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Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-1113197M235A000100020030-6 THROUGH, SUBJECT ful eae. 1 al Accomoliebrne fit 8 OiliaCtiV40 a. During fT4947 the lariat** eneadtered sad coardireetcd the eeleetters mad SOD vireossoda. et ware saw Gefeeral Schedule preteeelasel road techateal earkyleyeee the* had lie** Wad hy tide Agereey dertag say preeritte4 *seal yeas (techenag the 1943 *out trete au aut recrettrneet eitort). Proleeekag and tochatatt col.elety etratilleail Of S. ism* MT *as greater than at the eat et ear promeeilbeg Amid year. The abdeboie ale* ceetitheededpreeettehig atiriaotaliatik tat as Mtataiald unpre- cedented eauleber of Type A Ceatraet employee* (appzontieatatoly &If* Ali of this siosoirod awe sati wilds boas Ada .4941****0 044.0. istrillt. tt11301 istritaggirAineS. t ocheduilag and ceerdisettaa At geese aseolleal, Sesealty staid pereteasel pre- erapteyreeist tetervierate lesethrteartere pie* * oirgraert te proem end brief reel* sistreethealti enet teclualcil =ars thaa ever billow*. Tab A aboatirete* law relidive suagathede at Oats *Heal at eimpared Wh the releuese et s4tsr out premeatag tortes the past three Decal year* Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00235A0001000 &t aulassiiica tIon Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RD - A U0100020030- ion smdlcd this recedentedput workl seic.Ugo and to the p.neral aatisfactlon4f aopli zags, At the $ame ttne we made vs: our support to iras and initiated new *cruitrat goals and to reennel on duty. 2. The following highlights warrant s 5. Correspondence - The Correspondence Sranch re and acted upon 10.454 incoming letters and prepared a total of 37,953 oeteelag lettere during the year. This represents so increase in communication with boss fide applicant* for Agency employment even though shout 5703 fewer letters were prepared titan were sent during ry 4966. This reduction was due zyrimarily to a great AlKirea011 in the number of our respeases to inquiries from youngster* who were caught up in the earlier "lames Send rogue. Vuriag the year. %it adopted the practice of "decentralised" communications whenever response to an applicant could be handled better by word from a recruiter in the field than by a letter from Headquarters. Such handling of these inquiries involves no less work on our part since we meet inirunlcate with the appropriate recruiter in each case. Herwever. it has proven to be an effective instrument of personalized recruitment sad we shall continue the practice. We shalt also continue the review* which were carried on througleout the year in an effort to maintain and improve the uaIity of our corresondente. . A talon - Overall - There is no doubt that the monitor and control of application reviews through the Skills Sank did much to improve the efficiency of our operation* this year of maximum input. "Tes" and "no" decisions %ere reached sooner and, although it woold be hard to ?rove Ware sure that we got a better take from available applications than prerious years. Security orocessing was initiated more peareptiy; we maintained a record average number of applicants for prrsteSeibitai and technical positions in process during the year; and, the expenditure for impitee travel increased about 19 per cent aver the previous year. We invroved arriutgoineras for echodullag medical and security interviews and for kee-ling Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00235A000100020030-6 Approved For Release 2001/05/17 :t1A- 9-00235A000100020030-6 -*ow all proweelag statism; hadormed of the 1tedividuel appallelelt? We eleiltieipd with the AA& to *peed the iliViateletliey 41 rCDP teat reineUe far review in agpire-Oviaao itialectimo gereeideratiose. Although pertiwat otatiatice are eat affileneige? o* that the gerrovel .plaa to achimbelo two isite*** *sips to Iteadepiartere, with personnel intervhswe scheduled Ant toed polygraph ladorviewe ochedulod hurt Le order roovited in greater emememeyintime of the time of available phymigiama arid polygraph opt-2144U* le all. the Aseneyie seimMion machinery rite it. seroothly. llowover, tow oloaervaties carries a nate a males. Although custorr compowate were willing sad 01,16411 WWI to rliit 1114 Skill* Uenk during the early 101Arlti et it. operidion there was a marked hell off be rialto to she UM* Sank during the latter i)art fry 4%? ao emacern renuatod over the relatinarihip of year *ad etreaffife Is ealliag. aeasteredF 49ite 414th 137. fewer protossimaal sad technical amlicatiorte in it Ce4411$ thee -wi-ere in process at the begimlag of ry-ritet. This 40ileservatiscz the part of Mooting ofilcial* carried on iota the first month of the current Aiwa year. Tato IS compare* the introber of protosoieetal amid techateal awaked*** in proviso at the end of ltdy with those in process at the same time In ry 4147. C. CTP *reeKle - The volume of itaiVity Jet tkive CTP Breach of the Placement Divn also was at a. all.einee dialog 7Y4047. . The Stanch coadamted about 10 per cent ;nor* applicant heist/age end biterviewa sad eekeiloled *bout 10 per cent more laborstory sad psychiatric appolmt,o, este sad about Se per gest more physical examinations end ;,olygraph appoiatmenta then it did daring FT -Mo. As a result, the woesreel lapse tavola was achieved. A'. hi..4 25X9 Career Trahmeem aside* a Amused ECM of 25X9 enteraal awaits. This we* an internees of 55 ?or cent 25X9 over the arm employeee who entered on dt,ty la the Career Trabolag Progreso &slag IT -Mi. Tab C com,, work load statiatice for FT 4167 with those of the two preceding fiegal years. Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00235A000100020030-6 I 111'.11i111.1111111P'C , Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA*-11M101ft5A000100020030-6 4 ict processing ratter for Sapport for ?re - tads branch sad routing itaairts for curtt7 tho d to co*ce rued curity wed a. prom sang 2.8 Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00235A090 09020030-6 Approved For Release 2001/0507 Mr. gA000100020030-6 Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00235A000100020030-6 1:4111 25X9 Approved For Release 2001/0507 000100020030-6 vo *947k the Esupboyee Assignment Branch began a istorriew profintaituta *at techalcal *milky*** O&M they eider es**, to evaluate the propriety assisamenta and to make ovellabis the egotist - esmi the Offko of Personnel when called toe sew to warrant any coaciusions. timManvioyees intervione4 appeared gatiorally satisfied with their =ID work esperience ha the Avows The Z Lunch ap *II new aM t.ebMu V tor of The Iirsagft sto of Porspoonel alt appr X preset% Z. V'e are proposed to *WO* sorority pro** on *p rep a of selected cstegorhea of krofesakmal ansi technical aesaaaary to User* the Army a* sidevage input from msaifiable *pp:Wm** for iproloesional *ad technical employment tisrhst FT ttes. 3. We expect to sober miditio pt.nwMe in enamel rearefinwnet ohjectiviss la terms of 1aireceat reufreents end mitaaingte recruitment reaNdatitione. We hope to %leo Mr, torlsaitsos in *riot to saalreo and manipulate the mmay variables ,-hich ore kessive4 In. these activities. Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00235A000100020030-6 Approved For Release 2001/05/177 C1441filiaillitlEi-ik35A00010002003Q,14 25X1 A9a Approved For Release 2001/05/17 : CIA-RDP79-00235A000100020030-6