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Approved For Ruse 2000/08/27 CIA-RDP78-031A000100070016-8
"Yor Party people, an agreement
is an attempt to enlist others
for the purpose or-carrying out
the Party policy . . . by corning
to an agreement . . . we mean
enlisting them on our side, con-
vincing them that we are rigs.-.. ? "r
-- Lenin, Selected Works, Vol. 4
p. 201,nterna Iona ,Publishers,
New York, 1943
From first-hand experience and scholarly research on the subject of
Communist negotiations, we gain a clear-cut picture of how Communists
negotiate and what they hope to achieve with this tool of their co war arsenal.
There follows extracts from various reports and studies of Communist
negotiations and use of negotiations.
Of special interest are the first two selections which are based upon
the "two years and seventeen days, 575 regular meetings, 15,000,000 words"
of the Korean Armistice Agreement where the United States represented the
United Nations in negotiating with Korean and Chinese Communists. "Two
years of agonized travail, "" as the senior UN delegate described it, but two
years which enable the 7ree World to make a penetrating analysis of Commu-
nist use of negotiations as a weapon of war and to employ this knowledge to
insure victory at the "peace table. ""
Lessons Learned from Korea
`mw, C,munlsts Negotiate, Admiral C. Turner,
Jay_ The Macmillan Company, New York, 1955'
Communists neither blunder into conferences nor rush pell-mell to
engage in negotiation, First, the careful! set the sta ti
The Communist system of negotiating does not depend critically on
the individuals involved. Their method is a dogma followed slavishly by
each of their representatives.
They seek an agenda composed of conclusions favorable to their
basic objectives.
Thus the Communists seek to place their negotiating opponents on
the defensive from the outset.
Once negotiations have actually begun, Communists do not allow
matters to proceed in a climate of peace and calm. They create
"incidents" calculated for their negotiating advantage or for their basic
propaganda objectives, or for both. Such "incidents" are not left to
chance: they are plotted and triggered by the Communist negotiating
teams. Their two ur oses, negotiating advantage and propaganda, are
usually served a qu~y a single incident.
One thing, is certain: future negotiations with the Communists
will be marked by more incidents. The "Incident" is one of their
tested techniques.
One of the most notable negotiating tactics of the Communists is
to delay progress. As a general matter, Communists believe that
once negotiations have been initiated, to delay progress toward consum-
mation of agreements tends to weaken the position of their oppenents.
Accordingly, Communist negotiators act upon the premise that if
they delay matters long enough, their free-world opponents will recede
from previously held positions in order to achieve a measure of progress,
especially in the face of continued war and its attendant horrors.
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000100070016-8
Approved For 2000/08/27 CIA-RDP78-03 1A000100070016-8
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