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Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 TAB Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Copy No? s elease 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 S GEOGRAPH,'fC INTELLIGENCE REPORT TRANSPORTATION OF CERTAIN STRATEGIC MXNERRALS IN AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA Chief, timson DI Attt obw" 00 I. The c ' `# esU of the a ". ft memovemdum Bulletin No. L. that dlat+ . 30 DOO*Vbw 1933j, to .e ,, L! aiet 7 Glans C ENT RAL INNT ELLICENC E AGENCY Office of Research and R orCs DOCUMENT NO. ----~ NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS, CHANGED TO: TS s C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH? R 70 006514 c'j " ((ASS: F, Q '-Z PAT REVIEWER: - Approved For Release 20 0/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 17hi.s material contains information affertii g the National Defense fl.,)f the Utt(.i States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, U SC, Sees.. 793 ave. 794, the trans- mission or revelation of wh:Ioh in an-is rnannne-r to am unauthorized person is prohibited b,~,,, law. Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 R, ES'T RIC T ED L+ecurity :reformation sumenar o a a e o o a a a ? A ubesto s a o 0 0 0 o Graphite ? o o sl Kcra.rnite e o o N,, Cadrniuna s e o 0 0 e o 0 0 a a, V,. C:,hrornite f 1,. obalt . a? a a o e o 0 Colurnbit:e , , 0 o a r Page WZJ1t. Tantalite o n o , e o o U a 14 Ex, Copper o o ., 0 4 a o a o o . e e 36 Appendix B. Sources and Evaluation of Sources, e a 37 1, Evaluation of Sources o o e o 37 Mm! Transportation of Certain Strategic Minerals in Africa South of the Sahara Majo r Producing a.recas (CIA 12740) Asbestos, Graphite and Kyanite (CIA 12741) Cadmium (CIA 12742) o o, e. v a e,> a o 0 o e a o e o 0 0 7' Chromite (CZA 12743). o o e< a a a o 0 o a o o a e e Cobalt (C?IA 12744) o~ a o o, o 0 0>, o o 0 o a a o 0 12 Columbite and Tantalite 'CIA 12745) a Copper (CIA 12746)? a Diamonds (CtA 1 2 7 4 7 )..... , o e o e o o e e o o fl a o 0 20 Lead (CIA 12748), a Manganese (CIA 12749). Mica (CIA 127SO), Platinum Group (CIA 12751) o o.. o e o o a o o a v 28 Tin (CIA 12752)0 o a a o o v o o a o 0 0 o 0 30 Tungsten (CIA 1Z753) , o 0 0 o a o o o e, 32 Vanadium, (CIA 12754) . . . , . . . o 0 0 a o . a o o 33 Zinc (C'A 12755) o o o e o a o Q a. o 0 0 0 I o e o a 34 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 R:sTR.1CTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 a 3 ?o N - 00400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17: CIA-RDP7 1 9A000400040004-0 R ES TR i Security Information TRANSPORTATION OF CERTAIN STRATEGIC MINERALS IN AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA SUMMARY Africa south of the Sahara has become increasingly important in the production of minerals, many of which are of strategic value because' of their scarcity or limited availability from other areas. in this report the maps indicate the principal areas of production and the means and routes of transport, and the text furnishes a brief account of the problems associated with the transport and export is r each mineral. Some repetition is unavoidable because a number of strategic minerals move over the same routes and are exported from the same ports. Since many of the minerals are located in the interior of the continent and their use is almost entirely elsewhere, the exploitation of the minerals is dependent upon some means of transportation. Railroads are most commonly used. With the exception of the Congo and some of its tributaries, the rivers are of little use for navigation. The road system is not well developed and roads are little used except in the few instances where they serve as "feeder" lines. V, Y Approved For Release 2000/04/17: CIA- d1 v 9A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information A number of bottlenecks occur along the routes of transportation. These include (I) congestion on the railroads resulting from the large quantities of minerals and other freight they are required to handle, (2) shortage of rolling stock, both locomotives and freight cars, ~3) shortage of fuel for operating the trains, (4) inefficiency of labor, and (5) in some cases a shortage of labors Ports, also, are bottlenecks. Africa south of the Sahara has only a few good natural harbors. Most of the ports are congested, since they were not built to handle the present large volumes of exports and import?a. Freight handling equipment is not adequate; storage space is limited; there is not enough docking space for ships; and at some ports there is a shortage of labor. -2- RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information A A. ASBESTOS Asbestos is produced in Southern Rhodesia... the Union of South Africa, and Swaziland. In Southern Rhodesia the producing area is in the south central part of the Colony, in the vicinity of Mashaba, Shabani, and Filabukio 11 All of the asbestos produced is shipped over the Rhodesia and Mozambique railroads to Beira for export. The lines, which are single- tracked and have a shortage of equipment, periodically create a serious problem in transportation, since other strategic minerals must be carried over the same railroads to Beira. Z/ Although the port facilities at Beira have been improved recently through further dredging of the harbor, the installation of machinery for unloading liquid fuels, the construction of another pier and additional storage space, the port may still become congested for short periods of time. Possible alternate routes are the South Africa and Mozambique railroads to ports in South Africa or to Lourenco Marques in Mozambique. The chief asbestos producing areas in the Union of South Africa are located in the Transvaal and Cape Province. In the Transvaal the, producing areas are the Carolina, Barbemtot, and Lydenburg districts in the east and the Pietersburg district in the north. 3 Asbestos produced in these districts is shipped over the South African Approved For Release 2000/04/17 :CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : IA~.ST P7 01009A000400040004-0 Security Information and Mozambique railroads to Lour enco Marques, Asbestos from the :Nape Province, which moves over the South African Railways to Cape Town, is produced in a belt extending northward from near Prieska through Griqualand and Kuruman to the Bechuanaland borders 1/ The main difficulties connected with the export of asbestos are short- Age of equipment and labor troubles on the railroads. In general, the ports of South Africa present no serious problems in connection with the export of asbestos, in Swaziland,, mining is centered near Havelock in the northwestern part of the territory. The ore is transported from the mine to Barberton by means of an aerial ropewav 12-I/Z miles in length, From Barberton the ore is shipped over the South African and Mozambique railroads to Lourenco Marques. 5/ The transport problems are similar to those of the Union of South Africa. The railroads of the Union of South Africa are so interconnected that a number of alternate routes can be used if necessary. -4- RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information Although found in a number of countries of Africa, graphite for export is produced mainly in Madagascar, Graphite is present throughout most of the island, but the only deposits worked are those located in easily accessible regions near the Tananarive -Cete-Eat Railway, roads. and waterways. 6/ The chief producing area is near the east `;oast? extending in a north-south zone from Tamatave southward for a distance of approximately 120 kilometers (75 miles), Graphite is mined to a lesser extent in the south-central part of the island, around Antsirabe and Ambositra, 7/ Tamatave is the chief port of export. Problems associated with the production and shipping of graphite are the high cost of rail transportation, the poor condition of highways, and the scarcity of native labor in the graphite-producing area. S/ -5- RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information ?RI., KYANITE In Africa, Kenya is the sole producer of kyanite in quantity. It is mined in the vicinity of Taveta 91 and shipped over the Kenya Railway to Mombasa for export. The main problem in the export of kyanite appears to be the congestion at the port of Mombasa, The production of kyanite varies greatly. In 1949 the production was more than 23, 000 tons, where as in 1950 it was only a little more than 10? 000 tons. 10/ As an alternate route, the ore could be transported bg railroad., via Kahe, to the port of Tanga in Tanganyika. Approved For Release 2000/04/17: 03J TO-TIWDb9A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Q 0 - 04-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information IV. CADMIUM Cadmium is a product of the Belgian Congo and South-West Africa. In both areas, it is found in connection with other minerals. Cadmium produced in the Belgian Congo is recovered as a byproduct of roasting zinc concentrates for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. It is shipped over the Benguela Railroad to the port of Lobito, Angola, for export. 11/ / Though the tonnage is not large, it competes for space with other strategic minerals and products on an already congested railroad and at the crowded port at Lobito, As an alternate, the cadmium could be sent by rail-and-water route to Matadi at the mouth of the Congo River. In South-West Africa cadmium is found in association with lead and zinc and is exported with the lead and zinc concentrates for smelting 12/ overseas. The transport of cadmium in South-West Africa is slowed down because the railroad from the producing area at Tcurzeb to Walvis Bay has - two different gauges (2' and 31611), and because the port of export is congested. The change in gauge occurs at Usakos. The port of L-deritz could be used.-instead of Walvis Bar if necessity arises, in which case the cadmium would be routed there from Usakos, via Windhoek and Seeheimo Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RD~T-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 d ? mccd ti 3xtn v, x C v j ? /C Z P .J a o 0 N :a a m ti..~~ J f J !N.. a t..FF Approved For Release 2000/041 A4dft69bbft00400040004-0 CHROMITE Three areas -- the Union of South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, and Sierra Leone -- produce appreciable amounts of chromite. The chief producing areas in the Union of South Africa are located in the Transvaal, in the vicinity of Lydenburg in the east and near Rustenburg in the west.. The ore produced in these two areas is shipped over the South African and Moza mbique railroads to Loureneo Marques for export. 13f A shortage of railroad equipment and labor difficulties are major causes of transport problems. 13~ At ,present the port of Lourenco Marques is capable of handlitsg all the traffic directed there. Chromite could also be directed to various ports via a number of alternate routes provided by the South African Railways. In Southern Rhodesia the chromite deposits are divided into two groups: 11) the deposits in the Selukwe and Mashaba areas near the center of the Colony, and (2) the extensive narrow seams occurring along the Great Dyke west and northwest of Salisbury. L/ Chromite from both areas is shipped over the Rhodesia and Mozambique railroads to Beira for export. Lack of adequate railroad facilities and occasional congestion at the port of Beira are major deterrents to increased pro- duction and export of chromite, 16/ Possible alternates are the rail route to Lobito in Angola and the South African and Mozambique rail- roads to either Lourer_eo Marques in Mozambique or Durban in South Africa, - 8 - RESTRYCTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information Sierra Leone produces a small amount of chromite in com- parison with the Union of South Africa and Southern Rhodesia. It is mined in the Kenema District in the southeastern part of the Colony and is moved approximately 8 miles by truck to the railhead at Hangha and then 187 miles by Z1611 -gauge railroad to Freetown, No alternate rail route is available, and so far as is known the port offers no problems, -9- RESTRICTED 17/ Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 0 RESTRICT ED Approved For Release 2000/04/1 7 p1QiggPla 1%9hpJ400040004-0 Cobalt production in Africa is centered in the Belgian Congo and Northern Rhodesia. These two areas rank first and second in world productions with the Belgian Congo being chief source of supply. The Union Minilre du Haut-Katanga, located in the south- eastern part of the Belgian Congo, is the sole producer in the Colony. 18/ A number of transport routes of various lengths lead to ports,. The most direct route is the Benguela Railroad, over which most of the cobalt is transported. 19 It is an all-rail, single-track, 3 9 6" -gauge line to the port of Lobito in Angola, a distance of approximately 1, 300 miles. This railroad, which crosses southern Belgian Congo and the Portuguese colony of Angola, is badly congested as it also carries copper, manganese, and zinc to Lobito for export. ,Alternate routes that could be used in shipping cobalt from the producing area are (1) through the Belgian Congo to the port of Matadi and (2) via the Rhodesia Railways to the port of Beira in Mozambique on the east coast, The first is a rail-and-water route -- by rail from Jadotville to Port Francqui, by water to Leopoldville, and again by rail to Matadi. As a result the route is interruped twice for transhipment, at Port Francqui and at LAopoldvilleo Tn addition, - 10 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17: CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information the sanction of railroad from L?opx.ldville to Matadi is badly con- gested since it is the only rail line to the port of Matadi. The second route, via the Rhodesia and Mozambique railroads, carries only a limited amount of cobalt 20/ from the Belgian Congo. Both railroads are congested because they transport large quantities of minerals from Northern and Southern Rhodesia to Beira. The pest, also, is over-crowded at times because of the great volume of freight handled and the inability of the railroad to carry away imports promptly. Northern Rhodesia,, though the world's second largest producer of cobalt, produces only a small quantity compared to the Belgian Congo. The Rhokana Corporation, through its mines near Nkan;i, is the only current cobalt producer in the Protectorate. 21/ Cobalt is shipped over the single-track, 316"-gauge Rhodesia Railways to Beira, a distance of approximately 1,.500 miles. Like the Benguela Railroad, the Rhodesia Railways also extend through Portuguese territory. The Rhodesia Railways are not at present capable of handling all the available traffic since they are required to carry coal from the Wankie coalfields, as well as copper and cobalt from Northern Rhodesia, and chrome and asbestos from Southern Rhodesia, The railroads are making an effort to relieve the crowding by Approved For Release 2000/04/17: Qj&YjjOjPjW9A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security information securing additional equipment. Although the port at Beira may still be somewhat congested at times, improvements have been made including a new mineral pier, increased storage space, and the 22/ deepening of the harbor. Since the Rhodesia Railways are connected with the railroads of the Belgian Congo and with those of the Union of South Africa,. shipments can be made over any of these routes in case of necessity. ._l2- RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 ?o N I I 0 D ~i - 10, co, Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information V11. COLUMBITE Nigeria is the leading producer of columbite in Africa. the quantity produced in he Belgian Congo is too small to be con- sidered in this report. Columbite is recovered as a byproduct of the tin induatrv in the area around Joe on the Bauchi Plateau in northern Nigeria. 23/ It is shipped over the Nigerian Railways to the port of Lagos for export. The lines are single tracked and switches are manually operated. Insufficient sidetracks for passing, shortages.of locomotives and other rolling stock, difficulty in securing replacement parts, and the low efficiency of the native workers are serious handicaps to efficient operation of the railroads. An alternate rail route leads to Port Harcourt. Highways can not be relied upon in case of failure of the railroads since the roads are subject to washouts during wet seasons. Nigerian ports are operating at full capacity, and rail and port facilities at both Lagos and Port Harcourt are pressed to their current limits. With an increase in port traffic, rail services, however, would probably break down before port facilities. - 13 - RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information VII!, TANTALITE Tantalite is produced chiefly in the Belgian Congo, as a by- product of the tin industry. A small amount is also produced in Nigeria.. The producing areas in the Belgian Congo are located in the tin mining sections of Kivu and Katanga provinces and in Ruanda- Urundi*. Z4/ The tantalite is shipped by rail and water via Ponthierville, Stanleyville, and Leopoldville to Matadi for export, This is a slow route with numerous breaks in transportation resulting from transfer from water to rail and from rail to water. An alternate rail-and-water route leads, via Bukama, Port Francqui, and Leopoldville, to Matadi. A serious problem has developed at Matadi, wince the port is unable to handle all the traffic arriving there, partly because of space shortage and partly because of the inability of the railroad to carry away the imports promptly, In Nigeria tantalite production'is centrally located in the Egbe area. ~51 The shipping problems associated with moving tantalite from this area are similar to those associated with columbite. * Statistics for the Belgain Congo include Ruanda-Urundi, which is a trust territory of Belgium that is administratively united with the Belgian Congo. 14 - RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 n N ?T,, P 3 0 a a x x 0 N C7 ??-. Q 0 VQN, 1 N '~.. S rot JAW co wm s ? W 3 m = j m 3 , rS~ o Z1I 1\ - l 1 n7 '~_ 1? H o z s..~e.. >. Cn z a d 2 O \ j 1 r 0 47 y 01 o a z n C) -07 9 - x R ro ~a~ - Imo..`. ~.aY mm mm Approved For Release 2000/04/17: CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information The m4j or producers of copper in Africa south of the Sahara are Northern Rhodesia, the Belgian Congo, the Union of South Africa, and South-West Africa. In Northern Rhodesia copper comes from four large mines -- Nkana, Mufulira, Nchanga, and Roan Antelope, 26/ -- all located in the northern part of the Colony. Copper production is limited to some extent by the amount of coal available from the collieries at Wankie, Southern Rhodesia. The availability of coal depends in part on the capacity of the collieries and in part on the ability of the railroads to transport coal to the copper mines, 27/ Another Nandi- cap to the export of copper is the long rail haul to Beira -- approximately 1, 500 miles -- that the copper ore must take over the single-track, 3 4611-gauge railroads of the Rhodesia and Mozambique lines, At present the Rhodesia Railways are not capable of handling all available shipments of copper since they must compete with coal from Wankie, cobalt from Northern Rhodesia, chromite and asbestos from Southern Rhodesia, and some copper and cobalt from the Belgia a Congo, as well as other types of freight. The railroads, however, are endeavoring to alleviate this situation by securing additional rolling stock. Plans have also been made to build an additional railroad to RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information Lourenco Marques, via Pafuri. Port congestion due to lack of space and increased shipping has, in the past, been an additional handicap in the export of copper as well as other minerals and freight. Current improvements, however, such as deepening the harbor, increasing storage space, and constructing an additional pier, are easing the congestion. Possible alternate routes that could be used are f 1) railroads across southern Belgian Congo and Angola to Lobito and (2) the rail-and-water route via Sakania, Tenke, Port Francqui, LEopoldville to the port of Matadi. The copper producing region of the Belgian Congo is in Katanga Province in the southeastern part of the Colony. 29I This area and the copper area of Northern Rhodesia are practically continuous and may be called the "Copper Belt. " Since metallic copper, rather than the ore, is exported the problem of fuel or electricity for smelting is important. The Belgian Congo, though relying to some degree on coal or coke from the collieries at Wankie in Southern Rhodesia, has developed hydroelectric power for the operation of machinery and for smelting in electric furnaces. A considerable amount of copper is shipped over the all-rail route of approximately 1.300 miles to the port of Lobito, Angola. Unfortunately, movement is slow because the railroad has more freight available than it can handle readily. - 16 - RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information furthermore, port facilities at Lobito are nut extensive enough to take care of all the freight. Alternate routes of transport are (1) the all-rail route over the Rhodesia Railways to Beira and (2) the rail-and-water route to the port of Matadi, which is approximately 1, 700 miles long and requires transfers of freight at several points. Even with this handi- cap, the Matadi route has become increasingly important. The copper producing areas of the Union of South Africa are located in the vicinity of Ookiep in Cape Province and around Messina in the Transvaal. 30s The copper from the Messina region in the northern Transvaal is shipped over the South African and Mozambique railroads to Louren+qo Marques for export. Copper produced. at Ookien is trucked to the railhead at Bitterfontein for transport to Cape Town. 31/ Transportation is a factor limiting production, since the railroads are not capable of dandling all the available freight. Because of the extensive railroad net in South Africa, various alternate routes are possible in case of emergency. The copper producing area in South-West Africa is located in the vicinity' of Taumeb.Z/ The copper is moved over Z'- and 3+611-gauge railroads to Walvis Bay for export. The use of the two gauges and overcrowding of the narrow-gauge railroad constitute the chief -.17 - RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information transportation problems, 33/ but congestion at the port also creates a problem. in case of emergency the port of Lt derit-z could be used in place of Walvis Bay b~- routing the copper from Usakos, via Windhoek and Seeheim, to LUderitz. - 18 - RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information X. DIAMONDS Production of diamonds is rncre widely distributed in Africa than that of any other strategic mineral. Varying amounts are produced in the Belgian Congo, the Union of South Africa, Angola, South-West Africa, Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast, French West Africa, French Equatorial Africa, and Tanganyika. 34/ Some of the diamonds mined are gems and others for industrial purposes. 35/ In specific areas, however, one type or the other generally predominates. The diamonds found in the Belgian Congo, the Gold Coast, and the French areas are largely industrial stones. 6~ In other producing regions the quantities available as gems or for industrial purposes vary considerably. In the Belgian Congo the Bakwanga field is the leading producer of industrial diamonds and the Tshikapa field of gems. The diamond mines in the Kimberly Jagersfontein, and Koffiefontein areas produce mostly gems, whereas the Premier Mine near Pretoria produces some of the finest industrial diamonds in the world. 37/ The Angola field, in the northeast part of the Colony. is really a continuation of the Tshikapa area of the Belgian Congo and produces mostly gems. 3$/ In Sierra Leone, both gems and industrial stones are produced, the industrial stones being more important. 39/ In Tanganyika, gem stones are more important. 401 Approved For Release 2000/041811 01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Security ,nformation The value is such that no particular method of transporta- tion predominates-, some move b rail to ports; others.are flown to ports m.r even to destinations outside Africa. In the Belgian Congo, la.nionds are forwarded b -j, regular and frequent air shipments to ,Hopoid,ville and from there it is presumed thew go to. Antwerp. Lterior, blinnerals Year Book, 1949, Washington, 1951, pa 3950 9,. Department of State Despatch 31, E1isahethviille;, 11 April 1953. D-.0artrn ew.t of State De'patch, 27, Elisabethville, 24 March 1952, !> i, Department of 'taxcerior, Minerals Year .Book,, 1949, Washington, 1951, p,, 3M ".~ 4Mr 25) A F. ii hat?n, editor, Fourth Empire M-linin and M e t a l ical i. nasn~~:,.oc,eennns London, 194;9, Part 1? p, 113. artmn nt of Interior, Minerals Yeas.r Book, 1949,; Washington, ?`? igha:rn, editor, ,T 'oxrt;h T, p ia?e Mining and Metallur_gical tvnngress, Ph~.~ceedin e , Part , London, 1949, po 113, F. Flighain, editor, o ri.h E-spire ~Vlin.iw~ and Metallurgical ( ingres 3, Proceedings,, ...Part 1, London, .1949, p? 168. 25X1A rec~i.a? p, 935.. tar _Book of the Union of South, Africa w of Basutoland, -_..~ nala +d '~~' ;,.torate and S~~a p nei,: No. 24-1948, .- 39 RE QTR! C TE ) The New `tork Times? 21 Iul=w 1953 em e?_ 3d1b deep Chemins de Fer Virina .-,-, du Congo, Co1 roN- ? ryuide du C'CCongo- 3el a et du Ruanda undi, Brussels, 1950, p., 4O:, O. `. ioz (of South Africa3 Office of Cenana and Static tics, Official Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 J L 25X1A RESTRICTED Security Information 3Z, 'Union 5pf South Africa) Office of Cene-as and Statistics, OfCficia` Year Book of the Union of South Africa and of Basutoland, Bechuanai,and Protectorate and Swaziland Sao e 4x19 .Pretoriaa, p, 1178. 33:, De; ar'ment of State Despatch 61 k, Cape Town,, 7 January 95z , 3!`4, tepaartr jerv: of 'Interior, Minerals Year Book, 1947, Washington 1.949, P. 539. 3'Union , bf So .nth Africa Office of Cennaua and Statistics, Of`iciai wear nook of the Union and of Basutoland, Bechuana- Land Protectorate and. Swaziland-, Non 24-19489 Pretoria,, p,, 9443, 3 Department of State Despatch 21, .:~li sabethvillef, 31 January 195%1.. . 3 25X1A 40 p~ 180 1, Department of State Despatch 199 .Edlisabethville# 1 October 1948.. Department of State Despatch l1 Eliaahethville? 31 Janu,ars 19 52, 25X1A 1r.iy m9 editor, 'c rt ~`e~T1pL e i~tnie~s9 aY1"L 1}~U Zt~~ A ~oniia? aa, Proceedings, Part 1, London, 1949, pp~ 173.175? 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : Cli 79- 1009A000400040004-0 35a Ibid., p, 539. Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : Qj -TM9A000400040004-0 Security Information 46.. Department of State Despatch 11, Pretoria, 20 January 1948. 47, Department of State Despatch 362, Johannesburg, 25 March 1.953, 48. Department of Interior, Minerals Year Book, 1949, Washington, 1951, Po 693. 49, 25X1A 50, Department of State Despatch 29, Accra, 29 May 1952, p. 3. 51, 1bide r p. U. 52, Department of State Despatch 31, Elisabethville, 23 April 1952. 53. ibis 54, `chid. Department of State Despatch 57, Johannesburg, 11 August 1952. 56, Department of State Despatch 168, Tananarive, 7 Jun 1950, 25X1A 57, Union (21 South Africa,) Office of Census and Statistics, Official Year Book of the Union of South -Africa- acid of Dasutoksancd, Bechuanaland Protectorate kind Swaziland, No, 24-1194 8, -- U a9 p, 961 59, A Gore ian-Brown, editor, The Year Book aai Guide to Southern Africa, London, 1952, p, 337, 6,1 < William Van Royen and Oliver B t;wlea, The Mineral Resources of the World, New York, 1952, p, 135, 62, Department of Interior, Minerals Year Book, 1949, Washing ton, 1951; p. 1023, 63: 25X1 C 41 P Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : C OP79 Odt009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTED Security Information 6C . Ibid.. P. 409. 65. Department of State Despatch Elisabeth,ville9 26 1uly 1.952.. 66., F. Higham, t ditor9 Fourth Empire Mining and M,,ttallurgical sops rea, Proceedisngs, Part I, London., 1949, po 112, 25X1A 67 a. 68, 69, Department of State Despatch 509 Eliaabethvil;ie, 18 July 195.1- '70 Departn?ient of linterior, Minerals Year Book, 1947, W aashin gtor ,, 1949, p. 1198. 71, Department of State Despatch 256, Nairobi,, 7 April 1952. .72. 1;bid , 73, 1'a, {Gordon-Brown:, editor, The Year Book and Guide to Southern. Africa, London, 19529 p.. 293., 74. Department of Interior, Minerals Year Book, 1949, Washington? 9499 p, 1265, U. Anne Welsh, editor9 Africa South of the Sahara, New York, 1951, .~? 204? 7-, Department of State Despatch 50, Elisabethville, 18 ~u1y, 1951.. 'V Department of State Despatti In 319 iisabethv91le, 31 March 1951 7 3 ?V . . 1-li ?t`:aaxrsi 9 editor, Fourth Empire Mining and ?Ietallu- ica,1 on rc,sTs Proceedir s, Part 1, Loradon.9 1949, Pa 174., 9 epartz~~et t of State Despatch 299 Johannesburg, 29 June 1953. 4g: EST IC's ED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 REST'RICT'ED Security Information Map Sources to Africa, Communications and Principal Economic Products, T'.-10, 000, 0009 Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners, London, and Overseas Consultants, Inc. New York, 1949, CIA Map Library Call No 0 66839. Beira and Rhodesia Railwave / l . 2, 000, 000/ Chief Engineer's Office, Bulawayo, 1940, CIA Map Library Call Nos 604970 3. Belgian Congo9 Copper Mines /1.1,3509000/(FEA 1381-M) 1944 (Restricted), Belgian Cron ory Diamond Mining Areas / 1e19700,000/(FEA 1796-M) 1944 (Restricted). s S. Belgian Congo, T'in Mining Areas / 1.4 , 000, 000/ f~FEA 1743-M) 1944 (Restricted). 6. Bodenschatze Britischer Besitausagen in Afrika9 Veil 1, 1;5, 000, 000, Hamburgisches Welt Wirtschafts-Institut-E;V , 19419 CIA Map Library CAll No. 26471. 7. Co o B!le, Principals Productions, Minerales, Vigetales et Animaales Voies do Communication, 102, 000, 0009 M Norbert Lauele, Directeur de 1~Univereite Colonials de Beque9 Universite Coloniale, 19489 CIA Map Library Call No, 70203, 8. E'ie Wichti ,ten Nutzbaren La.gerstatten Afrikas, 1015, 000, 000, V 1ter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1941, CIA Map Library Call No. 34462, 9 , Madagascar (Carte ,nom ue~, 102, 000, 000, Institut Go6ographique National, 19509 CIA Map Library Call Now 788Q2. 14o Mineral M of Southern Rhodesia, 1 02, 000, 000, Geological Survey Office, Salisbury, 1951, CIA Map Library Call No. 78891, 11, Nigeria, Principal Mineral Deposits / 1.59000, 000-7 (,0 E W 1057) 1943. (Restricted - 43 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0 RESTRICTIM Security Information 15, 25X1A 12. Railroads of South Africa9 103, 000, 000, (CIA 11799), 1950. 13, Railroads of Tropical Africa, 1-12, 0009000 (CIA 11798), 1950. 14, Schaubild von Afrika9 Mit Bildlicher Darstellung der Wichtichsten BodenschAtze abed. Wirtschaftsgater9 scale unknown, Alfred Hagerneister, Munchen 16. The East African Railways /_103 9 750, 000_/ Overseas Railways, London, 1952, p.. 30, CIA Map Library Call No, 81423. 17, The Gold Coast Railway /10700, 000/Overseas Railways,, London, 19529 p. 85, CIA Map Library Call No. 814260 18, The 1iRerian Railway A.-3, 750, 0061 Overseas Railways, London, 1952, po 829 CIA Map Library Call No,, 81422. 19. Transp,,rt Map of Central and Southern Africa as Related to Manganese, Chrome, Copper / 1-.9,, 000 9 000 / CIA Map Library Call No. 71031, (Restricted 20, U!/ersich von Irani-West-Africa, E7,600, 000, Erich Zander, Berlin, 1942, CIA Map Library Call No, 24929. 21, Wirt schaftskarte von Mittel?und SUdafrika, La and Bedeutung der Wic sten Bodenschatze, Bergbaukarte Ao 1;7, 500,000, Reichsamt ftr Bodenforschung, 1942, CIA Map Library Call No. 22571. 44 RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP79-01009A000400040004-0