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Document Release Date: 
July 15, 2011
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 "G" CLA: S BALLISTIC MISSILE SUBMARINE ~ON.STRUCTIO~l, ' LU-TA SHIPYARD, DAIRII3, CHIT~A -25X1 25X1 1 1 o evi ante o posse e su -25X1 A detailed photo analysis, in?stereo, of flown on revealed one completed "G`~ Class SSB in the water aion,gside rommerciel pier #k opposite the shipyard {see Reference l). The center building way (annotated as way _~2 on Figure 1) cn which e "G"Class submar-ine was previously noted under-~ - c onstruction/assembly, was observed on to contain three probable 25X1 PTF hulls, possibly "Shanghai' .Class, atld '_2'possible tugboat trawler hulls. These.vesse]s~ ~rere placed ' r. two ~~2es'a~ong the length of 'tF}e ~;uild~n~;,~y, Five possible small tugboat/trawler hull sections were ::located in the, staging -- areas just abcve the head cf building way #2. Building way ~1 certained one .possible- tugboat%trawler and one small barge., Numerous small==p=aces of con- _ struction ^iateriai were noted in the large staging :area`"at the head cf this _. building wajr, none of which ~culd be identified as being submarine-associated, Building way ~? was observed c. to contain six. possible "Shanghai" 25X1_ Class PirFs, two possible PTF hull sections, and one medium tu,gbo~t~trawler: 'I,'he .,~ possibhe "Shanghais" and PTF hull sections were placid unevenly>.n four-files along the length'of budding way #~. The staging area just above this building 25X1 marine construction or assembly was noted in ray other exposed area. of 'the shipyard - '" on this coverage... has again failed to reveal hard evidence of a second submarine un~r=c 25X1: 25X1 25X1 .~ 25X1 _~ 25X1 -r~ C IAA PIR=bSC 29~. 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 SECRET. e11 the building -ways tii~re near small_surfase cra t . Plo 'weather" sheds were, observed on eYy of ~e build3-rig w~ys.~ .~ _~ _ ~ ~ -.1 ~? .. ,a >- The submarine first noted on (Figure 2)`i~n the water by the~?J commerci 1 pier is nearly, identical to the ,standard Soviet "G'f Chess SSB with respect o outer dimensions-and visible configuration (see Reference 2). Continuing photo men.. a1 anal is has perms ted the identificatib~ as a "G" Class of thee.'. submarine u onstru tion on t~Yie shipbuilding way at Lu-Ta Shipyaxd as back ass I 25X1 25X1 25X1 - 2 - SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 i SECRET CHRONOLOGICAL PHOTO/N~`~URAL ANALYSIS (Figures ~+ and 5) . ~ _ q cIA/PIx-65c29 A`cylindrically-shaped object (subsequer~~ly.evaluated es an?initiel section of a possible submarine hull), approximately 15 feet acrgss its visible diar'reter, was b~ser~e ~ otru~=fpm beneath _a a3~all weather' concealment shed (approximately lon ) on buildimg? way ~2. , Plarrow flat "platforr^~s ~ each approximately wide,_ were noted attached along each side of the cylindrical, object. On the bas' of subseque photo coverage of this yard, the cylindrical object seen in was determined to ben possible submarine .hull section in the initial:stages of assembly. No object wa?s observed protrudin~t from the other side. of the shed; therefore,.the maximum length-overall (IAA) of the possible submarine hull section noted at that time could have been no more than approximately 70 feet. In order to plot the progress of the assembly of the submarine on way #2 thy' distance from the forward (leading} edge of the possible submarine hull to?the inboard center of the walkway connecting the craneway extensions over the water acxoss ahe foot of the building way (see Figure 2) was measured on the first three instances of coverage (the walkway remained fixed during this period). In- method -of hull assembly. High vertical screens surrounded ~e shed and possible hull on three sides; no screen was_ observed at the head of ~ay ~2,, At'-least- six le.~ge additional vertical screen sections were noted stored at the~foot of building way #2. Two weather shed roof sections were plac~d.on the floor of.the~ way ,just forward of the possible submarine-hull section. ~ - marine-hull. section was noted approximately in the center of the~'longitudin6l axis o~ the building way, indicating that tfihe Chinese used the 'send-loading" this distance was approximately The initial possible sub- (Figures 6 and 7). A possible submarine hull, approximately 125 feet long overall, was observed protruding-from both ends of a weather/cone-ealment shed on building way ~. The maximiSrt' visible leng~-i of the possible submarine hull:. section forward of i;he' shadow cast by the s~d was approximately' felt. The .maximum beean visible on each of the possible-: ull sections was app,ximately An.irregul8rly (oblong) shaped "flange" or "collar" appealed to project above the c`enter,of the forward visib-e hull section. Maximuiii':`~imensions obtained through-the two major axes of this object were a length of~pproximat~ly and width of approximately 15 feet. The afi~ex edge of t~is?"flange" measured appro~imateLy ?80 feet from the walkway. The distance fY'om the forward?edge of the visible hull tQ the w~lkway`at the foot of the building wad was approximately High vertical screens wire in place on three sides of the possible su ma _ ~._ SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 S~CRET~ cI~/PIx-6~o29 CIAaAkAGERY ANALYSIS DI VISION (figure 8 end 9) `~ ? A~"G" Class ballistic missile submarine was noted in a fairly advanced stage of construction on building ~sy #2 on good-quality stereo coverageX~ taken on this date. The identification was based upon the following visible , dimensional snd configurational characteristics: ~ ,; i ~ .. 1. The risible overall length of tYris submarine was at least X15 however,, pro,,ection of the hull ~?+~,?o .,,,,,,,a ~~-u~~::a~ly LC Cxpeczels Zo'prQ~ect: another ~-1G feet into "the 'shadow. Ref- erence ? ~ gire LOA "~:f '~20'~ for ? the "(}" Classl SSB, " ~~ 2. Tie. a~parert-. ceai:~ visible ,just forward ~f the weather shed . was approximately _; feet. However, the actual dimension was probably less that this since the .?5 ~f'eet probably included scaffoldi,rig adjacent. to each ~sid~ _o f. the hull. of the submarine..- Where. scaffolding could- be recognized cn.this photography it was observed to blend.irtc the hull outline. Reference ~ gives e maximum beam of ~~for the "G" Class c~~ ~- ~~~ The centerline of, the clearly visible extended bow planes was located apprcxir.~atel,}r~from~the bow. Reference 2 indicates that the-bow planes-in the ~ SB ere positioned with}n a slot running approx~~iately abaft the bow.- The width of each extended lane a p w s apppoximately 5 feet. " ~+. `The distance between the bow and a arge vertibal shear -just for- . ward of the-shed was approximately It is possible that thi i shear "gas the snorkel intake mast; z so, this compares fevor~bl,}r to the approximately 115 feet given by Reference 2 for this dimension. .~ Vertical screens were set up across the`stern and two-thfrds of the war up each side of the submarine: Possible matting or protective plating .(not dec~C plating) covered the after deck .of the submarine from just abaft the shed to a ,point roughly 35 feet'from.where thy.stern disappeared'into'shadow. Four large '~rregularl,}r_shaped holes of varying sizes appear to have been t c t - ----~ r.. y.. ,, arr=a1 ~ ~~ ~vluciae wltri the after edge of th~,Eli~ ticall,}r-shaped possible bridge -housing within `the sail of the "G" Class: `2'he u in o the ~~atting~along the centerlin ssel. Two peaked_rpof-shed sections, e ch, "' approximatel wide., and a third Flat-roofed shed, app~o~ inately ide'' Mere placed`over 'the submarine's midsection.- The she s egan approximately "rom the bow, The enter leadin ed ~ of the forward peaked-roof shed`had a wedge-shaped section approximately dee ,` removed from'the top of the. roof. The after a~aP of +h; ~ ,.,o,~;.,. :.,~..__ , p ~ _ SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/15: CIA-RDP78T05439A000500330004-0 CIA/PIR- 65029.E ~~ vertical sides of the possible bridge housing were visible. leading?ft:from either si?de of the possible snorkel intake mesh; these sides appeared to.;;~teper aft and to meet just before the .apex of the cutout section. of the roof." The distance from the after edge of the possible bridge housing to the inboard center of the connecting walkwa between the craneways e?'the foot. of buildi iaa was a roximately On the last prior coverage of Dairen it was noted that the forward hull section arreered to have"fin oblong-shaped "flange:' fastened to the top of the hull section, .which ~: .could poss~ly have been the base of the brid e housing at the deckline~o;~;:-the poss le submarine hull., Ort.the cov.erege