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Publication Date:
April 13, 1960
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1+f 1360 meeting kith to e1i t'hite ~,
Approved For_Re easj, 200 09/04 :CIA-RL~P 0-01240A000100140077-3
1. To date our audit effort has been directed toward
obtaining background information necessary to any
exrlnsion of the audit and to attempt to define
areas of Comptroller activities that may be sub-
jeot to our audit.
cc.t.d- r
a. We have had4 a l0a four of the five divisions and
one of the two staffs in the Comptroller's office.
We have also been in frequent contact with the
Audit Staff.
b. For CIA planning purposes, you are advised that
our efforts at CIA have been entirely in this
direction. We are not presently engaged in F r ;?
voucher audit as was done in the past, atnc, wl
do not have any present plans to contiime` a, _;.
an audit in the future. Our last voucher auc:it
of non-se~.sitive transactions of Fiscal Division
was through fiscal year 1957.
2. It presently appears that it will take substantial
effort on the part of both CAO and CIA in attempting
to effect any increase in the seoFe of our audit.
a. Principal difficulty has arisen from the difference
between the CIA and GAO interpretations of the
restrictions placed on the audit by the Director
of Central Intelligence that any GAO audit must
remain outside the area of sensitive security
of erations.
(1) GAO's interpretation was that we would have access
to all support activities and that we could examine
the organizational structure of the Agency, Agency
policies, procedures, and practices, but that any
verifications made would be limited to so-called
"vouchered expenditures 4.
(2) CIA's interpretation was that sensitive security
areas includes the adrinistrative activities of the
8upi ort organizations supporting the sensitive
activities, that GAO audit will have to remain
outside such support activities, and that the Agency
regulatory issuances would not be made available to
to GAO because they disclose sensitive procedures
and activities.
odwoument No.
Rsrvivw of m=s document by CIA has
determined t}a4
1 ru rb anion to declass
i =:trrrr,i tion of CIA
t,.'x mint remain
s ar tie4 at Ts S C
, ia4tboriIy: HR 7062
App ro ` d For ale s 1 /9/04 : CIA-RD;80-01240Ab0(1 C~ 1Ci; of CIA interest
rr *%- Da'n'- Reviewer
4/13/60 meeti wi h Co~''l W 6ltOAi`: 8 RDP80-01240A000100140077-3
Appi ove For elase
2. b. Broad evaluations do not appear possible at
this time - (review and appraisal of internal
review mechanisms,; property i rooedures and
a. Only about 5 percent of t I CIA expe2xii-
tures can be accounted for on any sort of a
comprehensive basis. Although 30 percent of
total CIA expenditures are against non-
sensitive-allotments, over 80 percent of the
3 0 percent. i*- for payroll.
3. It has been difficult to obtain and understand
Agency policies and procedures through dis-
cussion or through screened instructional
matter. It would be helpful to us if:
a. The current regulations setting forth Agency
organizational structure, Agency policies and
procedures could be made available on some
systematic basis without substantial holes
being created as a result of security
b. 'management activity reports could be made
available to us regardless of sensitivity
so long as they did not detail specific
transactions or activities. The reports
we have in mind wold be those prepared
by the units and divisions say within
Logistics to keep the division heads and
the Director of Logistics activit"is per-
4. Rt the Office of Logistics may
be susceptible to audit on some comprehensive
basis, and have made contact with hr. Garrison
to initiate a preliminary review of the Office.
This will entail initially only the two men
presently assigned to the audit.
5. Clearance for additional staff member (s) for
audit assignment
a. Time required to clear.
(prier B clearance reduce this time to any
great extent)
b. Put in specific staff member for clearance.
Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140077-3