Senior Awards and Training Progress

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Approved For ReleS 2006/03/16 Char-RDP79-00317A004J00020072-9 DD/S&T-2468.63 M RAN" FQR E,ec ,tive and Ad*i CT : senior Awards and *ai: cember 1.96 Live Officers 1 . The following information is-submitted in accordaerce wr!. e L ece R sign hold at e Executive awer-s.FStaf Mcetixg ub L7 m t ones of Your personnei. eevieve, it -y help you in Senior ' rV100 M~l brief yam' AX s with regard to the identification of potential c di- Science and Technology. I'll be dat:es to represt the Directorate for' glad to provide an ae iti!nai infor*ation you may wish. Your q~painina orticers will have fol. infor*att t on the possible n ineees however, twoeeUntial points should be remembered in cons ideri r future The DDCI, who passes on &U finally recdlmended candidate*, expects Agency representatives to the Senior gcal ools to be trop-notch amba ssador$ of the organization. wing fin]. selection of"- CIA's representatives to the schools, heavy consideration will be given to the advantages which will accrue to the Agency from, sending its representatives and there should, therefore, be an affinity bets the curriou .itm and the eampIoyee' a planned professional development. w a Excluded trurt a atncradla Approved For Release 2006/03/16 : CIA-RDP79-00317A000100020072-9 National .tar Collin Industrial Cot.lege of the Az aed Forces Etaff College .A,#rr war College AzW War. Co Be Novel Val e Mid-Career There Is 40 fixed nber of course* to bo~ already eu'itted its T eve an yearcr~mmence l 3 l i~ Ions br the next ccaurae To . Great interest has been 90nerated in the Mid-Career Training Curse, not only throughout the significant2.y in top steun nt echelons and by senior Agency, but have contributed to the course, including the 'Deputy Director (Science and Technology). Again, Training Officers will provide criteria for selectitsn. formally, the 06-13 level Is the one which should provide the most nominations. _ grifleant Federal Awards Each year the Agency is requested to nominate cendidaertees fr a certain number of "edearal Award. "here has, in the pest, been 1.rnblfts involving security in Specifying the reasons for our Domination a:~t particular candidates. Nevertheless, the Director has, expressed an irterest in identifying suitable candidates. The following are a Of these awards. National. Civil gerwj Leqpe ~Q,. This is a top avar-d. I -f r ~ eieit, and Arthur Lundahl. -- .. .,.+~. --W A w L k date, three Agency officials have Min the award; I do not belileve! ~.,- -_..... "'~?. ?y`~~ ~a,~u,e swa;t"q.. any Agency represettative has yet been given this awrard,, . again due to possible security hndicap,5 in specifying the nature. of duties that would justify receipt of such recognition. Arthur 00 .r,iemx.eag Ayard This is a senior sward. althouch 7'4 l1T hM IM i. r. Z r........R iCT"S" 25X1A9A Uareer Management -f;flcer Approved For Release 2006/03/16: CIA-RDP79-00317A000100020072-9