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SUBJECT PLACE ACJIeEQ I I DATE OF :s~i~-r.?.w.? Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810015-9 Rail -Freight Traffic tku,arq B rd+ar Stations 50, ~ E"?~,_ t l.f.l'~~.. "~~y ~?I i~~'f`~ .. LI.. ?~~. i.?~..'.~/"+ 4 _._.~ v Yip .. ..~ t. -i :. lr~x ?_'a. ,y v.~ix .... ,. . _ ~ ~y~+n -v ~ e3 f r~,tjs..-t~ ~'?.l'st?... ia1i.:.v~.Ya~ l.:! >as Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810015-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810015-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810015-9 56 B undetermined Frankfurt/Oder 3resI'- h Vo 52 F rails;, iron tubes Brest Litovsk 10 54 G Coke H 1 train 5 $ Y ?t ~51 tSte"ac'ss ~i xa.ra~c.f"u:~~,~~.?dwr? 46 3 uzrani o a%*O,f'urt/Od 3ves ht: L to ": 11 56 arid G eT n-p ty 46 B urar -I oi,e 52 F boxes .2 554 G it 13 46 B uranjcwi or-- 54 G iron ore a.& iron. ' ,l e 54 G coke 4:, The following :hi -ment, lrere obserred 13 October: Dai.e _in Nuni r ~lnd load 22~tobcr 90 30 F 40 tiri Z. ISS 60 G cok 30 G 60 G 1roo ore >6 G p G iron 4 F 10 F v p P 14. S?icA:3t~13 h'~"u ? C) F r^rarkt' '._ T " c-q7 A. 4.:.x.,7. L S ndi.;.i. ; ., :t bstwecn '110 and V2 p; Ha c: '1? dc Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810015-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810015-9 i.l 45 G 26 F to Tiia,.. alsburg x3 d~s`i E 8 ,+ ion cC+ w' ~n4 ,,?. art tions 20 45 t:c'j"~-? non 1'e, rr(,,iu 6 G cab1 Kra Isumu K-.epaniolk Brad "r %., between. .~ 3 and .2 S.6 B "JO be d s-zaLicheU 25X1 ^ 25X1 25X1 1 ice; t u31'k~ i s ~taG. c~, , s ,~ ca di3i a. r .a 4U t am 11 .d Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005500810015-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-00810A005500810015-9 :CTP,T a 4- 3. C rr nta These shipments ware connected with the :rotor vehLcie exchange prog'ar whi rh has been under, taA r girl f, 1 nt-o Tiii ~r Y w`.). Cormenta Raw material deliveries to the :; serhuettenksornbjnat Ost q ' aundry Combine East) at q'u `o s`i nbc,,g/Odec? which is served by the Ziitend.orf railroad otation, 5,3 omme:iitto Deliveries of Soviet', rails for the Improy-emen?'c, of the railroad not in the G R, These ~T ails are delivered in Lang hs of i 2 i me ~ers and are Voided in the GDR to usual. lengths of 25,-, 9 and ,0 me tors? 6, Goi nt, r' eiiverIes from the i :s?an:,uii ore m=inin g d c riw ;, Saxony to the USSR,, ~::~omznent,, carried Soviet equipment whiti 25X1 ^ 25X1 25X1 ' 25X1 3C? T Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP80-00810A005500810015-9