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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400090017-4 Approved For Release 2001/03/03 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000400090017-4 41 ) -,n ii NPIC/R-529/64 July 1964 MUSLYUMOVO.` 1 U:'SR URAL MD Declass Review by N~~A/DOD PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT Copy 5 6 Paces MUSLYUMOVO AMMUNITION, DEPOT T,A Handle Via TALENT-, KEYHOLE' Control Only. o y manner prejudicial to the safety or Interest of the United States or for the benefit cony foreign government to the detrimenrof the United States. It I. to S. seen only by personnel especially ino>d and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in gor oedgneea with KEYHOLE and WARNING 1 This document contains classified information affecting the natianat. security of the United States within a meaning of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 791. The law prohibits its tcansmissl n , or' the revelation of Its contents in any manner to an unauthorised person a well os its use in n NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER GROUP I I.wr..ey M MN....r...... -TCS-7260/64 NPIC/R-529/64 This report is one in a series on Soviet Ground Force and Logistic installations being prepared for a DIA/CIA el. The series is being coordinated, published and disseminated b* PIC. The photographic analysis is being performed by the NPIC Ph aphOnalysis Group, the CIA Photographic Intelligence Division IC), and the Production Center 1Plc (DIA). The- photographic anal s for this particular re- port was performed by the CIA Photographic Intelligence Division. In the interest of uniformity, the titles and let er" esignators for the facilities observed at these installations are identical with those appearing in the project requirement. When a specific facility is not - observed both its title and letter designator are omitted in the report. Titles and letter designators for the various facilities are as follows: (A) railroad service, (B) road s rvice, (C) landing strips, (D) administrative and troop housing areas, ) storage areas, (F) am- munition storage areas, (G) POL storage areas, (H) other buildings and facilities, (J) equipment storage/maintenance areas, athletic fields, (L) small arms firing ranges, (M) driver traininareas, (N) tank/ assault gun firing xanges, (P) flat trajectory firingrar'ges; (Q) artillery emplacements (batteries), (R) infantry or combined arms field train- ing areas or courses, (S) special training facilities (F) unidentified facilities or, tracking activity. TOP SECRET RUFF TOP SECRET RUFF Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only 25X1 A BE No: TOP SECRET RUF MUSLYUMOVO AMMUNITION DEP 9T MUSLYUMOVO, CHELYABINSK OBLAST, USSR URAL MD 25X1C (55-39N 061-38E) r FIGURE 1. LOCATION OF MUSLYUMOVO AMMUNITION DEPOT. 0 - TCS-7260/64 NPIC/R-529/64 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only TOP SECRET RU Muslyumovo Ammunition Depot is located 3.4 kilometers (km) north-northeast of I iuslyu- movo (55-37N 061-37E) and 52.4 kt* north- northeast of,Chelyabinsk (Figure 1). This in- stallation is served by a spur of the Chelya- binsk--Kamensk-Uralskiy rail line and by a probable hard-surface, all-weather road. A support area is located 2.6 km north of the storage area. The installation encompasses approximate- TCS-7260/64 NP IC/R- 529/64' ly -8904cr~s ands cludes a total of 303 build- ings, which re are five administrative buildings 26 b cks, 233 revetted storage buildings; eight general storage buildings, one transloading shed, eight guard. shacks, and 22 general.buildirgs and a support area. The most I re t coverage of the installa- tion in showed no apparent change since ini i cove ge in DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATION Railroad Service A single spur serves,,the storage area. A siding. from the main line serves the support area. A probable hard-surface, all-weather road connects the installation with a probable hard- surface, all-weather road from Muslyumovo to Kunashak .(55-42N 061-33F). Area D contains fiveadministrative build- ing`s, 26 barracks, eight general storage build- ings, and 19 general support buildings. This area is,kotnected to the storage area by a prob- able ha1d-~urface, all-weather road. Ammon' Storage Areas Ar a 1 contains one hundred thirty-four _ foot revetted storage buildings. 125- 5 Aria 2 contains ninety-nine 55- by 45-foot revett s orage build1ng~, three general support building , and one 390-f0ot transloading shed. The area, which is, road served and has access, -4hows no apparent change since e are eight guard shacks dispersed around tie perimeter of the storage area. TOP SECRET RUFF 25X1 D 25X1 D Hands. Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only Railroad. single track Road Fence ----- Area outline T O MU S L Y UM O V A - TOP SECRET.l'JFF TOP SECRET RUFF TO KAMCNSK-UWALSKV / /. FIGURE 3. MUSLIRIMOVO AMMUNITION DEPOT. Sketch compif.d from Mission 01 TCS-7260/64 NPIC/R-529/64 25X1 D Ham. Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control Systoin Only Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only 25X1D PPOTOORAPRY MAPS OR CHARTS TOP SECRET RUFF 0 9 I US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0164-3A, 2d ed, Jan 60 (SECR&Ty TOP SECRET RtJFIF TCS-7260/64 NPIC/R-529/64 Handle Via TALENT-KEYHOLE Control System Only