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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
January 14, 2010
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Publication Date: 
March 1, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A003600590001-7.pdf245.27 KB
-~ _.m 25X1 ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA003600590001-7 ) CENTRAL INTELUGE.NCE AGENCY , .REPORT INFORMATION REPORT_ c NO r; DATE 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW Stl 'Pi ME:NiT sr' ILLEGIB Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 BEST COPY Available. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 C, 011,11 Date in Frankfurt/Odor I1-umber, of Kuestrin .wvnber of Decenbpr Tr alas t;nrp '"aita~c Cars 16 11 x,438 F, 4;44 119 8 vi 1l 440 9 459 8 28c; 9 455 2.. According to orders of the Soviet high CanrUssit,l (SIC), the following trains were to be dispatched to the east in Fran Burt/Crier between 9 and 20 Cecernber% Date in Compo,% Lion of Asserrihlcd in flecerQber 'fi'r a '? its t / 10 52 cars Frankfurt/C;der 54 " 55 ,46 3 rr trains of P,-bola c&~=s -10/11 5C' carat 56 54 ft 54 ft 4.5 ri 1, train 2 trains of gozadola. cars 12 44 cars 52 to 50 35 37 17 8 54 cars 18 rr 1k~3 fr 52 e~ 55 rd 30 " Cottabuz railroad distric Fbankif i t/Ode Dresden railroad district Halle railroad district Cottbus railroad distri Frankfurt/Oder 4Iall.e railroad district Dresden railroad distri. Frankfurt/Crier Halle railroad district Halle railroad district Berlin railroad distric n r9 46 it Dresden railroad distr 3 grain shuttle trains 13 / 1.4, 54 Cars Frankfurt/Oder 6C; 0 r, ~~ rr gv iP 55, it 53 ,r 55 rr ale railroad district 54. ry Yd 46 " I)rasdden railroad district .3 grain alr the trains 1. train of ; type flatcars, Ik:"T/~fCti'0 G~x,. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 Accog in ; r orders of tile rcP ii t High. C 2.esion (SlC), the follov=1ri? -'- ,1ne were to be d is t ed to the east i,,?c Fuestrin K ctz between 9 and 18 Deemfx%?: Date in 1 mber of ecru ubr~.? Care 9 / 10 57 cars 52 1 17 / 13 57 4., A moor vehicle shipment was announc..3d tr: b,,,, dispatched frog, Fran `urto'Odei to orn tent on 20 December? The ship rn ants rats consigned to the itt~ , 5. Tlx j f.o c i1v shi en.ts ,':,953 c and Jar ry 1954; boxc as , at oe .y-duty. f.atc : te in N inkier and Typ ?3ec?aaher of Cars 1.6 211.1. 1? 2 cars 46 13 12 13 58, cars r T Vlagwitz yran. +urt/ de gd atruu ; ~s a 1kl'uVi"',/Od or 64 M rahinoese; loc gr;bor~L Brest ..i,vsk Ries?^ Frankfurt/Oder Brest Litovsk between ).6 Dcccm' er Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 40 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 through Frankfurt/Gder rose from a daily average of 585 carloads to 592 car- loads, while eastbound traffic dropped from 713 carloads to 4:4 carloads per day. Westbound traffic through Kuestrin Kietz decreased from 368 carloads to 296 carloads while eastbound traffic decreased from 437 carloads to 411 carloads per day- fit. An KVI' distribution paint for military equipment is located in S r-M n . As compared with the last reported period. Westbound traffic 25X1 ranienburg. Cammunt ,here shipments consisted of uranium. this train carried mili- tary-supply goods. Fro& index figure 55 it is inferred that the shipment consisted of motor vehicles . L_~LC e t. This train carried a iunition. Index figure 116 is predominantly ed for shipments consigned to the KVP. qM&L Probably empty shells and. packing material returned to the USSR. SIEGM /CON ROL - 6t..S.. C IGIAIS (I LeB Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7 SBCRET/CONTFWL -6 U u S f. OFFICIALS ONLY Date in Humber and Type Decenber of Cars F~Com 23 2.4 25 32 ,36 31.. 15 " Buna Frankfurt/Oder 41I " Dessau 25 131le 20 Bautzen 39: T Piagwri.tz 45 cars undetermined 39 T Troeglitz 53 cars Strausberg 40 T Groaskorbetha Boehien 2n I'IYM Magdeburg 47 F Wismar 62 T Troegltz 50 T Grosskorbetha 4.6 B 36 T '1a witz Annaberg Boehien 45 cars, with ore Stettin 45 cams 2C cue B I Janua- 45 13 1956 58 care !9 T 1agmitz Aue Ma eburg Dessau ScIiwarzenberg yygq Juoter g I' agt.t ty, BUM Schwarzenberg Falkenherg Troeg) .tz `a'or'gau Brest Litovsk Kakrehna Brest Litovsk ti Stettin Kuestrin 3 nd u Stettin Brest Litovsk it Stettin Spandau Brest Litovsk It Stettin Fuerstenberg bl?. t?~+ t /f` i~1~S'Ctf4~., r u -s- 6FPTrIATS DULY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/14: CIA-RDP80-0081OA003600590001-7