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( ) Approved For ( lease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79- l090A000100020047-8 AF'T' ' a ing 1 l-bx .ry 1949 Volume UI abooth i stage in t~hei dx vei.cpi ttt :x of Western European cooperat on roa:hed lea Week r111an th s i tacit p girt agreed in principle dui "eunci l of Este. is tide, {' ti- pe . 3 she four--powe rt solution r,s fishing a tfi*table for tramrnr of sovereigaty in Indonedia. With RhOc es armistice talks still c" cl0okecla the prEspestivc inclusion -i 14--ansiordan may introduce now ox.jAinations, csible COmvliicAt .pun a. ~ c * bbi a the Rhodes -armistice talks .1-pi wwAn Israei. and Egypt raaalf c iidl oe , poseaible entry of 2'r*na O! das ea jo the nagotiations migla w p 1w i srael in the position of being r, e to play of - the two Arab oo=& .ea a pai:wv each other. King Abdullas is rn!portedly anxLcua to se?' tlen da 'irittW y Spa frontiers with Israel; ho dm yircas to put in a tu.aim `or -41.(? da a ste,3.p notr held by Egypt. The would ssrobab1y ra+ :' bav, '.re 3oraan in this area than Rapt, i h rormer is not only the wns& er state but ale* the one c vn which #a:.?ael x, :ss it could get along batter,, 6huw d "x raus3cwdan be invited to Rhodes .:- rrenent a claim for the Gasa arc;t, it t '4d have the siaiultszsouc a:ect of shifting the foaur~ of t1 talks t'rora amnietice ~.erina to telrritc'lal --, ;t,,.--i.,vat end of enattting ?erani to beat down the rptians by tbreateni g back Abnulleh.. Fears of being plscbd in an isdlated position via?a-vie rest of the Arab states Ta +i, Ove vir, cause Abdu1iah to hesS.tat-i Over lid too far. t FcAra~ ,n_ yeas inteaTvi.z3t~ die, f'silttrA oi` 5talin In his to me rtion br ctttrency eap,~ets of the &r1in dispute t trthpr emphasises that this ieysue th the wlx-pcwer caeR 4ttee of 3C llV 9. gals" has Noon otruggi.ti ie no sc r avast cumin J.],y the z a c the .vatrovp?rav. btalin?s uttez'ence sbo ra zat the currency issue has now a k n i.ts olaw along with star for grp. wutticas of "toohnieal" transpotts- i.on 6 as a Patent Soviet px? .c:x~r. fcr blockading Der13n and re- 4 fi- that what, the USSR rr~ally co ka i; a nait in the unification of DOCUMENT NO. /CLZiSS. CHANGE T AUT.. , 2 , - Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDPWOR Q~'~py00.NaN84 Approved For Tease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79-01090A000100020047-8 ?t:jthorn West rr gtlLi4b (if LLV.Iu.:a % fir: tO.J'1 ti e s on allow'' 0 is seriously lookiDf for th14 j .fting of the .ii si,i20 't#+tk"3 in the propagnI da , si17 cr d on F3I(l23ridment to Jn :cr 1,91jitants of trust or their "social, cultural. TG discussions ccncernin' :'s C, un st spckosmon of M 4a3,, at FTC roptingg[ prepared rr.r paea= thus lightening the j Ea"' Pr rc%'%' f,'l?'"% at prpeant by the Saviet =r }tt@rYI Y~l30fC Ptai Y~ ,,,,Y~BC i. .j ;. 3z Ea ?1S 1i I1 8t~i@1tiU$~r of }cc ,3 ' os 2R. a olio ix ~;ne~; r ~r~,ea ion prom they World l edcration of a ?lions, the B2 ttashs U6 and D ch national unions have induced the .?. t{*~ af v~ =rsa diac~n r Trade Nion ,dvis0ry C miteee to; (1) circulate a 01 c ::? Oil the y F U flp.6i 4 w tlt3idF' v~tn"YU'~ it .. 4 national onions p asking their . ;j v a, (2) prepare the { rowid or a =a labor inkrnational by discusniena th a2copective mom-be-:s. rite : ?0uch turf italisn non-Communist _-r ioU 3 to consolidate 'Llhalr 1i.c,x' i L ~itia, urge prompt coularencn to eala3b i, ! A iii ii s ''0 3 ~ a V Mae and .i. band .n l an =..a .ons, aatlwugh sympa vatic tc 554 ii ea of a new federation, mill probably sus a - it-ante-secs" course untj co rete proposals are advanced. Of A lip. non-G et iiuucoaj. Unici 1 o'lid .ng is the WFIU, only the Bclgien _ r !wish have ao far p ec -u ;+a :fives ? o follow the three wedtorn groups 4,40 iu i~3?2UU'4 S mmx stac, patting without thn throe d~ci ~~a disaideuts, a'i L. a ;ta pt to cc~un,:nruat their oebession by ng ;be vote on W?.`U s1sapens)iof "illegal" *U1( by creating sixteen na'e "trade Apartments" in a preitcnse vi epree:eu 4ion for, thb international craft ? nior..s.. U nn inctuwiori of l fv-siifg UM and VX unions in these =rate departments and the avaC iceu MU intention of maintaining rulati c'ns _with trade unions in all acKtric a AS no excepti.onsh suggest that the ei v11A attempt to go over the bed of the dissident rational organizstioU$ =nn frPPeM.3. directly to rcanv*~and- to i+c s e an labor. It is reported that the .Fru intends to participate ac7,ive1,4>~ in she current ,soviet "pasta oi'i'on 3ve' -~raa at xelationo with the Us tatui ,} t unions are to be maintained throb h Kr& i union, councils fon? pr:acc. 013 C .~a~ tubs : WFTU leadership may also ittmrant to ofs$et the t,h&A*a !1 o t ho :,iota western orgy zntions by Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79-0109OA000100020047-8 Approved For Rele 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79-010 0000100020047-8 ,biting the recent admiaaton of Coactun3at?approved labor groups in Chile, the Philippines, Siam, Southern Rhades1t, Tunisia and Malta and the continued adhOtAn6ft to WF7U of the labor movements of Australia, _..tiie PPr rRet and the colonial arenas. 8boh moves will be raped on to r inforon the. flotfon that the &FTU Is thA an1g braadIp based arm gonuin61y r!preeentative international Mrkers, organization. a2 am r01tsMtq ds6a!'tI}P7+twatil n11 atra.;:; t?22!!!L` 7-j?3'CJU68Al8 d$ parr Or Tho 5oviot roquest for a wookf as pbstpo nt cn SC ooneider= a it~n of` the 611 dill&rm"ni r 112ticct I.M. Banc eredranc to tyre press 4% ore.. cas1 that the USSR may rapept ita prcpa~ndat poaa1o for at" c energy control and a a t}s~lrci Sig eve dicta r nt, Such a move Mould be in compll6 accord rrit1t the Cta'rent 6ovint peata effenpi.Vbq" The USSR gained a certain pxopaganda advantage inn both pitsposale despite their resounding doA at at thq recant *C,& and, although they .stand no better chance of SC aaeeptanDe, the USSR has everything to gain fran r verting to them. Sirmifxcc ce of L 1 ~n1~ ~n I .r.,~?x W SC passage of the Indonesian reeoltatic mks a new developmc nt in V,1 polifiical aet$vi intervention in the aglonial problem. t -- active to r.edipts anca part 06 . The UN has intervened in = attempt arching conflict between the European colonial po'w:ra and tho vigorous nationatiamts of their dependencies, a conflict which the parties thomselvee are in mate cases unable to resolve. This now type bf UN political activity Is !ncbiced by the following factors: (I) gr oraing world intoreagt in the colonial pro1b1om, pi r'"'ly on the part of the ever more important bloc of nsiatib anti-colonial posters; (2) open conf is