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Publication Date: 
August 5, 1955
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Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01100030001-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01100030001-6 ILLEG1B- -_ ----. proved or Release 2001/08/08 :CIA-RDP78-04007/,$110003000 / 'ROW 6 ^4-At",O &rz4- $ August 195r iallace I. Harrison Harrison $ Abrsmovita 630 `fifth Avnas New Corks Now York ktr. Harrison: -rittt khs --ill of request, i in forwarding herewith perm d On* or our .first FT- current dispersion stanuerdards as prescribed by the Office of ;).tense f _obil- tion. After careful consideration we concluded that we could not o f- Teotively aaccoplish our mission mid comply with the" standards. 4s be- lieve it is eaeenti*l that the Director be Lwmdi*tqly avzailable to the President and the -aational. ; curity Council. There are also an anti t8d fifty to ont heutired of CIA's senior staff who m 3t be in cl.: se daily con- tact with personnel of other , oncies, particularly the Japartments of Ttne /P4.,SV33f.+,Y ? i now l ilding. gee finally concluded that this would not be feasible a being isst ?all we decided to make an all:--rat a ?. ort to obtain an au- t risstton? together with the necessary :ms, to construct the now builyd- ing. In our discussion* with the Public Buildings Service they surgewte1 several . ed.r lly'-owned properties which might provide a suitable location. l 'has t+a natidaer wAs whether we should comply with RT Da Ta UCA-iey - 44 W "&A- sa ral studies to deter tine whether it might not be possible to rslocats .. L._.__...,~._.. _.....a_4 kV...s C]f JI r aa AA ado as tonstrrt~ati the Juformation summrising developments to date in connection wiVa anst o of a new headquarters building for the Cantral Intelligence Agency. The security problems, inefficiency, and excessive costae inherent in cur present situation have long indicated the high desirability of provtd- in.g apace for the a astral ItttaUi Bence Agency in one par rent building. 19>l, through Public Law No, b5, the ."on; Tess authorised - 3 , 0',J`J for the construction of such a building. However, :funds, were net n.ppropri- Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP78-04007AO01100030001-6 rt Approved For Re pase 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP78; 04007AQA1100030001-6 State sl tefensse, and who must also be innediaately available to the Direc- tor as well as to those coo .eats of the Agency under their supervision and upon which they are dependent for support. In our judgment, the neces- sity for such close and expeditious coordination within the Central Intel- ligence . ency and the Intelligence o nity dictated that the entire Agency the White rrueae t t ? reaaa be at on* location not more than a few sites distan The fa rally-orneed properties suggested by the Public .ldisgs Ser- eioo were all within five to ten miles of the Whits House. According ly,# on lei povember 1954 we requested that the Office of :3efenss obili tion concur in an exception to these dispersion standards for our proposed now building. Director, Office of Defense i4obil3*astion, on 31 Dec* er 195b concurred in our request. rrespondence with regard to this matter is attached as TAN A. Of the several sites tben ureter consideration, we con 1nded that the property at at the tau of Public gads Research Station near T ley In Fair- fax qty, Virg, would satisfactorily meat our needs. However, there ,appeared to be certain prable in connection with the use of this site in- valeiug water, sewerage, roads, and.pos3ible civic objection. Cne of the principal factors to be considered was the necessity to extend the George Washington 1(emori al Parkway from its present terminus at Spout Run to the .. w4l_._! _. .59 ..i ewr aa. 4- w&SM.4 ft'. &Mqg A' ?n'. sties and the extension is estieate3 to east *5 Million* since we desired to ascertain as is setter of principle whether use of - feasible before requesting lei i slaation for construction ' th ley of this Pftr y, we consulted with the iaat,ional p ta.i. and on 11 ':arch I appeared before the 'ebru 7 of this year i i , n inn n UM patio l ? pital ? evicu al Ilaraaaiag Council to discuss this location. a"hus resulted in the appointment of a special 00mittee of the a egio .l Wining Cou to study and melee reeco=ewistions concerning the desirability of the proposed location. The canaatttee* reneged that the application of the Central Intell.1,7ence Agency to loca t* in Fairfax County near Lsn ley, Virginia, be approved subject to the stipulation which at that tine had been ssde by the ?!airfasac County ,Ca nning 0,,oaamission that the initial cost of do- rtslopwnt of appurtenant public facilities be borne by the eder*l r xn mat. Cue weer of the coaetaitteie dissented. Hraw vwr, due to subsequAmto debts the reepot of the com ttear has teeter been farsally: acted upon. The resolaution and cosesittoe reports art attached as TA3 D* In early April it was necessary to request our legislation in order to JnXW-t that it would be acted upon during this :session of Congress. In view of the uncertainty which still existed in connection with the Yan'1e7 property we decided to omit from the proposed levislation any language which va*U provide for the extension at the Georg* shin ton trial Parkway Approved For Release 200,1/08/08 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01100030001-6 Approved For Re`lerase 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP78-04007AQ100030001-6 vit) t which we do not belie a use of this property vrauld be feasible on 4 April 1755 I advised the Chairmen of the Rational, Capital Plsnnin#; Co:sniseion to this efioct ur,+i reequectod that the lesion .furnish its views cot:oerning the verai sit as we had discuaaed or others which it might be appropriate to coneider. This resulted in a rasoluti.on bar the . lanning Cca is;asion. stcggeating that cons1 iarationn be given to certain very general lo- cationsa, a ! again this >eaatteer was referred to a now joint cot itteee of the Commission and the Council to work with us in a .further study of the problem. Copies of this correspondence are attached as TAB C. After considering more than thirty sites1e most of which are indicated On the map enclosed with TAB D,, the committee ccncl idsd that six of these suet our criteria and warrantees serious consideration. This report. was cap.. provot at a joint neetin of the Regional Council and the P nnin von isaion and the cos .ttee was asked to study the o tter further in order to cone up with a. more specific roco sa tion. A. copy of this study axed related corre' sponde . is attached as TAB :aD. In our subsequent discussions with responsible officials in the Admm.. iitratioa as well as with the cos aitteues In thA Cone ess before which co- geared, it bees apparent that it would be preferable to locate our head- e aaarters cm the fringe of :metropolitan W'ashin-,*bon, J. C. 4 about this same tie, raairfa x County officials indicated that they, could overa+ satisfac- torily the obaatsolea involving water and swore :,e facilities Bch hwl berms previously anticipated in connection with the LLngley site. In addition, tba County Board of Supervisors extended an invitation to us to ocouny this site. The Planni Corrmission of 'airfax ;ounty far lly expressed to hs Board of 't xvisors the desirability of our locating at .men ley and their Chains stated that in this expression the Co sisaion bad correctly oxp essed the sentient of the ' ovorwhel.Ling majority o ?air- County reesidesnts.. . tsilar invitations wore received. from the Fairfax qty Chaffer of Cowes, representing more than 453 ember# without dis- sents the ~KcLcsn 3usineas Asasociaticn, an the Oreat tails Orant 1o. 7,113 with a membership of 21i2, and y others. We are ac re of the ."cat and naturally under aahd the feelings of some of the residents of the ' man lesey grog who tool that the co t.rativs seclusion of their c a zity mi .ht be is- paired by our 1 catind there. avevexrs theme seems to be no ousetion but that with the exception of this very small zinority ?etrf'aax County would wholeheartedly welcome the Central Intelligence Agency, -r thecae reasons wv requested the onM" to amend mw original proposal so as to provide for the extension of the Ueor rWaastai roan !4emorial Parkway if the '.arigley site should be finally selected. -W'!rrespond ce with the Patrfax County hoard and others with respect to this ;attar is attache; as TAB E. Title IV. of Public TAv No. 161, as veil as the heeoring a and reports Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP78-04007AO0110003.0001-6 Approved Fcsr Release 2001/08/08 CIA-RDP78-04007AO01100030001-6 Noe x h led to our authorization, are attached as TAB F. 'You will note that authorisation for construction was limited to ; b,t t, OOO in lieu of the $5O,OOO,, requested. The necessary* funds to begin this project are .provided for in the Sup- ple ntal Appropriation Act, 1956, Public t w No. 219,E which reads in part as follows ! "C TIAL INTILLxC GIC Construction Tar to prerparation of detail plans and specifications of a Central Intelligence Agency heads rters installation and for other purposes as authorised by Title of the Act of July 15, 1955 (PbUo Law 161), to remain available. until expended, hearings r as Ti8 0, Vh1ah led to this ep After farther careful study and examination of then sews sites we be- 11aoe that Lane ley,* Vir ?.tnia, end *lexzu ria# Virginia,, are than two areas which deserve most serious consideration, hi.3a we have tentatively con- a ed that the Langley property would be pr.forable for our use, we desire to study this matter further, We have an u esrstaniin with the treeu of ftblia 14ads that they will release 100 acres of the Lar.;lop property for our are if that site is finally selected and we have en informal offer of 100 acres at a total cost $350#000 in the A1exanfrria area. This would co iss 85 acres of the oUnkler treat and 1l acres hold by en adjacent ovr r, I bar, advised the Chair n of the National Capital planes wo satcn the status of this matter in a letter dated I Pu ust 1955,. a copy at Vhich is attached as TAB H. Wince, the inasdist. prcble*s before us are the final eela+tion of a site and the development of detailed puce and specifi- cattonal. /3 L. X. hits epnty Director ~aalar, . DD/9 a Lei r laq Distributions 0 4 Addressee by hand of Mr. Dul]. iii his way to N. T. ? 0/515> D/Logistics t $Rg-W lJWOJp 20 $/0 .%6bPtF DP7W4b Q**t00030001-6 .