delivered to the soldier is detailed in this Big Picture docu- monetary film. Color-Released 67-68 Season. TV 727: CONARC, HQ of the U.S. Soldier. The weapons of warfare are not enough to defend America in today's complex inter- national community. It takes organization and men of vision; men capable of seeing the Big Picture. "Continental Army Com- mand-Headquarters of the U.S. Soldier" is the Soldier" Is the story of these men and how they are organized and trained to defend America. Color-Released 67-68 Season, TV 726: The Army's Civilians. The Army Civilian plays an important role in the de- fense of America. Highly skilled, and com- pletely dedicated to his country, he serves America well at home and abroad; in peace and in war. The Big Picture presentation, "The Army's Civilians," depicts the story of these men and women and their service to our country. Color-Released 67-68 Season . of the duty stations where Chaplains serve. TV 725: Song of the Soldier. Throughout Color-Released 68-69 Season. history soldiers have gone to war with a TV 736: Vietnam Crucible. "Vietnam Cru- song. Their songs express pride in country, cible" is a report to the American soldier of belief in cause, and determination to win th e Army activities in Vietnam, This Big picture battle and return home. You are invited to presentation portrays the civilian as well as join the United States Army band and the military situation In the Republic of chorus in the Big Picture presentation, "The Vietnam. Color-Released 67-68 Season. Song of the Soldier," as they sing the songs TV 735: The Fight for Life. The war in of the American soldier, from the Revolu- Vietnam is fought in a hostile environment tionary War to Vietnam. Color-Released 67-- against an elusive enemy. As in any war, the 68 Season. sick and wounded require immediate medical TV 724: Ready To Strike. The "Tropic assistance. The Big Picture documents the Lightning" 25th Infantry Division has a work being done by the men and women of distinguished history beginning in World the U.S. Army Medical Services as they help War II. The exploits of this division in the soldier win, "The Fight for Life." Color- Vietnam as a combat unit and a nation Released 67-88 Season. building force are portrayed in the Big Pic- TV 734: YAR ##14. The men of the United ture "Ready to Strike." Color-Released 67- States Army Reserve have an important mis- 68 Season. sion to fulfill in defense of America. To meet TV 723: When the Chips Are Down. A this mission they must be well trained in the major portion of the nation's strength in latest techniques of modern warfare. "Your reserve lies in the National Guard. Bob Hope Army Reports, #14" features the training ac- uses his light touch to narrate this Big tivities of the 205th Infantry Brigade (Sepa- Picture presentation which shows the train- rate) of the U.S. Army Reserve as It prepares ing and readiness of the citizen soldiers. to meet Its mission in defense of America. Color-Released 67-68 Season. Color-Released 67-68 Season Withdrawn TV 722: YAR No. 12. The Army Chief of from TV. Staff, General Harold K, Johnson, speaks at TV 733: Platoon Leader. It takes men of the Annual Convention of the Association of leadership to lead a platoon of men in battle the United States Army in this edition of " Your Army Reports." Then it's off to Viet- nam to visit with Vietnamese civilians work- ing with the United States Army, and a spe- cial feature on the Army Combat Photo- grapher. Color-Released 67-68 Season. With- drawn from TV. TV 721: Physical Fitness. The futurd of America's fighting force is invested in the Physically Fit; the men and Women with the strength and courage to protect her in- terests. Therefore, the Army places a great deal of emphasis on physical training in de- veloping the soldier. This training is the theme of the Big Picture, "Physical Fitness." Color-Released 67-68 Season. TV 720: The Sky Soldiers. Since its arrival in Vietnam in 1965 the 173rd Airborne Bri- gade has played an important role in war and in peace ... the 173rd lauded at Vung Tau to secure and defend the airfield; , , the 173rd mounted a large scale attack against the enemy in the heavily fortified Bien Hoe area and the 173rd undertook the mission of .Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 19686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- SENATE Deee. ~ ber 8, 1970 protecting the rice hirrvest for a hungry peo- TV 713: Your Army Reports No. 10. This lacked the strength and wisdom to survive.. pie under Operation "New ISfe," The Big Issue of "Your Army Reports" travels to Vir- "The Inner Ring," narrated by Darren Picture presentation "The Sky Soldiers" ginia and the Institute of Heraldry, where a McGavin. dramatically if castrates how the shows the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Viet- gro'lp of specialists design and develop a U.S. Army Air Defense Command safeguards nom in a role of courage and sacrifice. Color v,ir..ety of heraldic insignia Yoe agencies Of America against sudden air attack and as. '.Released 67-68 Session. the Federal Government. Then a story from sures us that silence will not be our epitaph. TV 719: Army Transportation-Key to Thailand where United States Army Engi- Color-Released 67-68 Sean e. Mobility. Transportation has always played neers assist the government in constructing TV 705: Village Reborn, Vietnam. The an important role in deciding the victory houses, bridges and roads. And finally "Your Army's First Infantry Division routs the in, warfare. The Spanish Armada of 1588, Army Reports" goes to Vietnam where in- terror and suffering imposed by the Viet Cong for instance, never aocomplisher-. its mission, fantrymen search Viet Cong tunnels for arms on the citizens of a Vietnamese village. Color- and the Spanish Army never reached the and informatio:a. Color-Released 67--68 Sea- Released 66--67 Season, battlefield. In the American Army today, :,on. TV 704: The Army and Vietnam. This film delivering men and equipment to the bat- IV 712: The Pershing--Seventh Army tells the story of how th^ American Army is tlefield is the job of the Army Transports- Blackjack. In 1958 it became evident that a meeting the challenge of Vietnam with well tion Corps. This challenging job is handled smaller, lighter and more mobile solid pro- trained soldiers and new methods of logistical by highly trained; professionals. "Alm) pet.ant ballistic missile was needed to re- support. Color-Released 60--67 Season. Transportation-Re to Mobility" is the place the Redstone. An Army rocket team TV 703: Probe and Pursue. This is a graphic story of these professionals and their train- wa:c assembled to work with Martin Aircraft portrayal of the hazards faced by American ing In the Army Transportation Corps, Color- Company on the project. This combined soldiers as they engage in search and clear Released 67-68 Season. team developed the Pershing Missile; a su- missions. Color-Released 66- 67 Season. TV 718: Your Army Reports #11. The personic, surface-to-surface missile with a TV 702: To Answer the Call. The men of helicopter pilot hasa big job in the Army. four hundred mile range. The film "The the National Guard are charged with the re- and this job gets even bigger when he ax., Pershing--Seventh Army Blackjack" tells sponsibilityof answering Calls from the fed- rives in Vietnam. For the helicopter lend? the story of the mission. Color-Released 67- eral and state governments in time of emer- mobility in difficult terrain, as it transport,, 68 Season, genet'. This is the story of how the Army and men and equipment to the battlefield. "You `CV 711: The "I" in. Infantry. A young maxi Air National Guard cooperate in combat and Army Deports #11" spends a day with a en';eying the Army is trained to be an In- in times of national catastrophe. Color-Re- helicopter pilot, and then joins a Chaplain fantry Soldier. It doesn't happen overnight. leased 66- 67 Season. who uses the helicopter to bring religious it takes time. He has to learn how to control TV 701: The Test of Battle. This film de- services to men of he Special Forces in Viet- his fear, to handle his weapons, and more plots the role of the United States Arrny ream. Finally, this edition of "Your Army Important he must find himself. He must Combat Development Command in providing Reports" travels to Europe for firepower learn where he fits into his infantry unit. new means of fighting and existing in a com- demonstrations at the Seventh Army Senior And he must learn that his unit, and his bat zone. Color-Released 66-67 Season. Commander's Orientation. Color-Release 3 comrades are depending on him-the indi- TV 700: Your Army Reports #&..A round- 67-6$ Season, victual. The "I In Infantry" is the personal up of action in Vietnam, shot by American TV 717: Ready 'Bound the World. In the story of a young man's development as an cameramen on the scene, is depicted in this Issue of Your Army Reports. The men and cold refkltsm of war you are either ready cr Infantryman. Color-Released 67--68 Season, you're dead. There to no second chance. This TV 710: Shotgun Rider. The Shotgun States Army are shown is true of nations 4s well as I idividual so!- Rider, protect ng the stagecoach, blasted a women omen o of f the the United tasks of defending Army a our shown diers. A nation must be ready to meet any colorful trail through the pages of American performing action another nation may initiate. Its history. Today he stall plays a colorful role, tion from the forces o;' aggression. Color- strength and ability must discourage ns,- for the war in Vietnam has put the shotgun Released 66--67 Season. ttons of hostile intent. "Reacy Round the rider back in business. Not aboard a stage. TV 699: The Army's Floating Workshop. World" is a film which depicts America's coach, but in a helicopter. His weapon is no The USS Corpus Christi has been renovated strength in the complex international world longer a shotgun, but a machine gun. His and equipped with the finest material for of the sixties. It is a film which speaks of mission, however, is the same; to protect the performing the job of repair and maintenance men on guard around the world proteetirg interest of a free people as he stretches front of the Army's aircraft in Vietnam. The his- the American way of life. Coffer-Released his helicopter firing at enemy targets. The tory of this vessel and its utility in combat 67-68 film "Shotgun Rider" is the story of these support are documented in this film. Color TV 716: The Big Red One In Vietnam. in men, and their Important mission In Viet- Released 66-67 Season. World War II the First Infantry DiVisicn ream. Color-Released 67-68 Season. TV 698: Alaskan Centennial. This film tie- landed on Omaha Beach. After securing the TV 709: Its Up to You-Basic Combat pacts the history of Alaska: first as a pos- beach they drove inland towar3 Hitler's Ger.- Training. A military unit needs well-led, in- session, then as the 49th State. It describes many, and became a legend In their ban telligent, rugged and skilled soldiers. This is the role of Alaska in assisting the United time. Twenty-one years later a new threat the function Of Army training; to shape the States in defense, resources, and manpower to free men arose., and "The Big Red One" men who are the Army. The eight weeks of for peace. Color-Released 66-67 Season. returned to the battlefield in Vietnam, The basic combat training are shown in this TV 697: V.S.O.-Wherever They Go. The Big Red One in Vietnam is the story of tl'is film as a new trainee learns the skills from story of the U.S.O., depicting its history and battlefield and one of America's most color- seasoned. veterans and progresses from civil- service to the Armed Forces, is told in this fell units. The stony of men bringing hope ran to soldier. Color-Released 67-68 Season. star packed film, which is introduced by Bob and security to people who have known. only TV 708: Stay Alert Stay Alive. To stay Hope and narrated by John Daly. Color-Re- disillusionment and fear. Color-Released alive, the soldier must stay alert. Training in leased 66-67 Season. 67-88 Season. t:ae United States readies him for his joix but TV 6396: Your Army Reports #7. This issue TV 715: The O.C,S. Story.'rhomas Teffer- new lessons are learned every day. To pass of Your Army Reports takes you. to Taiwan, son expressed a basic attitude of the Ame:ei- t:ais information on to newly arriving sol- Korea. Germany and Vietnam, where U.S. can people, when he said: "I have sworn diers at the IA Brigade of the 101st Airborne soldiers are helping to defend freedom upon the altar of God et'rnal hostil'ty Division in Vietnam, an intense, rugged Color-Released 66-67 Season, against every form of tyranny over the mind school is conducted by men who have stayed TV 695: A Nation Builds. Introduced by of men." This fundamental belief in the alert and stayed alive. This film shows how Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and nar- individual has met the test of the 20th oen- this training program operates on the scene rated by film star Jot in Wayne, this film tury, as the American Arm; has met the is Vietnam. Color Released 67-68 Season, traces the dramatic efi'crts of the people o. TV 707: Your Army Reports #9. In this Vietn,un who are stru filing to build a na.- chal.lenge of to welded Nazism, and toether C by ley le.ud- - edition of "Your Army Reports" we visit nism. The Army y is lion under the fire of Communism. Color- ersbip? by men who inspire young American Vietnam, Ta.wan and Germany. Patrol Air Released 66-67 Season. Withdrawn from 'TV. men and the special training they receive in Cushion Vehicles, developed specifically for TV 694: Chopper Pil?,t. A portrayal of the the United States Army to become Seocnd the war in Vietnam, are featured in this film. rigorous training that Army Aviators re- Lieutenants. Color--Released 67-68 Season, These heavily armed PACV's travel on a cosh- ceive in preparation f-'r their role in m.ov- TV 714: Screaming Eaglf-s in Vietnt m. ion of air, at speeds up to 50 knots. In Taiwan Ing men, equipment sod wounded in Viet- The 101st Airborne Division earned a place the Army is shown giving assistance at a Na- nam. Color-Released r+6-67 Season. in history with its gallant fight during ',he i;ionalist Chinese Cadre School, while pare- TV 693: The Red Diamond. This film re- battle of the tulge. General McAt lif.'e's 'TooPere in Germany train to drop behind port of the Red Devils of the Fifth Infantry reply to the German stirrer der ultimatum enemy lines. "Your Army Reports #9" is an- Division (Mechanized) , tells the story of one was "Nuts" and this aggressive spirit made other report to the American soldier on Army division which has seen service in twenty the division an Incomparable fighting team. activities throughout the world. Color-Re- countries in nine campaigns. Color-Released Twenty years later, a new generation of leased 67-68 Season. 66-67 Season. soldiers, with this same esprit-de-corps, tiok TV 706 :'Toe Inner Ring. History's alterna- TV 692: Your Arrn, Reports No. 6. This the battlefield Insoutheast Asia. Their dy- live to the wall of the early warning siron is episode of the Big Picture presents some namiC exploits are recorded In. '"The Scre:.rn- silence. Silence of the dead, of a civilization of the highlights of 1966-1;remembr wnce pa- Luxe ring General ing Eagles in Vietnam." Colc-r--Released 67-- destroyed. whodrefsak mutely of uusused to face realittyvand ton, the s lect obou nrof l~he+Sergeant Me, to expedite the flow of information to the public, Propaganda has no place in Department of. Defense public information programs." While the Committee recognizes the `re- quirement for these activities, it is the view of the Committee that the total requested can and should be substantially reduced. Therefore, the Committee has recommended concurrence in the specific reductions made by the House in the request for funds for these activities. The committee also recom- mended concurrence in the specific reduc- tions made by the House in the request for funds for these activities, The committee also recommends concurrence in the House action imposing specific limitations on the funds available for public information af- fairs, which is based on a total limitation of $28,000,000 annually. However, due to the lateness in the fiscal year the specific limita- tions recommended for fiscal year 1971 total $30,400,000. The recommended limitations, which are not applicable to Security Review Activities, are: Army ------------------------ $10,300,000 Navy/Marine Corps ----------- 10,400.000 Air Force--------------------- 8,100,000 Office of Secretary of Defense__ 11,200,000 Defense Agencies and Joint Chiefs of Staff______________ 1400,000 Total ------------------ 30,400,000 L Applicable to "Operation and Mainte- nance" only. Military personnel assigned to these activities are subject to the limitation imposed on each of the services. The Public Affairs function provides for the fallowing activities: It provides a daily news briefing, necessary In-country transportation, accreditation, and other logistic support to more than 400 news- men in South Vietnam and responds to their inquiries concerning military operations in that nation. It conducts a daily regularly-scheduled on- the-record briefing for newsmen covering the Department of Defense, at which there is an extended exchange of questions and answers concerning a wide variety of subjects related to the Department's activities. It, arranges and conducts special news briefings and conferences at which the Secre- tary of Defense and other knowledgeable offi- cials are available to answer newsmen's ques- tions concerning subjects of interest. In addi- tion to the daily briefings, 60 other additional news briefings were arranged for newsmen at the Pentagon in 1969. It arranges interviews for newsmen and authors with key officials of the Department at-the behest of these newsmen and authors. For example, in 1969 more than 450 inter- views requested by newsmen were arranged by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs). In that same year, that office was responsible for arranging for Secretary Laird meeting with newsmen on 60 occasions.. It provides the 35-50 newsmen covering the Pentagon daily and others in Washington and throughout the nation, with a 24-hour- 2-day, seven-day-a-week, availability to re- spond to inquiries. In 1969, more than 35,000 news inquiries were handled by the office providing this service. It schedules knowledgeable speakers from the Department to meet, insofar as possible, requests recived from the public and from organizations. Coordinates and arranges news coverage of major news events to insure equitable treat- ment for all news media, efficient and prompt handling of news copy, film, and sound re- cording; as well as access to news sources. For example, coverage of the movements of the Sixth Fleet during the Jordanian crisis was arranged and coordinated by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Pub- lic Affairs). In response to requests from community, civic, and other organizations; it coordinates and schedules the appearance of demonstra- tion teams, such as the Blue Angels, Thun- derbirds and Golden Knights throughout the nation. It monitors military operations and pro- grams to insure that accurate information on these activities is publicly released on a timely basis and is consistent with the re- quirements of national security. It reviews, for security and policy, Defense information that is proposed for release by the Government to the public, in addition to reviewing for security thousands of pages a year 'of Congressional testimony by Defense witnesses in order to permit open publication of the hearings. It assists the Secretary of Defense and other key officials of the Department in re- sponding to voluminous correspondence ad- dressed to them or referred to them as a re- sult of public or Congressional Inquiries. S19691 It provides technical assistance to radio, television and broadcasting representatives covering news events associated with Depart- ment of Defense operations. It exerts continuous effort throughout the Department of Defense to insure promptness, accuracy, and completeness in the release of information concerning the Department's ac- tivities in consonance with the Freedom of Information Act and the Principles of Pub- lic Information enunciated by the Secretary of Defense. In conjunction with the Department of State and in support of our Paris peace nego- tiators, it makes available to the American and world public, information concerning the plight of American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action. Cooperates with a great variety of organizations in focusing world at- tention on the problem. The program is car- ried out under the supervision of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (Operations). It arranges and provides briefings at the request of student groups and thus affords an opportunity for exchanging ideas and in- formation during question and answer peri- ods. For example, since January 1, 1970, approximately 125 student and youth groups composed of 3,792 members attended De- fense briefings at the Pentagon or locations in the Washington area, and engaged in dis- cussions at their request. Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota. Mr. President, movies and slides are , used more and more each year, especially in our school systems. It is one of the best ways of teaching young people. I have seen some of these films. They are very good. I think we will need more and more of them in the military system, particu- larly if we are to sell a voluntary military system to our people. The Department of Defense will have to produce films show- ing how good life is in the military if we are to have a completely voluntary mili- tary force by the date we have set, which is about a year from now. We always have a problem of public relations wherever the military is in- volved, especially in Southeast Asia. Even in my State we have the Minute- man missiles scattered over one-third of our State, and we have two large Air Force bases, and now a large ABM sys- tem which involves 12 or 15 towns and cities. They have many problems as the result of this huge program. Both the Army and the Air Force have an obligation to the people of North Dakota to explain what they are doing there. If a chamber of commerce wants a speaker to explain what they are doing, they should be able to get a speaker to tell them what they are doing. If they want General Westmoreland to speak, and I was able to get him, he would serve a good purpose. I do not see how it is possible to cut out something that is so vital in the De- partment of Defense. As the chairman of the committee has pointed out, there would be little funds left for the re- mainder of the year if this motion were agreed to. Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, I think the purpose of the amendment is misunderstood. General Westmoreland is not paid out of the funds of public rela- tions. He is on the regular payroll. My proposal would not affect his speech- making activities. The Senator has dis- torted the purpose of the amendment. My proposal relates to the use of the vast Approved For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S19692 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --SENATE Dc. C( ifaber 8, 19 0 resources of the military to . nfluence tl:e attitudes and political judgments, of Americans in general. But these are v,st programs. There are over 400 films Li one catalog. It is a process, I think, of brainwashing tl-.e American people. There is no competirg agency. I wonder what the attitude of the Senator from North )Dakkota would be if the State Department undertook to sell the American people on one of is policies and we appropriated $100 Hilt- lion for: them to make films to distribu'-e all over the country to propagandize the current Presidents views or foreign pol- icy, As has been said before, and I joineol in, we'forbid USIA to distiibute any of its material in the United States. The'Senator asked how we are going to sell a voluntary army. I do not think it is a function of the military to sell a vol- untary army. At present I am opposed 1o the idea of a volunteer army. I do not think it Is consistent with the preserva- tion of a democratic system to establi.h a voluntary army which is disassociated from the people. I might change my mind, but as of the moment I am opposed to it. That is a matter" that all of us in public life will have to thrash out sooner or later. My amendment is addressed Ito the program of public relations. This pro- gram ;does not finance General West- moreland's travels. The Senator mentioned the ABM. I think it is not proper, if we are going ~o preserve the independence of judgment in tile; Senate, to use the full impact of the Military Establishment to go Out and sell the ABM. That is one of the most controversial political issues we have ever had come before as. Last year the Arst matte' was decided on a 50-50 vote, Now, you throw into the breach all the pressure of the military to make people think it is a good thing and that it would be a strong step. I think that i&' not in keeping with our dem.)- cratic isystem. Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota. Appar- ently the Senator was not listening to my remarks. Mr.FULBRIGHT. I was `istening ve'y carefully. Mr. YOUNG of'North Dakota. We have an ABM in North Dakota. It involves t2 to_15 towns and cities. They are all be- ing affected one way, or another. It is up to the military to go to these towns and cities and tell them how they are being affected. We have another situation whh the Air Force. Two years ago we had a terrific storm and the Air Force came to help the In- dian people-gig ingr them clothes and other help. I do not say these funds should have to be used to sell the ABM but to te.1 the local communities how they will tie affected. Mr.; FULBRIGHT, The Senator re- members that last year we had the fa- mous Starbird memorandum. General Starbird was in., charge of selling the ABM. He put out a memorandum whi.3h was secret to begin with, but an entor- prising reporter discovered it, and the Washington Post published it. He set forth ,how to gc about selling the pro- gram. It would have organized the man- ufacturers and the industrial' companies who were Involved in the project and their people would be used to go to each community, inform the leading citizens there, and get them to speak up for ABM. He had in the memorandum every possi- ble approach of the Pentagon and its related allies, especially contractors to seal the ABM: to the American people. I thought that is what the Senator from North Dakota had reference to. I assume they told the people in North Dakota that, having the missiles in their rr.idst, the ABM would be the salvation of the world and make them feel, that they are a great part of a mission which contributes to peace and safety. I do not know what else they would say to the people there. They would not say, "Look, there is a great difference of opinion on this ABM. BCalf of the Senate voted for it and half against it." Mr. YOUNG ctf North Dakota. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. FULBRIGHT. I yield. Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota. The people of North Dakota need no selling a', all. They think it is a patriotic thing to do. They accepted the ABM and the Minuteman and two Air Force bases. Mr. FULBRIGHT. The Senator from North Dakota is the one who sold them. What the Senator from North Dakota is for, the people there are for. I myself do not see why they had to send the military there, because the Senator from North Dakota can do better than the military. That is his function. I think it is his function, as a Senator and a political officer. I think the Senator would be derelict if he did not explain his views and interpretation of the ABM. He sup- ported It. That is his right and duty, if he believes In it. I do not think we ought to turn the primary education of the American peo- ple on military matters over to the military-that is, if we want to pre- serve the American system. They simply have too much muscle, money, and per- sonnel. They have all of their people at their beck and call to sell their views. 17 we think the military can do it bet- ter than the Congress, then all right. But as long as I am a Senator, sworn to uphold the Constitution, I feel it is my duty to uphold the integrity of the Senate and its function. If it does not perform properly, the people can change taings. I must say one wonders about it on some subjects, but I still have confidence in the political system we have. I think the education of the people on military matters should be done by Senators, Representatives. and the press--the civilian part of our Government and country. We are not a militaristic so- ciety-at least we are riot in the past. But I must say we do not give as much emphasis to that aspect as we did in the past. Consider the bill we are going to vote on in a few minutes-$66 bil 1'..on. That is more than the money pro- vided for all of the rest of the agencies combined, If we leave out the trust funds, for which we do not appropriate. This one agency can call on any of its 4 million people, and send them any- where It wants to, to tell its story. The Pentagon has sent veterans all over the country. They have been down in my State. General Walt has been down there several times. They send in sergeants to say what a great job we are doing in Vietnam and how we are teaching the people hygiene and what a great job we are doing there. They send them into my State, obviously to offset my criticism. I think I am within my province in. say- ing what I do. My constituents can re- tire me if they want to, but they cannot do anything about rrolita.*y officers who come there. I say the system is getting out of bounds when there is such a huge orga- nization educating the American peo- ple on military projects. A short while ago I read the memoran- dum of the President of the United States, issued on November 6th, directing agencies to cut back on their propaganda activities, in very specific terms. I shall not read it again; I read it a moment ago. My amendment is in direct support of the announced policy of the President of the United States. Therefore I think the Senate should si1pport the amend- ment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ques- tion is on agreeing to the amendment of the Senator from Arkansas (Mr. FuL- BRIGHT). On this question the yeas and nays have been ordered, and the clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk. called the roll, Mr. KENNEDY. I announce that the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. DODD), the Senator from Maryland (Mr. TYDINGS), and the Senator from Georgia (Mr. RUSSELL), are necessarily absent. Mr. GRIFFIN. I announce that the Senator from Kentucky (Mr. Coox), the Senator from Colorado (Mr. DOMINICK), the Senator from New York (Mr. GOODELL), the Senator from Iowa (Mr, MILLER), and the Senator from Texas (Mr. TowER) are necessarily absent. The Senator from Oregon (Mr. FIAT- FIELD) is absent on official business. The Senator from South Dakota (Mr. MUNDT) is absent because of illness. If present and voting-, the Senator from South Dakota (Mr. MuNDT) would vole "nay." On this vote, the senator from New York (Mr. GOODELL) is 'paired with the Senator from Colorac.o (Mr. DoMINICK P. If present and voting, the Senator from New York would vote "'yea" and the Sen- ator from Colorado would vote "nay." On this vote, the Senator from Oregon (Mr. HATFIELD) is paired with the Sena- tor from Texas (Mr. TOWER). If present and voting, the Senator from Oregon would vote "yea" ant the Senator from Texas would vote "nay." The result was announced-yeas 44. nays 46. as i'ollows: [No. 41d Leg] YEAS _-44 Bayh Gravel M ns$eid Burdick Harris Mathias Byrd, W. Ca. Hart McCarthy Case Hartke McGovern Church Hollings Metcalf Cooper Hughey Mondale Cranstms Inouye Mentoyr, Eagleton Javit,; Mass Fulbright. Kenuerit Muskie Gore Long Nelson Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R00030014001,0-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE S19693 Pearson Ribicoff Williams, N.J. Pell Saxbe Williams, Del. Percy Schweiker Yarborough Proxmire Spong Young, Ohio Randolph Stevenson NAYS-46 Aiken Ellender McIntyre Allen Ervin Murphy Allott Fannin Packwood Anderson Fong Pastore Baker Goldwater Propty. Belhhon Griffin. Scott Bennett Gurney Smith Bible Hansen Sparkman Boggs Holland Stennis Brooke Hruska Stevens Byrd, Va. Jackson Symington Cannon Jordan, N.C. Talmadge Cotton Jordan, Idaho Thurmond Curtis D Magnuson M ll Cl 1 dung, N. Dak. ole Eastland c e an McGee NOT VOTING-10 Cook Hatfield Tower Dodd Miller Tydings Dominick Mundt Goodell Russell So Mr. rejected. Today, however, I would like to men- tion very briefly a different type of strength that is needed for a strong America. This strength resides in the spirit and soul of the American people. It is a deep desire for peace: of necessity peace with security, but peace that pro- vides hope and confidence for the future of America and all mankind.. A society that continues, year after year, to con- centrate a large bulk of its resources on the machinery of war and destruction runs the risk of debilitating its inner- most morality and inherent humanity. For the best part of three decades we have run this risk. Now perhaps there is a chance for change. As we vigilantly maintain our national security, by pru- dent and judicious defense expenditure, as the disengage from war in Asia, and as we closely watch negotiations in Paris .and Helsinki, we may be able to divert a greater proportion of our resources to The action which has been taken by the Committee on Appropriations fol- lows a long line of precedents. I appreciate very much, and I know my colleagues do, the action of the Ap- propriations Committee. Mr. President, over the past 2 years the Senate has rigorously examined the con- stitutional framework of policymaking for foreign affairs and national security matters. A very important application of the responsibilities of the Senate in these areas was the debate over Cambodia. A decisive statement of the majority view of the Senate is found in the pending bill, the Department of Defense appro- priations bill. 1971. Section 843 provides: SEc. 843. In line with the expressed inten- tion of the President of the United States, none of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be used to finance the introduction of American ground combat troops into Laos, Thailand, or Cambodia. Peaceful needs at home. The committee report states that the I view this current appropriations bill committee's recommendation for the in- as a step toward this end. While I had elusion of Cambodia in section 843 of the. hoped it might be possible to effect an bill is based upon the earlier action of even greater reduction in the amount the Senate with respect to the defense recommended, I am satisfied that it is an authorization bill on December 15, 1969, excellent beginning. I commend the and the Cooper-Church amendment to members of the committee for their the foreign military sales bill, H.R. 15628, action. was adopted by the Senate, 58 to 37. Mr. COOPER. Mr. President (Mr. This clear affirmative action by the SPONG), I do not intend to repeat the Appropriations Committee marks an- arguments made many times in the other important step in the effort by the ,early part in the Cooper-Church-Mans- Senate to fulfill its constitutional re- field-Aiken amendment. It was said at sponsibilities in the joint making of for- the time that the amendment we offered eign policy, particularly with respect to was an unusual amendment and without engagement in war over a period of precedent. In my statement I have noted years-certainly since 1954. the many reasons, on which this ques- The primary purpose of the Cooper- tion has been raised and considered by Church amendment was to assert the the Senate in previous years. view of the Senate that the United States In 1954, the debates show, on the ques- should not become involved in a new war tion of the Korean security treaty, a col- in Cambodia, a country to which it has loquy between the distinguished Senator no commitments, without the expressed from Mississippi and then chairman of approval of the Congress. Underlying the. Committee on Foreign Relations, their purpose is an attempt to resolve Mr. Wiley, and myself, in which the the continuing and contentious problem Senator from Mississippi raised this of whether a decisioh to enter into a war question of the "constitutional process" should be made by the President alone provided in that treaty, as necessary to or by the President and the Congress, implement the treaty-to provide for the and whether the involvement of the argument of the United States in war. United States In a war is necessary for Since that time, the Senate has looked the security of the United States and its into the question and the Foreign Rela- people. These are issues which have tions Committee, under Senator FUL- troubled the Congress and the people BRIGHT, examined them rigorously. The during the life of the Republic, but more subcommittee under the Senator from particularly since World War II. Missouri (Mr. SYMINGTON), reviewing The Constitution provides that the U.S. commitments, in action last year, Congress has the authority to declare .taken on the national commitments res- war, to make rules and regulations for olution, approved by the Senate, the ap- the Armed Forces and to raise and sup- proval of an amendment which I offered port armies and a Navy, to suppress in- to the defense authorization bill, which surrection and repel invasion. The Con- was stricken in conference; later, the stitution provides that the President amendment which Senator MANSFIELD shall be Commander in Chief of the and I offered to the defense appropria- Army and the Navy of the United States tion. bill, which was modified by the ef- and the militia when called into service fective work of Senator Church-and of the United States. While the notes of that is the beginning of our work to- members of the Constitutional Conven- gether on later amendments-and the tion distinguished the power of the Senator from New York (Mr. JAVITS), President from that of the King of Eng- the Senator from Colorado (Mr. AL- land who had the power to declare war LOTT), the Senator from Michigan (Mr. and to raise armies and to make war, GRIFFIN), and others, a limitation upon the exact and distinctive war powers of the use of troops in Laos and Thailand the President and the Congress have was accepted by Congress and by the ad- never been determined. ministration. There has never been any doubt, nor Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, T move to reconsider the vote by which the amendment was rejected. Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota. I move to lay that motion on the table. The'motion to lay on the table was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER, The bill is open to further, amendment. If there be no further amendment to beprgposed, the question is on the engrossment of the amendments and the third reading of The amendments were ordered to be engrossed and the bill to be read a third time. The bill was read the third time. Mr. MATHIAS. Mr. President,. I was greatly encouraged this past week to learn that the Appropriations Commit- tee, under the dedicated leadership of the Senator from Georgia and the Sen- ator from Louisiana, had decided to re- port the Department of Defense appro- priations bill to the Senate with ,a de- crease of $389 million below the amount recommended by the House. When one considers that the House version was itself about $1.9 billion below the origi- nal estimate, it is possible to hope that at least in this area, Christmas may ar- rive a few weeks early to the American taxpayer. The Appropriations Committee,1?y de- ?ciining to include in this bill funds which were not in the President's budget and which have not received the required an- nual authorization, has demonstrated the proper emphasis on orderly proce- dure which is. essential for efficient eco- nomical government. I ?everal months ago, when the Senate was debating the military authorization bill, I spoke on the twin bulwarks; for a strong, secure, America in, the future. They were education and science, With- out a renewed commitment to these, areas, which have not been accorded the support they require, all of our sophisti- cated new hardware could conceivably incase our society in a suit of inflexible, inanimate steel. c believe we have be- come aware of this danger and are de- termined to prevent it. Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 19694 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 coNG:RESSIOANAL RECORD -SENATE Dec e itber 8, 1 I 70 is there 'slow, in the, event of sudden at., tack upon the territory of the United States or upon U.s3.-forces, tlit President. has the authority and duty to repel at- tack. But since World War 33, the way in which the Government of the United States--the Congress and' the. Exeeu.. tive--decide upon whether war is nec- essary for our security, has been con.. tinually at issue. On January 26 of 1954 it the debate on the Korean security treat', the distin- guished chairman of the Armed Services Committee, Mr. STENNIS, and I, engaged in a colloquy with the then ahairma:n of the Foreign Relations Committee, Sena- tor Wiley of Wisconsin. IT-c issue was over the meaning of "constitutional processes" and I am going to place In the RECORD at thv conclusion of my re- marks the full colloquy--a eolloqu v which I believe throws much light on the issue that has been so heatedly debate?i over the past 2 years. At this point I would like to quote the following portion. Senator SrENNIS Is questioriil Senator Wiley then chairman of - the Foreign Relations Committee about the meaning of "constitutional processes": - Senator STENNIS. If the language does not mean the Presides, can act without the ao Lion of the Congress, then what does it mean and why Include such language? M}. Wu:EY. To put it In a little different way, let me say the language simply means that if there is an avert attack by an afgres- sor upon one of our allies, the United Statis will simply take whatever action is deter- mined by the President and the Congress 10 be advisable unde__" the circumstances, hav- ing in mind the obligations of this Treaty, if It is ratified. Mr. STmeNrs. The Senator says 'the Nreed- dent and the Congress.' He means, does :se not, that the language did require affirma- tive action by Congress before the United States could enter Into armed, onfliet or, into a war? A few moments later IT! the debate. Senator S'riqNrs, seeking further clari:5- cation of the war-making ??nwers of the President and the Congress;, said as fol- lows : Mr. STENNIS. Of course, we protect cur troops wherever they may be. However, apart from that, does the Senator from Wisconsin agree that before we would be called on to act under this Treaty, affirm-vtive action by the Congress as well as the President would be required? Does the Senator agree to that? States take action which, as a practical mat-- ter, may have the effect of committing this Nar;ion to war without a congressional dec- le cation of war'?" The phrase, "constitutional processes" roLSt imply the powers of both President and Congress. Under the Constitution the President of the United States can assert u;nler certain circutn'tances---such as our troops being attacked or our physical area being invaded--his constitutional power as Commander in Chief io take aciion for the security of the country. Such action could. ,,f course, lead to war. The important language In this article, it teems to me, in addition to the phrase "con- s'tittrtional processes," which is difficult, of interpretation, is the 'anguage defi.ntnZ the aril, and. conditions in which the United S'trites would be morally committed to take sosne action under its; constitutional prop:- es:aes. :I believe the distinguished Senator from W.sconsin has said that he did not intend to make a statement which would interpret in any way the words "constitutiont processes" ,o exclude the constitutional power of the President of the United States as Commander in Chief to act;, under certain circumstances which he might think proper, to protect the aemrity of the United States. Is that correct? Mr. WILEY. Yes, of course. Again we get Into a field which has been the subject of discussion for some 165 years, as I have said. However, I believe that with the understand- ing which has been appended as a result of the suggestion of the Senator from Georgia 114r, GrosoEl there can be no question as to what the meaning of the treaty is. As I have stated, there 1s nothing in the treaty which w uld delimit the constitutional power of either Congress or the President. Mn CoorZR. We seem simply to speak In a Circle and come back to where we Started. V hat does "constitutional processes mean? Mr. WILEY. It is not a Bricker amendment, if tbat is what the Senator has in mind. Mr. COOPER. We come back to the question : What are the constitutional powers of the President and Congress with respect to tak- ing steps toward war? I believe that tha? dis- tinguidxed Senator from Wisconsin has said brat, in the--absence of such circumstances at demanded the protection of the security of the United States, we would certainly ex- pect that Congress would determine whether t41,e United States should go to war. The, debate I have quoted from 1954 concerned Korea. However, the problem of national commitments was very much the principle at issue then as it is now. The history of the past 25 years pro- vides ninny significant examples of the rrocesses of progressive involvement to war without any express prior conimit- reent by our Government. It could, oc- iot commit forces until the Congress has given its approval, either by a declaration of war or by a joint resolution of trsa Congress? In fact, as the situation exists today, with the presence of our Armed Forces in a number of other countries, there is obviously a great dallg;er that we could become engaged in a war without "con- stitutional processes" ever being exer- cised by joint action be the President and the Congress. For in addition to Vietnam, American troops are stationed in large numbers in Korea, Japan, the Philip- pines, Thailand, Nationalist China, and Western Europe. Senator Snarno'ro s subcommittee of the Senate Committer' on Foreign Rela- tions has made a very thorough exam- ination of our forces commitments around the world and has asked many basic questions about the necessity for their continued pre.^:nce. The admin- istration is making a. similar examina- tion. Both branches are seriously extfni- fining the possibility of the withdrawal of our forces from other countries con- sistent with our security. This is a worthwhile and necessary inquiry, for it is evident that the mere presence of sizable forces in other coup- tries is a significant factor that could lead to war without "Constitutional proc- esses." Our involvement in war in Viet- nam began with a limited military train- ing program to the Government of South Vietnam. In 1962, the United States ex- panded its forces in South Vietnam as the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese enlarged the war against the Government Mr. Wiley replied: Very well. I think that 'f the clrcum- stances were such as r have suggested. namely, if there had been an overt act of isg- gression but our troops were not involved or if there had not been an attack of our own troops but simply an attack of our allies, it would necessarily follow under Article III [of the UN Charter], that ae would act to meet the common danger; and our action at that time would be in accordance with Con- stitutional processes. If it did not mean e,ni- sultation, or something similar,-with respect to which the Executive has the power, and If it meant utilization of the armed force,;; I believe that Congress would raid should have to decide. Mr. WILEY. I agree.... Mr. COOPER. The Senator from Mississippi bas raised the most searching question that can be addressed to this treaty. As the Sera- ter from Wisconsin has said, it is the age-old oonstitutional question, "Under what ?air- cunistances can the Presider t of the United tua ly threa ens South Vietnam. Gradually, our forces The Collapse of Nazi Germany brought from 650 in 1< ra y, about 17,000 the Soviet armies into Eastern Europe fine to a peak of 535,bout 7,000 where they still remain. The fall of Na- tionalist China, the attack upon South When our forces were fired upon, our ]torea, and the possibility of a takeover involvement in a major war was irretriev- of Southeast Asia by Communist China, ably determined. This involvement vial caused the United States to construct a approved by the Congress in August, of 'side ranging series of bilateral and mul- 1964 with the Tonkin Bay Resolution, but tilateral mutual defense agreements de- the many small but increasingly bind- . ;1gned primarily to contain the Soviet ing decisions had bs"n made over a peri- 'Ernion and Communist China. They are od of at least 10 years. sight In number and include 43 nations. I do not believe that any of the Pres- Among them are NATO, SEATO, and idents who have been involved with Viet- AMUS and American multilateral nam, Presidents Truman, Eisenhower. treaties with Japan, Korea, the Philip- Kennedy, Johnson, or President Nixon. pines, and Nationalist China. foresaw or desired that the United States While these treaties differ in certain would become involved in a large scale Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R00030014001.0-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE war in Asia. But the fact remains that a steady progression of small decisions and actions over a period of 20 years had forestalled a clear-cut decision by the President or by the President and Con- gress-decision as to whether the de- fense of South Vietnam and involvement in a great war were necessary to the se- curity and best interest of the united States. In the light of the experience in Vietnam, a basic change in attitude has taken place. In constitutional terms, the recognition that "Constitutional proc- esses" become difficult if not irrelevant once engaged in a war, has underlined the urgency of the debate of the past few years over Cambodia. Of course, economic difficulties and severe social problems at home, the de- sire to change our priorities, are. factors in congressional concern, but most im- portant, I submit, is a growing aware- ness on the part of the Congress that it must carry out its constitutional respon- sibilities to share the, burden of decision- making and judgment on vital issues of policy and national security. On June 25, 1969,' by a vote of 70 to 16, after several years of thought and consideration, the Senate approved the national commitments resolution. In brief, the resolution states that the use of Armed Forces, of the United States or the promise of their use to another court try upon the territory of another country, shall not be deemed a national commitment of the United States unless explicitly agreed to by the President and the Congress by a treaty, statute or resolution, Building upon this principle, I intro- duced an amendment on August 12, 1960, to the defense authorization bill denying funds for the use Of American forces in support of Laos or Thailand. amendment was approved 86 to 0 on September 17, 1969, but was deleted in conference with the house. Later, on December 15, Senator MANSFIELD 'and ' I Introduced an amendment for the same purpose to the defense defense appropriations bill, It was modified by Senator CHURCH and thus marked the beginning of our association on Cooper-Church-and sup- ported by Senators JAVITS, ALLOTT, and GRIFFIN, among others, denying `the use of funds for American ground forces in Laos. It was passed by the Congress and approved by the President and remains the law of the land. The intended effect of these amendments was to insure that be- fore American forces could be come ritted to the defense of these countries i i way, the President must secure the approval .The Cooper-Church amendment to the military, sales bill which passed the Sen- ate by a vote of 58 to 37 on June 30, 1970, hada similar purpose : That is, to. require that before any future commitmgnt to a country with which we have no obliga- tion that any new commitments must be the result of a joint decision on the part I am very pleased that the Senate Ap- propriations Committee has accepted the basic principles of the Cooper- Church amendment and incorporated it as a part of the bill. Senator CHURCH and I are extremely grateful to Senator Rus- SELL, Senator ELLENDER, and Senator STENNIS and others for their careful consideration of our written request to the Appropriations Committee that Cambodia be a part of the prohibition for U.S. ground combat troops along with Laos and Thailand. The action of the Appropriations Com- mittee is an affirmation of the constitu- tional principle that the President can- not commit troops to war in support of another country without the approval of the Congress. The debate of the past several, years and-this most recent action by the Sen- ate Appropriations Committee is in no sense a derogation of the President on the constitutional authority of the Pres- ident. On the contrary, it is a clear ex- pressfon of the reestablishment of the proper relationship between the Congress and the President with respect to the warinaking powers. This effort to reestablish a proper con- stitutional relationship has in no way restricted the President's powers to pro- tect our forces--to respond to an attack upon U.S. forces or upon the United States itself. In these actions, the Pres- ident does not require the approval of Congress but he cannot take the United States into war unless the threat to our security is immediate, without the con- sent of the Congress. And in the event of an action to meet some immediate threat the Congress has the right to cut off funds for such actions if the Con- gress after due deliberation decides that continued action is not essential to U.S. security. - There has been suggested by so-me, commentators that the process of the past several years to reestablish the con- gressional role in the making of foreign policy, and security affairs is a part of a movement toward neoisolationism. Comparisons have been made with the battle over the Bricker amendment in the early 1950's. This is a false analogy. The Bricker amendment largely con- cerned the issue of the overriding of domestic law by treaties and conven- tions. It would have provided that do- mestic law could not be superseded ex- cept by a statute approved by the Con- gress. The Bricker amendment was part of a larger conflict between those who advocated a major international role for the United States and the isolationists. There are very few Members of Con- gress who desire a return to fortress America kind of isolationism. What is at issue is not whether we should be in- volved in the world but rather, how our power should be used to best further our interests. It is my belief that the debate of the past few years in the Senate and the Congress over Indochina and the re- view of our other commitments has strengthened the ability of the legisla- ture to make the joint decisions called for by the constitution. The action of the Appropriations Committee on section 843 is an important declaration of this new institutional strength. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to insert into the RECORD at this point the debate that took place Janu- ary 26, 1954, in the Senate. S 19695 There being no objection, the debate was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: MUTUAL DEFENSE TREATY WITH- KOREI The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed consideration of the treaty, Execu- tive A (83d Cong., 2d sess.), a Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea. signed at Wash- ington on October 1, 1953. Mr. ROBERTSON. Mr. President, will the Senator from Wisconsin yield? Mr. WILEY. I yield to the Senator from Virginia. Mr. ROBERTSON. Mr. President, I preface my question by saying if anyone who is in- terested in knowing why the Bricker amend- ment was presented, will take the trouble to read the debate in the Senate in 1945, when the Senate, unanimously, with the ex- ception of only one Member, voted to ratify the charter of the United Nations, he will find that the people of the Nation, and al- most every Senator, were so imbued with the thought that the charter of the United Nations would be the instrumentality of pre- venting another world war that the hope was expressed by many, including Members of the Senate who discussed the charter, that posterity would look upon that action as it did upon the work of the Philadelphia Con- vention of 1787, when the Nation was formed. Some very eloquent and wonderful speeches were made on the floor of the Sen- ate at that time, but only one minor part of the charter was discussed, and that was done by the distinguished Senator from Michigan (Mr. FERGUSON), who raised the question as to what kind of agreement would be involved if the Security Council called on the Pres- ident of the United States to send troops abroad in the event of another war, or to stop an aggression which might lead to a major conflict. The Senator from Michigan hazarded a guess that in such a cage a treaty would have to be submitted to the Senate. That viewpoint was challenged, primarily on the ground that the Security Council was only a part of the United Nations, that the United Nations was not a super sovereign government, and that never in the past had we negotiated a treaty except with a sover- eign nation. At the time of the debate there was no discussion of the fact that an international PEPC was involved in the United Nations Charter, and also the question of human rights, which some persons claim can, if acted on in a certain way change our Bill of Rights. So, as I say, without any mature consideration of what the Charter meant, but in an impulsive way, all but one Member of the Senate voted for its ratification. In 1948 we find the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare considering an PEPC bill. That committee reported a bill, with a substantial number of Senators sign- ing their names to the report, stating that, regardless of whether such a bill could be authorized by our Constitution, it was au- thorized by the Charter of the United Na- tions. Again, when a President of the United States seized the steel companies without any apparent authority, so far as the average lawyer or Member of Congress knew, the Chief Justice of the United States and two other judges who agreed with him held that, even if the President did not have the power he claimed under the Constitution, he had it under the Charter of the United Nations. Consequently, many of us felt that it would be quite appropriate to insert in the Con- stitution, a clear definition of what all good constitutional lawyers said had been the law all the time-and I agree with that view- point-that no treaty which violates the Constitution of the United States can be valid and effective. Another treaty is now brought before the Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S19696 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE DPee;',nber 8, 1,,',vL! Senate,Fa treaty, 'with Korea. I find it tt-e report eofthe committee that the heart of the treaty is article III, which recites: "AtTICLE ITS "Each party recognizes that an armeui at- tack in the Pacific area on either of ti e parties In territories now undo, their reopec: tive administrative control, or hereafter res:- ognised by one oi the parties as lawful:y brought under the adniililstra?:ir e control of The other, Would 'ae dangerous to its own peace and safety and declar'es that it would net to meet the celi:mon danger in accort,- ance with its constitutional processes." The question I desire to at:k my friend, the distinguished .1h: irman o' the Foreign Relations Commit:ee, which; reported the ireatq Is- this: Will he be got enough to make iticrystai dear to uslit his explanation of the treaty to what extent under tll:s treaty we are being committed to a ft.tuie war on the mainland of Asia? The article cf the treaty to which I have just referred prc- tddes that our aid will be rendered in ac- cordance with constitutional processes. Mr. WILEY. That Is correct. Mr. ROBERTSON. tic that, certainly, would clear up the question raised l the Sen.ater from Michigan (Mn FSRGtrsor4) with refer- ence to constitutional processes in connec- lion with the United Nations. We all know that when the V aited Nations voted to enter the Korean war to try to steal the eornrrrnnlstic aggression of North Koren. the President of the United Stt.tes furnishe1 troops, and Congress, to this day, has never been as;red to, vote or given the privilege cf voting obi the question whether the Congress should carry out the provision of the don- stitution that the :Nation caniwt make war except by'an act of congress. I wish the distinguished cheirman of the Foreign Relations Committee would discuss this particular aspect of the treaty. Will we be committed to war .if, at the end of the stalled negotiations in the liar East, the President o f K o r e a t tides he hF-s had enough of such tactics, thin North Koreans are 131 the territory of South Korea, as Indeed the:,' are, and that situation justifies South Kore,t to make war. In that event will we also be at war, under this provision? If that is what W3 are being oommittet to, certairly we should not go to war until.Congrees at) votes. Mr. President, I hope the distingttlebed chairneaa of the committee' will not leave in doubt any provision of the treaty. 1lfos: of us have had little opportunity to consider it. We are all busy with other committees. : had four committee meetings, today, and could not attend them all, ar d from now on there will be constant meetings of the Committee on13ankfng and Currency. I am on five subcommittees of the Appropriator;: Committee, and they will be in constant ses- sion. Of necessity I must rely non the mem- bers of the Foreign Relations Committee, when that Committee reports a'treaty, to ex- plain it fully in oraler that I mnay vote in- telligently. I frankly admit that I am nor. one who-wants to confess to the. Nation that the Senate is incapable of anal'zzng treatise- which it-is called upon to ratify. If I thou.ghi that such was the Lase I would say, Change the Constitution and let the Haase of Relsre sentatives approve taaties. I have pointed out that we ratified the most far-reaching treaty in the form of r, charter in our history. We did not know what was In it. We do not yet know every- thing that is in it in its full application That is the reason why a change in the Con- stitution is now being proposed. 'If something comes 'oat of that treaty vwhje Is clearly in violattor? of our Coi$tituttion, want tc= be sure that it is not going to be-t'.Ie overriC'ing law of thle land. So I call on my distinguished colleague with reference to ttis and an ether treatise that may come before the Senate for ap- prowl to make sure that we are fully ad- wised of what we are doing. Mr. SrmeeeeIS. Mr. President, will the Seri- atar from Wisconsist yield for a brief ques- tfon? Mr. Mr. Pre:.;ident, I yielded for it bra question a, quarter of an hour ago, and In't Jefersonian friend from Virginia de- livered quite a, speech which was very chal- leaging. I would prefer to carry on with niy statement, anti I am sure the answer to the question which was propounded by the distinguished Senator from Virginia will be as complete as the English language cal, make it. ,itr. STENNIS. If the Senator would rather proceed with his speech I shall withhold m;r question. :Mr. WrLEY. Mr. President, in order that is may appear in the RECORD more clearly, I ask unanimous consent at this time that the very brief Mutual Defense Treaty between th 3 United States and the Republic of Koren be printed at this point in my remarks. 'rile PaasmnrG Oawn,Ea (Mr. PAYNE In the chair). Without objection, it is so ordereci. The treaty is as follows: "MSITUAI, DEFEASE TASA'rY BETWEF;N THE UNIT- em STATES OF AMERICA AND THE REPUBLIC oI' SORER "Tice parties to this treaty, "Reaffirming their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments, and desiring to strengthen the fabric of peace in this Pacific area, 'Desiring to declare publicly and formal- ly their common determination to defence themselves against external armed attack so that no potential aggressor could be lender the illusion that either of them stands alone in the Pacific area. 'Desiring fu:ther to strengthen their ef- forts for collective defense for the preserva- tion of peace and security pending the de- velopment of a more comprehensive and ef- fective system of regional security in the Pa ulc area, 'l-lave agreed as follows: "ARTICLE I 'The parties undertake to settle any inter- nal,ional disputes in which they may be in- volved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or to of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations, or obligations assumed by any party toward the United Nations. "ARTICLE II "The parties will consult together when- ever, in the opinion of either of them, the political independence or security of either of the parties Is threatened by external arried attack.- Separately and jointly, by self-help and :mutual aid, the parties will maintain and develop appropriate mean.-, to deter armed attack aid will take suitable measures In consultation and agreement to implement this treaty and to further its purposes. "ARTICLE III "Each party :'ecogrizes that an armed at- tact in the Pacific area on either of the parties In territories now under their re- speetive administrative control, or hereafter recognized by one of the parties as lawfully brought under the administrative control of the other, would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accord- ance with its constitutional processes. "ARTICLE IV "Ibe Republ:e of. Korea grants, and the United States of Ana-erica accepts, the right to dispose of United States land, air, and sea Sorcee in and about the territory of the Republic of Korea as determined by mutual agreement. "AAT'Id,F: V "This treaty shall be ratified by the Unite-6 States of America and toe Republic of Korea in aocordanee with their respective cons itu- tional processes and will come into force when instruments of ratification thereof have been exchanged by them at Washing- ton. ARTICLF VT "This treaty shall remain in force incleii- nitely. Either party mat terminate it 1 year after notice has been given to the other party. "In witness whereof the undersigned Pleni- potentiaries have signed this treaty. "Done in duplicate at Washington, in the English and Korean lare,;sag's, this I't day of October 1953. "For the United Status of America: "JOTS FosTER Duci re "Per the Republic of stores: `Y. T, PYt;r~. Mr. WILEY. Mr. Press lent, on Thursday. January 21, the Committee our Foreign Rela- tions reported the Mutual Defense Treaty With Korea--Executive .9, 83d Congress, 2d session---signed at Washington On October 1. 1953, unanimously recommending that the Senate give. its advice and consent to ratifi- cation at an early date. When this body gave its approval to the security pact between ti,, United States anal Japan in 1951, one of tie primary elements which motivated our dc-vision was the con- viction that while such a pact was essential to preserving the safes of this country in the Far East, it was also a prerequisite to the restoration of Japan eg a. free nation in a divided world comma=city. For we knew, and we know now, that if the Soviet Union and a Sovietized China could encompass Ja- pan within their sprawling, expanding orbit. then the power of world communism in the Pacific, buttressed by .1- pan's great indus- trial potential, would directly and gravely menace the-security of the United States in the westward approache'. to this continent. Parenthetically, Mr. President, I night say that most of us realize that we are no longer living in yesteryear. This little world has changed considerably, evea since the begin- ning of the Second World War, and has be- come very small, indeed We have airplanes that can travel a thousand miles an hour. We now have the A-bomb and the H-bomb. We are now able to cross Our own continent in a matter of 4 hours and we cross the Atlantic in 4 hours, if it is necessary. The result is that every nation is in every other nation's backyard, speaking figuratively and realistically. I was speaking a moment ago about Ja- pan. Virtually the same considerations are valid with respect to the Mutual Defense Treaty with Korea which The Senate now has before it. If we learned in the Second World War that the Pacific Ocean was a pathway for Japan to attack out wea:ternmost pos- sessions, we have learned, and we should now realize, that the Security of Japan de- pends upon our preserving a free and in- dependent Korea in the territory across the Sea of Japan-territory which points as a bayonet at the heart of the island empire. The security of Korea i'= therefore a matter of the most vital concern to the United States, the United Nations, and the free 'world. One treacherous attempt has already been made to lay hands spoil this bastion of freedom, which came perilously close to sueeeding. Have we forgotten the ordeal of Pusan? Have we forgotten what the position of Japan and of our force stationed there would have been had the Communists from North Korea driven the defenders of the republic into the sea? Many who are experienced in world affairs are convinced that this aggressive attack against Korea, conceived, prepared, and armed by an outside power, might never Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 December 8, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE have been unleased had the enemy been the other, would be dangerous to its own advised in advance-and this 1s important- peace and safety and declares that it would that it could expect the United States to act to meet the danger in accordance with react with immediate and vigorous means its constitutional processes." in aid to the victims. One of Secretary of The unusual phraseology of this article rel- State Dulles' principal preoccupations has ative to territory under the administrative been to avoid this repetition of past error, control of one of the parties, was drafted to that we do not again permit a would-be take cognizance of the fact that at present the violator of free territory to miscalculate the Republic of Korea has effective control only intentions of the United States, In the words over a part of the peninsula, and to antici- of Mr. Dulles: pate the day when a settlement unifying the "I believe, as one looks back at the wars of country would be reached through processes this century, that it can be said with a high recognized as lawful by the United States. degree of probability that if the aggressors It should be emphasized that the treaty had known in advance what we would, do, does not become operative unless one of the that probably they would have not coin- parties is the victim of an external armed matted the acts of aggression. attack. It does not extend to the case of "I think it is absolutely clear as to what large-scale domestic riots or disturbances in- we would do, if Korea were again invaded stigated by an outside power, nor does it ap- from the north. We would do what we did ply to the violent overthrow of the Govern- before. Inent or to a coup d'etat. An armed attack "The important thing is to let that be initiated by one of the parties to the treaty clearly known. Then, I think it is not likely falls outside it's scope. The instrument, in -to happen, but if there is doubt about that, other words, is not an offensive alliance. then it Is likely to happen." More significant, it does not apply to ter- In short, the primary value of this treaty ritories not now under the administrative consists in giving the Communists notice, control of either party, nor to territory which beyond any possibility of misinterpretation, is not at some future time recognized by the that if they embark upon another aggression United States as having been lawfully In Korea, the United States will not sit Idly brought under the administrative control of by, but that we can be expected to take the other party. In order to eliminate all pos- prompt and adequate measures to meet it. At sible doubts on this score, it was suggested the, same time, the treaty constitutes an ad- by the Senator from Georgia [Mr. GEORGE] ditional link in the system of mutual secur- that there be included in the Senate resolu- ity thus far developed .In the Pacflic. It fills tion giving its advice and consent to ratifica- a gap in the fabric of treaties which have tion an interpretative clause worded as fol- already been concluded between the United lows: States, on the one hand, and the Philippines, "It is the understanding. of the United Australia and New Zealand, and Japan. Like States that neither party Is obligated, under the other security treaties with these coun- article III of the above treaty, to come to the tries, the Korean Treaty provides for con- aid of the other except in case of an exter- suitation andl when necessary, appropriate nal armed attack against. each party; nor action. And it reaffirms the belief of the shall anything in the present treaty be con- United States that the greatest measure of strued as requiring the United States to security is to be found in collective measures. give assistance to Korea except in the event The provisions of this treaty evidence our of an armed attack against territory which desire for peace. It is not a threat to any na- has been recognized by the United states tion, but rather further proof of our will to as lawfully brought under the administra- live in peace, and to work toward that end tive control of the Republic of Korea." through collective action for the protection The suggestion was adopted in the com- of the free nations in the Pacific. This is mittee. Such an understanding is altogether clearly recognized In the preamble, which consistent with the intention of the parties proclaims the determination of the parties at the time the agreement was being ve- to defend themselves against external armed gotiated; for Secretary Dulles indicated to the attack, and to strengthen their efforts for committee at the hearings that this very collective defense pendin th d l g e eve opment point was emphasized to the representatives of a more effective system of regional secur- of the republic when article III was drafted. ity in that area. It Is also confirmed in ar- The United States, under the treaty, reserves tidle I, under which the parties undertake for itself the right to determine whether ter- to settle by peaceful means any international ritory not now under the administrative dispute in which they may be involved, and control of Korea has lawfully been brought to refrain in their international relations under such control. from the threat or use of force inconsistent There can be no question, therefore, of the with the purposes of the United Nations, or United States becoming Involved under this obligations assumed by any party toward the treaty in hostilities resulting from a uni- United Nations. lateral attempt to the Government of Korea Whenever either party is of the opinion to unify the country by forceful means or by that the political Independence or security of any other means not regarded as lawful by either is threatened by external armed at- the United States. Whatever the practical tack, the parties are required, under article consequences of such action by the other II, to consult together. This article, which, party would be, we are not warranted in as- as will be noted, incorporates the principle suming that the Republic of Korea will do of the Vandenberg resolution-Senate Res- other than to abide by the terms of the olution 239, 80th Congress-obliges the par- armistice agreement to which they and we ties, separately and jointly, to undertake. have solemnly subscribed. through self-help and mutual aid, to main- Mr. President, I believe it is important to tain and develop appropriate means to deter call attention to one other element in the armed attack and to implement the treaty. formula of article III, which recognizes that The heart of the treaty, as was said by the the armed attack referred to would be dan- distinguished Senator from Virginia [Mr. gerous to the peace and safety of the parties. ROBERTSON], who recently asked me a ques- Any action we take pursuant thereto would tion, Is contained in article III, which re- then, under this article, be determined in ceived a most careful examination in the accordance with our constitutional process. committee. It is worded as follows: Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, will the Sena- "Each party recognizes that an armed at- for from Wisconsin yield for a question at tack in the Pacific area on each of the par- that point? ties, in territories now under their respective The PRESIDING OFFICES (Mr. PAYNE in the administrative control, or hereafter recog- chair). Does the Senator from Wisconsin nized by one of the parties as lawfully yield to the Senator from Mississippi? brought under the administrative control of Mr. WILEY. I yield. S 19697 Mr. STENNIS. The Senator from Wisconsin has quoted from article III the phrase 4'in accordance with its constitutional processes." Will the Senator explain fully, exactly what is meant by the phrase "in accordance with its constitutional processes," and also give his opinion as to whether or not con- stitutional processes were met at the time the United States went to war in Korea? I ask the question in all good faith, and not in criticism of anyone. I was a Member of the Senate at the time the United States went to war in Korea. I did not raise any objection at the time we sent our troops there. However, I believe we have learned something in a practical way about what the clause can mean, and what it did mean, because it is to be found in article 43 of the United Nations Charter, which is on the sub- ject of the use of troops and force. So I shall appreciate the opinion, conclu- sion, and assurance of the Senator from Wis- consin as to what is meant by the phrase "in accordance with its constitutional proc- esses," as used in article III of the Mutual Defense Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea. Mr. WILEY. My reply to that question would be that any action we take under the terms of article III would then be determined in accordance with our constitutional proc- ess. This approach follows the principle of the Monroe Doctrine, rather than the "attack upon one is an attack upon all" principle of the North Atlantic Treaty. I think it will be agreed that the Korean treaty approach, which was previously formulated by Mr. Dul- les in the Philippine and Australian-New Zealand pacts, has some advantages over the North Atlantic Treaty formula; and it avoids the constitutional question marks which seem to have been suggested by the latter. The proposed treaty does not change in any way the constitutional relationship be- tween the President and the Congress with respect to the use of the Armed Forces of the United States. What we do will be in accord- ance with the constitutional processes. If the Senator will refer to page 5 of. the report he will find this language under the headline "'Monroe Doctrine' Formula," par- agraph 6: "The second element to be noted In the formula of article III is it? replacement of the specific commitment language used in the North Atlantic Treaty- Which I have just read- by what Secretary Dulles has called the "Monroe Doctrine" principle. Thus, each party, in article III, recognizes that the armed attack. referred to therein would be danger- ous to its own peace and safety. The action to be taken would then be determined In accordance with its constitutional process. By contrast, the North Atlantic Treaty for- mula makes an attack upon one tantamount to an attack upon all, so that such an at- tack, which might not take place against the United States itself, is nevertheless so re- garded." That is, in the North Atlantic Treaty. "Because of the constitutional Issues which the approach suggests, for example, whether an attack upon another gives the President the same inherent right to act as an attack upon United States territory, the language of President Monroe was regarded by Secretary Dulles as preferable when he negotiated the Philippine and Australia-New Zealand Pacts, and is reproduced in the Ko- rean Treaty. "In short, the phraseology of article III of the Korean Pact permits the United States to take any action we deem appropriate by our constitutional processes, and gives ade- quate assurance of support to the other country which may be the victim of an at- tack. It has the additional advantage of never having been challenged throughout Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000300140010-0 S 19698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE Deem ber 8, 19'"U our history, from the +eonstitutional stand-. always have to be very sure of our facts. As in regard to exactly hose far we are com-, point, as altering the balance cf power be.. 1. hive said many times, until one obtains mitted, before we vote on the treaty. That ra tween the President and Congress." the facts, one had better not apply a prin- why I am pressing for its answer to thr= Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, will the Son, ciple; otherwise one may apply the principle question. ator from Wisconsin yield for another ques- to the wrong set of facts. I fully appreciate the very fine sentiments ion? IJ.'r. STENNIS. AJr. President, I am very glad of the chairman of the Foreign Relations Mr. WILEY. I yield, to try to restate my question, because I think Committee, and I know bt, is sincere in what Mr. STrNIsIS. Spec'-tically the 0 -use use we are it is a very vital question before the Senate. he says. Jiseussing means that before the United I am referring to article III. The last clause Mr. WiLriY. Of course, the courts have held States can resort to ffirce or use troops, before therein reads: "in accordance with its con- that the United Nations (charter is not self- it can go to war, it,%All be necessary that the stitutional processes." executing; and, of course, in the case of any matter be brought before the Congress. Is Applying that to the United States, and obligation which we have undertaken under chat correct9 assuming that an attack might be made on the United Nations, the meaning is simply Mr. WILEY. I think the constit.r tional proc- Korea, my question is, Would the consent that we are obligated to handle it under our ess in the case referred to by the Senator front of the Senate to the ratification of the pact, own constitutional procs ses, This, to me, Mississippi would call for a declaration oi or treaty, authorize the President of the at least, is very clear, I believe it means--- war by the Congress. I am not so naive as tc United States to act without action by Con- as I have said several times-that we have say, however, that something might not hap- gress, and to respond to an attack on Korea entered into an arrangement with an allay pen which would be in the nature of sr. by force and send Korea aid, by the use of to protect that any if slime is attacked. Oth- attack upon our forges or upon a part of our the Army, the Navy, or airpower. or to go to erwise, there is no obligation whatever. But war? if our ally is attacked, still it will be up to forritode. ax such a case we would not waft; Dir. WWILEY. My answer is that there is our appropriate constitutional authorities for a Constitutional of war; we would also anti. nothing in the treaty which. would change, to-wit, the Congress and the President, to batt elude, awi g o process might al?- delimit, or add to the powers of the Presi- determine how the United States will live crude, wt, issuing of an xecu ambassador the dent of the United States. up to the agreement. If a resort to war is in- Pttinnt issuing so forth, Ave fve warning, Mr. STENNIS.I know the Senator does not dicated, then clearly Congress will have to cutting M. oft aid, and the Senator mean to be evasive. However, I am asking the take action. Mr. STENNIS. If the Senator will yield. fur;- Senator to go as far as he can in stating what Mr. TuvE. Mr. Presides ,, will the Senator Point? Cher, regardless of hat particular dream.. from Wisconsin yield to me at this theeans, The Senate and Senator ask- is Mr. Wn:EY. I yield. e now, e thinks presenting the the treaty treaty means. are exist at the time o the question stances &r might may arise, are try t ourselves noing; for its ratif.'.cation. In my opinion, merely Mr. TINE. The question which has been In agreeing to this, treaty, y, to go to war if to say that the treaty does not change the raised Is that before the United Nations can Korea is attacked, without any declaration authority of the President of the United commit us to use our troops, the United by the Congress? States does not go far enough to answer the States Congress have a right to act upon a Mr. W=Y. In myopinion,very definitely question fully and directly. resolution which might ,)e before the Seen- the answer is no, but we enter into an under- ].a the treaty a committal by the United rity Council, and we have a right to exer- taking that if there is an overt act by an States to go to war even though Congress else a veto in the event uch a resolution is aggressor upon our ally, then we will do that does not so deb:are? adopted by'the Security Council, and there which we think is advisable and in accord- Mr. WILEY. I thinkI think I have answered fore we have that safety insofar as the atlee with our constitutional processes. the question. There Is a certain angle to the United Nations is concerned, In the case of Mr. STENNrs. Wl-.,a is "we"? Is that the question of the Senator which has been the treaty now before the Senate, of course Congress, or is it the President? debated for almost 165 years. The President. we have a right to ek.amine the various Mr. WILEY. It is the Congress and the as the Executive and as the Commander in questions. President who have; to determine that cues- Chief, under certain circumstances, in a The only part of the Slorean Treaty which Lion. number of instances, in our relations with seems to me to be dangerous is the part Mr. STENNis. Undc. that, interpretation, countries in South America, has assumed which might affect the troops we now have then, an act of Coligress would be required the right and has exercised the power when in Korea, of course we expect to have them before American ibrces could be used, or there was a question of American rights there for tome months to come. in the event the United S':.ates could go to guar under tIe being invaded. a conflict between the So..rth Koreans and the treaty, as the Senator has explained it. :'s Let me try to be so clear in this matter North Koreans should ar tee, our troops woula that correct? that there shall not be any suggestion what- be in the center of the conflict. Then the Mr. WILEY. As I understand the question, solver that I am trying to evade the issue. President would have to have the right and I agree that if an overt act is committed ty I cave said that the treaty does not in the the courage to proceed t) protect our troops an aggressor upon an ally, it then rests with slightest add to or attempt to control or de- at the very moment when shellfire broke out. the constituted authority, to wit, the Con- limit the right of the constitutional power But I believe that within the United Nations gress, to decide whether or not we shall re- of the president of the United States. In sub- we do have the security of having a resolu- gard such aggression as a basis for going to stance, it becomes an agreement with an ally tion considered by the Security Council; and 'war.' that if and when an aggressor attacks that we have the right to veto that resolution it Mr. STEwNIs. That is the interpretation the ally, we will go to the aid of the ally only we must. Senator from Wisconsin places upon the if and when constitutional processes are fol- Mr, STFNNIS. Mr. President, if the Senator pact the Senate is considering today; is it? lowed. from Wisconsin will yield further to me, I Mr. WILEY. That is correct. Mr. STSNNIS. Mr. President, if the Senator should like to boil down the question, repeat- Mr. STENNIS. And onrarticle IIT? from Wisconsin will yield further- ing only a part of it So far as language ie, Mr. WILEY. Yes. . The PazalnuNa OFFICER. Does the Senator concerned, virtually the same language is in Mr. STENNis, W;tll the Seni,tor say that, from Wisconsin yield further to the Senator the United Nation Charter; and a precedent in his opinion, that was the opinion of the from Mississippi? was established under tfiat language at the committee which has reported the treaty, Mr. WILEY. I yield. beginning of the Korean war. and which he represents on the floor today, Mr. STENNIS. Then, Mr. President, let us It seems to me to be good logic and corn- the Committee on 1?'orelgn Relations? suppose that such a condition arose that (nonsense that if now .re reenact virtuall Mr. WILEY. Supplementing what I have the President honestly felt justified and re- the same language, we reinforce the prec:e- said, I would state- that of course the Prelci- gaired the United States to go to war, but dent which already has been established, we dent, as Commarder-in-Chicf, would un- that Congress thought to the contrary, or approve it, and we read into this language the doubtedly come 0 the Congress, he would perhaps was not in session. Then we would meaning which has been given it. That is very undoubtedly submit to the Congress a ;state- be directly confronted with the question, clear; it is both law, logic, and precedent. meat of the facts, and Congress would make What is the President's authority? Therefore, I am raising biat particular point,. the decision as to whether it would make a I should like to raise a further point for I am nos referring to all the condition now declaration of war.' tae consideration of the Senator from W is- existing in Korea. Mr STENNIS. It is the opinion of the Sen- cousin, This exact language is in article 43 As the Senator from leinnesota (Mr. '1 HYYF ator that that Is as far as the treaty of ph Ct of the United Nations Charter. This lan- has said, we already are at war in Korea. Ii goes, and that it does not authorize an attack guage leads most Interested citizens to be- is true there is a truce there now, but it is by us or obligate us to make an attack unless lieve that it insane the question would have merely a, temporary true; and if a treaty of the Congress so declares? t0 come before Congress, and that Congress peace is not concluded,