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November 23, 1954
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COUNTRY., TO61-1tC?, -- Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A005600200008-3 CLASSIFICATION SEA East Gerrl2ny Soviet Troop Trans .VALUAT1O NJ ATE OF CONTE r DA"' OBTAINED PI MY Of3 TAtNFD...J REPORT _ A7F PREPARED-t2 . "0Y-G :1beT 1954 -A-ENCLOSURES (No. & rIPE).a..-...__._...,?..._. Erest ..Litovsk Cottbus Frest-Litovsk Jueterbog;- Neues Lager retweer. 31 October s,d 6 tdov m, .ar 4. one oak-bound and one wwsj be , , tr t i h e t " ?? oop re rA eac were se n a r ,+ sr3 r in rai. Lx,o d statio: except u~ a Novean. I er, her - o troop traisns ?r1~:arler Uses i ard~ t9~]a headed toward R. ra .`ide rind cr'.e headed te~~, .rd Frankfurt/Odor ere seen,, and ,roop shuttle train=3 Data ir. Froze Nove ber a' Weianar Dresden Juetcrbog-J. Dernau 9 Jue i erho r-A 0 .O Errt Breot--L.tovsk Brest-3 .tovak )3rest:-?L1tovsk Brest-L.tov c Erest-M.?rovdk .giros' Li t,ovs1k Fres~ vLitovsgc K xeet in Kue strin F.- arlcf urt b zh urt/2., Jnestrin Kus rin Frankfurt/0 10 Vottiou Frest-L:d.tovsk ? Frar kfurt/O0 West-bound Date in From November 10 Braat.Litcv Niue, Lager Kuestrin Kuestrin Cuben Kuestrin 25X1 w By order of the Soviet Figs Cor jssiom, no mare troop shuttle trains are to ba made avail-s-bie by 9 November,, The, cars were equippec, in Re elsburg .for Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A005600200008-3 Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600200008-3 $ECRET? the RBD Berlin. The RB agencies expect an increase in shuttle traffic. 3. The following troop trains were dispatched throe the Guben railroad station-. Date in Number of From Wovvember Boxcars 4, 180.1 54 Jagodin Frankfurt/Odor 59 0347 54 Jagodin Cottbus 6, 0406 54 Jagodin Cottbus 0708 56 Cottbus Ka wel 1115 54 Jagodin Cottbus 79 0335 54 Cottbus Kow31 0654 54 Jagodin Cottbus 1155 54 Jagodin Cottbus 89 0440 54 Frankfu rt/Oder Kowa: 9a 0654 54 Cottbus Kowel 0918 53 Jagodin Cottbus 1958 54, Cottbus KoweI 25X1 40 On 7 November. shuttle train L t i?athcnow rail?oad station. headed toward Rathenow...Nord o it c~m a assuxn that a total of 9,3 trains wits, rea tom 0 9 November, shuttle train ~ consisting of 112 axles and carrying a load of 1-O tons went from Wustermarh to J ercwa,ld a 0 pomm nt,., The list below.. indicates the number of troop shuttle trains which were reported during the period from 29 $o tember up to 11 No-vez, _ 8 total or 45 fu is trains were reported east bound end a total of 50 full . 1.y 1249000 disohargees went to the USSR and 100 trains with a xi ppro ?citel . g 1380000 recruits arrived in the GDR. The 1953 figures of the rotation of personnel have thus already been surpassed by approadiately 30,000 diem cha:, gees and approximately 20, 000 recruits, Date of Departure of EastwBouxad Date of Arrival of West- __1loaded with troops, was observed at The train came from Frankfurt/Oder and &)uud wins 5 October, empty 31 October, occupied 29 September n empty 7 October, empty 23 October, occupied I October,, empty 8 October,, empty 18 October, occupied from Bernau .17 October, occupied ,, om eisse n 2 October, occupied (3 October,, empty ?) 3-1 October, occupied 12 Cctober9 occupied 20 October, occupied 30 October, occupied 28 September, empty 6 November. occupied 7 October, occupied 26 October, occupied 7 Paovember9 occupied 9 October, occupied 27 October, occupied 11 October, occupied 12 October, occupied 21 October, occupied 1.0 November, occupied 8 October, occupied 1.5 October,, occupied 1-9/20 October, occupied 16 October,, occupied 24 October, occupied 2 November,, occupied 12 October 9 occupied 1 November, occupied 24 October, occupied 25X1 25X1 25X1 SFCP,E'.C, Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081OA005600200008-3 Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A005600200008-3 3 of De -~-ta z al? Ei,ld Trains D 'te of ^ rivrl ( f Weg t_=Bound T, amnc; 7 flo :n V 03"cupied 21 Oct6hvr? occupied 8 Pa0'7eeb :rv occupkd 7 October, occupied 28 October,, occupied 4 ANova-mbe:Ar;. occupied ,19 October, occupied Nc~ berfl cccvsp!.od 6 October?cug 18 Octobber,, ocoupied 29 Cctobex't, ccupied 14 October,, , occupied 21. October v occupied 8 Nove nbor, occupied 4 October,, ainptt 20 October, occupied 29 October? occupied, 9 Nova ber f, occupies 16, occupies:. 25 Octater, cccupiec 21 Octohor., oceupie:; 6 0ctoberv empty t2 October, c'ip:', 25 Octoba8, scup.c d 30 October, ecoup:a.ed 4 Novon :or.9', 5 0ctobe:,, wpty 10 Octolar, occup:'.e& 29 3epte;n~be: 9 empty 7 0ctabc.~? fl empty 17 October, occupied 30 Seppteiecc : npty 9 Qetoi e: Crc ty 18 October? o:oupied 27 October, eacupiod 10 Novs w,1;ar , occup: d 2 Octoter, e'npty 20 Octobor, occupied 8 O3tobcr ~, onpty 15 Octclbtor, occupied 23 October 7,5ccupied 31 Octcbv.,-,, o cup:ied 10 Novwni er, rccupied SECRET, 22 October, occaapi d 18 October, occupied 25 0-utober, ocoup i . 8 October, Occupied 16 October? occupiad 23 October, occupied October,, occupied 19 OztoberF, occupied 6 Ootobe',, occupj. e 19/20 Oo? be r, azo-Vitwi, 7 October,, ocr:upi 5 Oototer, ocCup .e. 9 October. occupies. 4 NNov rb , occupied (jr, coning 01- &` '- go rg) r 1 Novoith r, occupy eci 14 Octobc occupied 3 November, occupied 10 Tc?wexter, occupied a 4 ar 5 Oct ,ocra occu;~u.4d 8 Novean` GYD 5ccupied ", cnsuiaag or going) 14 Qctober, occupied 2) Catober, o-:cup cd X. Nov be ?,, occup'r,ed 8 October, occupied 17 October, occ9ap,'< 3 N7ovemt r, occupied Nove e'-cr 3 o :cuA .ur ed I.8 October,, ece- .pied Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A005600200008-3 Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600200008-3 M 1) OBIZ, 4 lla?3 oi.' D rturt or East:.Youud g a s West-Bound Trains Z minty 28 o 30 Octbbcz-v occupied ? t!-ItOIbevq Qml y 14 Octobe-L'3 os c2::'!s s'? IS Ovcug' d 16 OdSti: kt'~ oIc pd ?d 25 obi i;; Occlap: ez? 'lover Cc P, U;A Od 2t9 Spterter 9 F c tapier Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600200008-3 Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600200008-3 _C6UNTRY, TOPIC, CLASSIFICATION East Gwmuy Soviet Troop Trains EVALUATION__ DATE OF CONTE DATE OBTAINED. REFERENCES- PLACE OBTAINED PAGES - 4 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 25X1 25X1 25X1 I 25X1 ARED 23 November 1954 25X1 CLASSIFICATION SEC* Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600200008-3 Between 31 October and 6 November 1954p one east-bound and one went-bound troop train each Were seen at Kuestrin railroad station, except fen 3 NovesE- ber., when two troop trains headed westward, one headed toward Eberswalde and one headed toward Frankfurt/Oder were seen. The following east- and west bound troop shuttle trains East-bound Date in From Nove mber 6 Erfurt Bres t-Litovsk Kuestrin Weimar Bres t-Litovsk Kuestrin Dresden Bres t-Litovsk Frankfurt Jueterbog-.A. Bres t-Litovsk Frankfurt/Q. 8 Bernau Bres t-Litovsk Knestrin 9 Justerbog.,A. Bres t-Litovsk Kusstrin 10 Erfurt Bres t-Litovsk Frankfurt/0. 10 Vottbus Bres t-Litovsk Frankfurt/o. W*st-bound Date in November 7 Brest-Litovsk Cottbus 9 Brest-Litovsk Jueterbog- Neus Lager 10 Frankfurt/0. 11 O. Brest-L itos* Neuss Lager Kuestrin Knestrin Guben Guben Kuestrin By order of the Soviet High Commission, no more troop shuttle trains are to be ands available by 9 November. The ears were equipped in R=melsburg 'or Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600200008-3 SECRET the RBD Berlin. The RB agencies expect an increase in shuttle traffic. 3. The following troop trains were dispatched through the Guben railroad station: Date in Number of From November Boxcars 4, 1801 5, 0347 6, 0406 0708 1115 7, 0335 0654 1155 8, 0440 9, 0654 0918 1958 Jagodin Jagodin Jagodin Cottbus Jagodin Cottbus Jagodin Jagodin Frankfurt/Oiler Cottbus Jagodin Cottbus 4. On 7 November, shuttle train ed with troops, was observed at the Bathenow railroad station. a rain came from Frankfurt/Oder and headed toward Rathenow-Nord. Ile On 9 vember shuttle train~consisting of 112 axles and carrying a load of 610 tons went from Wustervark to Eberswalde. Comment. The list below4indicates the number of troop shuttle trains which were reported during the'period fro$ 29 September up to 11 November. A total of 45 full trains were reported east-bound and a total of 50 full trains west-bound. it can- be assumed that a total of 83 trains with approximate- ly 124,000 dischargees went to the USSR and 100 trains with approximately 138,000 recruits arrived in the GDR. The 1953 figures of the rotation of personnel have thus already been surpassed by approximately 30,000 dis- chargees and approximately 20,000 recruits. It. of Departure of East-Bound Date of Arrival of West- Trains Bound Trains 5 October, empty 9 October, occupied 31 October, occupied 27 October, occupied 29 September, empty 7 October, empty 23 October, occupied Bernau 17 October, occupied from Meissen 2 October, occupied (3 October, empty ?) ll October, occupied Frankfurt/Oder Cottbus Cottbus Kowel Cottbus Koval Cottbus Cottbus Koval Koval Cottbus Koval 11 October, occupied 1 October, empty 12 October, occupied 8 October, empty 21 October, occupied 18 October, occupied from 10 November, occupied 12 October, occupied 20 October, occupied 30 October, occupied 28 September, empty 6 November, occupied 7 October, occupied 26 October, occupied 7 November, occupied 8 October, occupied 15 October, occupied 19/20 October, occupied 16 October, occupied 24 October, occupied 2 November, occupied 12 October, occupied 1 November, occupied 24 October, occupied SECRET Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600200008-3 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 LORI Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600200008-3 SECRET Date of Departure of East-Bound Trains Date of Arrival of West-Bound Trains 7 November, occupied 24 October, occupied 8 November, occupied 7 October, occupied 28 October, occupied 4 November, occupied 18 October, occupied 29 October, occupied 14 October, occupied 21 October, occupied 8 November, occupied 4 October, empty 20 October, occupied 29 October, occupied 9 November, occupied 16 October, occupied 25 October, occupied 21 October, occupied 6 October, empty 12 October, occupied 25 October, occupied 30 October, occupied 4 November, occupied 5 October, empty 10 October, occupied 29 September, empty 7 October, empty 17 October, occupied 30 September, empty 9 October, empty 18 October, occupied 27 October, occupied 10 November, occupied 2 October, empty 20 October, occupied 8 October, empty 15 October, occupied 23 October, occupied 31 October, occupied 10 November, occupied ,SECRET, 19 October, occupied 4 November, occupied 6 October, occupied 22 October, occupied 18 October, occupied 25 October, occupied 8 October, occupied 16 October, occupied 23 October, occupied 11 October, occupied 19 October, occupied 7 October, occupied 6 October, occupied 19/20 October, occupied 5 October, occupied 9 October, occupied 4 November, occupied (In- co or out- going 11 November, occupied 14 October, occupied 3 November, occupied 10 November, occupied 4 or 5 October, occujded 8 November, occupied (imp. co or out- going) 14 October, occupied 23 Oattober, occupied 1 November, occupied 8 October, occupied 17 October, occupied 3 November, occupied 7 November, occupied 18 October, oeeupied Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005600200008-3 Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A005600200008-3 SECRET/ Date of Departure of East-Bound Trains Date of Arrival of West-Bound Trains 27 September, empty 28 or 30 October, occupied 7 November, occupied 7 October, empty 14 October, occupied 9 October, W .pars only 9 November, occupied 18 October, occupied 16 October, occupied 29 September, occupied 25 October, occupied 2 November, occupied SECRET) Approved For Release 2008/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A005600200008-3