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Approved For Rele a 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0109`000300040002-3 14 November 1950 SUi,L:ARIES OF. TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS 1. There are_reportshatthe USSR, as 2 f_Ju1y 12501 was attezn.Rtingtoimport l iyP quantities of benzol through communist trade organizations in Italy and France. There is a strong implication in this action that the USSR intends to give large-scale assistance to the military efforts of the Korean and Chinese communists, although this benzol is probably primarily intended for increa.s?.ng the Soviet stockpile in antic-Lpntion of Soviet or other communist military efforts. (Page 7 ) 2. The Soviet Union. althou-gh maneuvering to delav referral to the General Assonmjy of_the QuestionofChinese inteerventIon inKorc ?_is expected to veto asix-power resole- tion call K forwlthdrrwal of Chinese troops from North Korea. The USSR is also likely to introduce alternative resolutions such as a, call for the withcrawa1 of "interventionist" UN troops and a proposal, at least for proptigenda purposes, for a political settlement negotiated by interested powers in- cluding'the Chinese and North Korean Communists. The Chinese Communists, schodulod to be heard before the SC in regard to charges of "US aggression" in Formosa, will attempt to link these charges with accusations of US bombings in Manchuria and US "intervention" in Korea as a threat to the security of China. 3. The USSR will again become a ma"o~ r tradin a.rtner of Iran und7r the F20 million trade treaty signed 4 November. The Soviets will gain o. substantial share of Iranian agri- cultural exports, as well as increased opportunity to counter DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANCE IN CLASS. 17 0 DECLA.331FIEO CLASS. CHANGED TO] 3"WT U~A E. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01090A000300040002-3 Approved For Relae 1999/09/02: CIA-RDP79-010?8000300040002-3 M"A Amoricon aid end to promote the pro-Soviet orientation of that country: Together with the recent four-year treaty with Afghanistan and increased trade with Egypt, the Iranian treaty emphasizes the Soviet policy of strengthening its economic and political ipfluonco in the Near and Middle East, 25X1A9a 4. Tha shipment of 5080 ka,Logramsof cobal_, w is purchased from France by th- English Company, Industrial Specialties Ltd. (Soo D/EE Weekly of 29 August 1950), is now reported to have boon directed to Amsterdam and, after having be,.;,n detained for two days by Dutch authorities, was trans- ferred to a. Polish ship, presumably bound for the Soviet Orbit. 25X1A9a /.a. Tho USSSR will continue to earn the UK through a now contract for, the sale of 800,000 tons of grain a reduction from the amount received last year. As they have done in the pest, the Soviets may use the, proceeds anywhoro in the sterling area., although the, UK succ^odod in,avoiding specific mention of rubber and wool in the contract. The British are thus legally protected in case export controls should be extended to those commodities. However, the Soviets could still curtail shipments of grain to the UK if they cannot buy what they want with the starling. ELSTERN EUROPE ALBANIA 5. The tenor of information nnid props nda commentaries i ssuingfrom both public and clandestine ?so cos in Albania CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-0109OA000300040002-3 Approved For Rele 1999/09/02: CIA-RDP79-0105000300040002-3 COFfFyt3EN71AL rcareals th r.ow-*Ln sense' ofinnsecuri.ty in Albania. although so far the Government has been able to intimidate and control the general population. (Page 8 ) 6. New lows and cabinet assi_gnments ere dasig, ne .-to s .fcguard Soviet control of Bulgaria C ZECHOSLOVIKI IA (Pago 9 ) 7. The nowly announcedSoviet--Czech tr^de agreement for 1951-_52_ismother it ortan.t milestone in th o 'ration of -t-,he Czech cconor into thf).t of the USSR. Inasmuch as Czech deliveries to the Soviet Union are to be limited to products of the motal-.working industry, it is possible that Czechoslo- vekia will concentrate on production of armaments and allied industries. (Pago 10) 8. Tho Finnish C ,binot has announc:;d an oconomic ata~b .li zr ti an nrogr~~m;~stzb;lect to Dictt approval. aimed at ahochn trio c ir?Znt infl-tionarytend 2Z Although the measures may be economically acceptable to both labor and em- ployers, political considerations may require compromises. (Page 12 ) 9. Finl